Giantess Crush

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On a trail overrun with weeds, a spokesman for the microscopic climbed the beanstalk and came into view abruptly. He gesticulated with antennae to and fro, putting into words, how a giantess occupied with future worries failed to notice the mass murders she commit with feet. The one-eyed titan looked down and saw… oh, what a view. Scores of bodies were lying around, squashed and broken with defeat. The field looks like a battle scene. She sat on unsteady heels and look fixedly at the faultfinder. Except for a borrowed spike from a sea urchin and the hair whorl of Van Gogh throughout, the itty bitty was just another ant in the crowd.
“Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of ants everywhere. It’s not my fault that the teeny can’t be seen. They should shriek loud if they can down there, although I won’t be able to hear a thing up here. Only the foolish follows through a single file line and run not in all directions to get out of my way,” the cyclop mocked.
Her accuser remained calm, despite having verbal stones thrown at him. “How many times have you tripped on this trodden path?” the ant cross-examined with genuine interest.
The giantess replied with furrowed brows, “Just five minutes ago, I sprawled because an inconsiderate tortoise tent right in the middle of the road. In general, I stagger at least once a week. Why?”
“The solution is to keep your eyes held high, low on the ground bubbling with life,” the ant responded, an octave higher.
The lady goliath retorted, “I’m used to walking with my head in the clouds. What’s there to observe on the floor? The settling dusts flying up in a breeze?”
The gentle-ant went into detail, “You passed over the fabulous roadmaps made by earthworms in their earthly labor. Over there you missed the invitation of the Malayan shrews, they are sharing with anyone their party of fresh fallen donut peaches. And that meadow ant meandering leisurely with a trimming of curry leaf, he is flossing his teeth.”
Globs of awakening twirled within the iris of the tall titanic. It was the first time she realized that. Having said his piece, teeny sauntered in peace toward his homely jungle. The giantess had better appreciation for ants since and watched her step. To date she is still ironing flat the wrinkly dead leaves with elephantine tread, but instead of stomping on ants, she walks over them now. You think you can easily crush a dozen ants with one finger? Small in size they may look weak, but all it takes is one strong-minded ant to lift you off your feet.
Last time I saw this pic it had over 200 faves and over 190000 views! That was before the deletion of my pro account!!
maybe a story could go nice with this
If you like the picture, let me know, I may make comic from it.
Sweet Eri walks on the beach of Tinyland.
I bet one of those Tinys made off with my dress! I will crush them, I will knock over buildings until I find my dress!
After a long break, the beautiful Jenny has come back to Tinyland. It seems she is not in the mood for jokes.... oder
I had to crush those two Tinys. They were looking up my skirt. They had it coming. You must admit, I'm wearing a very festive Christmasy dress.
I almost crushed Santa, too. He called me a "Ho Ho Ho."
I must say, this Tiny does not seem concerned that he's about to be crushed. They do die bravely. Maybe he's just happy with the view up my skirt.
When Rebecca comes to Tinyland this time, she is so big that the concrete floor cracks under her weight. I really hope she doesn't start dancing.
Here we see sweet Ida abusing a bridge as a slackline in Tinyland. The rails are useless afterwards but the picture is for eternity. ;-)
Two tiny bridge guards in Tinyland want to deny Vivian passage. It comes as it had to come...
After walking through Tinyland all morning, Letizia wants to take a rest first....
A great friend who enjoys pressing her big feet on me while I shrink
The first time that beautiful Steph is in Tinyland.
These three brave tinies surprised Alana while she was lying on the ground. Now they're going to kick her flat, just like she did hundreds of them before. Hopefully it will work....
Eva played with slave boy like a dog.
See Slave recycling center comic at
even though she is gigantic to me, she can be delicate and very careful. But I have to be careful, she is very ticklish
a small Tribute to my friend Goddess @SiouxsieXXX

MORE ABOUT Giantess Stories: A Short Crush Story
Giantess Movie Clips Enjoy more than 1000 giantess anime, commercials, music and game videos
          Harvard, one of the countries most prestigious
schools, a school that many have dreamed of going to at one point in there
lives. An institution full of the best of the best, the elite's elite, but some
where along the line of its hallowed halls it has begun to turn to a place where
rich kids can go if their wallet is big enough or there parents are powerful
enough. Yes Harvard another one of the many examples of what today's America is
all about. This is where our story begins.
          Alexia Waters, daughter Sam and Stu Waters grew
up in a small town in Connecticut. A town that was absolutely ordinary in every
way that mattered. There was nothing that was unique or different about it. This
town could have been anywhere, but it was in Connecticut. This is where Alexia
spent her childhood and teenage years of her life. She graduated in a class of
          It was that fall that Alexia packed up her
things into her Porsche and drove to Harvard University. It would be the first
time that she had ever been on her own. It would turn out to be quite and
          The first quarter went by and Alexia was looking
at her mid semester grades online when she noticed that her psychology teacher
was only giving her a C. Alexia who had never gotten a c in her life was
devastated not to mention that this was going to be her major and a C wasn't
what she wanted showing up at her home either. So she decided to talk with her
          After Psychology class Alexia began to walk down
the long stairway from her seat in the back of the lecture hall. The closer she
got she found herself getting nervous. She hadn't even talked to her professor
before so she wasn't quite sure what to expect.
          â€œDr. Nelson do you have a moment?” shouted
Alexia as she scuffled towards the professor. Her dark brown hair was nipping at
her shoulders as she as her matching brown eyes locked onto him. As she neared
her black mini skirt that was all too short was gracefully pulled up a bit so it
was even shorter along with her form fitting black top almost seemed as if it
          Dr. Nelson turned his head around upon hearing
his name. He eyed his young student as she neared having no clue who she was
beyond the fact that she was in his class. Dr. Nelson turned towards his student
Aid and asked if he knew but he merely shrugged his shoulders and stared as
          â€œDr. Nelson I noticed that I was getting a C in
this class? That wasn't exactly what was worked. My family puts a lot of money
into this school and I expect a little courtesy.” Alexia then flipped her hair
with hand as she transferred her weight to her right foot and crossed her arms
as she looked at the Professor and his student aid.
          â€œWell Alexia you are getting a free ride I don't
exactly see what you are complaining about? There are plenty of students who
would kill for the opportunity that you have and you are upset over a c?”
          Alexia then looked at both of them with anger
burning in her eyes as she took a few steps closer. Alexia was now standing face
to face with both her teacher and his aid. She could tell that they were
uncomfortable with her being so close to them but that would soon change. She
dug her hands into her purse, fumbling through everything, while Dr. Nelson took
a few steps back with his aid. Alexia then pulled out two syringes that were
about half the size of her thumb. She had one in each hand as she approached
them, she moved towards them once again stuck a syringe in each of their necks.
They both looked at her confused and then fell over. Todos los regalos y muestras gratis, promociones, productos gratis, cupones descuento, sorteos, concursos, ofertas España del 2022 Muestras gratis y regalos
          Alexia smiled as she looked at them both lying
on the floor. She then ran back up to her seat and grabbed her bag. She looked
around at either door and didn't see anyone coming in yet so she ran back down
the stairs and set her bag down on a table which was in the front of the lecture
hall. She pulled her laptop out of her bag and booted it up. She once again
looked at the both the doors before she started up a program called minimize XP.
          Alexia smiled now as she looked down at the two,
she knew they would be waking soon and the next class would be here soon she
didn't even bother to look at what the controls were set at all she did was hit
the shrink button. She then eyed her the two men as they grew smaller and
          Neither man stopped shrinking till they were no
taller then an inch. Alexia smiled as she grabbed both men with only one hand
and slipped them both into her bag along with her laptop. It was then she saw
          â€œWhat are you still doing here Alexia?” stated
Miranda in a superior tone. Miranda was one of those girls who automatically
thought they were better then everyone else, she's the kind of person who would
go to the white house and expect the president to wait on her hand and foot.
          â€œNothing Miranda, I was just hoping to catch
professor nelson but he left to fast after class and I have to get going.”
Grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder Alexia strolls out of the
room casually as to not draw any suspicion to herself.
          Alexia had made it home without a hitch. She
anxiously unzipped her bag and pulled out the two tiny men. She smiled down at
them as she could see them begin to stir. It was professor nelson who stood up
first. Alexia nudged Professor Nelson with her baby toe causing him to roll end
over end. Alexia smiles down at him and then grabs onto him with her left hand
while pulling her pants and panties away from her ass with her right. Alexia
twirls her head around and looks down at the flailing little professor in her
hand. She grins from to ear as she lets go watching him slide down the small of
her back grabbing for anything but not finding a single thing to stop his fall.
          Professor Nelson watches as his vision is
blurred by his speed of decent, the blurring colors soon change to just darkness
as he watches the elastic waist band of a flowered pair of panties whirl by, as
he reaches about halfway down Alexia's ass the snapping of the waist band echoes
          Everything around him is constricted and tight.
The smell coming off of Alexia's ass makes him want to hurl as his face is
shoved into her asshole by the tight denim pants hugging Alexia's ass.
          Professor Nelson begins to panic as he feels
everything grow tighter and tighter as she moves to sit down. The two massive
ass cheeks begin to push against the body of Professor Nelson. His screams are
muffled as Alexia's ass cheeks have entombed him in her flesh, squeezing him
tighter and tighter until finally Alexia feels a liquid running down her ass.
aid knowing that he was clueless as to his beloved teacher's fate. Alexia
grabbed him swiftly and without mercy as she picked him up off the ground with
her pointer and index finger positioned under his armpit. She tilted her head
back and watched his eyes light up like Christmas lights as he looked down at
her cavernous maw. Alexia licked her lips as she let go of the student aid, her
mouth closed tightly as she swallowed him whole. Alexia's eye closed as she felt
an ecstasy like feeling as he kicked and squirmed all the way down to her belly.
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H2O Giantess Tv bring to you the best in Giantess videos, Giantess series, Giantess short film and Giantess Entertainment
Giantess Mandy Locks Her Crush and Twin Sister in A Cage
Giantess Unaware Crush the Guy Endless Times
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Giantess Unaware Crush the Guy Endless Times by H2O Giantess Tv 44,885 views
Unaware Giantess 2021 by H2O Giantess Tv 24,388 views
Giantess Mandy Locks Her Crush and Twin Sister in A Cage by H2O Giantess Tv 29,356 views
Unaware Giantess 2022 - Almost Crushed The Guy by H2O Giantess Tv 32,815 views
Giantess by H2O Giantess Tv 41 videos
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MORE ABOUT Giantess Stories: Crushed Underfoot
Giantess Movie Clips Enjoy more than 1000 giantess anime, commercials, music and game videos
Since I was 16 years old, I have always had a fantasy to be crushed to death
under a beautiful women's bare foot. Life over the last few years had been
depressing, I lost my job, my wife had left me and I had continuously felt that
life wasn't worth living. The only person in my family that even still talked to
me was my younger sister Susan who was still in College.
A few days ago I bought a magic potion that would turn me into anything I wanted
to be. After great consideration, I decided that I wanted to turn myself into a
small black beetle and be crushed beneath an unwashed barefoot by a girl of my
choice. A beetle seemed like a good insect. It had a hard shell that would
provide some initial resistance to the crushing power of the foot allowing me to
enjoy the experience for as long as possible. Furthermore, most girls wouldn't
resist the chance to step on a bug, especially if they were going to get paid to
do it. I had managed to save $35,000 over the years until I lost my job. I hired
a photographer, an average looking blond women, that was experienced in making
crush films for the fetish web sites. At first, she though I was nuts when I
told her my plan. But when I offered her $25,000 for her participation, she
agreed to do the job. My stipulations were that the girl wasn't to know anything
else other than that she was stepping on a bug, and that she would make the
crushing session last as long as possible so that I could enjoy it until the
bitter, or should I say sweet, END! Also, she would need to be ready to film at
a moments notice. She said, for a few extra dollars, she would be more then
willing to slowly crush me under her barefoot. But I wanted it to be a foot on
my choosing. Now, all I had to do was find the girl for the job.
My sister Susan had a room mate, Janet, who was a real knockout. Janet and Susan
were also good friends and did everything together on their spare time,
swimming, jogging and karate lessons at the local Karate school. I had the
privilege of meeting Janet on several occasions. What attracted me most about
her was here beautiful shaped feet. Each toe the right length, her soft looking
soles with only the slightest small patches of tried skin forming around the
heels. Even her toe nails were clean and properly pedicured. They were nothing
like my sisters feet which were narrow with long boney toes, each big toe
slightly bent inwards, long toenails that were never trimmed properly with
toejam clearly visible under each nail. I certainly knew exactly what kind of
This afternoon, when I was in their dorm room for a visit, Susan and Janet
stepped out for a few minutes to grab something from the local kitchen. While
there were gone I scrambled to find one of Janet's worn sneakers or used socks
to smell. In the corner of the room was a well used pair of sneakers. I ran and
picked one up and held it to my nose. I slowly inhaled the aroma of the sneaker.
They smelled so cheesy that I almost passed out! But I kept inhaling, why not,
this was the scent of the goddess I desired. As I opened the shoe up to reveal
its interior, I saw that the insole was completely soiled and drenched in sweat
with the footprint clearly outlined. "Oh my God!", I could see the clear
imprints made from five long boney toes. "My sisters shoes, yuk!", I said -
quickly dropping them to the floor. "Susan must walk barefoot in her shoes all
the time to make them that raunchy", I said to myself. Over, on the other side
of the room, was another pair of running shoes. "These must be Janet's" - I
looked inside the shoe first this time. There, in front of me, was an insole
that was only slightly soiled and a faint footprint with five even sized toe
prints. I smelled the interior of the shoe and inhaled the sweet odor of
"Goddess Janet". "These are definitely the feet I want to crush me to death!" -
Just then, the girls returned to the room. I quickly placed the shoe back with
it's partner. Susan said to me, what are you doing tonight? I said I think I
will just hang around here for awhile if you don't mind. "Suit yourself", she
said and kicked off here slippers, walked over to the corner of the room
barefoot, and started to put on her sweaty old sneaker's. I barely noticed, as
Janet had just slipped off her slippers to reveal two beautiful slightly sweaty,
bare feet - I was in heaven. Susan said. "I'm going for a jog Janet, why don't
you join me?". "No, I don't really feel like it right now Susan, but I'll see
you later at Karate class". "Ok, I'll see you latter", and Susan jogged out the
door - now, at last I was alone with Janet.
I said to Janet, "What's wrong?, you seem to be a little down today". She began
to tell me about how her parents had run into bad times and that she didn't
think that she would have enough money to finish paying for her year at College.
I told her that I knew how she could make some money. "Have you ever heard about
crush fetish movies?". What's that? - I proceeded to explain to her what they
were all about. "You mean, guy's actually get off watching girls step on bugs?,
you have got to be joking!". "Hey, there's big money in it if you are
interested'. "I may be", she said, but "barefoot (Yukk), why not with my shoes
on?- I don't really like stepping on bugs, especially barefoot" - she
reluctantly agreed to do it for the money. She said, "I guess so, It's only a
bug, right?". I call the director on the telephone and told her to be ready at
the studio right away. Janet interrupted me and said, "it will have to be after
my karate class, h
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