Ginger Suppository Stories

Ginger Suppository Stories


Ginger Suppository Stories

Suppositories and Spankings: A Mother's Love
My earliest
recollection of what my mother did to me was when I was six years
old. I'll share both that story and six years later when, at 12, it
was the final time.
I was very small for my age and my mother was
quite concerned about this. We lived in the Pacific Northwest. She was
so concerned that she was dragging me to doctors all over the west
coast. In the absence of any real father (although he was around), she
was playing both mother and father. In other words, all decisions
about the childrearing of me and my older brother rested with her.

At the age of six she decided to drag me to California to see a
doctor there. After meeting the doctor mother was told to undress me
which she did down to my underpants. After the usual type of exam, I
was told that they wanted me to both pee into a bottle and to have a
bowel movement. Under the watchful eyes of both my mother and a
strange nurse staring at me, I could do neither. After awhile of no
success I was redressed and as we were leaving the nurse slipped
something into mother's hands. We went back to the hotel.
I got
a lecture about how if I did not do as the doctor told me I would get
a spanking (I had only been spanked once before by my father). She
said she was going to order room service in order to help me have a BM
and if that did not produce the desired results that the nurse had
given her some medicine for me. I was not thrilled by any of this.
She suggested that I lie down on the bed and watch tv until the room
service had come.
About half an hour after we had finished our
hamburgers mother called me into the bathroom. On the counter was the
same bottle that they had had at the hospital for me to pee into.

"Now, young man, you are going to pee into the bottle now and then you
are going to have a bowel movement."
"Well, you are just going to make yourself go."
She kneeled
down next to me and undid my shorts (it was late summer) and lowered
them to the ground. She then moved behind me and pulled my Fruit of
the Loom underwear down to my knees. Taking the jar, she undid the
lid and placed it in front of my penis.
I could not as even at six I could only go in private.
Growing impatient, she pulled back the foreskin
of my penis in the hopes of stimulating a stream. Still nothing.

"You are doing this on purpose," she barked, "just to annoy me."

Without any warning, she flipped the toilet seat closed, put the
bottle aside and flung me over her knees. The spanking seemed to last
forever as I cried and begged her to stop. Finally she did, setting me
back on the floor.
"Now maybe you'll coorperate," she said.

I said that I could probably do it if she left me alone. Doubt crossed
her face but she handed me the bottle and left the room. In a few
minutes I came out, my pants back up, and handed her the filled bottle
of my urine.
"There was no point," she said, "pulling your pants
up as you still have to do a BM."
Taking my hand she dragged me
back into the bathroom, pulling down my pants and underwear and
sitting me on the toilet. I hated this. For five minutes she then
stood there, ordering me to have a BM. Of course the longer she stood
there the less likely I was to go. Frustrated, she marched out of the
room returning with the little package the nurse had given her.

"These are suppositories," she said, opening the box and laying them
by the sink. "They go up your bottom to make you have a bowel
movement. You are going to have one now because I am tired of you
dawdling. And for dawdling when we get done with this you are going to
have another well deserved spanking."
I hardly thought it was
well deserved. She explained to me that I had to be naked for the
suppository and began to unbutton my shirt while I was still sitting
on the toilet. My shirt off, she ordered me to raise my arms in the
air and she pulled my tee-shirt off. Given how hot it was this
actually did not feel bad. Little did I know what was to come. She
proceeded to untie my little tennis shoes and take them and my socks
off. She then pulled the little blue shorts which were at my knees off
and finally my underpants. Of course I had been naked in front of
mother before but for some reason this felt different.
"Stand up
and face the bathtub," she ordered.
"Now spread your
legs as far apart as possible, put your hands on the rim of the tub
and bend over."
Fearful of the whipping I was yet to get (I had
never seen her this annoyed), I quickly obeyed, saying nothing.
felt her spread my buttocks wide apart with her left hand. With her
right hand, and without warning, she suddenly applied some cold jelly
to the outside of my anus. In a moment she had some more of this jelly
on her finger and was putting it up inside of me.
"You have to be
lubricated well," she said, "for the suppository to slip up easily and
the bowel movement to come out easily."
She then took her long
finger out of my rectum.
"I'm now going to push the suppository
high up inside of you."
Suddenly I felt this little thing at my
anus and then it and her long finger were going up inside of me. Not
convinced it was high enough up, she seemed to endlessly push it
higher and higher. Finally she took her finger out of me. I was told
to lie on the bed until she told me that it was time to sit on the
At first I felt nothing. After about 15 minutes I sort of
had to go and have 30 minutes I had to go real bad.
"You will
keep the suppository in for a whole hour."
Finally after the hour
was up she allowed me to run to the toilet after which I got the much
promised bare bottom spanking. Crying, I was put into bed still naked.

If this had been an isolated situation it would have been bad but
not real bad. However, my mother believed that because I was small I
would, for awhile, need "help" with my BM's. So from the age of that
first experience at six until I was ten I would get a supposity twice
a week. Any efforts to not comply would result in the customary bare
bottom spanking by mother and the threat of her allowing my dad to do
For some reason during the age of eleven she got off the
suppository kick. The following year, at age 12 and in the sixth
grade, I woke up one morning with the feeling of having to go to the
bathroom. Pulling my pjs down, I sat but nothing came. My worst fear
(remembering four years of weekly suppositories) was that I was
Trying to pretend that this wasn't it, I got dressed
and came downstairs for breakfast. I didn't really feel like eating
and mother saw this. I forced myself into a few bites. Being warned to
get ready for the school bus, I ran upstairs and once more tried the
toilet. Still the feeling of having to go but nothing coming. Sitting
there I rationalized that, now being 12 years old, if I told her I
thought I needed a suppository she would let me do it
myself. Afterall, I was just starting to sprout hair under my arms and
around my penis. I certainly did not want my mother to see me
naked. (She had not since the last suppository almost 2 years
Forcing up my courage to deal with her, I pulled up my
pants and went downstairs.
"Where are your school books? The bus
will be here any minute. Your brother is ready to go. I swear, why are
you always dawdling?"
I sort of glanced over at my brother, not
wanting to talk about my problem at all but certainly not in front of
him as well.
"Stop this
nonesense," she said, tension growing in her voice. As for me, I was
feeling pretty bad in my stomach area.
Suddenly I blurted out,
"Fine. I don't feel well. I've got a stomachache. I think I'm
constipated and I think I need one of those _d_a_m_n_
suppositories. Alright."
This stopped her cold. I looked over at
my brother who thought the idea of me being really constipated was
pretty funny.
"Enough laughing," she told my brother. "You go
outside and catch the bus. Your brother is going to stay home from
school. As my brother walked toward the door, I was told to go back
upstairs and put my pajamas back on. She was running to the store.

Upstairs I stripped naked and then put on my pajamas. Just the
bottoms as the house was pretty warm. I then laid down and thought
about putting the suppository in myself. I was, afterall, 12 years
old. Not a little kid anymore.
Pretty soon mom came in with the
box of suppositories.
"Ok. Pull down your pajamas," she said.

"Mom, I think I'm old
enough to do this myself."
"Nonesense," she said, taking the
little white bullet out of its wrapper. "You can't get it high enough
up inside you. Now get the pajamas down. Reluctantly I pulled them
down, trying to turn quickly on my side so she would not see my
penis. Upon her orders, I raised my knees towards my chest. As she had
so many times before, she spread my buttocks and quickly shoved the
suppository high into my rectum. Then the phone rang.
"You lie
still," she said (as if I had never been through this before), and she
went to answer the phone just outside my room.
It was my 6th grade teacher. God, I thought, what was she going to
tell her.
"Yes, well I kept him home from school today. He's
constipated and pretty uptight. Yes, I've given him a rectal
God, I thought to myself, why was she telling her
this about me. I felt humiliated.
"I'm also going to give him a
good, sound spanking as he told me about this like just before he was
supposed to get on the bus. What? Do you think I should? Well you are
the teacher. Thank you for calling, Mrs. Davidson."
I wanted to
kill her when she came back in the room but I said nothing, knowing
that would only make the whipping worse.
"That was
Mrs. Davidson. She had an idea to help you to relax. Lie on your

"Because I need to do something with your penis."
I was confused
and I did not like this at all. Before I could say anything else, she
was turning me onto my back and taking my pajama bottoms from around
my ankles. I was, once again, totally naked for my mother's
inspection. She then took my penis in her hand and starting rubbing it
while talking to me about hormones, puberty, masturbation. It was a
strange sensation to have her rubbing my penis while the other side of
me was feeling like I had to go to the bathroom as the suppository was
melting up inside of me.
Looking at my now erect penis I could
see some liquid forming on the tip. Suddenly I felt this urge which I
had never felt before. I tried hard to contain but mother, moving her
hand now faster over my penis, told me not to and suddenly some white
stuff came shooting out of my penis. For a moment I felt relaxed and
then suddenly I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. I ran to the
toilet. She followed, watching her young son have his bowel movement.

"Remember, there is nothing to be ashamed of about your body with
your mother," she said.
After getting done in the bathroom I was
taken back to my bedroom where I was put over her knee and soundly
spanked. I didn't cry though like I had always done before. In part
because I was, afterall, 12 years old and, in part, because I knew
that she did all these things because she loved me.

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Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens
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Date Posted: 22:26:56 10/09/16 Sun

i'm 16 now but until 13 i remember enema punishments we'll always the same "yes ma'am i deserve a big doo" i always had to say to ma

if i cursed during the insertion or filling i always got the bar in my mouth

the dreaded click and my age in minutes in the tub then the diaper
and humiliatin of sittin in my poo for as long as ma
wanted while she spanked me to spread it around every hour

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 14:27:08 10/17/16 Mon

You sounds like your family is similar to mine - except diapers and messing weren't part of our "tradition". Were your parents very anxious about intestinal toxins affecting behavior, as mine were?

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 10:14:00 10/18/16 Tue

Why should preteens receive punishment enemas and suppositories? It is far better to give them exclusively for health reasons.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

alexis (mommyknowsbest)
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Date Posted: 16:37:32 12/10/16 Sat

Mothers used to believe (and some still do) that acting up is a sign of colonic toxicity. The enemas should not be painful, but certainly through. Meaning, a large soapy filling followed by two rinses.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

paul (joys of otk suppository)
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Date Posted: 18:58:07 04/11/18 Wed

my mom put these in my bum instead of enema cause they were easier to insert and she held my cheeks together before my bm would be ready to release I would b over her knees crying too

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[> [> [> [> Subject: questions to Paul

Date Posted: 02:55:34 04/12/18 Thu

What was your mother's reasoning for this?
Did she spank before or after the insertion?
What kind of suppositories did she use?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 15:08:20 04/14/19 Sun

Toxicity may be the excuse, but anyone who receives an enema from a person in charge of them always comes away with a completely different attitude.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Steven (serious)
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Date Posted: 04:51:27 08/19/20 Wed

I began to receive punishment enemas from my stepmother at about age 10. These were much larger and given much faster than the usual enemas she gave me pretty much weekly until age 14. They were also often cold and given in full view of family members and on two occaisions friends.

They were highly embarrassing and very hard to finish or hold. I quickly learned however. The rule was if you couldn't finish or hold the two or three quarts of cool, stinging, soapy liquid it didn't count and you had to start over. Also any talking or complaining during the process would earn at least another bag and probably a swat across a tense bare bottom struggling hard to finsh at all costs.

It wasn't employed all that often, but left a lasting impression. The worst of all was when I had a schoolchum over to spend the night and we got caught after sneaking out all night.

Early the next morning, my stepmom gleefully opened the curtains and announced that my transgression would earn a PE (Punishment Enema) and a prescription suppository that reacted to the enema. My friend asked what that was and she explained in great detail what she was about to do to me as she pulled back the blanket and inserted the suppository. She used a rectal thermometer as a pushrod and would leave it in place while she got the enema reasy. I was further floored when she asked if my friend wished to be taken home or would he rather stay and witness this bizarre correction.

To my surprise and horror, he elected to stay. It took three tries to get a full bag into me and held but my friend was by the bedside the whole time, watching with amusement and I think fear he was next.

She didn't give him one, and besides a few questions, he didn't discuss it further. Until he got to school the next week and told a couple of friends about the episode.I got teased for years on that one.

Overall I would still say it was a very effective punishment. After a PE I would never think of misbehaving again.

The only thing similar I"ve seen in recent years was a gf who , when she suspected her kids were faking illness, she would threaten to give an enema if they stayed home. This usually resulted in miraculous cures. She would carry through with these at times. I witnessed her daughter get these twice and helped her give her son one once.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Archer (Happy)
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Date Posted: 19:29:02 10/03/20 Sat

I. Use punishment enemas for humiliation and it works

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 07:13:15 08/08/17 Tue

I was raised this way and over time I've become a great advocate of it.

To any mother/father aware of the influence of accumulated fecal toxins on behavior, it makes sense.

Spanking isn't enough for the same reason that "anal insertion" in itself isn't enough - it's merely violence in anger. Suppository insertion after a spanking actually impels the child to discharge the filth that affected their behavior.

It works as a punishment because of

(a) the pain of the insertion and the reinforcement of the idea that someone "in authority" can open up your dirt-hole if they see fit; and

(b) the evacuation of the excrement

And as I learned the hard way, when you have a persistently constipated child and they're over your lap for a spanking, it makes sense to kill two birds with one stone and put a soap-stick or jelly bullet (glycerine suppository) in while they're there. The prospect of having a suppository shoved up their dirt-chute may be terrifying to them, it may reduce them to tears and you may have to chase them around and grab them and hold them down, but...for some oppositional defiant behavior that's exactly what's needed. To paraphrase my mother: It's "punishment" to the child, and if it also makes them do a big gushy dooey pong, it can't be bad, can it?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 11:59:37 08/20/17 Sun

I agree thoroughly. A suppository b4 spanking works wonders.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

alexis (mommyknowsbest)
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Date Posted: 13:37:26 09/27/17 Wed

A through rectal probing by mom AND dad in a team is the best wake up call. Especially when one is a step parent. I don't believe in too much spanking, because it's not really necessary. Probing, and enema
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