Girl Recevies Her First Time Sex

Girl Recevies Her First Time Sex


Girl Recevies Her First Time Sex

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Girls: Did you enjoy receiving oral sex the first time?

Girls: Did you enjoy receiving oral sex the first time?

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Girls, when you received oral sex for the first time ever, did you automatically enjoy it? Guys who have given a girl her first ever oral sex experience, did she enjoy it first time around?
I'm asking because I've only ever heard wonderful things about what it feels like from women but when I finally let my boyfriend do it for the first time recently, I just couldn't seem to relax and enjoy it!
Just to pre-empt any comments, I doubt the problem was the way my boyfriend was doing it, because we researched some tips & videos etc afterwards to see what could improve and he had basically done most of what they'd suggested. Also, he's generally an experienced lover and has never had a problem satisfying me till now. However, he says he's feeling inadequate because he didn't manage to 'please' me that way - but I'm wondering if it is just natural for a woman to be more tense and less into it the very first time they receive oral sex? Some things take time & experience to enjoy e.g my first time having penetrative sex was just awful, as I'm sure it was for most women but it got better - was it the same with oral sex for you guys?? Or was it something you just enjoyed straight away???

( Original post by Anonymous )
Girls, when you received oral sex for the first time ever, did you automatically enjoy it? Guys who have given a girl her first ever oral sex experience, did she enjoy it first time around?
I'm asking because I've only ever heard wonderful things about what it feels like from women but when I finally let my boyfriend do it for the first time recently, I just couldn't seem to relax and enjoy it!
Just to pre-empt any comments, I doubt the problem was the way my boyfriend was doing it, because we researched some tips & videos etc afterwards to see what could improve and he had basically done most of what they'd suggested. Also, he's generally an experienced lover and has never had a problem satisfying me till now. However, he says he's feeling inadequate because he didn't manage to 'please' me that way - but I'm wondering if it is just natural for a woman to be more tense and less into it the very first time they receive oral sex? Some things take time & experience to enjoy e.g my first time having penetrative sex was just awful, as I'm sure it was for most women but it got better - was it the same with oral sex for you guys?? Or was it something you just enjoyed straight away???

My gf likes it sometimes and not others. Maybe that's my fault lol, but if it takes a few goes for you to enjoy it I think that's normal

I didn't like it at first at all either. It felt quite uncomfortable being in that position where you are so vulnerable to them (it's a very intimate act imo) and just sitting back and taking all the enjoyment whilst giving them nothing. By partner loves doing it though and kept trying... and now I love it. I just needed to relax and enjoy it for what it is rather than worrying about this, that and the other.



( Original post by Anonymous )
Girls, when you received oral sex for the first time ever, did you automatically enjoy it? Guys who have given a girl her first ever oral sex experience, did she enjoy it first time around?
I'm asking because I've only ever heard wonderful things about what it feels like from women but when I finally let my boyfriend do it for the first time recently, I just couldn't seem to relax and enjoy it!
Just to pre-empt any comments, I doubt the problem was the way my boyfriend was doing it, because we researched some tips & videos etc afterwards to see what could improve and he had basically done most of what they'd suggested. Also, he's generally an experienced lover and has never had a problem satisfying me till now. However, he says he's feeling inadequate because he didn't manage to 'please' me that way - but I'm wondering if it is just natural for a woman to be more tense and less into it the very first time they receive oral sex? Some things take time & experience to enjoy e.g my first time having penetrative sex was just awful, as I'm sure it was for most women but it got better - was it the same with oral sex for you guys?? Or was it something you just enjoyed straight away???



I hated it for the first like 10 times because I was always really embarrassed, but I soon realised that my boyfriend loved doing it as much as I loved having it done, as soon as I relaxed in to it, it was so much better. I orgasm from it every time so easily! Just relax trust me your boyfriend wouldn't do it if he didn't want to!



I love it! I loved it the first time too, but I agree, you need ot be completely relaxed and maybe foreplay is the key to relaxing. Try not to think about it and just enjoy it =)

( Original post by Anonymous )
Just keep trying
You were probably nervous or shy or embarrased a bit, and that would have meant you weren't fully comfortable or relaxed. It's natural that it takes time to get used to things and to let your body take over from your mind.
I'm sure some girls enjoyed it their first time and some didn't, but that shouldn't matter. Give is a few more goes and if it's really not something you enjoy then don't do it anymore.
Also... was the problem that it felt nice but that you didn't orgasm or that it didn't feel nice at all? Because those issues are very separate things. If it was the first one, then don't worry at all and don't let your boyfriend's feeling inadequate allow you two to stop trying. It might just be that you needed longer, or that you need to get used to it.
Good luck

( Original post by HermioneLockhart )
i shall not lie to you....i enjoyed i rather a lot.
i was nervous to start with...but as soon as he started i relaxed completely and just let myself enjoy it.
there was a lot of foreplay first...which probably helped.
make him tease you first :P

( Original post by littlehobbit )
I hated it for the first like 10 times because I was always really embarrassed, but I soon realised that my boyfriend loved doing it as much as I loved having it done, as soon as I relaxed in to it, it was so much better. I orgasm from it every time so easily! Just relax trust me your boyfriend wouldn't do it if he didn't want to!

I felt very self conscious the first few times. I've only started enjoying it more recently when I've been telling my boyfriend what to do or different things to try.

( Original post by Anonymous )
I didn't like it at first at all either. It felt quite uncomfortable being in that position where you are so vulnerable to them (it's a very intimate act imo) and just sitting back and taking all the enjoyment whilst giving them nothing. By partner loves doing it though and kept trying... and now I love it. I just needed to relax and enjoy it for what it is rather than worrying about this, that and the other.

I know I didn't quote and individually thank everyone, but I do appreciate all of your replies. Thanks everyone for sharing their experiences, it's good to know I wasn't the only one who didn't enjoy it at first, and my boyfriend also feels much more reassured that it wasn't him or me, just something we both need to keep trying.



( Original post by Anonymous )
I didn't like it at first at all either. It felt quite uncomfortable being in that position where you are so vulnerable to them (it's a very intimate act imo) and just sitting back and taking all the enjoyment whilst giving them nothing. By partner loves doing it though and kept trying... and now I love it. I just needed to relax and enjoy it for what it is rather than worrying about this, that and the other.



( Original post by hattietats )

it can be embarrassing at first, as you do feel vunerable and exposed, and it is very intimate, but you'll slowly relax the more you do it.



Why do i read threads like these?
Want oral. Give please.

Also; Yes. I've never been vaginally self conscious.



just **** foreplay and **** her up the arse



My ex didnt like it at first but she did love it after a few times.
My current gf has never had it done to her. I asked why and she said, 'i'd feel too conscious'. But, ill win her over eventually even if i have to get her tipsey lol.
I dont think its fair for her to go down on me and me not do it to her



It did feel a bit....well strange isn't the word. Somewhere between strange and awkward, but then I relaxed and it really did get better most things sexual you get used to it.

I have to say that i loved it first time, second time and the rest lol.
I was slightly nervous but if im honest had wanted him to for a few weeks so when he offered i wasnt going to say no. Turns out he loves it just as much as me and always wants to, often more than i want him to if im honest. But yes just relax and enjoy it, its really easy to orgasm threw i find.

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