Girl Stripped Naked Story

Girl Stripped Naked Story


Girl Stripped Naked Story
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Naked Patient wrote:
Playing doctor with boys - Ended naked! Share your stories. by Naked Patient

I remember some local boys playing doctor with me and my friend. They took us to a tree house and told us we had come for a checkup, It was quite fun at first as the boys pretended to be doctors examining us. They did the usual joint tests using this as a great excuse to look up our skirts etc. My friend wouldn't let them properly as she was very embarrassed, but I let the boy not really caring if they got some glimpses of my panties or touched my leg as it was all a naughty fun game.

This was until they got angry at her saying she needed to play properly. The boys started whispering and giggling, to each other “The doctor says you need to undress” laughed one “Ye your dress is too big the doctor needs you in just your undies.” added another.

“No way” she cried. The boys were laughing now “strip or we’ll strip you bare naked.” They laughed. I was stunned as after a lot more bullying she did indeed remove her dress leaving her in just her bra and panties. The boys did their usual check ups getting a good feel of her exposed flesh. She was wearing a pair of green and orange floral panties and a plain white bra. She was red and embarrassed as the boys did their examinations touching her exposed flesh.

I just stood there grinning at my friends embarrassment thinking it served her right for not playing along to begin with. That was then they turned to me. “Your turn” they laughed. “No way you;ve already seen my underwear!” I complained. The boys started towards me. “Ok!” I shouted in fear lifting my dress up for them to see. “All the way off” one laughed

Reluctantly I also removed my dress covering my little black and white tartan bra and matching panties. They looked very cute and i could tell the boys were happy to see them properly. The boys had their fun with me copping a feel and examining me, this makes me blush a deep red but I also slightly enjoy the whole naughtiness of it as I could see clearly the boys boners under their clothes. I was hoping it wouldn't get any worse but boy was I wrong!

It was then the boys grabbed me. “What are you doing!” I cried out in shock. The boys turned to my friend, “You're going to be the doctor now or else we might have to do this to you” they laughed. My friend nodded. I was worried but thought how bad could it be with my friend examining me.

“Strip her naked!” laughed the boy.

To my horror my friend approached me still in just her underwear “Sorry” she said as she reached down to pull down my panties. I froze it was one thing the boys seeing my panties but my nakedness? The boys had me held fast face down on the floor as my little naked bottom case into view as she pulled down my knickers. I was crying now as I felt my panties pulled all the way off leaving me naked from the waist down. She then unfastened my bra “Nooo I cried out” but it was no good, the boys were obviously too scared to do this to me themselves but loved getting my friend to do it. I was butt naked on the floor but still luckily face down.

Despite me trying to fight I was then turned over exposing both my little naked breasts and naked sex to the boys. terrified and stuck I just lay there as the boy stared on in bliss.

To my shame the boys then told her she needed to examine me, they made her spread my legs and to my shame she did, they made her feel up my little breasts making my nipples go hard with the attention. If this wasn't bad enough they threatened to strip her naked as well if she didn't start to play with me.

It started with her simply rubbing on top but quickly escalated to her fingering me until I started to moan. They told her to go faster and faster or this would happen to her. I was lost in ecstasy no longer being held as the boys. Soon after they forced her head down in between my legs. “Make her cum or this will be you!” the boys taunted her as she started to eat me out. Shortly afterwards I came moaning loudly my shame coming rushing back as I lay there naked with my friend on top of me almost as breathless. I couldn't believe what she had made me do in front of the boys. But it had happened.
Emma Red Cheeks wrote:
Playing doctor with step bro and friends by Emma Red Cheeks

I remember a similar thing happening to me when I was about 12/13 but luckily it didn't go as far. My step brother and his friends were hanging around, one turned up with a bag filled with medical tools, his dad was a doctor and he had snuck it out. I remember everyone being amazed, I was really curious and wanted to look too. The boys had started to play doctor testing heart beats with a stethoscope and using a thermometer to see temperatures. I remember lots of "Wow!" and "Thats soo cool!" going on as the boys tested the equipment. Looking back I think they was bigging it up to pull me in. "Come on let me have a go!" I remember saying. The boys agreed but I had to act like a patient first.

Foolishly I agreed and was laid down quite uncomfortably on the family dining table. At first it was all fun as they asked me question as if he was a real doctor and looked into my eyes and ears with the various tools. Grinning my step brother Tommy then got the stethoscope to check my heartbeat. He slid it and his hand down the front of my dress and ended up copping a feel of my small bra covered boob! "Hay!" I cried pushing his arm away. "Oops sorry" he said trying to make it seem like an accident. Foolishly I allowed him to continue, I remember still blushing as he found my heart and the cold on my exposed skin. "OOO she looks awful red" said one of them "maybe it's a fever."

The rest laughed at that knowing exactly why I was blushing. "Ok I need to test your reflexes and flexibility" My brother said and went over to my legs. Without warning he lifted my leg up which caused my little summer dress to flick up exposing my panties. I tried to get up to stop him but a couple of the other boys held me down. He purposefully kept one leg down and lifted the other up at funny angles to get a view up my skirt. "stop!" I cried out as I could see the other boys trying to catch a glimpse too. "Hmmm this is bad It looks like we might need to operate." To my growing horror he started to pull my dress up almost fully exposing my knickers. I squirmed and tried to kick him. "Oh no the patient is delusional we need to restrain her!" one laughed.

I tried to fight but my arms and legs where pulled to the corners of the table and I was tied with some washing line like that. "Let me go I cried" but it was no use. the boys now had free reign to pull my dress up exposing my baby blue knickers with small white lace around the side. I was mortified as my step brother and his friends got a great view. I cried out again but no one but the boys were home to hear me. They continued to pull my dress up until my matching blue bra came into view too. The dress was pulled over my head blindfolding me from the action. It was humiliating knowing the boys could see all of my private underwear. I tried to wriggle free but I was stuck fast. The boys got some marker pens and started plotting where they would need to cut. they drew dashed lines in black pen all over my exposed flesh, I also felt fingers trace across my bare skin as they discussed where best to cut.

I know most of them used this as an opportunity to feel near my little boobs. They also drew near my panties making me really squirm must to their growing pleasure. "Maybe the undergarments will need to be removed too doctor to properly assess the spread of the illness?" said one boy hopefully running a finger over my bra. "Nooo please no!!!" I cried out. Most of the other boys agreed this was a good idea. "OOO look a rectal thermometer!" laughed one rifling through the bag. I remember laying there totally humiliated but also terrified that soon I might be butt naked and tortured further.

Luckily then the phone rang and my step mother said she would be back in five minutes and was picking up KFC for everyone. The boys moaned but knew they had to quickly untie me. I couldn't see but I'm sure someone pulled on the cup of my bra to get a view of my naked tit but I can't be sure. They made me promise not to tell or they'd get me next time and do loads of awful things to me butt naked with the medical supplies. I agreed and luckily wasn't the victim of similar pranks in future.

I heard they also did it to one of the other boy's sister and made her strip to just her knickers before performing breathing tests and CPR on her I just knew the perverts would have loved that getting to feel naked boobs, I heard she agreed to let them do it as they had threatened to strip her butt naked and give her a full exam and an enema. I can't help thinking they could have been my fate if luckily my step mum didn't come home early.

Janienudiepants wrote:
Nice story.... by Janienudiepants

very cute story.... I enjoyed it so much...

luv, Janie

krysta wrote:
sex by krysta

i think thaat ws cute

franky wrote:
story by franky

love the storie
DerpyGirl wrote:
Re: Playing doctor with boys - Ended naked! Share your stories. by DerpyGirl

I've also had an experiance like that. Me and my friend (a girl), were playing at my house. She then asked, "wanna have sex?" At the time I was only 4 years old so I said yes. She pulled me into the closet where she pulled down my pants. She did the same to herself and told me to touch her "kitty kat" aka her vagina. I did as she touched mine. She put her fingers on it, and I rubbed hers. Then she brought me to the floor where she set up a cardboard box. She told me to lie down in it. She started french kissing me over and over. I was scared, but let her continue. Then lastly, she brought me to the bed where we stripped naked. She laid me down and started humping me. Then she licked my vagina and french kissed me again. She then got dressed, left, then came back with her 5 year old brother. He went IN to her. Then they started masturbating infront of me.
I have another story that I'll share. I was having a sleepover with 1 other girl. She suggested that we play doctor. We were 10 years old. The one who suggested it, told me to strip naked. She left the room and came back with only her bra and underwear on. She told me to take them off. I did and she humped me. I humped her too. I can't remember the rest, but I knew I loved it. We never got caught.
mkenna ashley wrote:
striping naked by mkenna ashley

I wouldsort of like that except for the boys seeing my butt but I wipsh the boy was doing it instead of the girl but I also feel so bad for you.

Stumbling on Sexuality wrote:
stripping and playing doctor by Stumbling on Sexuality

I run a site full of these kinds of stories ( ) and it is amazing how often things like this happen. Sorry to hear yours was not necessarily a positive experience. All kids are curious, some kids are just ass holes.
Stripped wrote:
Curious by Stripped

I'm sure it was quite embarrassing but still a lasting memory. I'm just curious if you think it changed you and still effects you now in a negative or a positive way.
A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


by PhilMarlowe » Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:59 pm

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I am a 39 y.o British woman. Writing this story still sends shivers down my spine; but i feel i must write it. My humiliation happened nearly 5 years ago when i visited my sister's Spanish hotel. It's a hotel in the middle of nowhere and i was staying there with 8 other guests. One night a terrible thing happened: we were invaded by a gang of teenagers brandishing baseball bats and, one of them, a gun. They turned up on motorbikes late one evening. As i've said my sister's hotel's in the middle of Spanish wilderness so it's an easy target for thieves. Within minutes of them turning up we were all forced by the gang into the main room. We were forced to hand over our valuables and two of the gang went to search the rooms. My sister is quite brave and started questioning the boys (who do they think they are? etc...) this didn't go down well and the one with the gun started waving it in her face. Naturally she backed down. But she had made herself a bit of a target and what came next shocked me to the core. They decided to have their sick amusement while they were waiting. They made my sister walk on all fours and kiss their shoes (a constant threat of the gun made her comply). They made her striip to her underwear in front of all the other guests then hop on the spot and do star-jumps. I couldn't stop myself from saying something at this point - but i really wish i had kept my mouth shut because then they turned on me too. What happened next is the most shocking as the sick teenagers forced us both to remove all our clothes. And i mean everything. It was awful. We were made to stretch and pose in all sorts of humiliating positions in front of them and the other (mainly male) guests. The boys were laughing and mocking us. We tried to cover ourselves with our hands but they would make us throw our hands in the air and run round the room. I have never felt so silly and humiliated; to have my most private parts bared for some sick amusement of lowlife thieves is hard to take. I suppose it was harder for my sister (we don't talk about it) as she had guests staying who were regular patrons
Was there any justice? Was police involved?
In Spain, you don't become a police officer to help people.
The police weren't interested and were very reluctant to even turn up several days after.
I agree, too much enthusiasm for the story. But we're not supposed to say that here, so to the gallows with you.
Same thing I thought, maybe I am a bit morbid but in a situation like that how did they not end up raped?
thats an awful thing to have happen to you. to have your dignity taken from you both like that for no good reason other than to amuse
on a lighter note... being American.. I think we refer to "star-jumps" as "jumping-jacks." (never heard of a star-jump.. but i can assume)
....Why is England so much more logical?
A star jump in America is when you crouch down in a ball, and then jump up - throwing up your arms and kicking out your legs like you're a star, and then you land in a little ball again. If you do a bunch in a row( it's excellent cardio.
Being Texan, those kids would have caught a leg full of buckshot before I went to the heavier shotgun slugs. Some kids like this tried to raid a farm in Texas this week, they went down hard.
Yeah, really, England's logic is the point here.
My definition of "star jumps" are when you bend your knees and squat down, hands touch the ground, then you release and jump straight up, hands reaching for the sky, and repeat. Try doing ten, lol, it's harder than it sounds. But yeah, star jumps. Could be jumping jacks in the case of this story though.
They are actually different things! Jumping jacks are the typical ones where you jump with your feet together and land with them apart and then jump again so they are back together. Star jumps however are where you jump with your feet together on the floor and then in the air you widen them but they land back on the floor together.
How is it more logical? Are you aware that jumping jacks are called that based on a toy called jacks, which happen to look like stars?
How old are the people on Reddit? I never thought I'd have to explain what a jack is...
Why would you think that was an appropriate comment to make?
I'm so sorry this happened. I absolutely cannot imagine.
I really hope there is such thing as karma. Not reddit karma, but please dear universe i hope they get what they deserve and then some karma.
Have you tried talking about it with a professional? Someone that might be able to help cope better?
Were you guys able to report it, identify the bastards?

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"I went skinny-dipping in Lake Michigan at a summer camp before my senior year of high school. It was late, we were all fired up on hormones, and the lake was strictly forbidden, so of course I was the first one to strip off my clothes and dive in. It wasn’t until two days later, after waking up with double pink eye AND the flu, that I saw a news story about that portion of the lake being contaminated. "
"My boyfriend and I went to a nude beach in Florida. While there, we noticed a man really struggling to reel in his fishing pole and went over to join the large group that was gathering to watch. He eventually reeled it in and there was a four-foot-long shark on the other end. Watching about 30 nude people trying to figure out how to deal with a shark is something I’ll never forget. "
"After having too many drinks with friends we went back to our apartment pool and decided to skinny-dip. I decided to canon ball in, butt naked. Mid jump, I realize there’s flashlights on us and a police car. I come back up to the surface telling them 'Cops! Cops!' The officers jus
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