Girl Gets Raped By Horse

Girl Gets Raped By Horse


Girl Gets Raped By Horse
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Rachel walked down the dirt path in cool fall air on her way home from school. She wore a pair sneakers, blue jeans, green hoodie and dark blue beanie. Her hair shoulder length long blonde hair, bright green eyes and light skin. The path that lead to her home was quite long, a little over a mile and a half with only wooden fences on each side. She lived on a large horse farm owned by her father, many of the horses breed and raised there were frequently taken to race, used in movie and shows and other ranches. As she walked along she than heard the familiar sound of hooves approach, looking over she saw a pale white horse and bright gold mane trotting along side the fence "Angel!" Running up to the fence and petting the horse along its muzzle "How are you girl? You come to get me on my way home?" The thing neighed and shock its head, Rachel laughed and climbed over on its back and holds on to the mane then ride to the barn and house. Angel was Rachels own horse, she arrived in a trade same time her mother went missing a few years back while herself and father were in town, no sign of her but torn clothing. Rachel and her father were devastated how ever she quickly found a connection and bonded with the new horse, Angel always helped feel better when she was upset. Finally getting back home she see's her father step out of the barn than to his truck and she quickly rode up to the side of it. "Hey dad, where are you going?" Quickly jumping to the ground "Aah Mike said he gonna try to drop off a younger breeding horse late so I need supplies to fix and expand some of the older pens, plus I'll need you to help me with vaccine Shadow, he might be getting sick." "Oh I can take of Shadow dad." "Are sure Rachel he's a stubborn one." Sighs "Dad I'll be graduating next month I can handle it." Laughing he than drove off and Rachel quickly went into the barn seeing Shadow already in the pen along with Angel next to him. Heading to the medicine kit on the table near them, quickly filling the syringe but as she did Angel began to freak. Placing the syringe on the the edge of the table she stepped towards Angel "Don't worry girl its not for you." However as she went to pet her neck Angel jumped scaring Rachel enough to trip back hitting the table "OW!" Looking back she saw the syringe sticking out off her ass and the plunger injected the fluid "Oh fuck you got to be kidding me, I hope its not harmful to humans...." pulling out the syringe and throwing it back on the table "I... need to call dad. Pretty sure my is still... in the kitchen from breakfast." Walking out of the barn and towards her house she wipes away sweat from her face, feeling hotter as she walked. "I think its taking affect... feels like I'm burning up." At the same time her ears started to feel compressed and she starts to shift her hat around but soon pulls it off "Stupid hat doesn't fi..." holding the hat she notices her nails darken to near black "... I don't remember painting my nails... n-never mind." Her cloths begin to feel tighter, a lump in the back of her pants starts to rise. As she enters the house her hands and arms looked much paler, basically white and her breath became heavy "What?" Sweat soaked her cloths and she could feel something tugging at the back of her pants more and more. As she walked into the kitchen she glanced into the mirror and streaked. Staring into the reflection she saw her ghost white skin, more lengthened hair, dark nails, wider body and most of all her long pointed ears "OH MY GOD!" reaching up and grabbing her ears "What's happing to me?!" Suddenly a loud ripping came from behind her, looking back to see a tail covered in long blonde swaying back and forth causing her pants to fall to the floor in bits "What! Nnnn-NnnnNEEEEIGGGHH!!!" quickly covering her mouth she grabbed her phone "No bars!?" Running out the door holding up in the air looking for a signal. As she did it became hard to stand straight and even walk, but as she found a signal she fell to the ground dropping the phone. No longer able to stand she was force on her toes as her feet tore through the shoes, her dark toes quickly form into a single hard hard masses, her lower half looking more like an animal than human. Seeing her nose widen she reaches over and presses the call icon of her dad and once she did her fingers went stiff and brought the up "No *neigh* NO!" Tears in her eyes as she uncontrollably watches her fingers curl together, fusing into hooves swipping at the air. Releasing a loud half scream half neigh "Dad please answer!" Now on all fours only her head remained but soon her began to push out "Heeeelp mmeeee... Daaad *NEIGH*" in her panicing bucks her hooves smash the phone and shredded clothes fly off, soon he arrives home seeing the new horse "Why can't Mike ever put you new ones in the pens, you know you look just like Angel, my daughter will like you." She hopped a bit trying to tell him as he was putting rope around her neck taking to the barn. "Your energetic, good your a perfect match." As he guided her to a pen "A perfect m... what is he talking abo-" her thought ended abruptly once she noticed Shadow "Wait, WAIT STOP! DAD ITS ME RACHEL, YOUR DAUGHTER!" she tried to explain but to no use as Shadow took position. Looking to the next pen she noticed Angel "Angel.... M-Mom is that what happened to yo-- Aah!" *1 year later* Rachel laid in the valley with her new foal, long since given up to communicate with her father and past friends who still visit the farm. Her foal now taking all her attention.

Pulling up to the apartment building the old Volkswagen comes to a rumbling stop. The young woman inside release a sigh of relief and silently thanking whatever higher power that was looking out for her. Moving in her hand across the dashboard with a smile "You see, I told you can make it. Yeah not doing another cross country move any time soon that's for sure." Grabbing the keys and her purple sunglasses quickly jumping out of the van which decided to screech with every motion. Stretching for the first time in what felt like an eternity, letting out a sigh of relief with each audible pop. Looking out over the city and the ocean alike, her lo
(Girl to Horse TF)

"You sure you want to enter this competition?" Sarah said.

"Why not? We both know how to ride horses. It'll be fun, and what do we have to lose?" Trevon replied.

Sarah looked at the paper again. It was an entry form for a competition based around horse-riding. It was part of a 3 day long series of competitions all based around some sort of riding horses. This specific one was a simple horse race. Sarah and Trevon were both quite capable of doing that, so they were considering entering just to see if they could win. The paper only said that they needed "Basic capabilities required for riding a horse."

Sarah said "I guess
The replacement
By the shadow demon

The characters are base on the cartoon series “FTPD: Fairytale Police Department” for this I hold no copyrights.

Chris Anderson arrives to her apartment after a long day as she arrested Black beauty for drug trafficking.
Closing the door after her, instantly she falls on her cough after a hard day at the office.
Suddenly her feet ached with pins and needles, taking her shoes off Chris stare in shock, her foot had bulge.
Quickly taking her sock, Chris scream to find her toes had fused together and beginning to go hard and changing colour to brown.
“What… what’s
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This is an okay rough first draft. One thing you need to do is change the cause of the transformation or create a plot point of why the dad has secret transformation serum and why he doesn’t realize his wife and daughter are now horses. If the plot is that he likes turning his wife and daughters into horses then instead of an accident he should creep up on her and inject her.
If her dad isn’t the creep of the story then maybe make shadow the creep that uses ancient equine magic to turn women into his mares. In that scenario you have to extend the ending a bit to show the aftermath of the dad looking for answers to his daughter’s disappearance. Plus I’d have part mentioning the moms disappearance too. Like how it affected the dad and daughter.
both storylines where either the dad or horse causes the transformation can be fun to explore Depending on how you want the reader to feel. The dad being the one to do it makes everything dark and perverse as the reader finds out the dad enjoys watching his wife and daughter being bred to his stallion which may turn out to be his son or a farm hand or something. Or if the stallion is magical then you can make your reader feel sadness at watching the father be tormented by his loss not knowing they are both right there. That he’s unwittingly giving the creature that is causing his sorrow everything he wants. Plus you can make the stallion into a secret mythical creature like a unicorn as the reveal since there is a lot of lore about unicorns tricking man and desiring women as their mates.
I’d flesh this story out in one of those ways and make sure to proof read because you left out words. I do that a lot and probably did it here too. I like the idea of the story. Good luck.

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Elvis, a spotted saddle horse, has been removed from his owner’s custody after crushing a woman to death. According to husband Rick Brownlee, Mary Brownlee had grown up around horses and this wasn’t her first time, so he was not worried she would be injured.
Rick Brownlee, Steven Hutchinson, and Joseph Hutchinson, who all live in the home where the horse was stabled, were not immediately forthcoming about the manner in which Mary had been killed.
Officer Michael Deschenes says at first they pretended not to know how she had been killed when they were questioned.
“Of course it was suspicious because she had her pants around her ankles. There was a puddle of what appeared to be a large amount of ejaculate. I told them that they were going to fess up or they was all going to jail.”
The men finally confessed, and police seized a video showing Mary Brownlee’s last minutes. On the video the men can be heard cheering, laughing, and breathing heavily while the horse mounted Mary. Investigators say the cracking of her ribs can be isolated on the tape. Because Mary was being crushed she was unable to scream for help.
Joseph Hutchinson says they honestly did not know she was in trouble. “I heard a snap. Just thought it was the fence starting to give. I’m real sorry the horse had to go through this. You can tell he’s awfully traumatized over it.”
According to police, the horse will be placed with another local rancher who has promised that he will not let anyone have sex with it.

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The woman was caught on camera screaming for help as other dancers seemed to ignore her cries
A WOMAN live-streamed herself crying and screaming for help as she was 'raped' in the middle of a packed dance floor.
The alleged victim was heard repeatedly shouting "no" and "someone please help me", but no one intervened.
The woman, who can not be named, had uploaded several live videos to her Facebook on Saturday night as she partied at Opera, a nightclub in Atlanta, US.
She posted five videos to the site the fifth showed the moment she was allegedly raped by a man she had been dancing with all evening.
In the shocking 12 minute video which has since been removed, showed the woman saying: "help me" repeatedly.
She then started to get louder, shouting "help me, help me, help me, oh god help me".
Terrified, she continues to yell "no".
In the footage there is a man seen with his phone, seemingly filming the horrific incident.
She screams and "please stop, oh god please."
At one point it's alleged that the man was heard saying "shh" and "baby" as she continued to cry and shout for him to stop.
In all the other videos, that still remain on her Facebook wall, feature the man in question.
Before the supposed attack, they were filmed dancing and laughing together.
The woman told him that she was celebrating her birthday and that she was by herself.
He asks her if she wants a drink, to which she explained she never drinks but she has had one for her birthday.
He is heard saying: "Have another for your birthday."
To which she requests something "sweet and with vodka".
Throughout the videos the pair dance, but she seems to get more intoxicated.
He calls her his "new best friend" and kisses her on the cheek.
But suddenly, the night takes a horrendous turn - leaving the club goer screaming in distress.
She released another video the following day on her Facebook page, thanking her friends and family for their support.
She said: "I don't even want to address the situation. I don't want to talk about it, but I'm going to be alright, I'm going to be ok.
She added: "All I want is justice, that's it. That's the game y'all"
The video was viewed by 957,000 times and became inundated with messages of support.
Eagle-eyed viewers claimed to have seen the man spiking her drink with a pill.
Police are investigating the alleged attack.
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