Girl Stomps Nuts

Girl Stomps Nuts


Girl Stomps Nuts
My sisters friends of they sleep over or are round for parties always want to hurt my balls, its getting really a annoying and painfull now, how can i stop them, and why do they want to touch my nuts so bad?
Sisters friends keep punching/squeezing my nuts, how do you get them to stop? Why the hell are girls so obssesed with balls any way?
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First, I'm a little dismayed at both the men AND the women telling the guy to drop drawer and just let the chicks have a go at pleasing him. I mean, first, he never said anything about wanting it in his question (that was you guys/gals assuming he did or should because he's a guy); Second, he can't hardly hit back; And third, they are physically attacking his genitals. Can we just stop this justification for girls assaulting men already? Why is nobody saying the parents need to be told and the girls need to be punished for it? Just because women are typically physically weaker doesn't mean we should treat them like they shouldn't (or can't) learn to be civil.
I agree there is no excuse for this kind of behavior, their parents should know about it. As adults if they do this they could be charged with assault, perhaps even as juveniles.
Why would you want them to stop. Next time the sleep over hang out in your boxers or what ever and open your legs. Tell them you want them to blindfold you and they can each touch your nuts for a few minutes and you have to guess which one was touching them
I don't remember ever doing that with any of my friend's brothers lol. My first thought was that they were playing truth or dare, and someone was dared to do it...but if they keep doing it, then I have no clue why
You might be onto something i didn't think of TorD, it could be a long running one as they seem to take any opportunity they can, i dont know if its anything to do with my long fued with my sister that they might be doing it for her. But thats just mean if she's getting them to hurt my balls.
Yeah, that is mean...and kind of strange haha. But yeah if you guys fight a lot, she probably keeps telling her friends to annoy you or something.
Ill have to get her back with nipple twists or some titt punching
C'est quoi ces phrases qui ne veulent rien dire?
C'est donc une sale pute-née par définition.
"girls so obssesed with balls " if you are talking the real balls then yes You can always ask them to give BJ while they are at it? (No serious:D)
Im not serious they are 15 or 16 jeex this guy is by the way 18 to 24
I might just ask for a BJ next time! It be funny to see their faces, even better if i actually get one!!!
They fancy you, you're the main topic of conversation at the sleepovers.
Thays good i guess but if they like me why hurt my balls soooo bad?
They just want a reaction from you. They wanna touch you intimately and be tactile, without giving the game away. It's just playful flirting. They're young, so it's entertaining for them. Stay away from the under 16 year olds, please.
LOL ok yes miss i will stay away, but they are 16 soon any way so it won't mater then.
Pourquoi? Parce que t'as pas eu ta dose lors de tes seize ans. Et cela t'a marqué à vie?
Très bien: deux calibres: 12; 16. Un pour le cul arrière, l'autre pour le cul avant! Je pense-là, qu'elles auront très bien compris le message, n'est-il pas?
just tell the to stop. simple as that. take control of the situation why does she do it? probably misdirected sexual energy. like little boys pinching girls. that or she is just a jacka**.
Wtf? I don't understand how you havn't found out the selution on your own, next time they do that, you squeeze their boobs untill they start screaming in pain, and tell them how much fun you're having together.
oh someone else said the same... well, that's because it's the obvious and right selution
What are you, a sissy? Slap them right across the face and after the third slap, at the latest, everybody has gotten the message.
Wear a cup next time. If they try to hit or squeeze your balls, laugh at them because they won't feel your balls and you won't feel any pain.
Dude they do it at night and shit when i am sleeping thats the worse, they woild judt lift up the cup and grab what theucan get hold of!
Oh. Well, I didn't know it happens at night. How about you get up at night and do something to them. Something they won't like.
LOL like what they got no titts to hurt?
Warn them that if they don't stop then you will do something bad to them. If they still do something bad, sneak up behind one of them and cut part of her hair off with scissors.
grope their pussy and squeeze hard that might make them stop or say to them when they squeeze them you want to make love in my bed
Grab her stuff too and ask if she want to grab them for real while your dick is in her mouth. If that doenst work, tell them you're going to defend yourself and you're not going to consider them girls.
Because you are a eunuch by nature. So they feel it. And so learned that they have the right to do everything on you, to make you suffer all the prejudices desired by these gotons of magots of dirty whores. Since you don't do anything to stop them.
how old are them dude? just remove yours pants and tell to give you a wank lol
LOL woulf love too but they would just squreze the hell out my balls if they got half a chance i know what they r like, they are 15 nearly 16
Des enfants qui demandent du sexe et surtout ne s'interdisent pas de faire tant de la méchanceté que des violences physiques et sexuelles à jeune homme, rien que pour la jouissance de le voir se tordre de douleurs. Ce sont plus des enfants, mais des putes, sale de leur état, qui ne méritent que la mort!
Next time they do it pull your pants down and tell them to start "playing" with them
LMAO! Nice idea, i lile it, wish it would help but they probably just hurt them even more! Besides they have allready seen my nuts and they dont play with them trust me, its any excuse to hurt them.
Time to start acting weird. If they want to mess with you play back. Squeeze their boobs that would sure make them stop.
I have allrwady tried a nipple twist on one of them and it didn't go down well, they just come back squeezing harder and shit, i can't take any more pian on my nuts i am not going to aggrivate them any more than i have to.
How old are you and how old are them?
Porter plainte (plusieurs, s'il le faut) pour harcèlement, violence sur autrui, violences en bande organisée avec actes sexuels, avec violences visant à violer et humilier la personne (vous). Et ainsi de suite jusqu'à ce qu'elles payent le prix fort: la peine de mort!
@@ why do some girls like to do such thing...
Ill be honest i would love it if they didn't squeeze thd life out of them or punch them like Mike Tyson!
Lol their own personal punching bag hahaha
body blow, body blow, left left left
My ballsac ain't a punch bag, i know they hang pretty low and all but that dont mean they are there to be punched!
Play the theme song to Rocky next sleepover.
LOL. Or bite their ear off like Mike did when they try to do it
Besides they ain't got much of any boobs to grab lol, they pretty small up there!
If they have a handful that's good enough, lol! Well tape a elbow pad to your balls and say, "Can't get me now witches!"
They dont really have a handfull though tbats the problem!! LOL my balls are probably nearly the size of their little ass titties!
Sory but it true, they like kinda flat!
Can I ask a question? Does the cunt/vagaina has the same sensetivity as the balls Like if you were grabbed or kicked down there will you feel an extreme pain as being grabbed or kicked in the balls? I think it is the same am I right

[TOMT] [GIF] Woman accidentally stomps on a man's balls in a bathtub.
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It's a really funny gif. A woman is wearing high heels, peeing on a man lying in the bathtub. The soap holder breaks and her right foot comes crashing down right on his balls, which is quite hilarious.

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Victim Jay Bennett's family has slammed the sentencing, saying they felt 'let down' by the system
A WOMAN has been caught stomping on a man, kicking him until he is unconscious, breaking the teenager's jaw outside a nightclub in the sickening attack.
Megan Allen, 22, chased Jay Bennett into the street - attacking the 19-year-old as he tripped and fell on the street in an assault described as "brutal and cowardly".
Allen and friend Liam Nagle, 25, were joined by two other men who stomped on the teen until he was senseless outside a nightclub in Swansea city centre in the 5am attack in June last year.
Vicious Allen had been involved in a fight at the Oxygen nightclub, later chasing Jay.
The attacker, of Islington, London and her friend Nagle, of Bedford, Bedfordshire, pleaded guilty to assault in the Swansea Crown Court.
Both were jailed for 36 weeks for the attack.
But the family of Jay has since spoken out, slamming the sentence.
Victim Jay's mother, Melanie Penk, said: "The girl stamped and stamped on his head."
Slamming the sentence, Penk said: "The whole thing is a shambles - I feel just total outrage. The sentencing has upset my son as he feels it was a waste of time to go to court in the first place.
"I am disappointed about the way we have been let down by the system. I have written a complaint to the CPS."
The support worker said her son had been so badly beaten that he was forced to take a month off work.
She said: "We weren't asked whether we wanted to do it and haven't been kept in the loop over what's happening.
"This outcome, I can't come to terms with it - they could be out in 18 weeks.
"People are so outraged at this. There is a lot of strong feeling about this."
She said the video evidence showed how brutal the attack had been.
Judge Paul Thomas QC said: "This was a brutal and cowardly attack.
"This man was running away when he tripped. He was not a threat to anyone."
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This has become a huge trend in Asian countries for women to cut off men's genitalia as "revenge". Women here in the US read the stories and laugh. I think these men should start chopping off women's tits and clits for the same reasons and see how differently it is covered by the news and responded to by feminists worldwide.

You know how the law will treat a man who does that to a woman... He'll get 25 to life.

10 years? that's it? But that couple got 25 years for yelling racial slurs at a black family. Nice system.

after having his dick cut off, getting beaten black and blue by a woman, anddeclining libido, obesity, and chronic fatigue, he is now ready to become a member of the mods of ebaumsworld

Bitch Mconnell found this by searching for "asian testicles"

maybe they'll get back together in the future. Sometimes it's just a question of timing

the safe word was lollypop, but he kept saying rorrypop

There will probably be a bunch of copy cats like the Lorena Bobbitt slicers from the 90's. Hide yo nuts, guys!

"I snack on fruit and nuts. In the middle of my long workouts, I'll have a protein shake."Lindsey Vonn

This is also what liberals have done do EBW.

Boring!! I've seen Pain Olympics. I'm passed this fetish.

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Zhanna Nurzhanova, 36, allegedly used a scalpel to remove her boyfriend R Suleimanov’s genitals after he confessed to his sister that he was attracted to another woman. The details, however, may haunt you.
According to reports, after having discovered pictures of other women on her boyfriend's cell phone, Nurzhanova lulled the poor bastard into a sex game before sedating him and chopping off his testicles.
She's cute, but is she lose-your-balls cute?
She supposedly offered to play a sex game and tied his legs and arms with four scarves. Then she took out two pills, allegedly barbiturates, and force-fed them into the man’s mouth. She then removed his underwear and started screaming accusations of infidelity at him. 
From there, things got violent (again--allegedly). She beat his head, face, and chest with an aluminum bat. Then she took three ampuls of anesthetic in a syringe and injected it all around the man’s groin. Next she took a scalpel and started to make incisions, cutting the left testicle and tying the spermatic cord with a thread. She cut off his right testicle and stitched the cut, but a thread slid off and the man started bleeding.
She then took him to a hospital in Astana, Khasakstan, where she was detained by police. 
If found guilty, Nurzhanova could be jailed for up to 10 years. Bulat Shalekenov, chairman of the Men’s Health Association of Kazakhstan, told press, ‘’If his penis is still in place, he won’t have children, but will be able to have sex. His body will inevitably go through hormonal changes like declining libido, obesity, and chronic fatigue. He will live and might stay a man by using hormone-replacing therapy to replace his lack of testosterone."

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