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military history

May 23, 2014


dian hanson

my buddy

world war ii

military history

Oliver Sim’s Honest Fantasies
Oliver Sim’s Honest Fantasies

Everything’s Coming Up Schumer
Everything’s Coming Up Schumer

An Act of Mercy Ignites the Class War
Biden’s Act of Mercy Ignites the Class War

A sport once defined by regional charm is awash in money and becoming more like the pros every week.
4 Big Takeaways From New York’s Weird Late-Summer Primaries
How backlash to overturning Roe v. Wade , incumbency, and the rejection of a few extremist candidates by New York Republicans may matter.
What If Democrats Actually Won the Midterms?
If Democrats control both houses of Congress in 2023, including enough senators to kill the filibuster, they better get as much done as possible.
Top-Secret Documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: What We Know
The DOJ affidavit states that Trump took home classified docs on “clandestine human sources” working for U.S. intelligence.
Biden’s Job-Approval Numbers Are (Slowly) Climbing
The president is still too unpopular to help Democrats produce a midterm upset, but the trends are in the right direction.
Read the FBI’s Redacted Trump Search Affidavit
On Thursday, a federal judge in Florida ordered the release of a redacted version of the affidavit that prompted the FBI search on Mar-a-Lago.
Inflation Is Slowing, But More Pain Is Coming
The Federal Reserve is trying to show that it has the wherewithal to right the economy without blowing it up.
An Act of Mercy Ignites the Class War
Elites are outraged over Biden’s student-debt cancellation.
The Senate majority leader has a “different way of getting things done” that saved Biden’s agenda and maybe their party.
Blake Masters Executes Huge If Sneaky Flip-Flop on Abortion
Feeling heat on his extremist abortion position, Trump’s guy in Arizona’s Senate race changed his position and accused his opponent of lying about it.
Should I Follow Jared’s Plan to ‘Live Forever’ or Trump’s?
Jared Kushner is staying fit because we’re the “last generation that’s going to die.” Anti-exercise guru Donald Trump says he’s dead wrong.
Yuh-Line Niou Says She’s Thinking About Running Against Dan Goldman Again
The progressive Democrat may run on the Working Families Party line in November for the Brooklyn-Manhattan seat in Congress.
Elon Musk’s ‘Absurdly Broad’ Strategy Against Twitter Is Losing
Twitter doesn’t need to supply absolutely everything to Elon Musk in court.
The U.S. Government Has Forced Me to Side With Novak Djokovic
Did it really have to come to this?
Pair Who Gave Biden Daughter’s Diary to Project Veritas Pleads Guilty to Theft
A Florida man and woman are cooperating with investigators looking into how James O’Keefe’s group came into her property ahead of the 2020 election.
Trump Revives His Feud With McConnell (and His Wife, ‘Coco’)
The former president is raging at Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao once again. But Trump and McConnell need each other too much to feud forever.
Why Is Crypto Giant Tether Risking It All Over North Korea?
Treasury sanctions against a company that helped launder money for Kim Jong-un’s hacking army trips up one of the world’s largest crypto companies.
Georgia Republicans Pretend Trump Didn’t Label Them Traitors
After surviving Trump’s attempt to purge them, candidates like Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger are trying to reunite their party for November.
Jamie Foxx Is Secretly a World-Class Trump Impersonator
Why has he been hiding one of the better Trump imitations of our time?
How Does Student-Debt Relief Affect Inflation?
A debate is raging about how much $20,000 in debt amnesty could stoke inflation while the White House tries to keep the economy from imploding.
Workers are reclaiming their time from the boss.
Mehmet Oz Is Trying to Fat-Shame His Way Into the Senate
Oz has been portraying Fetterman as fat and unhealthy for weeks. Now he says the Democrat wouldn’t have had a stroke if “he’d ever eaten a vegetable.”
Crist to DeSantis Supporters: I Don’t Want Your Votes!
One of America’s sunniest politicians is gambling that he can run against hate, which he says is a key characteristic of Ron DeSantis voters.
Biden’s Student-Loan Forgiveness Is Good. It Could Have Been Revolutionary.
Some federally held student-loan debt is being forgiven, which will be life-changing for many people. Meanwhile, a predatory system remains in place.
Maxwell Frost, 25, won a Democratic House primary in Florida, setting him on a course to be the first member of Gen Z on Capitol Hill.

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The fleet is in ! And so is My Buddy: World War II Laid Bare (Taschen Books), an astounding collection assembled by the excellent smut historian Dian Hanson. We see, in this chunky Taschen volume, hundreds of nameless men photographed in groups, nude or nearly so, by fellow soldiers, sailors, corpsmen, and airmen.
Two obvious questions, neither of which has an obvious answer, leap to mind immediately. Were these photos (at least the unposed ones, of which there are many) surreptitiously made? And just how aware were the photographers and subjects that these pictures are extremely homoerotic?
Well, chances are they weren’t creep shots. Some (like the pyramid pose below) were certainly set up for the picture. As for the candid nudity, there are too many of these pictures out there in the world for them to have been made on the sneak, and a World War II soldier who carried a camera (and quite a few did; there’s a lot of downtime in a war zone, in between the scenes of mayhem) wouldn’t have been able to hide it easily. Moreover, we forget — and are reminded by an essay in the book by a World War II Marine named Scotty Bowers — about the physical closeness that these fighting men lived with. There’s no privacy in a foxhole; showers were rare and often communal, and toilets were open-hole latrines. If you served on the field of combat, you saw other men naked a lot more than you might today, even if you go to the gym after work. As Bowers points out, practical jokes that many of us would now consider invasive — slipping a hand down someone’s pants to tweak his penis, say — were within the realm of just-boys-being-boys high jinks. “Just grab-ass,” they’d say.
Even outside the service, men of that era probably saw each other naked more than we realize. A soldier from a Kansas farm had spent his youth skinny-dipping in the local pond with his friends; plenty of outhouses, and even some school bathroom stalls, had more than one seat; city high-school kids showered in an open room with nozzles along the wall, sans curtains or dividers, daily after gym class. Tenement kids slept three and four to a bed. Most kids — especially poor kids, but everyone — had far less of a sense of physical privacy than we do.
It would literally never occur to a lot of these guys that their photos give off sexual heat. To them, sex was for men and women, end of story, and God knows there are no women in these pictures. But of course a significant number of these guys found themselves at least partway up the Kinsey scale, and had experienced in some way sex with other men, whether just a fleeting encounter or something more permanent. (There are well-documented stories of gay soldiers in the U.S. armed forces going back to George Washington’s army , and the Newport sex scandal of 1919 occurred two full decades before this era.) I think it’s fair to say that most of these pictures were made without the least thought of their sexiness, but that the camera’s eye — as in so many things — reveals something true not only about the subject but about the photographer as well.
The photos, Hanson points out, typically appear in collections of more conventional pictures, and there are only one or two in an album’s worth. Nobody would try to get away with skulking around, snapping these photos every time the guys stripped down — but one? Sure. That funny skinny-dipping photo would just be a punctuation mark, tucked into the album of memories that got assembled back home in ’46. (Nearly all these pictures are anonymous, grabbed from estate sales and eBay and the like.) No, this was — at least on the surface — foxhole bonding, of the type we hear about from soldiers going back thousands of years. As Hanson notes in her essay, when you start a week with 30 men and end it with 15, those survivors have shared something incredibly intense. Military culture fosters that kind of intense relationship deliberately, because it’s about the only thing that makes the inhuman work of fighting even remotely tolerable, and has the mysterious power of making ordinary souls capable of heroism when the time comes. When the guys in your unit matter more than anything, you’ll do what you need to do to get them out alive.
We’re conditioned to an uncomplicated image of the heroic soldier, in formerly crisp, now rumpled uniform, toughing it out. That these guys were not cardboard but human — that they goofed around, smacked each other on the butt now and then, maybe even sized up each other’s dicks at the swimming hole on a Pacific island — reveals merely that they were ordinary, often crude, sometimes ridiculous teenagers. That’s okay, too. We don’t have to exalt them at every moment to remember that they won the war.
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Because I’m a hard-hitting investigative journalist in the time of COVID, I pursue all leads on my way to a good story. So when I got an anonymous email from someone with murky motives offering a supposed lead, I was skeptical. Then I saw it took me to a video with dirty dancing twinks and I decided this could be my Pulitzer.
The link I got was to the YouTube page of an L.A.-based blogger named Matthew Lush who, apparently, is trolling for an online boyfriend. Lush is a kinda cute otter himself in the “yaaasss, kweeeennn!” mold, so I took a look.
The deal is, Lush sets challenges for contestants to partake in by sending videos of themselves doing the task, then others vote on their favorite; the lowest one gets eliminated. (It just launched about a week ago, it seems.)
The reason why my confidential source suggested I look into it was because a local man named Sergio (lives in Denton) is in the mix. The informant thought there might be a local angle.
But I gotta tell ya: I don’t roll that way. I’m not gonna just be a cheerleader for the North Texan. (Also I tend to like meatier guys.)
This week, Lush and his non-socially-distanced buddy totally Randy-and-Paula the shit out of the videos, with the theme of “dancing in your undies.” It takes about a half-hour to watch a bunch of twinkie young guys shake and grind in cravenly thirsty tease videos. Yes, it has come to this. Still, there are worse ways to spend 30 minutes in quarantine.
OK, check out the video below. I will now go back to my fearless pursuit of the truth.
Somebody pluck out my eyes and ears now. Slow news day I guess.
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