Girl Dating Guy 2 Years Younger

Girl Dating Guy 2 Years Younger

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Girls can you date a guy a year or two younger?
For some reason I can't and I don't know why. Don't mind having friends 1/2 years younger but for some reason when it comes to dating someone younger I can't do it?

Does anyone feel the same
(Original post by Anonymous)
For some reason I can't and I don't know why. Don't mind having friends 1/2 years younger but for some reason when it comes to dating someone younger I can't do it?

Does anyone feel the same
Currently dating a guy a year younger, so yep

I do prefer guys a few years older though
I once dated someone that was 2 years younger than me, but it didn't last too long. It wasn't because he was immature or something like that, it's just we didn't have many things in common. I still consider him a friend though, and I prefer more mature guys anyway.
I used to feel the same way... but then I met my boyfriend, who is 3.5 years younger than me. Before we started dating I thought it was weird, but in the end, the connection between us has completely outweighed it. So I'd probably say, it really does depend on the person in question.
i think most girls mature at a faster rate. ive never been attracted to guys my age or younger because most are immature and don't look at life the way i am.
My boyfriend is two years younger than me so yes. I probably wouldn't have when I was younger though.
tbh it doesn't really matter. I once had a thing with this guy that was younger than me. When I started hanging out with him I just knew that he was perfect for me. I found out he was about a year younger than me. I honestly don't think it matters because when you have a connection with someone, you have a connection and age doesn't change that.
I prefer older women, I find younger girls to be too immature.
When I get older it wouldn't matter really if the guy was a year or two younger, however at this stage of my life no I wouldn't date someone younger than me. As we would be at completely different points in our life which would likely put a strain on any possible relationship.
(Original post by SophieSmall)
When I get older it wouldn't matter really if the guy was a year or two younger, however at this stage of my life no I wouldn't date someone younger than me. As we would be at completely different points in our life which would likely put a strain on any possible relationship.
I prefer older women. Though I've never seekd an actual long term relationship with any of them that I've met.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Yeah i'm 16 atm when I was 15 some thirteen year olds wanted to go out with me I would have went out with one of them ngl but the age difference! -_-
Hmm. I would've said no to large age gaps personally but I'm in a relationship with someone who's 25. I'm almost 30.
I was a bit weirded out initially but it turns out that he's a lot more balanced, tenacious and focused than I am. Honestly I feel like a hot mess bum in comparison. He's so cool!
(Original post by SophieSmall)
Yeah at these kinds of ages age gaps make a big difference. For a start for you there is legal consent for sex, dating someone younger than you could get you in trouble.

For me it would be a matter of educational stage barriers, If I dated someone younger than me then they would either still be in A-levels or behind me in university. Then there is the problem of them not going to the same university and distance, then there is the problem of placement years which often can't be done in the same university town ect. It's just too much hassle and stress to date someone at a different stage in their life at this point.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Yeah I think if I had sex with them then it's illegal, idk about dating them..... ahhh i'm seeing people my age or in the year below dating year10's and i'm thinking if I'm stupid for rejecting these guys because of age
A wise old woman once said..

Guys can date: 3 years below, 1 year above.
Girls can date: 1 year below, 2 years above.

(Only applies if you're under 18, i'm told.)
I'm 18, and definitely wouldn't be in a relationship with a 16 year old, but I'm not convinced it would be that much of a big deal if, say, I was 27 or something.
Yes. I did a gap year before going to uni and my birthday is one of the earliest in the academic year, so I'm almost 2 years older than the majority of my cohort at uni. However that doesn't stop me having fun
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Your discussion will live here... (Start typing, we will pick a forum for you)
Girls can you date a guy a year or two younger?
For some reason I can't and I don't know why. Don't mind having friends 1/2 years younger but for some reason when it comes to dating someone younger I can't do it?

Does anyone feel the same
(Original post by Anonymous)
For some reason I can't and I don't know why. Don't mind having friends 1/2 years younger but for some reason when it comes to dating someone younger I can't do it?

Does anyone feel the same
Currently dating a guy a year younger, so yep

I do prefer guys a few years older though
I once dated someone that was 2 years younger than me, but it didn't last too long. It wasn't because he was immature or something like that, it's just we didn't have many things in common. I still consider him a friend though, and I prefer more mature guys anyway.
I used to feel the same way... but then I met my boyfriend, who is 3.5 years younger than me. Before we started dating I thought it was weird, but in the end, the connection between us has completely outweighed it. So I'd probably say, it really does depend on the person in question.
i think most girls mature at a faster rate. ive never been attracted to guys my age or younger because most are immature and don't look at life the way i am.
My boyfriend is two years younger than me so yes. I probably wouldn't have when I was younger though.
tbh it doesn't really matter. I once had a thing with this guy that was younger than me. When I started hanging out with him I just knew that he was perfect for me. I found out he was about a year younger than me. I honestly don't think it matters because when you have a connection with someone, you have a connection and age doesn't change that.
I prefer older women, I find younger girls to be too immature.
When I get older it wouldn't matter really if the guy was a year or two younger, however at this stage of my life no I wouldn't date someone younger than me. As we would be at completely different points in our life which would likely put a strain on any possible relationship.
(Original post by SophieSmall)
When I get older it wouldn't matter really if the guy was a year or two younger, however at this stage of my life no I wouldn't date someone younger than me. As we would be at completely different points in our life which would likely put a strain on any possible relationship.
I prefer older women. Though I've never seekd an actual long term relationship with any of them that I've met.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Yeah i'm 16 atm when I was 15 some thirteen year olds wanted to go out with me I would have went out with one of them ngl but the age difference! -_-
Hmm. I would've said no to large age gaps personally but I'm in a relationship with someone who's 25. I'm almost 30.
I was a bit weirded out initially but it turns out that he's a lot more balanced, tenacious and focused than I am. Honestly I feel like a hot mess bum in comparison. He's so cool!
(Original post by SophieSmall)
Yeah at these kinds of ages age gaps make a big difference. For a start for you there is legal consent for sex, dating someone younger than you could get you in trouble.

For me it would be a matter of educational stage barriers, If I dated someone younger than me then they would either still be in A-levels or behind me in university. Then there is the problem of them not going to the same university and distance, then there is the problem of placement years which often can't be done in the same university town ect. It's just too much hassle and stress to date someone at a different stage in their life at this point.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Yeah I think if I had sex with them then it's illegal, idk about dating them..... ahhh i'm seeing people my age or in the year below dating year10's and i'm thinking if I'm stupid for rejecting these guys because of age
A wise old woman once said..

Guys can date: 3 years below, 1 year above.
Girls can date: 1 year below, 2 years above.

(Only applies if you're under 18, i'm told.)
I'm 18, and definitely wouldn't be in a relationship with a 16 year old, but I'm not convinced it would be that much of a big deal if, say, I was 27 or something.
Yes. I did a gap year before going to uni and my birthday is one of the earliest in the academic year, so I'm almost 2 years older than the majority of my cohort at uni. However that doesn't stop me having fun
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The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd.
Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE

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