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By Cindyx45 | 2 posts, last post over a year ago

So I'm 19 years old . Me and my boyfriend are sexually active and I've been trying to cum but I just can't . Today I was really close I think, my vagina was pulsing inside & I felt like I was about to pee and I was scared because I didn't wanna pee on him but he kept telling me to relax and that it's not pee . He was doing a fingering technique . and out of nowhere I was crying so much & then suddenly a lot of white stuff came out but it didn't feel like I cummed . it didn't give me a relief like people say .
So I was confused.. Because i was still swollen inside . so he kept trying because every time I felt like I was gonna cumm, I made him stop because it felt like I was gonna pee. But white stuff comes out again but more this time. And then we stopped. I'm still swollen now it's been 6 hours!! Is this normal??? I'm like so confused .

Sorry if this is late, but I thought it might help.
This is a pretty normal situation you've got, so don't worry.
You might feel like you need to pee is basically because the vagina expands a bit during sex, putting some pressure on your bladder. This will go away naturally after your body recognizes that you don't really need to pee. As for the white stuff, that's just a type of natural lube you'll see. It's normal.
The reason you cant cum is probably because you are nervous. Even if you are slightly nervous it can be a factor. Lots of girls have this happen, and some guys, so don't worry. You might want to try make yourself cum by yourself.
I also noticed you didn't mention the clit, maybe you don't know about it so here it is: the clit is that sensitive bump near the top of your vulva. you can cum a lot easier by rubbing near it, or rubbing it directly. It depends on how sensitive you are.

You are perfectly healthy and this is common. just relax, try to cum by yourself, and experiment with your clit

good luck!

In reply to anonymous on 2016-11-19 - click to read

hi I am 22 and l have had sex a lot of the last 6 years and yes that is very very normal l do it and l know that every other girl out there dose it too so don't be to scared at first but it dose fill like your about to pee so l know were you coming from l am hire if you need to talk or ask anymore question about anything ok xx hire if you need to talk see ya

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