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What She's Thinking When You Send Her a Dick Pic

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What She's Thinking When You Send Her A Dick Pic


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When it comes to guys, every girl has her thing. Be it dimples or lips or shoulders or arms, there’s no shortage of beautiful body parts that we could appreciate for hours. But despite what many of you may have been led to believe (by who, we have no clue) an unsolicited picture of your junk isn’t one of them. Certainly not on its own, and especially if we don’t have a personal relationship with it.

So stop sending us dick pics we didn't ask for.
Seriously, we don’t want to see them. In cases where we're actually interested in said junk, imagining it is more than enough. (And probably better, too.) And while it's hard to pinpoint when exactly sending dick pics became an acceptable “thing”, or who told you it was OK, all I can tell you, on behalf of every girl I know, is that they lied. And whatever you think you’re doing or saying or achieving with these little treasures of yours, it's the exact opposite that comes through.

Here’s a look what happens on the other side after you press send. 
If you’re not going to take a few minutes to make sure the picture is actually worth it — grooming, lighting, angles, clear composition so that we don’t mistake graininess and shadows for something much worse — don’t take it. And though you may be proud of how big Jr. is, or how many rodeos you two have won together, none of that translates in a picture. None.
The best way to make a woman think your penis is beautiful is to use it to please her. Because a visual is only going to remind her of every other penis she’s ever seen, and trust me, you don’t want her to go down that road. 
Once the shock has settled, this is the feeling that registers. And just so we’re clear, it's not so much violated in a sexual harassment kind of way — though, I think it’s probably worth mentioning that would stand under the law as such if things ever ended up going that way, FYI. But no, I mean in a ‘robbed of her innocence’ kind of way. Because she can’t unsee what she just saw. Nor can she really get back to whatever it was she was doing before your penis interrupted her day, not comfortably anyway. It's there, burned into her memory, forever. And all she sees is penis now, everywhere. (And not in a good way.) So, thanks for that. 
To put it plainly, we’ve fallen for enough bull enough times to get that there is absolutely no part of sending her a dick pic that says, “Hey, this is because I care.” And to try to convince us that it’s some kind of twisted compliment or funny joke is really just a tad insulting.
The fact is, the only message a move like this sends, and quite clearly at that, is that you see her as a certain type of girl. More specifically, the kind of girl that is only good for one thing. And that's not going to get you anywhere, no matter how true or not that is. 
I mean, how can she? Not only is it clear that you don’t respect her, but quite possibly (and more concerning) women all that much in general. Biggest turn-off possible. 
Much like those girls on Instagram who post about their new favorite lipgloss topless in a G-string, starting with your penis says just about everything we need to know about the kind of guy you are. Mainly that you are a douche without any social skills or halfway decent understanding of women. Not to mention the sense of humor of a tween. Not exactly the “catch” we’re looking for, in fact, it's literally the opposite.
And no penis, no matter how large or wonderful, can compensate for that. 
Because if you don’t, how is she supposed to? At very best you thought sending her a dick pic was either very funny or very sexy (honestly, I’m not even sure which you were more wrong about), and at very worst you think she’s cheap, and decided to lead with that. No guy who takes himself seriously, or let alone wants others to, chooses to start so low. 
As in, at what point is this how you interpreted what she wanted from your interactions together? One of life's greatest mysteries is how men tend to mistake a woman’s basic kindness for wanting to have sex. And really, even that's a stretch because we don’t even need to be kind, sometimes just our very existence is enough. And yet, the worst part is that when we do get something like this from a guy, we very often end up questioning ourselves, and whether we did in fact mistakenly send the wrong message somehow, at one point. 
This sends us into a mass (albeit quick) review of everything we’ve ever said, done or posted since knowing you. A quick scan of the social accounts to see if they could be interpreted as desperate or thirsty, and mental run through of all conversations, emails and/or texts we’ve shared to see if any unintentional asking to see your penis ever took place.
In most cases, it doesn’t take long to come to the rather comforting conclusion no, in fact we did not accidentally demand a photo of your naked crotch at any point; this is just you getting up to no good all by yourself.
Obviously, if you’re sending this to her it’s because you want it to be seen, right? So who is she to stop that from happening? There's a good chance she'll want to share it with some friends. Of course her share will come with a little more backstory — name, social accounts, relationship history — not to mention a few eye rolls and jokes about color and size you’d probably be happy you don’t have to hear, but that’s sort of what you signed up for when you sent an unsolicited dick pic. Also, she will not be the only one traumatized by this — this is exactly the kind of sh*t girlfriends were invented for.
This is part we always get stuck at — the point. As in, what is it? To lure her in? Turn her on? Get her to send one back? Because that’s not how you do that. Visuals are your thing, remember? We like, and need, the build-up, the anticipation and mystery of it all. That’s Intro to Women 101. The only thing an aerial view of your member does for us is generate a look of disgust and a conjure a shrieking “Ewwww!” I mean really, what did you expect?

Last modified: June 30th, 2018 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: September 14th, 2016 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: January 19th, 2016 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
Last modified: May 9th, 2015 by Men's FAQ - Dr. Vavere
This section is devoted for publishing various penis pictures including such sections as small and big penises as well foreskin and other types of pictures such as genital disorders and curvate penises and not limited to all type...
Hello Men’s FAQ. I am 18 years old (as of recently, this past September), and I am 6′ 2″, weighing in at between 160 and 165 pounds. The most accurate measurement I have yielded for the length of my erect penis...
An email from anonymous person:
What do you think my size? Curve? What can I do to straighten it out or make it longer? I’m a student and can’t afford to buy anything now or to get on any plans, but something as...
We have sent couple pictures, however, details where very limited. It looks like it is 4 – 4.5 inches short penis. Unfortunately, the angle and quality of picture is very bad and not having full details it is difficult to...
So yeah this is my penis. Im 18 years old about 6 feet tall and 225 pounds. My penis is about 6.75-7 inches erect with 5 inches of girth. Its around 3.5-5 inches when it isnt erect. I have never had sex but look i forward to it...
This was another shy person, who sent in pictures. From the looks of it, it easily could be 8 inches long penis. It is well above average and this guy is hung like horse.This guy is well blessed.
We had this very strange picture sent in. Due the bad quality it suggests it is fake but still, what you see is probably 11 – 12 inches and that’s way too much for any women.
Hey mens Faqs. I am 19 years old I weigh 140 pds and 6 ft tall.
Penis size: Flaccid state is 2.5″ Erect roughly 5.5″ Girth 12cm (4.9inch) which I just measured other day with string. You can see estimate in size as...
Hey Men’s FAQ! I am 19 years old, am about 6’1″ and weigh approximately 155 pounds. When flaccid, my penis is about 5.5-6 inches long and when erect, about 9 inches long, with a very slight downward...
Good morning I am 37 years old, 5′ 10″ tall, 200 lbs. My penis is 7.5″ long and 6″ in girth. I think I have a good size penis, I haven’t had a complaint yet. Maybe I’ve been lucky that the...
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