Girl Needs Cock

Girl Needs Cock


Girl Needs Cock
Do you really have desire to suck your partner's cock during sex or simply you do it becoz your partner wants you to do it? Do you enjoy sucking it? How do you feel?
Girls, Should I try sucking a cock?
Girls, Do you like sucking his cock after it has been in your pussy?
Girls, Experimenting sucking a cock?
Do you girls actually enjoy anal & sucking/giving BJ to your man's penis after ourserted from your anal?
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I sometimes find that I have a craving for it, but alas, I lack the boyfriend to properly perform it on, haha. I enjoy doing it, it turns me on. There's something unique about the feel of it (hope that doesn't make me come off as slutty) and while I might not be the greatest at it, as long as my partner enjoys himself, I'm happy to please him in the ways he wants me to. I'm more than happy to give a blowjob if I'm asked, and I could only see me ever saying no in the most extreme of circumstances, like a sore tooth or something.
Your boyfriend is really fortunate...
I don't have one! LMAO Woe is me...
aww... Never had a bf to perform it, even then you say you like doing it?
I never said I'd never performed one, just that I didn't have a BOYFRIEND to do it on. I've had a fling here or there, haha.
I don't have a girlfriend. I would go crazy if a girl sucked my cock.
I really like giving oral! especially the look on your guys face when you look him straight in the eye It's awesome and a completely turn on for me
It would be so amzing to see a beautiful girl like you with sexy lips and musing eyes staring at someone with his cock in your mouth... this thought makes me crazy
I have a desire for it.. Can't get my lips wrapped round it quick enough hahaha.
so , you like doing that to penis? YOU like it or you like the fact that it makes the guy happy?
Lmao well thought I'd be honest ! I so hope nobody I know in person ever joins this site hahaha. @Red_Dragon
Haha, thank you. I genuinley enjoy doing it lol! @verifyyour
There is something really sexy about a woman who is confident in her sexuality and knows what she likes and wants, and is not afraid of it. It is empowering and that can be very sexy.
Wow.. you are a rare species then! lols. so , would you ask a guy to get it done if he does't make the first move?
After being way too insecure my whole life, I'm on a journey too love myself haha! I agree, confidence is sexy! As long as it doesn't turn into arrogance hahah. @Viperkiss
I don't think she's a rare species. She's a minority, but not rare.
At Bethany: Hey nothing wrong with liking that. Maybe they wouldn't get too appalled hahahaha.
I wouldn't say 'hey, can I suck your dick now?' I'd just make the moves, if he stops me that's fine but I've never had a guy stop me lol. What guy would turn away a blow job haha. @verifyyour
hmmm, so you assume that ALL guys like to get cock sucked? Naaw..! lols. ok , what would you much prefer... sucking cock or getting licked? Choose ONE only?
In my experience they do haha! Sucking cock. I'm more of a giver than a receiver lol. @verifyyour
Hahaha I'm the same @Bethany-Louise .. The question @verifyyour posed was asked to me once.. Give or receive first and I had a hard time deciding but give first was my choice..
Haha! Don't get me wrong receiving is amazing haha, but yeah!
Some girls really do, Some girls I've dated they want to without me ever bringing it up. We could be spooning before bed, she gets turned on and wants to Or while we're in the public, she just wants to. And they're not expecting sex or anything. She just thinks it's really sexy and wants to I guess it's sort of like how I enjoy fingering the girl, I'm really not expecting sex but I enjoy playing with the girls body
I like giving head cuz I like to watch his toes curl when I suck him dry and he gets this really cute exhausted smile afterwards and can't talk for the next 20 seconds cuz he's trying to get back to breathing normally, BUT I have 3tongue piercings and a few lip piercings, so I can't do it all the time cuz sometimes the piercings will act up.
You seem quite expert in blowing a guy!!!
Well it's not quantum physics. It's just oral. It's pretty easy. Chicken head the head, massage the staff with hands, please te tip with tongue tricks and suck him like a straw any time he starts to flinch or partial orgasm. Seriously it's not like it's difficult.
Do you want a guy to cum in your mouth or on your face?
I don't care. He can cum wherever he wants so long as he doesn't get it in my hair
You are so cool... i wish if u were my girlfriend...
Ohk... then i wish to have one night stand stand with you...
Honestly, I do enjoy doing it so it's not just all for him. I feel self conscious about it for sure, but it can be really fun getting reactions and feeling like doing something that he loves!!!
I never have but I really want to do it for the guy I like. I love the idea of him enjoying it, but also the power from him trusting me enough to let me do that
Trusting you!!! What do you mean? Are you going to bite his dick... lol
Lol well of course not, but there's a degree of trust being that intimate with somebody don't you think? Letting them be completely in control of your pleasure?
I don't know man they do look appealing but...
Knowing that it makes him happy, makes me happy so I'm always willing to do whatever to please him. It's a turn on to know he's enjoying it so much!
ok , but given the choice you would avoid doing it? you women do it just because your guy asks for it and likes it? what about YOUR feelings?
Well I mean, people do a lot of things they don't enjoy for the people they love. Do you think I want to listen to 40 second graders sing loudly and off key for over an hour? No! But I love my niece so I do it anyway.
Absolutely love it, nothing turns me on quicker than the thought of it.
I really do love it. I would do it all day if I could. I get turned on by turning my man on.
You are so horny... i wish to get a girlfriend like you...
The reaction is priceless. Olive it.
How do you feel when a cock is in your mouth? Do you girls have any tricks to make a guy orgasm fast?
I enjoy it in my mouth the same as a guy giving oral. Many feelings apply to it. As far as what I do specifically.. There are several things I do to make it the most enjoyable experience for him. An amazing blow job comes with understanding all parts of his manhood, giving attention to all his parts and using both hand, mouth & tongue. And eye contact at some point.
I don't want you necessarily to cum fast. Most want the experience to last. Sometimes the desire is a quickie and other times no.. So the goal is not to cum fast but to cum when the time is right. Have I made a guy cum fast? Yes.
I wish to marry a girl who thinks like you... your boyfriend is the luckiest guy...
You will we aren't rare.. Many girls enjoy it and are good at it. But like anything it takes practice and patience..
lols... what pleasure would you get from doing that;-p anyway , so you do it for sake of pleasing the guy?
i love to watch their facial expressions ♡
Is sucking a cock/dick make you more sexy or what another type of feeling you feel at the movement?
MAN-O-MAN! Bunch of Cock-Suckers here!!!
The girls answering these questions are so cool.
I don't know where these girls have been my entire life. Before this site, I thought they saw blow jobs as a job and a chore, but now they straight out and said that they enjoy doing it because it makes their partner happy. I am going to find a girl that I like who likes and even wants to blow my whistle.
LOL this is one of the best comments i've ever seen xD But ya seriously ,, Da girls above !!

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