Giantess Barefoot Crush

Giantess Barefoot Crush


Giantess Barefoot Crush
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Since I was 16 years old, I have always had a fantasy to be crushed to death
under a beautiful women's bare foot. Life over the last few years had been
depressing, I lost my job, my wife had left me and I had continuously felt that
life wasn't worth living. The only person in my family that even still talked to
me was my younger sister Susan who was still in College.
A few days ago I bought a magic potion that would turn me into anything I wanted
to be. After great consideration, I decided that I wanted to turn myself into a
small black beetle and be crushed beneath an unwashed barefoot by a girl of my
choice. A beetle seemed like a good insect. It had a hard shell that would
provide some initial resistance to the crushing power of the foot allowing me to
enjoy the experience for as long as possible. Furthermore, most girls wouldn't
resist the chance to step on a bug, especially if they were going to get paid to
do it. I had managed to save $35,000 over the years until I lost my job. I hired
a photographer, an average looking blond women, that was experienced in making
crush films for the fetish web sites. At first, she though I was nuts when I
told her my plan. But when I offered her $25,000 for her participation, she
agreed to do the job. My stipulations were that the girl wasn't to know anything
else other than that she was stepping on a bug, and that she would make the
crushing session last as long as possible so that I could enjoy it until the
bitter, or should I say sweet, END! Also, she would need to be ready to film at
a moments notice. She said, for a few extra dollars, she would be more then
willing to slowly crush me under her barefoot. But I wanted it to be a foot on
my choosing. Now, all I had to do was find the girl for the job.
My sister Susan had a room mate, Janet, who was a real knockout. Janet and Susan
were also good friends and did everything together on their spare time,
swimming, jogging and karate lessons at the local Karate school. I had the
privilege of meeting Janet on several occasions. What attracted me most about
her was here beautiful shaped feet. Each toe the right length, her soft looking
soles with only the slightest small patches of tried skin forming around the
heels. Even her toe nails were clean and properly pedicured. They were nothing
like my sisters feet which were narrow with long boney toes, each big toe
slightly bent inwards, long toenails that were never trimmed properly with
toejam clearly visible under each nail. I certainly knew exactly what kind of
This afternoon, when I was in their dorm room for a visit, Susan and Janet
stepped out for a few minutes to grab something from the local kitchen. While
there were gone I scrambled to find one of Janet's worn sneakers or used socks
to smell. In the corner of the room was a well used pair of sneakers. I ran and
picked one up and held it to my nose. I slowly inhaled the aroma of the sneaker.
They smelled so cheesy that I almost passed out! But I kept inhaling, why not,
this was the scent of the goddess I desired. As I opened the shoe up to reveal
its interior, I saw that the insole was completely soiled and drenched in sweat
with the footprint clearly outlined. "Oh my God!", I could see the clear
imprints made from five long boney toes. "My sisters shoes, yuk!", I said -
quickly dropping them to the floor. "Susan must walk barefoot in her shoes all
the time to make them that raunchy", I said to myself. Over, on the other side
of the room, was another pair of running shoes. "These must be Janet's" - I
looked inside the shoe first this time. There, in front of me, was an insole
that was only slightly soiled and a faint footprint with five even sized toe
prints. I smelled the interior of the shoe and inhaled the sweet odor of
"Goddess Janet". "These are definitely the feet I want to crush me to death!" -
Just then, the girls returned to the room. I quickly placed the shoe back with
it's partner. Susan said to me, what are you doing tonight? I said I think I
will just hang around here for awhile if you don't mind. "Suit yourself", she
said and kicked off here slippers, walked over to the corner of the room
barefoot, and started to put on her sweaty old sneaker's. I barely noticed, as
Janet had just slipped off her slippers to reveal two beautiful slightly sweaty,
bare feet - I was in heaven. Susan said. "I'm going for a jog Janet, why don't
you join me?". "No, I don't really feel like it right now Susan, but I'll see
you later at Karate class". "Ok, I'll see you latter", and Susan jogged out the
door - now, at last I was alone with Janet.
I said to Janet, "What's wrong?, you seem to be a little down today". She began
to tell me about how her parents had run into bad times and that she didn't
think that she would have enough money to finish paying for her year at College.
I told her that I knew how she could make some money. "Have you ever heard about
crush fetish movies?". What's that? - I proceeded to explain to her what they
were all about. "You mean, guy's actually get off watching girls step on bugs?,
you have got to be joking!". "Hey, there's big money in it if you are
interested'. "I may be", she said, but "barefoot (Yukk), why not with my shoes
on?- I don't really like stepping on bugs, especially barefoot" - she
reluctantly agreed to do it for the money. She said, "I guess so, It's only a
bug, right?". I call the director on the telephone and told her to be ready at
the studio right away. Janet interrupted me and said, "it will have to be after
my karate class, how about eight o'clock?". "Eight o'clock it is". I gave her
the address of the studio and told her to do everything exactly as the director
tells you. She still seemed reluctant especially when I told her I couldn't be
there but this director was a great lady to work with. I then said my good bye's
to her and left the dorm room realizing that this was the last time I would say
bye to her as a human being, that later tonight her dirty foot, the lowest part
of her body, would end my life - it will probably be very dirty indeed after
For the next few hours I waited at the studio with the director, shaking in
anticipation of Janet's foot. I stood naked in the middle of the studio and
drank the potion realizing that this was the last moment I would be a human
being. Very slowly, I grew dizzy and the room began to spin. I though about what
I wanted to become - a small black beetle. Slowly, the room grew larger and
larger as I shrank into my new form. When I woke up, I turned my beetle head and
looked down along my body. My body was black with eight legs and on my back was
a hard shell which surrounded my body. I found I couldn't walk, too many legs
for me to control, and I also couldn't talk as I no longer had a voice box. I
was now just a bug, a prop for a new crush video. The director picked me up and
placed me on the middle of an elevated white wooded platform surrounded by video
camera's that would photograph my end.
We both waited, the director smoking cigarettes and getting more and more
impatient as 10 pm approached. The affects of the potion was irreversible so I
was getting nervous. The director then said to me if this girl doesn't arrive
here in the next ten minutes, "I am going to step on you myself and go home".
Five minutes past, the director then walked over and stood up on the platform
beside me and began to remove her shoes and socks. I was shaking as the odor
from her feet hit me as she removed her first sock to reveal a rather ugly
sweaty foot with long boney toes. "Times Up", she said. "Time for me to step on
you", as she raised her ugly foot above me. I tried to scream no, but I had no
voice - this wasn't the way it was suppose to end. The foot descended upon and
touched the upper part of my shell. The smell and warmth from the foot was
overwhelming as it prepared to squash me.
Just then, I heard voices as Janet and my sister walked into the room. They saw
the director standing barefoot on the platform. "Are we too late, said Janet?".
"No", said the director," I was just lining up the shot, let's get going". Janet
and Susan walked up to the platform. Janet said, "I still feel funny about doing
this, even though I need the money". They both looked down at me, studying me
closely. I never felt so low and insignificant in my life, not even to be a
person anymore. "What are you worried about Janet, said Susan, it's just a
stupid worthless bug". Those words rang loudly in my ears as I was getting
second thoughts about this whole thing - but it was too late now, everything was
now in motion. Janet said, "I' am sorry, I just don't think I can do it". My
‘I'll do it for you Janet", said Susan. "I step on the bug and give you the
money for your college fees". A stunned feeling fell over me as my sister
happily jumped up onto the platform beside me. I couldn't believe it, my life
was going to end under my sister's foot instead of Janet's. Susan said to the
director, "now tell me what you want me to do". Well Susan, first of all remove
your sneakers and socks. "Oh, I never wear socks, should I wash my feet first
before you start filming". "No, that's not necessary, our viewer like looking at
sweaty feet". "Peuwwwwwww, that's gross", said Susan. "Now Janet, even though
your not going to step on the bug yourself, would you please also get up on the
platform and remove your shoes and socks" - our viewers like to see lots of bare
feet in our movies. Janet had no problem doing that as the beetle and the girls
feet were the actual stars of the movie, anyway.
Meanwhile, I watch helplessly as my sister kicked off the sweaty sneakers that I
had smelled earlier today. Was it right for my sister to unknowingly crush me to
death? It didn't matter as in a few minutes I was going to become a stain on the
bottom of her foot whether it was right or not. Susan positioned herself to
place one foot on either side of me as the director set up the shoot. As her
right foot touch the platform it began to compress as it received the full
weight of her body. The skin pad along the sole of her foot flattened and bulged
outwards under her enormous weight. The skin along the length of the floor and
the underside of her long big toe became white as the blood was forced out from
under the foot as her weight settled on it. I then heard a loud thudding sound
as her left foot contacted the platform on the other side of me. Her left foot
then received the weight of her body. As I looked from side to side, I could
seen her shifting, ever so slightly, her body weight from foot to foot. Within
seconds, the feted odor of her feet began to suffocate me. These feet had been
walking around the college all day, been jogging and to karate class - no wonder
they smelled to bad, or was it good. After all, I wanted to end my life under a
women's foot. I began to look at these two feet on either side as me not as my
sisters feet, but representing all women's feet around the world. That she was
no longer my sister because I was now just a bug and people step on bugs with
not regard for there well being. I realized, finally, that I should be stepped
on by these feet especially, because as a bug I was inferior not to just Susan,
but also inferior to the lowest part of her body, the sole of her foot. I stared
at her right foot and longed to be crushed beneath it.
My sister looked down upon me with an evil smirk saying, "just tell me when to
start". Just then, Janet's bare foot landed near me. There in full view was the
feet I longed to be crushed by but would never be. Janet's right foot compressed
on the platform about four inches away from me. Her perfect toes flattened
against the platform and the underside turned white as each toes now received
her body weight. I then looked back up at Susan.
The director told Susan, "I want you to raise your foot over the bug and bring
it slowly down on it" - I couldn't hear what else they were saying as they
talked amongst themselves. What I did hear was the words - "Action!".
"Oh Look, a bug, I hate bugs, what should I do", said Susan. Crush the worthless
thing under your foot!, said Janet. Those words hit hard, even Janet had called
be "worthless" - she was right. I felt the platform begin to shake as Susan's
began to shift all her weight to her right foot - this was it, the beginning of
the end. Her right foot began to compress even more, the skin grew whiter at the
heel where it contacted the platform, her long skinny toes grew whiter as they
tried to adjust to the ever increasing pressure, the weight shifting from toe to
toe, and the upper half of her foot became red as the blood from her sole rushed
to the upper foot where the pressure was less. I would know what this enormous Recetas de comidas rapidas y fáciles de preparar, con ingredientes ecónomicos y baratos Comidas rápidas
pressure felt like on me soon enough. The intensive crush on this foot caused a
small chuck of toe jam to dislodge from under her big toe nail and fall to the
platform below. A sudden breeze blew the toe jam right beside me. To me the jam
was as large as a football. I opened my mouth and placed this gift in my bug
mouth and chewed her filth, a mixture of dead skin, dirt and sweat until it was
all gone - it was my last meal and I was thankful for it!
I then felt her left foot shift. This would be the foot that ends my miserable
life. The foot began to leave the platform. There was a loud suction sound as
the sweaty foot, that clung to the wood, pealed itself off the ground. I could
see that most of the sole was still white as the blood had still not had time to
return to it. I looked up at Susan for the final time. I could see in her face
that she had no feelings for me, that I was nothing, and this was just another
foot step to add to the millions of steps she had already treaded in her life. I
then remembered her cruelly crushing bugs on the pavement in front of our house
when she was a kid - this would be no different. Her left foot then came into
view, its sole blocking out Susan's face forever. The foot slowly started to
move down towards me as the sole began to regain its pink color. It then stopped
within a few inches of me. I studied the sole of this foot carefully. It showed
signs of it's 23 year use. Parts of the heel was dry and partially cracked from
the dryness and years of crushing force applied to it. The long toes I had
disliked for years didn't look to bad from this angle. The long toe nails and
toe jam underneath was more apparent. The entire length of the sole was damp
with sweat and the smell of feet was increasing. The entire sole was soiled with
dirt from the floor of the Karate dojo, I suspect. All along the sole was debris
from the dojo floor; dust, sock lint and what looked like specks of crushed toe
jam - all probably falloff from the feet of the other Karate students from
tonight's class. I was about to be added to the collection on the bottom of this
The foot then lowered itself further until the sole gently touched. I was caught
under the ball of her foot and the underside of her big toe where the pressure
would be most intense. Everything was now dark except the light shinning in from
between the sole of her foot and the platform. Through the light, I could
clearly see Janet's right foot still firmly compressed on the platform. The
smell of feet was now unbearable, a strong cheesy smell mixed with dirt and toe
jam - obviously from those used sneakers of hers I hated. I could feels Susan's
foot but couldn't really see it that well now. So I looked to Janet's foot in
the distance for inspiration in my last moments. It had taken 9 years, but I was
now the most content I had ever been. I finally realized that I belonged under a
women's foot, it was my purpose in life and that if I was lucky that after my
death I would be reincarnated as something used by a women's foot.
The sole of the foot began to press down as I stared at Janet's foot. At first I
almost felt I can support this foot if I try. However, within seconds the
pressure began to become unbearable. The view of Janet's foot began to get
narrower - I was being crushed. For a second, the downward movement of the sole
stopped. Then I heard my body shell start to crack. I could see the big toe
start to turn white as she shifted her weight to it. Pain was all I felt next
and the unmistakable sound of a body breaking apart. My last meal of toe jam was
forced out of my mouth and Janet's foot disappeared forever as the foot
flattened against the platform and the sole went white from the intense pressure
above. The foot stopped moving, all the weight of her body was on me. I had been
completely crushed beneath her foot.
My life was over, or was it? I could no longer feet pain but I did feel the
overwhelming pressure of her body crushing down on me and the intense smell of
feet still surrounded me. The potion must have also prolonged my existence but
not in the human afterlife sense but allowed me to experience my existence as a
squashed bug. Susan raised her foot up so that the camera could record what was
on the sole of her foot. I was firmly crushed into the ball of her foot with all
the other dirt. The director said, "Cut!". Susan was laughing saying to Janet,
"See, it wasn't that bad, was it?" Janet said, "Ok, wipe it off your foot, let's
collect our money, and get out of here". "Not so fast", said Susan. "I think I'm
going to leave it on my foot and show it to my brother when be get home". I
could see the platform coming up to me real quickly as the foot re-compressed on
the platform below - everything went black. While Janet talked to Susan above, I
could feel the enormous pressure being crushed down on me by her foot.
The pressure then suddenly released and the foot raised above the floor again. I
almost fell off! Fortunately, the sweat from her feet had pasted me to the sole
firmly. Then I found myself being lowered right into Susan's sneaker. "Oh god",
not this, not the sneakers I hated. The stained insole came up to meet me very
fast, and so did the smell. The insole was wet and still warm from earlier use
and within seconds, I was crushed into it. Susan and Janet started to head back
to the dorm. I loved my life now. I must have been crushed underfoot hundreds of
times on the way home. However, the smell was awful, and I couldn't wait to get
out of the sneaker. It was getting very hot and Susan's foot was beginning to
sweat a lot, adding to the stink. All of a sudden, I felt a piece of my body
break off and dislodge from my owners foot. As each foot step progressed, my
body was being pulverized into small particles that was mixing into a ball made
of sweat, dirt and toe jam from my owners sole. Then the toe next to her big toe
caught me and crushed and smeared me into the insole below it. The girls arrived
at their room and Susan immediately kicked off her sneakers, as she always does.
She looked on the bottom of her sole for the bug remains but it was gone.
Susan: "The little piece of shit bug, fell off my foot", said Susan.
Janet: "Look in your shoe for it, it probably fell off there".
Susan opened her shoe and looked inside. "Peuwwww…", my brothers right, these
sneakers do stink". She looked and looked but couldn't see anything. I was still
there but now was only a piece of smear
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