Giantess Cigarette

Giantess Cigarette


Giantess Cigarette
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Will you survive after being shrunk?
Created: August 25th, 2009 at 4:42 pm
Modified: May 19th, 2022 at 9:41 am
This choice: A completely different girl(Anything goes) · Go Back...
You notice an attractive blonde woman leaning up against a tree smoking. She is wearing nerdy type glasses (they look hot on her), a tight white sweater,tight black skirt, and tight black square toe leather boots. She looks almost graceful as she smokes. You make your way towards the smoking woman. As you approach you begin to smell the aroma of her cigarette. You cough a little bit. It is enough to get her attention. She looks at you and steps back in shock. Then she kicks you sending you flying through the air. The woman storms over and stomps her high heeled boot right next to you taking another drag off her cigarette. She smiles at you revealing a shiny pair of braces as she bends over and picks you up. The woman then sniffs you very primally then licks you. The smell of cigarettes was heavy on her breath. As she took another drag she blew her smoke right in your face. The woman laughs as she ashes her cigarette on top of you. She then tightens her grip with one hand as she grabs your left arm like a crank ot a wind up car. She twists and breaks your arm with no effort at all. You scream in pain as she bellows out a sadistic laugh. You beg her to stop but she dosent respond. The woman then brings you to her face and qucikly bites your left arm right off. You scream in sheer agony as you watch your captor swallow your entire arm. She turns you upside down and dangles you by the leg above her mouth mocking you as she tastes the blood rushing from where your arm used to be. Then the woman drops you to the ground. As you hit the ground you hear many bones snap. The fall has left you winded and unsure if you are even able to walk. You look up to see her gigantic cigarette butt coming down. It hits the ground next to you. As she exhales her drag she twists out the butt with her gigantic boot. You notice the twisted remains of the cigarette butt encrusted in the sole pattern of the giant woman's boot. She instructs you to clean them and dangles her boot directly overtop of you. You struggle to get up after the fall but manage to do so. You reach up for her boot when she pulls it away. "Not with your hand you little dip shit!! With your tongue!!" You begin to lick her boot sole. It tastes like cigarette ashes and burnt rubber. You lick it for a half an hour straight before the woman moves her boot. You look up at her just as she spits down on you. The ball of saliva exploded with a splash soaking you. You begin to feel queasy from all the blood you lost. You fall face first into the spit puddle. You feel the giant woman pick you up by your head. She pinches your head with her forefinger and thumb and once again dangles you in front of her face. She grins exposing her braces. She holds your head as she scrapes your face across her sharp metal braces. You cut your face badly. She licks you again. The woman then licks her braces then her lips as she dangles your entire body over her mouth. You dangle from your remaining arm. You are slowly lowered towards her mouth. You can feel her teeth with your legs. Suddenly they close around your legs like clamps. You barely have the energy to scream. She swallows with delight. Still being held by your arm, the giantess pinches hard smooshing your remaining arm and tosses you to the ground like a piece of trash. You watch as the giant woman steps over you and walks away with her high heels clicking. She walks over to the three girls on the bench, tells them somthing and walks away like nothing happened. The three girls come rushing over to find you..
Where will this interactive story go?
indicates the next chapter is blank and needs to be created.

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A juxtaposition highlighted by land and sea, yet united through a steadfast commitment to ultimate luxury and performance.
Cigarette Racing Team & RWO enter into 5-year agreement to sponsor Offshore Racing Series
Cigarette Racing Team will be the official presenting sponsor of the famed World Championship offshore powerboat racing event being held this November 7th – 14th, 2021 in Key West, Florida. Fans will get to see the newest...
Leaning into the Future- Mindi Doller joins Cigarette Racing Team
Widely respected in high-performance marine industry circles, Florida’s Mindi Doller has joined Cigarette Racing Team to develop an in-house, full-service center for the Opa-locka, Fla.-headquartered company...
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© 2022 Cigarette Racing. All rights reserved.

A tiny man is trapped in the house of a giantess
Update: 19/10/1997 to giantess
Troy dropped from the window ledge and made his way
across the kitchen floor. The Giantess had just left. He’d seen her
go - but there was no time to waste. He had no idea how long
before she would get back. With his time possibly so limited he
didn’t bother using the cover of furniture and the shadows along the
wall...he ran straight across the floor. It made him feel very
unnatural to be running through the Giantess’ house so exposed.
His breath was short and his heart pounded from the anxiety. The
floor expanded in front of him like an immense prairie. The sun
caught him from where it slanted down through the window and fell
on the floor. As a scout for his small group, he was responsible for
discovering new food sources. There were three scouts...he was
the newest. He’d been on several other outings before, but they
were easy training missions. This was his first one alone. The
others had gone smoothly...he hoped this one would also.

Finally...the other side of the kitchen. He looked up. Far
above him he could see the shelf where he needed to go. ‘Stop for
a moment and catch my breath,’ he thought. But his breathing only
slowed a bit...his heart was still pounding hard.
"I’m all in a panic...I’m so nervous." He fought to control
his breathing and did several minutes of breathing excersizes he
knew of. When he felt more in control, he stepped back a dozen
feet to survey the task in front of him. His forte was climbing. In
fact that’s what had finally got him this scouting position. He was a
better climber than any of the other scouts who had been trained.
He was a natural.
His eyes found a long crack that ran up the face of the
wooden cabinet. From the top of the crack he could transfer to a
kitchen towel...and from there he’d haul himself up to the top of the
cabinet. It wasn’t the only way up, but it was certainly the easiest
way. He’d figure how to get to the shelves over that, once he’d
gotten to that far. When he got to the bottom of the crack he
dropped his pack and pulled the coiled rope from it. He was going
to pull out the piece of paper he’d brought to sketch his accent -
something he had to do - so’s that the others could follow and
duplicate his feat, but he thought better of it. ‘Just get it done and
get out of here...I’ll do it later,’ he thought.
Flinging the coil over his head and shoulder, he wedged his
hands and feet into the crack and, keeping the tension, skillfully
began to climb. 30 feet up he was even with the bottom of the
kitchen towel...he tugged at it for strength then quickly transferred
himself to the towel. Now he was climbing hand-over-hand. His
body was lean and sinewy. This is what he really loved...high over
the ground...clinging to cracks and crevices. These accents were
like figuring out a jigsaw puzzle. This one had been pretty easy.
His grip was like iron. He could have hung there for an hour if he
chose. Instead he did hand-over-hand to the top of the towel, his
body swinging rhythmically back and forth. He had complete
mastery over every fine tuned muscle and worked them together
smoothy...with precision.
From the top of the towel, where it draped over the metal
bracket, he easily reached up with his hands and caught hold of the
lip of the counter top and flipped himself up. At the back of the
counter, lined up against the wall were huge jars filled with beans,
rice and flour...He crossed to the one filled with flour. It sat against
the corner. Behind it he hid the rope. It would be used by the
others. They would come with packs and bags in the middle of the
night. They would use his paper sketch and duplicate his climb.
Then they would use the stowed rope to lower packs filled with the
goods. There was enough here to feed his group for months. And
that was only on this counter top.
‘What’ was on the shelves above?’ The only way up there
was to use a grappling hook and line. He didn’t have one. That
was OK. They would only take what they could get out of there in
one night. After that the Giantess would be on to them. It would be
too dangerous to come back. And there was certainly more here
than they could possibly transport in one night. Thank God he
didn’t have to do that anymore. With his scouting position came
allot of special treatment, a lot of admiration...especially from the
women of his group. OK., the rope was stowed, he had taken
mental notes of what was here...beans, rice, flour, coffee...He knew
how he’d sketch his route up time to go. He took a look
around the kitchen. From this height it looked almost normal size.
The refrigerator suddenly came to life, causing him to nearly jump
out of his skin. The time constraints jumped back into his mind.
He dropped back over the edge and made his way down to the
floor. As he reached the ground the door knob jiggled! Troy’s
heart leaped to his mouth and sweat immediately broke out on his
hands. The door opened - he had to react!! He was completely
exposed. The nearest cover was under a table which was
completely on the other side of the kitchen. He ran for it. The
Giantess stepped into the room. His head was swimming in panic.
It was that damn refrigerator...he didn’t hear her approaching
because of the noise it made. He got under the table. Somehow...
miraculously undetected. She sat a bag of groceries on the counter
he’d just been standing on. He hid the best he could, watching her
as she made herself a cup of coffee and sat down, pulling the chair
from his table. He was stuck under there until she left.
‘Oh no!’ He spotted his pack lying on the floor where he’d
left it. She was bound to see it anytime. It was a dead give away
that a little person had been there. It would negate his whole
mission. He had to get that pack. Slowly he crept to the table leg
nearest the Giant woman. She was drinking her coffee and reading
a paper...This was his best chance maybe his only chance to get
across the floor unnoticed.
The woman giant reached down and took the shoes off her feet.
Troy could feel the humid heat rising from them. they were lying
only several feet away from where he hid behind the table leg. She
stretched out her legs and wiggled her toes, sighing. Then she
crossed them and rubbed them with one hand and sipped the
coffee with the other...She seemed to be reading the paper on the
table. Troy edged closer to the big shoes on the floor in front of
him. Her head was turned down. She was reading something. He
was sure of it. This was his best chance. Slowly he edged further
and further under her chair. Those legs were huge...nylons...Her
sweaty feet filled his nostrils. He took his bearings and scampered
out from under the table...Once out in the open he couldn’t help but
stop and look. How gigantic she was! Troy reached for his pack
"Hey!" he heard her say. He turned and looked .
"Oh my God!" he said to himself. She was looking right at
"A little man!" the Giantess said in a soft, mild voice. Troy
turned and ran through an immense doorway. "Come here little
guy," she said. He looked back over his shoulder, the woman was
getting to her feet. "You can’t get away from me she said. He
hurried into the other room...
‘No hiding places!’ It was empty. There was another
doorway...He ran through the room as he heard and felt her heavy
footsteps thundering on the linoleum. He reached the doorway as
she caught up with him...
"You really thought you could get away?" Her voice came
from directly over him. "You better stop." He took several more
steps until a shadow surrounded him. He turned around just in time
to see her heavy foot descending on him. Troy’s body was
pinned to the floor. Her foot was heavy. Even though she was
being careful not to hurt him, the air rushed from his lungs. She
rolled him back and forth under her nylons. "What are you doing in
my house? she asked as she rolled him back and forth. "Don’t you
have anything better to do than sneaking into people’s houses?"
The Giantess released Troy from under her foot. He got
up, dizzy at first and tried to run. He ran in-between her feet but his
balance gave out and he fell to the floor. The Giantess picked him
up and held him firmly in her grip as she spoke to him... "Tell me
what you are doing in my house?"
"Let me go," Troy yelled, "Your hurting me!"
"I can hurt you a whole lot more if you don’t answer some
questions." She squeezed him a little more.
"I’m...I’m looking for food," Troy gasped.
"Your looking for food?"
"Yes. I’m trying to get some food for my people...we are
very hungry."
"Well I certainly have food I can give you little people but I
don’t like you sneaking about in my house."
"If you could spare anything...I’d be gratified."
"I’ll get you some food little one, but I want something in
return," she said.
"My feet. They are really killing me and I want you to rub
them." With that, Troy was placed by her feet, and spent the next
twenty minutes messaging and rubbing while she read a book. He
was tired, but she wasn’t done with him yet. "Now message me higher...up here," she said touching her thigh. Troy
climbed the slick nylon up her leg and twice lost his grip and slid
back down to her foot. The Giantess laughed at him.
‘Some climber I am,’ he thought. On the third try, he began to slip
again when he felt her hand suddenly underneath him giving him a
boost. Once on her thigh, Troy did the best he could to message
her massive leg. She enjoyed feeling him crawling about on her
thigh.After a while she picked him up. "That’s enough". You
earned your crumbs of food," she said and carried him into the
bedroom. There she got undressed in front of him. Changing
clothes, she put on a nice dress and slipped her feet into a pair of
white heels.
"I think I’ll keep you around. I can use your services when I
get back from dancing tonight." "I need to go home," he said. "I’ve
got people waiting for me. We made a deal!" But she wasn’t
listening. Please lady, please let me go now. I rubbed your feet
and you said I could
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