Girl Swallow Semen

Girl Swallow Semen


Girl Swallow Semen


Women always swallow men’s semen as a sign of accepting him. [Photo/]

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Have you ever asked yourself why women love swallowing men’s semen? 
I know it’s a hard question that’s making you have a tough moment but you have to worry less.
Here are four reasons why women love swallowing men’s semen.
Women always swallow men’s semen as a sign of accepting them. They will not show the interest in swallowing but they will show the taste of enjoying it. 
Women also swallow semen as an assurance of their sexual acceptance to their men. It can also show their desire on their men that always capture men’s attention.
Many women love intimacy when romancing. They end up getting themselves swallowing men’s semen without expecting it. 
It makes them feel satisfied and elevated as it expertizes them with sexual desires. This is by making him feel more comfortable and satisfied. Men love seeing their girls in a complete satisfied mood after making out.
Ejaculation is a sign of happiest moments when making out in bed. It’s also a sign of accomplishment in romance. Many women love swallowing men’s semen when they have satisfied with sex. 
They tend to play with men’s semen just to taste and know the feeling they get when they swallow in the semen. It also gives them the confidence when handling their men in bed
Women love doing a complete job when it comes to romance. They cleanse up their loving mess with their lips to enable their men to feel free after having sex. 
They fear to leave the room like that. They like eliminating the proof and make the scene be more romantic. This act will please their men making them be their number one choice.     
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Regarding male semen taste here are some of the most common questions on why some women swallow semen and concerns about if eating semen is safe:
With a track record spanning almost a decade, Volume Pills has strong brand recognition and a loyal following in the male sexual enhancement industry. Volume Pills is a 100% safe, propriety combination of potent herbal concentrates, all proven over decades to stimulate sexual activity and increase semen production in the testes.
Semen, or cum, is actually made up of 90 percent seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) and proteins; sperm accounts for only about one percent of its total volume and the rest is made up of trace minerals and nutrients.
Many men are concerned with what their male semen taste is like, most likely because they want to their woman to enjoy oral sex and eating semen. First of all, you women can be assured that that male semen is not fattening, containing only about 12 to 15 calories per ejaculation; the same amount found in gelatin or egg white.
Taking semen into the mouth is safe, as is swallowing semen, unless the semen has a sexually transmitted infection in it. Keeping semen out of the mouth is clearly the best way to avoid such a risk of swallowing sperm.
Unprotected oral sex can put both giver and receiver at risk of sexually transmitted infections such as; cytomegalovirus, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV), syphilis, and, rarely, chlamydia and HIV.
Some women say that male semen taste is unpleasant, bitter, salty, or even acrid. However there are specific things you can do which will improve your male semen taste.
So, if you’re wondering why some women swallow semen and enjoy it, then it’s because their male partners have probably been considerate enough to improve the taste of their semen by following some of the tips discussed below.
Also when highly sexually aroused many womens’ disgust response tends to decrease quite a lot even making the thought of swallowing semen much more desirable than usual.
Since semen is excreted by the body, male semen taste and smell would most likely be affected by what you eat and drink. So, are there foods that effect the taste of semen and are actually able to change the its taste? What’s the best diet for improving semen taste?
For one, you should start living a clean and healthy lifestyle . Cut down and even eliminate alcohol, drugs and nicotine. Avoid junk foods and instead have lots of fruits and greens in your diet. Drink plenty of water.
Drinking fruit juices from pineapple, citrus, and cranberry is also known to make semen taste sweeter. Throw in melon, mango, apple, or grape, and other fruits that are high in sugar. Likewise, vegetables like parsley and celery are recommended.
There are also some foods that you should steer clear of. Fish and red meat produce a bitter, fishy male semen taste because of their alkaline content. Chemically-processed alcohol can also make your semen taste bitter. Instead, try naturally fermented drinks for a change. Garlic and onion are likely to produce strong odors since they are high in sulfur; so avoid these too.
Improving male semen taste so that eating semen is pleasurable is the first part. Once you have achieved this, the next thing you can do is to increase semen volume.
The benefits of Volume Pills include increase in ejaculation volume, and enhanced male fertility.
As well as making male semen taste better to make eating semen fun, the actual amount ejaculated depends upon a number of concerns, including age, heredity, and general health. Practically speaking, you can’t change your age or genetics, but you can instead make changes to your diet and include foods to increase semen volume.
Additionally, there are various supplements that you can take like zinc oxide, horny goat weed, l-arginine, and l-lysine which are reported to increase semen volume.
Even by just simply increasing your fluid intake, you will naturally increase semen volume. When your body is well hydrated, your body systems are able to work more efficiently and have less trouble getting water from the bloodstream.
The most important to remember, though, is to keep yourself healthy and fit. Regular exercise encourages good blood circulation, which in turn, promotes healthy ejaculation.


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Obviously, if you’re a guy, you probably want to end up dating girls who swallow. You dream about how great that would be on a sexual level, but have you ever thought about what those same girls can do for you in a relationship? If you’re like most men, probably not.
But the truth is, the same qualities in a girl that make her okay with swallowing also make her the best girlfriend. There’s more to girls who swallow than just their desire to take all of you. In fact, there are more important things.
Now, if you’re a girl, you obviously may be interested in knowing more about girls who swallow, why they do it, how they do it, what does cum taste like, and do these girls even enjoy it? If you want all of your questions answered, and also the art of swallowing your man’s cum, head right here for all the answers – How to swallow cum without gagging and go from spitter to swallower in no time
And if you’re looking for the biggest ever guide on blowjobs, check this feature out – How to give good head: The ultimate blowjob guide and 50+ blowjob tips
If you’re curious to know more about women who swallow, and why they make great girlfriends, read right on!
We just can’t deny this. If someone finds out that a girl swallows, they immediately form an opinion about them. And those opinions are, more often than not, bad. Girls who swallow often get labeled as a slut or as a dirty person.
Many people think this way just because swallowing can be a very intimate and is typically seen as a very naughty, sexual thing. It’s also something that is usually kept very private. So if there are people talking about girls who swallow, that privacy has been exploited.
[Read: Spit or swallow – What should you do with your man’s happy ending?]
You can argue all you want, but this is true. There are tons of reasons girls who swallow make some of the best girlfriends out there.
However, as always, everyone is different and you get what you give. Meaning, if you’re a shitty boyfriend, you won’t get an awesome girlfriend who swallows.
But if you’re lucky enough to land a girl who swallows, get ready for the best relationship of your life. This is why girls who swallow make the best girlfriends out there. [Read: 27 loving things a great girlfriend does for her boyfriend]
This is just a fact. Because firstly, she doesn’t need to swallow. There is no rule that says she has to. It is completely selfless of her to swallow because it probably isn’t doing too much to please her. Unless she’s super turned on by swallowing, it’s only for your viewing pleasure.
Selfless people make the best partners for obvious reasons. They’ll make you happy even if it means doing stuff they’re not into. That’s a HUGE component of a healthy, happy relationship. [Read: 12 signs you’re being far too selfish in your relationship]
You like girls who swallow, right? And if she’s doing just that, then she genuinely cares about what makes you happy. She’s willing to put her own wants aside in order to put a smile on your face.
This is another major factor in a healthy relationship. If you have a partner who’s selfish and doesn’t care about making you happy, then you’ll never be happy with them. Girls who swallow do care and therefore, you’ll be much happier with one.
She’s not doing it for the “extra calories”, she doesn’t like the gummy taste in her mouth, she’s doing it because it makes you happy. It turns you on just watching your cum in her mouth, and you feel great watching her gulp it down. If there’s a more selfless sexual act, I can’t think of any!
Generally speaking, girls who are into swallowing are also very open minded people. They don’t give into labels and the negative stigma attached to swallowing.
Therefore, they’re usually very open people who are up for new adventures and experiences. Having a girlfriend like this will not only be exciting, you’ll also have many more opportunities for fun and growth together. [Read: Top 50 kinky sex ideas worth trying at least once in your lifetime]
Because girls who swallow don’t pay attention to labels and negativity, they’re far less judgmental. These girls are way more open to the things you like and dislike. They won’t judge you for liking something different in bed – so long as it’s not harmful to yourself or them.
When you have a non-judgmental girlfriend, you feel more accepted. Feeling more accepted can help you open up to someone on a much deeper level.
Intimacy is super important in a relationship. And no, I’m not talking about getting naked together. I’m talking about emotional intimacy. That thing you need to build a stronger bond and feel closer is only possible if both people want to do that. And in order to have a healthy relationship, you need strong emotional intimacy. [Read: How to increase intimacy in your relationship]
I know so many girls who try to play it cool and then never end up making their significant others feel cared about. Girls who swallow don’t have that issues. They’re all for affection and showing you just how much they care.
And one way they do that is through swallowing. Let’s be real, girls aren’t just going to swallow for anyone. Usually, girls who swallow only do so when they have very strong feelings for their partner.
These strong feelings of love and affection that she has for you overpowers the repulsion she may have for swallowing your cum. But yet, she’s doing it, all for you! [Read: Road head confessions of a good girl]
And obviously, that behavior won’t stop after you pull out of her mouth. If she’s down for swallowing, chances are, she’s a huge fan of making you feel really special and cared for.
She’ll show this in more ways than just swallowing. And truthfully, one of the biggest issues in relationships is the fact that someone isn’t feeling appreciated and cared for. So if that issue is eliminated by dating gir
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