Girl Dating Guy 2 Years Younger

Girl Dating Guy 2 Years Younger


Is it ok to date a guy who is 2 years younger than me?
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Updated 1 year ago · Author has 613 answers and 5.9M answer views
It would be just as okay as dating someone who is 2 years older. As long as it is legal for both to date then there should be no problem, no matter how big the age difference really is. So a 20 year old dating a 60 year old should even be fine, as long as both consent to the relationship and neither has any mental problems.
Age does play a part when you look at it from a relative perspective. Two years is an absolute value but for someone age 20, it’s just 10% of their age. For someone age 40, it’s even 5% of their age. And as they grow older, that percentage will go down even further. Then aga
It would be just as okay as dating someone who is 2 years older. As long as it is legal for both to date then there should be no problem, no matter how big the age difference really is. So a 20 year old dating a 60 year old should even be fine, as long as both consent to the relationship and neither has any mental problems.
Age does play a part when you look at it from a relative perspective. Two years is an absolute value but for someone age 20, it’s just 10% of their age. For someone age 40, it’s even 5% of their age. And as they grow older, that percentage will go down even further. Then again, in their youth, that age difference would be very high in percentages. A one-year old and a 3 year old would have a 200% difference. But a year later that has already dropped to 100%. And once one is 100 and the other 102, the difference is just very small, relatively.
So, in reality, the relative age difference explains how easy people will accept an age difference. Someone age 20 dating someone age 40 would be scandalous, as that’s twice the age. But the same age difference between someone age 70 and age 90 is often overlooked, while it is the same number of years!
It’s not what Einstein meant with this relativity theories, though. Still, it shows that your age would be important in how people would view your relationship. People are more concerned about someone age 18 dating someone age 16 than they are about someone age 40 dating someone age 35. Or someone age 90 dating someone age 70…
Age is just a number. The social awkwardness is more from the relative difference…
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I am deeply in love with a guy that is 2 years younger than me. What does that say about me?
I am 23, my girlfriend is 26, and we love each other. I never felt the age gap was a big problem. What do you think about a relationship where the guy is 3 years younger than the girl?
Would you date or marry a guy 2 years younger than you?
Is it right for a woman to date someone 2-3 years younger than her?
Is it safe for a girl to date a guy two years younger than her?
Yes.. It is absolutely okay to date a guys who’s 2 years younger than you…
Such relationships have many pros as well.
Several other pros exist but I would like to cut short.. I presume you’ve got a hint of what I’m trying to explain to you.
And.. You need to keep some things in mind before going for such a relationship-
Yes.. It is absolutely okay to date a guys who’s 2 years younger than you…
Such relationships have many pros as well.
Several other pros exist but I would like to cut short.. I presume you’ve got a hint of what I’m trying to explain to you.
And.. You need to keep some things in mind before going for such a relationship-
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Answered April 5, 2021 · Author has 137 answers and 41.7K answer views
For some reason, I’ve had a tendency to date people two years older than me. It hasn’t been a decision I’ve made about what age people have to be for me to date them, it just so happened that the two times I did it, they both happened to be two years older than me. So for this, I can speak from the boy’s perspective.
There is nothing wrong with a two year age gap, as far as the majority of people are concerned, myself included. In future, you can’t just restrict yourself to people who are exactly the same age as you, the chances are that there will be an age gap of up to a few years.
For some reason, I’ve had a tendency to date people two years older than me. It hasn’t been a decision I’ve made about what age people have to be for me to date them, it just so happened that the two times I did it, they both happened to be two years older than me. So for this, I can speak from the boy’s perspective.
There is nothing wrong with a two year age gap, as far as the majority of people are concerned, myself included. In future, you can’t just restrict yourself to people who are exactly the same age as you, the chances are that there will be an age gap of up to a few years.
When you’re in school (and judging only by the question and the way it’s phrased I’m assuming you are) this age gap will have to be smaller. This is because the biggest issue of age gaps in relationships, aside from physical maturity, is life experience. If you date someone who is younger than you, there’s a chance that they might have less life experience than you and they would become dependent on you for some things in life that they may find a challenge to do if they aren’t taught. I could get into all that here, but I’m not going to because the age gap here is so small that I don’t think it’s going to be an issue.
As long as you care for and support each other, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with dating someone two years younger than you. I wish you both the best of luck
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 1K answers and 12.8M answer views
A lot of this depends on the jurisdiction in which you live. In the U.S., it depends on the state. In most states, the age of consent is 16 or 17, which means your situation would be entirely legal. In all of Canada, it’s 16. Even then, it’s generally legal to date someone who is no more than two years younger than you. So, I would say it is “okay”, but you should do some research on the laws where you live.
If I ran the world, which unfortunately I do not, it would be fine. I don’t see 19 and 17 as a significant age difference, especially if the female is the older of the pair. This brings me
A lot of this depends on the jurisdiction in which you live. In the U.S., it depends on the state. In most states, the age of consent is 16 or 17, which means your situation would be entirely legal. In all of Canada, it’s 16. Even then, it’s generally legal to date someone who is no more than two years younger than you. So, I would say it is “okay”, but you should do some research on the laws where you live.
If I ran the world, which unfortunately I do not, it would be fine. I don’t see 19 and 17 as a significant age difference, especially if the female is the older of the pair. This brings me to another important point — you didn’t specify your gender. In a minority of states and countries, there are different laws if you are both males. Usually, those laws are more strict and you may have to both be 18. I think that’s rather unfair, but that’s the way it is. You can take a look at an overview of the laws in the U.S. here
. Also, please note that these laws pertain to sexual relations only. If you are just “dating” and are not sexual, then it shouldn’t be a problem whatsoever.
*Please be advised, I am not an attorney, so do not construe my advice to be professional legal advice.
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Is it ok to date a guy who is younger than me? I am 25 and he’s 23.
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 58 answers and 153.6K answer views
I’ve had this same exact scenario, except, I was the male.
We have to understand why you think it’s not okay first.
Most women usually like older men, specially in their teen years. If a woman likes younger men, she is usually annoyed because usually younger men tend to be less mature than older men, and therefore it is easier for the woman who likes younger men to be hurt by these men, or shamed.
But, there are some young men who are very mature, and there are also some older men who are really immature, so guiding your standards by age is not the best option. But, age is usually an accurate ind
I’ve had this same exact scenario, except, I was the male.
We have to understand why you think it’s not okay first.
Most women usually like older men, specially in their teen years. If a woman likes younger men, she is usually annoyed because usually younger men tend to be less mature than older men, and therefore it is easier for the woman who likes younger men to be hurt by these men, or shamed.
But, there are some young men who are very mature, and there are also some older men who are really immature, so guiding your standards by age is not the best option. But, age is usually an accurate indicator.
Finally, my experience with older women is enough to say it is okay. I was 17 and the girl I was dating was 19. We didn’t have problems at all with the age. We joked around with it, and had no worries with that.
Just focus on your partner and don’t put much emphasis on the age.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 359 answers and 549.7K answer views
My boyfriend is 1 1/2 years younger than me, and neither of us sees a problem with it at all. 99% of the time it never even crosses my mind. I’m 19 - almost 20 - and he just turned 18 a couple months ago. We’re perfectly happy together and don’t make age an issue. What the problem might be is if your guy acts a whole lot younger than you. Even though there’s an age difference between us, in many ways my boyfriend is more mature and acts older than me, and in some ways it’s the opposite. We’re balanced, and both mature for our ages.
My advice: Don’t look at the age. Look at the person. If you’re meant to be with him the age difference - especially since it’s not that big - won’t be a factor.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 73 answers and 143.4K answer views
I will start this answer with a hindi line of one of the old movie song i.e. “Kuch to log kahenge logo ka kaam hai kehna”.
I think you got the answer what I want to say. You are thinking that what your friends will say about this, inspite of thinking about the moment which you are going to spend. What he will do to make you feel special ? How he will propose you…blah blah..and same thing is going in your bf mind to that how he will dressed up to look good in front of he should behave…how he should speak….which place should he take you which is safe as well as romantic to.
I will start this answer with a hindi line of one of the old movie song i.e. “Kuch to log kahenge logo ka kaam hai kehna”.
I think you got the answer what I want to say. You are thinking that what your friends will say about this, inspite of thinking about the moment which you are going to spend. What he will do to make you feel special ? How he will propose you…blah blah..and same thing is going in your bf mind to that how he will dressed up to look good in front of he should behave…how he should speak….which place should he take you which is safe as well as romantic to.
Dear, don’t think about all such craps just think about that how much you love him. How deep is your love for each other. Does this age matters to him….or you. If yes then I am sorry yarr you should not move forward and if no then move ahead with sparkling smile on your face.
According to me the only thing which should be matters is your love to each other…how you respect to each you both behave to each other. And I don’t think that it’s big gap between you and your partner…’s all about compatibilty.
Whoooaa I think I had written quite a big answer so I think I should stop my answer here with a line gud luck and just njoy the moment.
It all depends on what part of your life you are in. The older you get, the years between don’t really matter.
If you are in high school, it’s definitely acceptable. I was a freshman dating seniors at one point, which is 4 years apart. It’s legal. It’s “pushing it” by some adult standards. If you are out of high school, dating someone in high school, it’s still acceptable. Once your partner is 18, there is nothing that you have to worry about legally. When you look at the broader image of life, and how many years people live up to, 2 years is basically a very short time period.
All that should really matter is the connection that you guys have with each other. If you like each other, then, go for it. And don’t worry about others.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 97 answers and 566.3K answer views
NO…..A BIG NO…Why????Am I being Cynical???? Let’s see what you’ll face in India if you do that, and of course in bullet points…
NO…..A BIG NO…Why????Am I being Cynical???? Let’s see what you’ll face in India if you do that, and of course in bullet points…
If you can handle these nerve-wrecking obstacles, there is practically nothing wrong in dating a younger guy…
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 56 answers and 205.2K answer views
Unless you're 18, of course it is. Age is just another label, it doesn't define your partner’s personality or emotional intelligence.
I've personally dated a little bit younger to a lot older, and I find that I'm always atttacted to the same type of personality, age and situation is fairly irrelevant. If it seems like a good match, don't fight it.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 232 answers and 415.7K answer views
Two years isn't really much. Unless you're 18. A lot of states have a clause for similar ages but that's kind of a gray area you're safest to avoid if one party is a minor. There seems to be a stigma around a female being older than a male in a relationship. This manifests in a primarily mental manner. Meaning you're not going to be ridiculed in the street. Worst case scenario some friends dish some good natured ribbing to one of you. Go for it.
I am deeply in love with a guy that is 2 years younger than me. What does that say about me?
I am 23, my girlfriend is 26, and we love each other. I never felt the age gap was a big problem. What do you think about a relationship where the guy is 3 years younger than the girl?
Would you date or marry a guy 2 years younger than you?
Is it right for a woman to date someone 2-3 years younger than her?
Is it safe for a girl to date a guy two years younger than her?
I have a crush on a guy who is three years younger than me. Is it normal? Also, my mom doesn’t like it when I talk to boys younger than me. Is that weird?
My boyfriend is actually 2 years younger than me. Is it normal to be older than him, though?
I'm in love with a girl 4 years older than me, I'm 21. I think she returns my feelings but can't get over this fact, how do I proceed?
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Is it ok to date a guy who is younger than me? I am 25 and he’s 23.
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Is it okay to love a guy who is 2 years younger than me?
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I am 26 year old guy. Can I date a 29 year old woman? She is in love with me but for me it is little awkward. What should I do?

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