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Clitoromegaly - Pictures, Size, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Clitoromegaly - Pictures, Size, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

There no obvious symptoms of clitoromegaly because it is some kind of hypertrophy, enlargement or outgrowth of clitoris. It is often seen that female having enlarged clitoris have prolonged and intense sexual arousal during intercourse. Moreover, it is quite normal and does not require any treatment unless patient feel any problem like pain, irritation, burning or swelling in clitoris etc.

Clitoromegaly is quite normal phenomenon is women and does not require any treatment unless woman feels symptoms like pain, irritation, itchy feeling, tenderness or swelling in clitoris. Such symptoms may indicate that outgrowth of clitoris has infected or inflammed due to inflammatory response. As a treatment there are two approaches one topical application to minimize symptoms like redness, itching, pain etc. Other approach is surgical removal of clitoris outgrowth. Surgery is often recommended because out growth of clitoris is non-functional part so removing it does pose any harm to reproductive organs. 

Clitoromegaly - Pictures, Size, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Reviewed by Simon Albert

February 03, 2017

Rating: 5

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Is this a side effect from taking anabolics, or is China a transgender?
now you're getting the reality of what you love
Uhm...I don't think I'll eat "pigs in a blanket" ever again
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Nothing doing. I will eat Pigs in a Blanket w/honey mustard any ole day. Even after seeing this!

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