Girl Sperm Vaginally

Girl Sperm Vaginally


Girl Sperm Vaginally
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Sperm or ejaculate leakage from the vagina after sex is normal and is expected. Sperm leakage can actually be a good thing because it means there is enough of the ejaculate. After semen is released into the vagina, sperm immediately separates from the remaining ejaculate and sperms begin moving into the cervix and up into the uterus for fertilization in the fallopian tubes. Sperm moves into the tubes within minutes after ejaculation in the vagina.
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Once the ejaculate is inside the vagina, vaginal secretions start destroying much of the remaining sperm . When they move into the cervix and uterus, they are protected from the hostile vaginal acidic secretions.
It is normal after ejaculation for much of the ejaculate to leak out of the vagina.
Most women observe some leakage of semen after having had sex. They are concerned that sperm may leak and that there may not be enough sperm left for fertilization. To understand this issue more, it's essential to know exactly what the ejaculate is composed of. Less than 10% of the ejaculate are actual spermatozoa. The ejaculate consists of a mixture of four components:
No. Some women notice some discharge immediately after sex and think it's the cause of infertility. The fluid coming out of the vagina after his orgasm is merely a portion of the ejaculate.
Less than 5-10% of the ejaculate is actually sperm — over 90% is made up of other fluids. Leakage of the ejaculate from the vagina is highly unlikely to prevent you from getting pregnant. In fact, it's totally normal for some ejaculate to leak out after intercourse .
If he ejaculates deeply inside you, then you can be sure that no matter how much of the ejaculate leaks out afterward, enough sperm will reach the cervical mucus. If you stay on your back for the suggested 15-20 minutes after intercourse, with hips slightly elevated, this leakage of the ejaculate is usually not a cause of infertility.
In the end, don't worry too much and consider the fact that it is probably a good sign of health that some ejaculate leaks out because it may mean that he is depositing his semen normally in your vagina and that there is enough of it.
For more tips to overcome fertility roadblocks and get pregnant faster, take our Fertility Course via email! 
Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy. Read Dr. Amos' full bio , the book about him " Lessons in Survival: All About Amos ," and a fictionalized account of his father's life in the novel, " Through Walter's Lens ."
In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. Learn more about Obie here.
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Obie gives you personalized expert guidance, helping you improve your fertility and reproductive health.
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Have other questions like this? Sign up for Obie and get personalized answers about your fertility without having to search.
Sperm or ejaculate leakage from the vagina after sex is normal and is expected. Sperm leakage can actually be a good thing because it means there is enough of the ejaculate. After semen is released into the vagina, sperm immediately separates from the remaining ejaculate and sperms begin moving into the cervix and up into the uterus for fertilization in the fallopian tubes. Sperm moves into the tubes within minutes after ejaculation in the vagina.
The Obie app gives you personalized insights and tailored advice, so you get the answers you need without having to search for them.
Once the ejaculate is inside the vagina, vaginal secretions start destroying much of the remaining sperm . When they move into the cervix and uterus, they are protected from the hostile vaginal acidic secretions.
It is normal after ejaculation for much of the ejaculate to leak out of the vagina.
Most women observe some leakage of semen after having had sex. They are concerned that sperm may leak and that there may not be enough sperm left for fertilization. To understand this issue more, it's essential to know exactly what the ejaculate is composed of. Less than 10% of the ejaculate are actual spermatozoa. The ejaculate consists of a mixture of four components:
No. Some women notice some discharge immediately after sex and think it's the cause of infertility. The fluid coming out of the vagina after his orgasm is merely a portion of the ejaculate.
Less than 5-10% of the ejaculate is actually sperm — over 90% is made up of other fluids. Leakage of the ejaculate from the vagina is highly unlikely to prevent you from getting pregnant. In fact, it's totally normal for some ejaculate to leak out after intercourse .
If he ejaculates deeply inside you, then you can be sure that no matter how much of the ejaculate leaks out afterward, enough sperm will reach the cervical mucus. If you stay on your back for the suggested 15-20 minutes after intercourse, with hips slightly elevated, this leakage of the ejaculate is usually not a cause of infertility.
In the end, don't worry too much and consider the fact that it is probably a good sign of health that some ejaculate leaks out because it may mean that he is depositing his semen normally in your vagina and that there is enough of it.
For more tips to overcome fertility roadblocks and get pregnant faster, take our Fertility Course via email! 
Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy. Read Dr. Amos' full bio , the book about him " Lessons in Survival: All About Amos ," and a fictionalized account of his father's life in the novel, " Through Walter's Lens ."
In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. Learn more about Obie here.
© 2001-2022 - All Rights Reserved.
Obie gives you personalized expert guidance, helping you improve your fertility and reproductive health.
By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. View our cookie policy .








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Home » Frequently asked Questions on Health » Why does the semen flow out of the vagina after intercourse?

Why does the semen flow out of the vagina after intercourse?

 Answered by: Dr Rajan Bhonsle 
 | Senior Consultant, Sexual Medicine and Relationship Counsellor, Heart To Heart Counselling Centre, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Sexual Medicine, KEM Hospital & Seth Medical College , Mumbai

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Q: I am married for 3 years but we are still not blessed with a child. Everything is normal with both of us. Ovulation study shows normal cycle. I have observed that after the intercourse, the moment my husband withdraws his penis, all the semen comes out of the vagina . We tried using a pillow beneath, which helped in keeping the semen inside for few minutes. But after 10 minutes the semen comes out of the vagina. Could this be the cause of infertility? Is it normal? What is the solution? Out of KY Jelly or liquid paraffin, which is a sperm friendly lubricant?

This is normal. Most of the semen flows out of vagina after intercourse in all normal fertile couples. This does not affect the fertility. Conception takes place in spite of this happening. Semen is expected to flow out of vagina after intercourse. Semen contains millions of sperms. A very small amount of semen needs to enter the uterus, and only a single sperm is responsible for conception to take place. Rest/most of it is expected to flow out of vagina in all normal fertile women. This simply cannot be the cause of infertility in your case. None of the artificial lubricants are sperm friendly. They all trap sperms,restrict their natural movements and affects fertility.

Semen flow out of the vagina: there are ways to prevent this
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Shettle LB. Intl Journal of Gyn & Obs (1970): 643-647.
Wilcox A J et al. New Eng J of Med (1995): 1517-1521.
In a study of 87 women, 4 or more fertile days were identified in 80% of cycles (2012).
Hoeskstra C et al. Hum Repro Update (2008): 14; 37-47

Copyright ©2008 - 2022 SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH, 47 route de Saint Georges, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland.
All rights reserved.

Whether your baby is a boy or a girl is determined by the chromosome it inherits from its father. The egg from its mother always contains an X (female) chromosome, but the sperm contains either a female or a Y (male) chromosome. When the egg is fertilized the chromosomes come together and if they are XY a baby boy is conceived and if they are XX a baby girl is conceived. 
When we look at the statistics the chances of having a boy or a girl are almost the same and there’s no medical evidence to suggest we can influence this.
You may, however, have heard about the ‘Shettles Method’. In the 1970s Dr Shettles found that female and male sperm had different characteristics. He believed that identifying these differences may help couples to try to conceive a boy or a girl. 1
It’s all about a race to the egg…
Shettles found male sperm to be smaller, would swim faster and have a shorter life span than the female sperm. He believed that if a couple had sex around the time of ovulation the male sperm would be more likely to reach the egg before the female sperm. If the egg fertilized the couple were more likely to conceive a baby boy. Female sperm were found to be slower, fitter and would live longer than male sperm so making love earlier in the fertile window meant they would still be alive to fertilize the egg, and more likely to conceive a baby girl.
Whilst it’s a fascinating theory, studies since then have shown that the timing of sex in relation to ovulation doesn’t actually influence whether you conceive a boy or a girl. 2
Whether you are interested in conceiving a boy or a girl, it’s still important to remember that there are only a few days in every cycle when you can get pregnant. Using Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests or Visual Ovulation Test helps you identify your 2 most fertile days, so you can be confident you are trying at the right time.
And the Clearblue Advanced Ovulation Test typically identifies 4 or more fertile days giving you more opportunities to get pregnant. 3
Shettles also suggested that the sexual position at the time of the father’s orgasm may help the chances of conceiving a boy or girl. Deep penetration, for example doggy style, means the male sperm that can swim faster start their race closer to the cervix and are more likely to reach the egg first, resulting in a boy. To try and conceive a girl, Shettles suggested avoiding deep penetration, favouring the missionary position.
It’s another interesting theory, but again there’s nothing to support this idea. Dr Michael Thomas MD (fertility specialist) actually advises that there are no methods to affect the sex of your child, including sexual position.
Cervical mucus is most sperm-friendly at the time of ovulation, when it is more alkaline. Prior to ovulation the mucus is more acidic which is not ideal for sperm and only the fittest can survive. Shettles suggested that making the vagina more acidic means the fitter female sperm are more likely to survive and a baby girl is conceived. A more alkaline environment is better for the faster male sperm and a baby boy is conceived. You could try different foods to influence your vaginal pH, but we haven’t been able to find any evidence that this works.
Twins happen when more than one baby develops in the womb. There are 2 types of twins: non-identical (when more than one egg is fertilized) and identical (when one single fertilized egg splits in early pregnancy).
Twins have become more common over the past 20 years – largely due to the use of fertility treatments.
There is no way you can choose to have twins, but some factors can make it more likely to happen:
Understand more about ovulation: what it is, when it happens, its signs, how to track it…

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