Girl Birthday Spanking

Girl Birthday Spanking


Girl Birthday Spanking
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My girlfriend wants me to give her a birthday spanking. One spank for each year. I have some concerns, but thought it might be a fun idea to explore....
Her birthday is a month away and I am not sure what to do?
Well, it sure beats going to the movies…or does it? Your ambivalence about giving your girlfriend the gift that keeps on stinging may stem from wanting to please your girlfriend on her special day, while simultaneously wondering whether it's up your alley. Spanking may not be for everyone, but it's not just limited to leather-bound S/M'ers (sadomasochism enthusiasts). Some may enjoy experimenting with various types of sex play that strays a little, or a lot, from the "standard" sexual positions. If you don't feel comfortable giving a spanking-new birthday gift, however, you may just want to follow your instinct.
You mention that spanking your girlfriend "might be a fun idea." Could this also mean that, "it might be fun to try?" Perhaps you would like to consider the upcoming spanking gift as a one-time experiment — one that you won't have to repeat unless you feel that it's exciting, fun, and safe for you and your girlfriend. If you would like to give spanking a chance, perhaps you can think of ways in which you would feel more comfortable doing so? For example, could you start this year with just one inaugural spank as a way of easing you into this new activity? Lights on or off? Music, perhaps?
Still, with your girlfriend's birthday a month away, you may want to use this time as an opportunity to explore the extent of your comfort, or discomfort, with spanking. How would you feel if you did spank your girlfriend and either one or both of you decided it's not the way to go? What would be the worst that could happen? Are you worried that you may hurt your girlfriend when spanking her? Do you feel that spanking your girlfriend may indicate violence or abnormality in your relationship? Are there other types of sex play with which you may feel more comfortable?
In the meantime, you may want to strongly consider having a talk with your girlfriend about her birthday wish and share any concerns that you may have about spanking her. Do you feel compatible with each other, sexually or otherwise? What other types of play would you both like to try? Remember that you are half of your relationship, so it's only fair and healthy for you to communicate with your girlfriend to let her know how you feel and what you want — even if it's her special day. If you're uncomfortable broaching this topic with your girlfriend, ask yourself why this may be.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure you feel comfortable with your decision. Communicating with your girlfriend about your wishes, as well as hers, may help you (and her) understand any underlying doubts about spanking and about other types of sex play. And who knows, maybe one day you'll want to be the one on the receiving end of that hand…
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The creations of Kessily Lewel (and Sadie Marks)
I don’t have the mindset or the time for deep-diving lifestyle articles this month, so I was looking for something light and fun. Since my birthday was on the 13 th , birthday spankings popped into my head.
Birthday spankings have been around a long time. They come from an old superstition. It’s supposed to be bad luck not to be spanked on your birthday.
I’ve heard several stories about the reason. I’m not sure which is true. I’ve heard that the spanking is meant to simulate the smack on the bottom that a baby used to get when born. It’s a reminder that you’re alive. And I’ve heard that the original, way back reason was to ‘soften you for the tomb’ which seems super morbid. But people were pretty morbid during Victorian times so who knows. This is certainly the most repeated origin of the birthday spanking on the web, but I’ve seen no actual sources stated.
The tradition involved spanking a birthday child (usually under the age of 16) once for every year of their life. It was supposed to be light spanks with the hand that stung just a little and was not a punishment at all.
Soooo… who has had a birthday spanking?
From what I’ve learned this seems to be a uniquely American thing. Please comment if you live somewhere else and this was a thing when you were growing up. My friends from around the world always act confused when the topic comes up.
I know there are birthday punches and pinches in other countries but that’s fairly different from a full on spanking, I think.
Now bear in mind I’m not talking about adults spanking each other. When you’re kinky it’s almost mandatory. It’s a fun reason to give a spanking. Usually they are lighthearted good girl/boy spankings, nothing too serious.
But how many remember this from childhood?
I know my European friends find it a really weird tradition, but I think many of us in America remember birthday spankings as a child. It was the one kind of spanking we all thought was fun, or at least most of us.
It was so common that it showed up in television shows, movies, and even comic books!
When your birthday would come around, you’d find everyone threatening to spank you. Even Robin wasn’t exempt! One swat for every year, and sometimes an extra to grow on. To me it seemed one of those harmless things, like getting pinched if you didn’t wear green on St. Patrick’s Day.
The topic still comes up. I’ve heard it in schools and in families in the past ten years, but now it’s mostly just joking with very little follow through. But I remember growing up there were teachers who would call the birthday child up in class and give them a completely fake, non-painful, series of pats on the butt. Sometimes even over-the-knee.
The class would count out loud for each year and clap. It happened on every birthday and was just part of the fun.
Often at birthday parties we’d form a human spanking machine by standing in a line, front-to-back, with space between each of us. We’d stand with our legs spread wide and the birthday kid would have to crawl through the tunnel our legs made.
We’d all smack their butt as they crawled by. Sometimes kids took advantage of it to smack hard. I definitely remember some yelps from that.
There were varying degrees of difficulty with this one. Sometimes we’d form it on the stairs, and they’d have to climb up or down while taking their swats. Sometimes the adults would join too.
As a kid who definitely had an odd fascination with spanking, I always thought it was just awesome. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized maybe it was on the weird side.
It was just so much a part of growing up that it never struck me as out of the ordinary. But society changes and birthday spankings are definitely a no-no for kids now. At least when it comes to strangers, teachers, etc. I’m sure parents still do it in a joking way.
Seeing it through the lens of a kid who was fascinated and liked to watch these things I was a little shocked to find out that some kids really hated it. None of the kids I knew did, or if they did, they hid it well. It was just part of things.
Apparently, a lot of people hated the St. Patrick’s Day pinching too. I never minded that one either, though there were always some mean people who took advantage to pinch really hard.
A couple of people have mentioned that their parents actually used the birthday spanking tradition to give them real spankings that hurt too—which honestly, that’s such an awful thing to do to a kid on their birthday that I can’t even understand why they would do that.
Anyway, we have reached a place in society where children have more bodily autonomy which I think is a good thing. It’s no longer okay to force a kid to go up and be spanked in front of the class (even a play spanking) just because it’s their birthday.
In general kids aren’t supposed to hit each other anymore either. Again, I think this is probably a good thing.
I’m sad for people who hated the tradition but were forced to participate. I’m sorry about the people who took advantage to make an innocent fun thing a way to be mean to others too. But as a kid who grew up thinking those kinds of games were normal, I can’t deny I have some happy memories of the old-fashioned birthday spankings.
It’s one of those things that Spanky people over thirty will probably remember, but I think eventually the birthday spanking while growing up will fade into nostalgia. It probably should, but still… memories.
I don’t think we’ll ever lose adult birthday spankings though. It’s just too good a chance to miss and I think there are probably very few spankos who haven’t enjoyed one. Before I wrap up, I thought I’d tell you about my most memorable [adult] birthday spanking—and give you a bit of a warning.[adult[
Never go to a BDSM club on your birthday, when people know it’s your birthday unless you want an unforgettable experience. I was in my twenties when I happened to be at the Leather Rose in Chicago on my birthday.
Let me just say that I had the longest, ever birthday spanking. It started with my friends. And since I’m a bit of a masochist this birthday spanking wasn’t just light fun. It wasn’t a pretend spanking, if you get my meaning.
Many of my friends took a turn. I was getting all hot and red from one birthday spanking after another when a gentleman, a regular in the club, strolled over and asked to join in. Sure, why not, we’re all having fun.
He decided to give me a progressive birthday spanking, I believe he called it. I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but I was about to find out.
He started with one spank. Then he gave me two spanks. Then he gave me three spanks. Do you see where this is going yet?
I realized that he was giving me a spanking for each and every birthday I’d had. And he was giving me the number of spanks for that year. So for my twenty-first birthday I got twenty-one smacks and so on…
I don’t know how many spanks I ended up getting by the end. I lost count and it was a lot. I think it added up to close to 400 swats just from him alone. And remember I’d already been spanked by multiple people before him.
He started with his hand but used a wide variety of implements during the spanking. Let’s be honest his hand would have hurt if he did them all that way. Some of the implements were stingy, some were thuddy. It all kind of blended together after a while.
Now, as I mentioned I am a bit of a masochist— now . At the time I was a VERY big masochist. I really enjoyed the experience, but it was intense.
I had marks that lasted for probably a week afterwards, which I also loved. Marks never last long enough on me. But that is, hands down, my most memorable birthday spanking.
The progression really packs a wallop (so to speak) and it’s a great way to draw out a spanking that might otherwise be too short. So there’s an idea for your next birthday!
I’m going to wrap things up here, but as an FYI my latest book released yesterday. Action Daddy Book Two: Revenge of the Daddy is now available on Amazon so go grab it!
Growing Up Kinky September 4, 2020 In "BDSM Scene Stuff"
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michael costigan on September 14, 2021 at 1:19 am

My thirtieth birthday was approaching, and I was finally
going to do it. I’ve had a fascination
with spanking—with me on the receiving end—for almost as long as I can
remember, and this year I was determined to take the steps to have my fantasy
I developed this plan three years ago, but was too chicken
to see it through. This year I was
determined. I had already written the
note, enclosed it in an envelope, attached it to a nicely wrapped package, and
addressed the whole thing to Gail, the love of my life for the last seven
I was uncertain how Gail would respond, but I had confidence
in our relationship, and even if I did not get what I wanted—a good
over-the-knee spanking—the tension of my secret would be released. At worst, Gail would find the topic amusing
and we would have a good laugh. At best,
well at best my birthday would be one to remember.
My birthday fell on a Saturday, so that afternoon I
announced I had to go run a few errands. I left the package on the kitchen table where
I knew she would see it before I got back. 
I am always more fluent in print than in person, and while I worked up
the courage to broach the subject of spanking, I was not brave enough to do it
face to face.
Excited and nervous, I took a long slow drive in the
country. (Why should this subject
embarrass us so, even with the ones we love?) 
As I drove, I imagined Gail discovering the package, opening the
attached envelope, and reading the note inside:
Today is my birthday, a
time for celebration. It is also a good
time to review the past and make necessary changes for the future.
Birthdays hold many
traditions: gifts, a cake with a candle for each year, and sometimes a birthday
spanking. Birthday spankings have long
been given by parents, close friends and lovers to mark the occasion. Often (I’ll bet) they are given as punishment
and absolution for the sins of the past year and encouragement for the next.
This spanking tradition has
long fascinated me, and I thought on the occasion of my thirtieth, you might try
it with me. The attached package contains
something you may find useful if you wish to participate in this ancient
birthday ceremony.
I extended my drive until I was sure Gail had more than
enough time to discover the package, explore its contents and get over the
initial shock, if any. When I reentered
the house, I saw that the package had vanished.
The rest of the afternoon passed as if nothing unusual was
going on. In the evening, we got a
little dressy and went out to dinner at a steakhouse we both like. I was on pins and needles waiting for the
topic of spanking to arise through the drinks and the appetizer, but relaxed with
an enjoyable dinner full of light and playful conversation through the steaks
and a delicious red wine.
After I was long past expecting it, Gail looked into my eyes
and quietly said, “I got your note. It
sounds like it could be fun. Why don’t
you tell me what you have in mind?”
I stammered, then admitted to my long-held fascination for
spanking. In low tones over cake, ice
cream and coffee, I described my fantasy of a long, thorough, humiliating,
over-the-knee, bare-bottomed spanking.
“Real spanks,” Gail asked at one point, “or just playful
little swats?”
“In my fantasy, it’s real spanks,” I answered, “but a key
element is that the spanker sets the tone and keeps full control of the
spanking session.”
We didn’t talk much on the drive home, each of us buried in
thoughts of our conversation over dessert.
When we arrived home, Gail spoke up, “Well Bob, why don’t we
get right to that birthday ceremony you requested. Come with me to the bedroom.”
As I followed Gail into our bedroom, I began to have second
thoughts. I have not been spanked since
I was small, and those were just a few swats delivered to a fully clothed
bottom. This could be rather
embarrassing, and even a little painful. 
My concern jumped up a notch when I saw the straight-backed dining room
chair in the center of our bedroom floor, with the contents of my present to
Gail laying on its seat. That little devil , I thought, she set this up just before we left for
dinner .
Gail walked over and stood next to the chair, leaned casually
against it, and said with an evil look about the eyes, “You know what happens
next. I want you naked from the waist
This wasn’t easy, with Gail standing there watching, but I
had included the element of humiliation in the description of my fantasy. With some nervous fumbling, and with no help
from my lover, I achieved the required condition.
I stood there, eyes downcast and blushing, as Gail sat on
the chair and beckoned me to approach. 
With butterflies in my stomach, and on shaky legs, I moved forward and
soon found myself seized and lying upended over a pair of capable thighs.
While embarrassed, I wasn’t uncomfortable, and the
realization of the position I was in and what would happen next stimulated me
noticeably. This was heightened further
when a familiar hand stroked and squeezed my bottom.
“I never noticed this before,” Gail said, “but this is a
very spankable bottom.” I wasn’t entirely
sure this was good news, but at least it seemed to indicate I was not the only
one getting into this scene.
After a few more minutes of strokes, touches and pats, Gail
spoke again, “Before we begin, Bob, are you sure you want to continue? Once begun, and in agreement with the rules you
described, all choices past this point will be mine.”
“Y-yes,” I stammered with considerable trepidation but
enjoying the moment and not wanting it to end, “let’s get on with it.”
“You asked for it. 
The number is thirty, right? We’ll
start with that.”
Start with that , I
thought, what does that mean? But before I could voice the question, I

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