Girl Sucks Cat

Girl Sucks Cat


Girl Sucks Cat
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I masturbated using my cat when I was a teenager
Comment deleted by user · 9 yr. ago
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When I was a teenager, we had 2 cats. 1 was was a big orange tabby, and somehow through my sexual frustration he ended up on my dick. This happened repeatedly for weeks - I would close the door, get hard, take the cat and hold him upright as I rubbed my dick up and down on his stomach. I never did it hard or injured the cat, but I did cum on him sometimes. The fur felt amazing and warm, and was so much better than just masturbating. The cat did start to resent me though and would often run off with a matted bunch of cum fur on his belly after I was done with him. We gave him to friends after a couple years, and I didn't see him again. I don't know if anyone in my family ever knew I was doing this.
I am sorry buddy, I was just a teen with raging hormones and you were a surface that felt good. Sorry for cumming on you.
the one under it one my page says: What can a man do to prove that consent existed during a sexual act?
There's a subreddit for posts like that, but I always forget what it is.
It's not ironic. It's fitting. There's a huge difference.
Reddit doesn't do well with the letter 'c' ...
Um. I'm kind of afraid to ask, but what are the cum boxers? Is it a new thing?
Are you the same kid who posted about masturbating his female cat a while ago, or are there just a lot more cat molesters running around out there than I thought?
Either way, it sounds like you're repentant, which is good. People do some really crazy things in their teen years when hormones are running rampant. As long as you've learned from it I think you can forgive yourself.
are there just a lot more cat molesters running around out there than I thought?
You must have forgotten you were on Reddit.
I don't think I'm the same person. It's just something that's there and it somehow pops into your head, "I can masturbate with this." Simple as that. I remember using my grandma's hot tub jets to blow my loads too.
I'm not sure why I'm asking this, but what other guy are you talking about?
dude I just learned recently that my best friend let his dog lick his balls when he was 12, I think these things might be more common then you think :/ .

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A woman who took a Delta flight recently wasn’t kitten around when she whipped out her breasts and started feeding her hairless cat.
The unidentified female flew from Syracuse, NY, to Atlanta, GA, where she was caught breastfeeding her feline on the plane. A flight attendant told her repeatedly to stop and put her cat back in its cage, however, the woman refused.
A message was sent through the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) to alert Delta crew in Atlanta that a passenger in seat 13A “is breastfeeding a cat and will not put cat back in its carrier when [flight attendant] requested.”
A photo of the message board was found on Reddit and was posted on Twitter by author Rick Wilson.
Flight attendant Ainsley Elizabeth, who was on board during the incident, took to TikTok on Nov. 13 to explain more of what went down, Newsweek reported .
“This woman had one of those, like, hairless cats swaddled up in a blanket so it looked like a baby,” she said. “Her shirt was up and she was trying to get the cat to latch and she wouldn’t put the cat back in the carrier. And the cat was screaming for its life.”
Elizabeth revealed in another video that security got involved. However, she’s unsure of what happened to the woman and her cat once the jet touched down in Atlanta.
The Delta employee who sent the ACARS message also requested that Delta’s Red Coat team apprehend the woman once they got to the ground. Red Coats are “the elite airport customer service experts, identifiable by their bright red coats. They are specially trained to handle on-the-stop customer issues,” according to Delta’s website .
The airline’s website also outlines its policies of women breastfeeding children. “Delta fully supports a woman’s right to breastfeed on board Delta and Delta Connection aircraft and in Delta facilities. Breast pumps are allowed on board. At the airport and if you prefer, many airports do offer private lactation rooms or spaces,” the policy states .
Delta allows animals such as small dogs, cats and household birds to board domestic flights and “must be able to fit in a small, ventilated pet carrier.”

Home Cat Behavior Kitten Suckling — Is It a Bad Thing?

A cat sucking on a blanket. Photography ©ElenaBoronina | Thinkstock.

Kitten Suckling — Is It a Bad Thing?

Kitten suckling can be a sign of stress, compulsive behavior, or even just happiness or contentment — so why do cats and kittens suckle? Should you worry?

161 thoughts on “Kitten Suckling — Is It a Bad Thing?”

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About a week into our kitten Norton’s life at our house, we noticed that he was suckling himself, using one of his own nipples. He’d go at it in a really focused way, and knead his paws at the same time, purring loudly. Having no experience with this, we took him to the vet, who reassured us that the behavior was nothing to worry about. She noted that the nipple was not inflamed or infected. The vet said that kittens may outgrow this kitten suckling behavior, and that sometimes kitten suckling happens when a kitten has been orphaned too young. The latter had been something I wondered about.
Still, I wanted to find out more. Would this kitten suckling behavior go away? Did it mean he was stressed or just contented? If I distracted him, would he stop? (When Norton suckles, which now seems to be occurring less and less, nothing can distract him.)
Kitten suckling can occur when cats suck on their nipples, other areas of skin and other objects. Cats might suckle on rugs, your skin tags, your ears or your fingers. Jamie Bluebell came to us as a kitten and for a very brief time, she would suckle on a skin tag on my husband’s armpit. She also liked to suck on the frames of his glasses. But Jamie got over it fairly quickly, and from what we know, we think that Jamie was not orphaned as young as Norton.
The causes of kitten suckling can include being separated from mom too early. Ideally, kittens should not be weaned from mom earlier than six weeks. But according to ASPCA information online, cat or kitten suckling can also be a sign of stress, compulsive behavior, or even just happiness or contentment. It’s a hard behavior to nail down.
Sometimes kittens suckling is harmless. But sometimes, according to this Catster article , cats or kittens can do damage to each other or themselves if they suckle too hard or for too long. The article refers to what is probably a high-stress situation — kittens in a Humane Society who are motherless and suckling each other to the point of damage.
My vet proposed no solution. She saw no reason to be concerned in Norton’s case.
If you’re not concerned about suckling and your cat continues, you can try to make the situation a little safer. For example, if your cat loves to suckle blankets, make sure that the blanket fabric doesn’t pill or have loose threads that your cat could swallow.
Obviously, trying to physically stop your cat from suckling (in the moment) or yelling at your cat when he’s suckling are not good solutions. If your cat is suckling from stress, this will only stress him more.
Most of what I’ve read (and observed at home) say to me that kitten suckling is not a bad thing. It seems that Norton is getting comfort, and he’s not acting like he’s doing it from stress. The site is not infected, as my vet pointed out, and we’re keeping an eye on that. The frequency of suckling gradually seems to be diminishing. And if we’re playing with Norton, or snuggling, suckling seems to be far from his mind. So I’ll wait it out, and see what happens. In my situation, I’m not worried. Norton seems happy and not stressed or compulsive.
In short — and the ASPCA article worded this in a helpful way — if the kitten suckling is interfering with your cat’s quality of life, then it’s time to seek help. If your cat is damaging his skin, or the skin of another, or seems to be suckling as a kind of stress response, seek help. Get the help of a certified cat behaviorist or your veterinarian.
Tell us: Have you ever had a suckling cat or suckling kitten? What did you do about kitten suckling? Let us know in the comments!
Thumbnail: Photography ©ElenaBoronina | Thinkstock.
About Catherine Holm : Told that she is funny but doesn’t know it, accused of being an unintentional con artist by her husband, quiet, with frequent unannounced bursts into dancing liveliness, Cat Holm loves writing about, working for, and living with cats. She is the author of the cat-themed memoir Driving with Cats: Ours for a Short Time, the creator of Ann Catanzaro cat fantasy story gift books, and the author of a short story collection about people and place. She loves to dance, be outside whenever possible, read, play with cats, make music, do and teach yoga, and write. Cat lives in the woods, which she loves as much as really dark chocolate, and gets regular inspiration shots along with her double espresso shots from the city.
Told that she is funny but doesn’t know it, accused of being an unintentional con artist by her husband, quiet, with frequent unannounced bursts into dancing liveliness, Cat Holm loves writing about, working for, and living with cats. She is the author of The Great Purr, the cat-themed memoir Driving with Cats: Ours for a Short Time, the creator of Ann Catanzaro cat fantasy story gift books, and the author of two short story collections. She loves to dance, be outside whenever possible, read, play with cats, make music, do and teach yoga, and write. Cat lives in the woods, which she loves as much as really dark chocolate, and gets regular inspiration shots along with her double espresso shots from the city.
My cat still does this at 2 years old. It is usually on a blanket and he appears happy and purrs so we don’t stop him :)
I have a kitten that I rescued I have no idea how old she is but she’s suckling and it will only be with me and my mom but she’ll fall asleep and then she’ll wake up again and do it again but sometimes she won’t even do it she’ll just come and lay beside me idk if I should get her to stop or if I should just let it run it’s course I love her with all my heart I don’t wanna loose her
My kitten suckles on a huge stuffed animal everyday multiple times a day. He has done this since I adopted him at 3 months of age. At first I had no idea what he was even doing but figured it was related to nursing. I now know what suckling is and why he suckles. He will even fall asleep while he suckles, wake up and get right back to it. It’s pretty cute and endearing. Thank you for the information on this.
Wolly, my kitten, won't stop sucking on my nipples, but it isn't causing any irritation. He seems content and purs throughout each suckling session. I guess no harm no foul…..
My new young Kitty tries to suckle on my earlobes at night
Our youngest cat is the first one I've ever known to suckle. He's been doing it since I got him at 6wks old (now 2yrs). Funny thing is he'll only suckle on a fleece blanket. I took one blanket that he suckled that was full of holes, cut a piece off of it and gave it to him, we called it his suckie. He had that because I don't like the wet spots his drooling leaves on the blanket. Lol. Our cat, Oreo, chose me, he sleeps at night in my arms like a baby.
I have 3 siblings that were part of a litter of 5, found by a construction worker right before he bulldozed them. They were between 1 1/2-2 weeks old at the time. They never suckled on me during the time they were being bottle fed; however, within a few months of being weened all 3 developed the habit of suckling and kneading and they were very specific about where they had to suckle. (My left armpit, close to my neck and face.) I did a google search to see if this was problematic behavior and found mixed reviews. Since I was being scratched by 30 little needle sharp claws all day everyday I decided it was time to stop so I would gently redirect their behavior away from my left arm. That resulted in me waking up numerous times a night to a cat trying to get their fix so after 2 months I caved. They’re now 5, get their nails trimmed fairly regularly, and suckle away until their big hearts are content.
My 11 year old formerly feral cat suckles on a fuzzy blanket. he does not seem to be stressed. he was not separated from his mom as I cared for 4 kittens & the mom for 6 months outside. When the weather got freezing I brought 3 in ( giving one to a friend) the plan was to socialize them so hey could be taken to Petco for pet adoption day thru the rescue shelter I volunteered at. This didnt work. but my Grayson still suckles and I dont worry about it at all.
My 10 month rescue kitten has been sucking on herself since she was 3 months old. Recently I’ve noticed lumps on her belly where she’s sucking. I believe it is a nurturing thing she is doing as she seems content when and after she does it.
My cat is around 6-mos old now and he suckles when he’s about to sleep or in the middle of his sleeping. His mother left him (he was about 4wks old) on our neighbor’s porch, (maybe) because he was sick. So we rescued him and when he was around 4-mos old I noticed the suckling behavior on our blankets. He tried suckling on our fingers but like he couldn’t find the “right spot”. Other than his sleeping “habit”, I think I have nothing to worry about.
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