Girl First Time Eating Pussy

Girl First Time Eating Pussy


Girl First Time Eating Pussy
I was 20 when I gave my first pussy licking, she was a friend of a penpal whom I accidently hooked up with after giving her a shoulder massage, little did I know I was that good, I was turning her on. I found myself down on my knees, inbetween her open thighs, looking up at a roast beef of a vulva, she had a strawberry/blonde bush but to me she was a ginger, once I started lapping on her clit & slid 2 fingers up inside, she was so wet & horny, my fingers mustve hit her G-spot many times as she soaked me all over, came multiple times for how long I dont know. It was amazing for my first time.
How old were you when you gave/recieved your first pussy licking, how was it/how did it happen?
How old were you when you gave or recieved your first bj?
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I was 23 when i trusted someone enough to let them go down on me. He didn't know what the hell he was doin but i was wet nonetheless and he kept sayin i was too wet and drownin him that just made me want to drown him even more so i put him in a chokehold and let him dive/die happily
@DizzyDesii when she pulls you further into your meal
I was 16, it was my boyfriend at the time, he started licking my pussy before taking my virginity
Are you still with that same boyfriend now or is he long gone?
Cool, what's your current partner like then with giving you oral sex?
I was 16, at the end of a date in her parents living room with all the lights on and her parents upstairs. She was the only red head I've been with and will never forget that
14... and like all initial sexual experiences, it shaped how and what I like about sex..
I was 16 the first time and had no idea what I was doing haha my jaw was so sore
I was 16, my first boyfriend licked me, because I said im not sucking if he doesn't lick first

Some of you may say you're straight but every once in a while you need some kitty. Will you ever eat another girl? For ones that have or continue, how often do you get down on a her?
Girls, have you or will you ever eat another girls pussy?
Straight women; have you ever eaten another girl out or got eaten out yourself?
Girls, are 100% heterosexual actually minority and bisexual girls are majority?
Just curious, who else gets turned on like crazy from just watching their SO eat another girl out?
Never eaten a girl out in the past, should I be nervous about this?
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Home > Sexuality > Girls, have you or will you ever eat another girls pussy?
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I've had sex with two girls so far and I like it if everything is normal and clean. I think a lot of girls are pretty easy going with their sexuality (more so than guys anyway). I consider myself for the most part straight but if I think a girl is beautiful and it feels right, why not? I'm glad I've experienced both sides of sex. With one of the girls I was with we had sex quite a few times and I would go down on her every time we had sex, which was about maybe three times a week.
I'm straight but if it ends up happening then it just does. I won't deny that I'd EVER do it but it's possible to happen
Strictly dickly!! Lol. I have done it quite a few times in my teenage years. However I do like to watch lesbian p*rn.
If my girlfriend ate another girls pussy without permission or even if if she asked me if she could eat another girls pussy, i wouldn't let her and instead i would have dumped her right then because her asking me that would make me feel like i don't satisfy her sexually and seeing her eat pussy or even seeing her kiss another girl doesn't turn me on. instead it would break my heart and i would be very disappointed at her.
I feel the exact same way, it's rare to see these these type of men's.
It's only 9% of girls that give or receive oral and peaks at 20-24 which is when they are in college so it could be drunken incidents for sure. That includes bisexual/lesbians too and most girls that did it still identify as straight. Surprisingly enough 7% of guys have given oral to another guy
Yes I have been the receiver and the giver when it comes to oral sex with a woman from my early years of age onto this very present. However mainly I'm a receiver. I don't label myself I'm a mature woman who enjoys all types of sex, and intimacy with both genders equally. For sure if the vibes were equally felt between us women and oral sex entered the vibe yes definitely for sure I'm all in.
All Girls Are Either Bisexual Or Lesbian, But NEVER STRAIGHT! When it comes to what turns them on more, straight girls prefer to watch girl on girl or lesbian porn. Women who classify themselves as straight are aroused by naked videos of attractive women. The Fact Is, All Females Are Actually Born Bisexual. The actual 'original' meaning that we are normally and naturally sexually attracted to both males and females. It is the control freaks (MEN) of Society and Religion who invented the notion that only heterosexual relationships are normal in order to have control over their women and instituted this into family upbringing which brainwashes girls to believe that only heterosexual relationships are normal / acceptable and homosexual relationships between girls is taboo. The notion being, if you can control the woman's sex life, you control the woman. And in order to be the dominate in a relationship, these insecure men had to invent this cockamamy taboo to keep their women from straying to satisfy their natural and normal sexual desires. Females have been having sex with other females since the stone ages cause its normal and natural for us to be sexually attracted to other females. Even if they wish to classify themselves as todays label of 'straight', their are females out there that they will be attracted to other females. "Straight' meaning they may not desire to perform the actual physical sex act with them in the flesh, but nonetheless, they are still attracted to other females and at some point may or will fantasize about them during a private masturbation episode. This does not actually make them the todays classic 'labeled' bisexual or lesbian because the todays classic 'labeled' bisexual or lesbian are lifestyles in addition to the sexual preference. Solo satisfaction from a girl on girl fantasy or girl on girl porn viewing without the desire to actually engage in the physical act in person only makes a girl borderline bi-curious at best. However, if she has a girlfriend or female classmate or female co-worker that given the opportunity, she would engage in physical sex acts with, then she most definitely is bi-curious. Now in my case, I have always been sexually attracted to other females only. As a little girl I would hump my pillow to satisfaction while watching sexy, attractive girls on TV. And as I got older into puberty, I constantly masturbated while thinking of sexy attractive girls I knew in person since I was 13. Girls in my neighborhood, female classmates and girls I would see or meet while hanging out at the mall. I couldn't help myself and would get so horny by bedtime that I had to masturbate while thinking of them. And wouldn't you know it, as it turned out, so did more than half of the girls in my neighborhood and even more than half of the girls at the Private All Girl Catholic High School I Attended. And in my freshman year of high school, on a dare, I ate one of my classmates pussy till she orgasmed. And then another girl, and another girl and another girl. By mid freshman school year the word spread like wildfire and I was known in school as the best pussy eater because I wouldn't stop until the girl I was eating had 100% completely finished cumming before I moved on to the next girl. Anyway, that is a whole nother story in itself that maybe I will write about someday. But what I really want to express is that in this 21st Century, REAL 21st Century Girls EAT Pussy while just casually hanging out together. And masturbate in front of each other too while just hanging out together. No shame, No guilt, it's the New 21st Century girl thing to do. And Were Doing It!
That is the biggest about of bull shit I’ve ever heard believe what u want tho if u think that’s true you’re just simple minded
There's some truth to what she's written when it comes to arousal. Small studies (235 women) found that 82% displayed physiologic arousal (e. g. pupil dilation) to naked videos of both genders. We, inaccurately, categorize individuals with labels (e. g. heterosexual, homosexual, etc.) as a human construct. Although religious doctrine and politics are significant contributors to these constructs, assigning blame to half the world's population is judgmental and incorrect. A good take away is that it's a good thing to start listening to our own interests and desires rather than to try to fit any presumed mold as to how we're supposed to live, act, speak, love, or be sexual.
This is absolutely true. Straight women are generally more turned on by women than by men, both by looking at them and by being touched by them. 90% of straight women have fantasized about other women and 60% have had sexual encounters with women, according to survey published in online magazine 'Metro'. Seeing videos where women please women, not only are women turned on immediately and have orgasm quite qickly, they are also exteremely aroused when they are the one pleasing the woman. When women are pleasing men, they are not very aroused, hence the postfix -JOB. If researched more thoroughly, it would not surprise me at all if the conclusion was that women are bisexual and more homosexual within that bisexuality than heterosexual.
I did my college roommate and yes it was just like mine but mine looks like a clam and her's looked like a flower. and for you guys Pussy is suppose to smell like pussy not like a Daisy. and no matter what you do. you cock will still smell like a cock.
I have before. I'm either straight tending towards bi-curious or bisexual tending towards straight. There was this girl who I would always make out with and she wanted more, and my boyfriend wanted to watch me hook up with a girl. So yeah I just went down on her.
Your definitely not straight but your boyfriend was there if you wouldn't do it alone or if you were drunk too then maybe your more straight but I wouldn't date a girl like you to each their own.
Seems you are very persistent researching this subject :)) if I'm not wrong in identifying you.
lol wolf girl most girls are straight so this question is botched. Plus a lot of bi girls are gonna swarm in here and say yes and straight girls are gonna avoid this question more.
sorry to ruin your scientific experiment :))
Nah it's alright. Regardless the question was still answered in some form.
I have and enjoyed it! The fact that I am now married I doubt it will happen any longer. The girls are still my best friends.
Why is a key part of your life shut off? I'd be in favor of a woman being / doing what she likes -- that is what i would like about her.
you never know, maybe if you told your husband about it he would want to watch, I know I would.
Ask your husband if he would mind watching/joining in. He might say yes. by the way great user name.
No. The most I'd ever do is kiss another girl. And I'd probably need to be sort of inebriated for that to happen. And she'd have to be insanely hot to me.
Yes plenty of times , I will always go down on my friend and she the same , when we get the opportunity to have some girl girl fun together
I've kissed a girl and that's as far as it goes. To be it would feel wrong doing any more. Even jokingly touching each others bodies as we kiss was the borderline for me. I couldn't be more intimate than that really.
i can eat girls pussy for hours. can make a record on that
Oh hell no. Never in my life! I am straight so I'd much rather have the D.
nope will never eat pussy..i'm straight
No I have not. And no I don't want to.
I'm Hetero and never I would do that.
I did it once and would probably do it again.
I'm a straight guy, and love giving oral to women. It is such a wonderful thing, for both, that it seems pretty natural that two good girlfriends would enjoy sharing that experience together. Not for everybody, but gee, ladies, twice the orgasms.
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