Girl Having Sex At School

Girl Having Sex At School


Girl Having Sex At School

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Lakeland Sheriff Grady Judd says authorities are tracking down the sexually explicit Snapchat video. Polk County Sheriff's Office

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A Florida substitute teacher was busted for having sex with a teenage student who allegedly shared one of their trysts in a Snapchat video, law enforcement officials said.
Ayanna Davis, 20, a substitute English teacher at Lakeland High School, was arrested on Friday after she admitted to having unprotected sex with the student four times — twice at her house and twice at the victim’s house, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release .
Davis’ admission matched with statements made by the victim, whose exact age wasn’t disclosed but was listed in the release as 16 years old or younger .
Authorities launched a probe of the teacher on Dec. 3, after a student informed the school’s resource officer that a Snapchat video was circulating that showed Davis having sex with a student. The video was reportedly shown to a large group of the school’s football team.
Law enforcement officials have not yet been able to view the video, but are working on tracking it down.
“I know it’s out there someplace,” Sheriff Grady Judd told WFLA .
After her interview with police, Davis was charged by the sheriff’s office with two counts of sexual battery by custodian and offenses against students by an authority figure. She additionally was charged with two additional counts of sexual battery by the Lakeland Police Department.
“This is a clear violation of sexual battery laws. She was in a position of influence over the victim, and she took advantage of that for her own twisted pleasure,” Judd said.
She made her first court appearance on Dec. 11, when a $60,000 bond was ordered for all five charges. She is scheduled to be arraigned on Jan. 10, 2022.
According to officials, Davis is not a Polk County Public Schools employee, but served at Lakeland High School as a substitute teacher through staffing company Kelly Education Services.
The company has been instructed that Davis is no longer able to work in any Polk County public schools, officials said.
“We expect substitute teachers to uphold the same high standards of conduct and professionalism as our full-time educators,” said Superintendent Frederick Heid in a statement . “The charges against this person are disgraceful and a complete violation of the trust that teachers build with their students. There is no room in our schools for this type of conduct.”
The Polk County school district changed its policy in October permitting anyone 20 years old or older with a high school or GED diploma to be a substitute teacher, according to WFLA.

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Dec. 6, 2002 -- Remember what it was like to be a young teen? You worried about your clothes, acne, braces, who's popular, and, of course, dating and sex.
But given what's happening in America today, the choices now are bigger.
Anya Alvarez, a 13-year-old girl from Tulsa, Okla., agreed to record a video diary for 20/20. In it, she describes her transition from childhood to adolescence. "When I was 5," Anya said, "it was like, 'Should I give him a toy or not? Now, it's should I smoke weed? Should I have sex? Should I lie to my parents?"
Anya responded to a posting on our Web site seeking people concerned about the pressures middle school kids are facing when it comes to sex.
So far, Anya's done well in life. She's a good student and an accomplished golfer who has won some junior tournaments. But now that Anya's a teenager, her mother, Pamela, is worried about her.
"I am concerned about her sexuality. She's very precocious. She comes on strong. At this age, you don't know what you're doing with it," Pamela said.
This week's Newsweek highlights a government report that says the percentage of high school kids having sex dropped this past decade to 46 percent. Still, that's about half the kids, and more are having oral sex.
Anya said, "There's one girl at our football games that like gave oral sex to five different football players."
Students told us that some kids are having sex in school bathrooms and hallways — even in classrooms.
At a middle school outside Baltimore, Md., a couple of 12-year-olds had oral sex in their science class. Their classmates watched, but the teacher didn't see them. (The teacher was suspended and later resigned.)
And the kids say it happens at home too, and we parents almost never know.
Guys Get Popular, Girls Get Labeled
The girls talked about the pressure they feel to become sexually active. Anya said this is "because guys don't need girls' approval, but girls need guys' approval." But Anya recently learned that giving in doesn't necessarily win the guy's approval.
Anya said she had "an incident with a guy and it wasn't a very good one" last summer. She's not comfortable saying exactly what happened, but it shook her.
"He didn't care about me. It felt, I just felt dirty, I guess. … After that I realized, you know, I wasn't important to him at all," Anya said.
The girls complained that when they give in they get labeled. When people find out, "you're a slut," 16-year-old Josslyn Kolb told us.
Boys don't get the same treatment, according to Anya. She said, "Guys don't get labeled if they have sex with girls."
Josslyn said she learned that the guy she lost her virginity to when she was 14 just pretended to care for her. He had made a bet to see how many virgins he could get to go to bed with him.
So why do girls have sex with the boys if they're treated this way?
"If you like them … then … that just gives you the time to be close with them," Josslyn said.
Is this where the sexual revolution has taken us? Middle school kids feeling pressured to have sex?
Sex educator Deborah Roffman, author of Sex and Sensibility: The Thinking Parent's Guide to Talking Sense About Sex, says parents have to step up to the plate. In parent workshops she gives parents advice on tackling the subject at home.
"If there was smallpox in the street, we wouldn't say, 'oh, I'm too uncomfortable with that subject.' We would figure out a way to get through our discomfort, and talk to them in the ways that they need for us to talk to them," Roffman said.
What do you say to the girl who feels she has to "put out" to be popular and to please boys?
Roffman said, "You tell her, don't have sex anymore of any kind until you learn how to do it in a way that is good for you and meaningful to you and where you're making decisions based on your own terms."
Roffman says we've got to stay one step ahead of our kids.That means knowing what's going on in their lives and talking to them about it.
Milly Banos' mom, Maria, says she tries to stay one step ahead of her daughter. She's told 13-year-old Milly that she's not allowed to date, not even with a group. Milly, of course, complains about it. Milly thinks 13 is old enough to go out.
Recently, Maria read in Milly's diary that she's thinking about experimenting sexually and that played into her mom's biggest fear.
But of course she's thinking about it — she's a teenager, and she's got a boyfriend, A.J.. So, Milly is rebelling. She's dating A.J. secretly outside of school.
It's understandable that Maria wants to protect her daughter and keep a close eye on her, but Roffman said such limits may invite kids to rebel.
On the other hand, she says, it IS important to set limits … to NOT give the kids too much rope. Roffman said, "You set them in a reasonable place, don't be arbitrary, explain why you're setting them there."
If you do that, Roffman says kids WILL disobey, but they won't stray so far from the limits you set.
But, of course, to set those limits we need to talk to our kids about what's reasonable and about sex. How the heck do we do that?!!
After Anya had that troubling sexual encounter last summer, she was able to respond to our Web site and tell us what happened to her. She said, "I went too far for my age."
But even though she has a good relationship with her mother she hadn't gotten up the courage to tell her. She was afraid of how her mother might react. At our urging, she told her mom, and, fortunately, Pamela reacted calmly.
She didn't "go psycho" as Anya said she had worried she might.
"Actually, I was relieved when she didn't, because it let off a lot of pressure off of me."
Roffman says Pamela did the right thing. She said kids have enough trouble dealing with their own feelings, and many kids just won't talk to their parents because they fear they'll turn every incident into a catastrophe.
"If they think they're gonna have to deal with your big time feelings, forget it. They're not gonna talk to you," Roffman said.
Still Pamela was not comfortable talking to Anya about sex.
That's no surprise to Roffman. Most adults, she finds, can hardly talk to each other explicitly about sex — even to their spouses.
And the kids don't want to talk. Andy's dad tried to bring up the subject of sex. "He's done it like once or twice, but I tried to avoid it," Andy said.
Even though we parents and kids may be embarrassed, Roffman says we have to convince our kids that can't have more freedom and responsibility until they have information.
And we have to give information in a way that doesn't make the topic even more uncomfortable. Some parents tell their kids frightening, worst-case scenario stories about sex. But Roffman said that's not the right approach either.
"It's not that sex is bad cause that's what they think we're saying," Roffman said, "It's that sex is really good. … but sex is really powerful. And we want sexuality to be a very positive force in your life. … We want it to happen under the best of all circumstances."
One mom found an unusual way to get her son to have "the talk." "She would lock me in the car and just drive around so I couldn't escape … talking to me about these kind of things, said Steve.
Steve now says he's glad she did, and Edmund is glad his parents had the talk with him.
"My dad just went over everything he could think of masturbation, oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and just rammed it all down. … Then my Mom followed," Edmund said, covering "things I wouldn't even think my parents even knew about in their right minds."
Parents', Kids' Definitions of Sex Differ
Of course, to have the talk, it's good to agree on what you're talking about, and here we parents make mistakes, because what we call sex may differ from what the kids call sex.
When I asked the parents what sex was they gave pretty straightforward answers:
• Any contact with genitals in another person
The kids' definitions were different. They were a bit closer to President Clinton's definition. They said petting or touching wasn't sex. Oral sex wasn't sex.
Whatever the definition, Roffman says our kids want to hear from us. They will listen, she says, because underneath the adolescent bravado parents remain the primary influence in their lives.
What else does the expert say to her kids?
"I always say, you know, as far as I'm concerned, sexual intercourse is the most fundamentally powerful behavior there is on the face of the Earth. It's a behavior that has the ability to do the three most powerful things there are, all at the same time. It has the ability to give life, potentially take life away and to change it forever. That's unbelievably powerful and therefore, it shouldn't be in the hands of anybody who isn't an adult, in as many ways as they need to be an adult. It's not for kids."
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Cape Town - The Western Cape Education Department is investigating shocking video footage of pupils having sex in the back of a classroom.
The Daily Voice handed over the video clip to the authorities after a concerned parent brought it to our attention.
There are fears that the video – which clearly shows a boy and girl, who look in their early teens, having sexual intercourse – has now gone viral among students in Cape Town.
The whistleblower, who does not want to be identified, found it on her nephew’s cellphone.
He told her it was sent to him from another friend, who attends a different school.
“I don’t know how far this clip has spread because my nephew belongs to another school,” she said. “The moment I saw it I took it from his phone.
“I don’t know what their [children in the video] parents would say if they must see this or what they must be going through if they found out about this.”
The WCED on Monday night vowed to investigate the footage after it was brought to their attention.
“We are deeply concerned about this case and are investigating it as a matter of urgency,” WCED spokeswoman Bronagh Casey explained.
“The video has only come to the department’s attention today. We were not aware of its existence and are trying to ascertain the location of the school.”
The footage – which is more than a minute long – shows the learners having sex inside an empty classroom while a third pupil records the act from above.
The graphic clip clearly shows a teen girl having sex with her classmate while sitting on his lap.
They are both still in their school uniform. The teenagers’ school uniform is identifiable on the video.
In the video, the boy’s pants are pulled down to his knees as he sits in a chair with one hand placed around the girl.
A few seconds into the recording the boy looks into the camera above him and smiles as the girl remains facing down.
The boy can be heard talking to the girl, but it is not clear what he is saying to her.
He’s also seen showing gang signs into the camera at the start and near the end of the recording.
The girl, who is dressed in a skirt and school jersey, leans over a desk as they began to have sex.
It is not clear if the kids used any protection.
Towards the end of the video, the girl suddenly looks up, as if noticing the camera for the first time.
She quickly tries to hide her face in embarrassment, indicating that she did not know she was being filmed.
While she seems shocked after discovering they were being watched, her male friend simply looks into the camera and smiles.
Educators on Monday night expressed their shock at the video.
Teachers Union Provincial Secretary Joavon said the footage was “a serious matter for concern”.
He added: “It is important that the boy and girl involved must seek counselling – and we must educate them.
“These children must also be made aware of the sexual viruses that could spread. And if the girl did not know she was being filmed, the boy must be expelled.”
Vice Chairperson of the Mount View High School governing body Anthony Corolus – himself a father of five – said parents should also be held responsible.
“This issue is rife at certain high schools,” he told the Daily Voice.
“Parents expect teachers to look after their kids when they forget educators are there to educate.
“Parents play a vital role in our children’s upbringing. We should stand up and take responsibility.”
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A 17-year-old Georgia boy has been charged with a felony for allegedly secretly recording a video of two other teen students in the middle of sex in a school bathroom last week, PEOPLE confirms.

Kyle Steven Bahner faces a count of eavesdropping-surveillance for allegedly filming a male and female student — 16 and 15, respectively — while the latter two were engaged in a consensual sex act in a closed boy's bathroom stall at their Atlanta-area high school on May 2, according to an arrest warrant obtained by PEOPLE.

Bahner allegedly reached over the bathroom stall and began to record the pair from above, the warrant states. He then shared the video with his friends and soon it spread throughout the school via social media and platforms, authorities claim.

Police say the video was recorded without the pair's knowledge and was reported the following day by an assistant principal at Harrison High in Kennesaw. All three teens are students there.

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