Girl Asks Boy To Smell Her Feet

Girl Asks Boy To Smell Her Feet


Girl Asks Boy To Smell Her Feet


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Well, i confess that due to my wonderful therapists help, ive been enabling my son's sexualized view of and behaviors towards me, and other potential women later in his life. For that I am greatful, but now i have the looming guilt of letting him "go too far" as one of my dear friends advised me one day, about two months ago now. At first i would ask him to rub my feet because they actually hurt after wearing the shoes (heels) we have to wear to work. Furthermore, im a nylons enthusiast, well, now my son is too, not sure if thats related yet, but anyways, first came the foot rubs started by me, then him getting a little shakey and sweaty when he touches my feet, then allowing him to smell my feet which sounded weird but didnt concern me, and then to pleasuring himself while he rubs my feet and my therapist made me realize i unconsciouly would not wear underwear for my foot rubs or i would make it a point to wear nylons so he can rub them, to being thrilled over watching him climax over me which made me feel like the center of the universe and young again, and finally, the part that im still working on, me pleasuring him with my feet. It only happened about 3 times and i put an end to it, but the worst part is that it still gets me, you know, hot and bothered. im glad we stopped because truthfully i confess i was having fantasies of doing more than just foot play with him. It felt good to get that off my chest, thank you. I love my son, i just think he is very handsome and attractive and i like that he finds my sexy...i try to make it a poiint to wear his fave legging and shoes 1-3 times a week.

I am not going to wade into the right/wrong debate. I am just going to relate my own experience. I was 5 years old, playing under the kitchen table. This was in the early 60s when women wore nylons by default - even around the house. My mother was sitting at the table, shelling hazlenuts. She'd kicked off her shoes and had stretched her nylon-clad feet out. At some point, I lost interest in my toys and started playing with her feet. She never stopped me, and I soon noticed a definite pressure in my groin area. I was too young to know anything about s** , or fetishes, or even that boys and girls were different. And yet, I had instictively sought out my mother's feet. And fondling them gave me the first hard-on, I remember. What makes this even more interesting, is that it wasn't so much her feet, but the nylons, which called to me. To this day, I'm not particularly fussed by feet, but nylons turn me on. I don't pretend to understand, what biological programming is causing this, but it seems clear to me that it is only natural for a boy to be attracted to mom's feet - with or without nylons. And I don't see any harm in mom's indulging their boys up to a point. She gets a lovely foot massage, which dad hasn't bothered with in ages, and the son gets to experience the joys of worshipping feet. *shrug* Dunno why some people are making such a big deal of it.

I. To luv to smell my step moms sexy stinky feet

In our female-dominated blended family, it has always been customary for the male family members to do foot service for the women. Young people in particular have to learn early on to have respect for us women. They shine our shoes and put our slippers in front of our feet. As a reward, they can smell our nylon-stockinged toes if they have already developed a preference for female feet. If not, they have to do extensive foot massages and pedicures until a passable foot love sets in. Both my step sons are almost grown and have confirmed to me that this type of upbringing has done their behavior good. They know what is proper and pay due respect to a lady when she comes to visit us. If given permission, they place a gentle kiss under the lady's toes. A clear pecking order under female supremacy guarantees harmonious family life.

Honestly I find nothing wrong with it. Why not let him experiment with someone he trusts.

You and son need many years of therapy, perhaps he would consider cutting off his baby p**** and you get your smelly s**** hole sewed shut so the temptation will go away from both you deranged psychos...find some black negro crackheads in the meantime to have fun kink g******** with.

Let me guess, there's no white crackheads, ohh yeah they're too busy having incest and, f****** the family dog

Ong they be f****** the dogs and doing incest s*** to🤣🤣

Wow this is intense. I must admit I also had a similar experience when I was young although I never e********* in front of my mom. I was 12 when I came for the first time while sniffing her worn hose. What a glorious feeling. I still remember the smell. It was something like a moist vinagar smell which drove me insane. My juice almost hit the ceiling! Although I tried to hide the occasional sneak and j*** routine with her hose I think she knew and didn’t try to stop me. A mother always knows what’s up but I guess didn’t want to embarrass me.

You say you don't want to go all the way, just go for it. You can start by rubbing your stinky nylon feet on his baby size vienna sausage till it gets to dribbling then you can immediately put that lil sausage in your filthy mouth and start sucking it till it goes dry. Then let you son get a go whiff of your smelly v***** , then you both be satisfied.

Where is the dislike button? You make me sick. I think less of incestual people than I do murders

Why? Cause society has a gross exaggeration on family members having sexual feelings for each other? Could you explain to me how murders are not as bad as people who are insest? I would really like to know how taking someone's life isn't as looked down on as two family members engaging with each other sexually.

I licked and creamed once while she rubbed my face in it

I loved when my mom finally let me kiss her feet

Not with your own mom , that's creepy. See if one of your friends is into the same thing and trade mom's . Everyone is happy

Your a sick dude, trying to impersonate a mom, and live out your personal fantasy. I love womens feet, not my moms. You give men with a foot fetish, a bad name!

No, not actually. Girls who are closed minded and at a young age give them a bad name. It's also the men with foot fetish related posts that also add to it. Men and girls are to blame. Just look at what it has turned into on the internet.

Ay who cares if its true or not cause it happens fr my mom let me kiss her feet

That was too sexy for me to say anything more

You are a really good mommy, most boys would have to make squirties on their mom's heels secretly. I would love to join your son in jerking off to your sexy heels and feet, may I please c** inside your boots?

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Q We have a 13-year-old son who has bravely told us that he is struggling with some unusual overwhelming desires.
When he was about two or three years old he used to love smelling mine and my sister’s stockinged feet. We didn’t make a big thing of it and he grew out of it.
A couple of weeks ago he told me, really uncomfortably, that he was struggling with an overwhelming desire to smell feet again: “It’s all I can think about, Mum, and I’ve been struggling with it for years.”
As he talked more about it, he said he also really wanted to be sat on/crushed or held really tightly. All these thoughts are distracting him at school. His school work this year has
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All the characters were above18.

 this was the true story that happened to me, I added a bit of fiction just to make it more interesting. By the way, I am not a native speaker, so please ignore some spelling and grammar mistakes and even some wrong usage of words.

 I have been busy changing a new job. When I finally settled all the things, my post had been deleted, so sorry for the late of new stories, I will upload more soon.


First part The beginning 

This happened a long time ago. It all started out with me going to elementary school like every other student. I was 9 at the time. My parents were really busy. So they don’t have time to pick me up at 12:00. Therefore, after school they sended me to a cram school. The cram school has nap times. The nap time here was every student should prepare sleeping bags, which contain a blanket and a pillow. Before we arrived at the cram school. The teacher had already prepared well by placing our blankets on the floor. The class room was so small that we could nearly touch each other, so the teacher would avoid it by placing students face to feet. Fortunately, I was allocated to the small area that can only contain two people wide surrounded by a closet, which was used to store our sleeping bags with a girl. Moreover the only way to leave was blocked by a curtain. It was a very private place.
 When I saw the girl, I was really surprised. She was my classmate, Monica, and she is the most beautiful in my class, but she didn’t seem like being friendly to me. Because of the narrow space the girl that sleeps with me will be touched head by head. She said to me: “would you mind sleeping with my feet above you?” Before I responded to her, she changed the direction of her pillow. At that time I hadn’t discovered my foot fetish, so sleeping below a feet sounds bad to me. But I can sleep with the girl I really liked sounds pretty great. So I allowed her to do it.
Strange to say, when it was time to sleep, I nearly saw an evil grin on her beautiful face when she closed the curtain, changing this small area to a private place.
I was laying on my blanket, thinking about what conversation I could have with her. Suddenly I smelled a strange smell beside me. I turned my head, I saw two beautiful feet beside me with a sweaty sour smell. I called her name quietly and got no response, It seemed like she was already asleep. I didn’t want to wake her up, because I thought waking a pretty woman up wasn’t gentlemanly. So I decided to tolerate her smelly feet. After 5 minutes later, I was getting accustomed by her smelly feet and started to felt attractive to her sous sweaty smell about her feet. Suddenly, the feet got right on to my face. I thought she didn’t do it on purpose, so I ignored her. Then she started to rub my face with her feet, from the forehead to nose and my mouth, I could even feel some foot sweat sticking on my face. I suddenly discovered that her feet were so beautiful,white skins with long toes. The smell was pretty good. I felt that I was in heaven, so I tried to pretend I was asleep. Later on I felt my hair being combed by her feet. I turned my head to the right. Her toes caught my nose. The smell between her toes was so sour that I coughed . Hearing a cute laugh, I woke up. She asked me:``How does my feet smell?” Though it is quite smelly, but I thought I would break her heart, so I said:” I can’t smell anything.”

She gave a big smile that almost melted my heart. Then she said:” Let’s play a game, since we don’t like taking a nap, shall we? I nod my head. “ Let's play paper scissors stone, if I win three in a row you will have to do what I told you to do everyday at nap time” she said.What if I won?” I said. She said” I will do whatever you tell me to do, but I swear if I win you must massage my feet every day.” To me it sounds like a win-win situation, If I lose I could touch her feet, if I win I could sleep with him head by head. I accept the challenge. At the beginning I won two in a role, then I saw her disappointed face, with her big pretty eyes looking straight forward to my eyes. I decided to lose on purpose. Having a big smile on her face after she won (I wished I had a camera to shoot that beautiful smile damn it).
 Part 2 First smell of her feet
“The punishment will start next week, but you should first get used to my foot smell. My feet 'scent was a little strong, because my feet would sweat very easily.” She said, I pretended to be disgusted and asked her” why did you want me to massage your feet?”. She replied to me with an evil grin “ I always like the sense of ticklishness on my foot. Moreover, I had always liked to watch someone suffering under my foot scent, Just kidding.” But her evil smile didn’t seem like she was kidding, now I knew she was a beautiful demon. “ Now question time is over, enjoy my foot scent!” pushing her feet onto my face. brushing her feet on my nose from heel to sole then the toes part. The smell on the heel and the sole were quite amazing. Within a slight smell of sweat and a bit of sour smell, blended with the good smell of body wash. Suddenly I smelled an Intense vinegary smell. The smell was still so strong between the toes even after 30 minutes, that I coughed again and turned my head away. She was angry'' turn your head back, and put your goddamn nose into my toes Inhale!.” I was shocked and scared by her anger. I put my nose into those smelly toes and breathe as hard as I can, the sour smell makes my face scrunched. “ When you inhale, the cold wind between my toes was so great, I liked it so much. It seems like you liked my foot scent too.” She said with a satisfying smile and an evil laughter. Fortunately, today’s nap time was over. She then said to me” you should be thankful that today didn’t have PE class, the smell today was a piece of cake. I will bring you a big surprise tomorrow.” I was truly terrified.

Part 3 Smelly torture started
The next day was a hot summer day, at the beginning of the day. I went to class and saw her with a meaningful smile to me. Then it was PE class, out of my expectation. She came to me and invited me to a competition in sports. “ If you win you could escape today’s punishment” I accepted. The first one was a long run for 2000m, running was my weakness so I lost it immediately. The second one was basketball one on one, I have the confidence to beat her easily by using my height and body contact. But I can’t just bump a girl I liked very much. Strange to say, she was also good at basketball, so I lost again. The last one was a 100m short run, I lost it too. Though I lost all the rounds, I was still happy because I am the first boy who had the privilege to exercise with her. In addition, we had some nice conversation and sweet body contact today too. At the end of the class she runs for another 2000m and whispers near my ears “I am soaked in sweat now. Moreover, this sneaker are 3 years old and has no socks today, it will be interesting later.” With an evil smile on her face. Though I felt some boy’s envy at me, but I can’t feel happy about it because I know it will be like hell later.
Finally, it was time to cram school. I went into the classroom and found that the curtain was closed, and her shoes weren’t here. I nearly thought she wouldn't come today, which makes me a bit happy. However, when I opened the curtain, I saw her sweating so much (Still very beautiful), the most important thing was she wore her shoes in the classroom. “ I took the risk of being scolded by the teacher about wearing shoes in the classroom and ran for another 2000m just for you. I have to make sure my feet are moist, warm and nasty for you to enjoy it. So let’s get started from taking off my shoes.” She said and closed the curtain. Because of not wearing socks, her sneaker wasn’t easy to pull it off. When I finally pull it off. I could nearly see the hot steam and some toe jams sticking on her foot, the smell was so intense that she even pinched her nose. “The smell was so awful that I can even smell it from here, hey! What are you doing? Only I can pinch my nose, you will have to smell it!, let’s start our punishment now. First you should smell my shoes for 1 minute.” I was hesitant because of this intense vinegary smell. Suddenly, She pushed her shoes on my nose, the moisty and pungent smell choked me immediately. Tears came out of my eyes, I continued coughing. Out of my expectation, she took away the shoe that covered my nose, and hugged me. She said” Sorry about the smell of shoes, I thought you could endure it. The shoe punishment we will do next week, so don’t cry. I will give a reward if you behave well in the next punishment”. And she tapped my head and gave a long kiss on my cheek. I was shocked and happy about being hugged and kissed by her. I s
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