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Welcome to GayFriendly - dating website we built for gay men so they can find each other nearby or anywhere in the world. We have huge experience in dating projects and GayFriendly is our best one by far.

We know how gay dating works, that's why our site has advanced search so you can find gay partner by appearance, interests, social status and much more.
We have fascinating polls about gay relationships, so you can find exact mach with gay men who share your values. Their results are visible on your profile, so participating in those polls will also enrich your profile for better matches.

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By: Amber Brooks | Updated: April 16, 2020
When picking out the best gay dating sites, singles should take a few things into consideration.
First off, you should look at the site’s membership demographics and make sure its LGBTQ+ audience is robust enough to make the dating site worth your while. Next, you should research the payment system and know how much a subscription costs and what it entails. And, finally, you should check out the dating site’s reviews and success stories to see if it actually works for people like you.
By doing your homework before registering an account, you can save yourself a lot of time and energy in the online dating scene. We can help by delivering straightforward reviews of the top dating sites for gay men seeking dates, hookups, or a lasting relationship.
Gay dating websites can offer a safe space for singles who want to explore their sexuality. Some are rainbow-clad, out-and-proud gays, while others are still in the closet and looking to date on the down low.
Whatever your situation may be, you can rely on the following LGBTQ-friendly dating sites to connect you with attractive and compatible date prospects.
Since 1995, has cultivated a diverse following and welcomed singles across the spectrum of sexuality. Gay men can rely on Match to hook them up with bears, queens, twinks, and other hot dates. Match's time-tested compatibility scores and search features can help men navigate the dating scene and find a partner who is everything they're looking for. is one of the top online dating sites in the world, and it’s only natural to slot it at the top of this list as well. Since 1995, Match has sparked more romantic connections and led to more first dates, relationships, and marriages than any other platform.
Match has over 15 million active members, and a significant number of them identify as “men seeking men.” This progressive dating site actually allows members to change their gender match preferences any time by going into My Settings (which is awfully convenient for bisexual and bi-curious singles).
According to a survey, 56% of its LGBTQ+ singles have gone on a date with someone they met online, and more singles are embracing this way of meeting people every day.
Elite Singles has raised the bar in the online gay dating scene and become a rallying point for ambitious, intelligent, and commitment-minded singles around the world. This upscale dating site caters to gay men who are looking for more than just a one-night stand. Every month 2,500 singles find love thanks to the Elite Singles network.
Elite Singles has geared its smart matchmaking services toward single professionals seeking a high-quality partnership, and many powerhouse gay men have taken note.
The dating site is open to gay, straight, and lesbian members of all ages and ambitions. As long as you have a college degree and a well-paying job, you’ll fit right in here. Over 85% of Elite Singles members have graduated from college, and over 90% say on their dating profiles that they want to get in a relationship.
If you’re serious about finding someone on your level, Elite Singles could be a fantastic place to start assessing your options.
Zoosk is a fast-growing dating site that reaches singles of all ages and orientations. This global network facilitates romantic connections between gay men with its behavioral matchmaking algorithm, advanced search filters, and premium communication tools. Every day, Zoosk members send over 3 million messages on the site and build close relationships.
Zoosk began with the premise that online dating should be more engaging and flirtatious. The socially savvy dating site uses a behavioral matchmaking system and has tons of communication options (both free and paid) to help singles reach out and get to know one another online.
With many easy-to-use features, Zoosk has fostered romantic connections in private chats between people around the corner and around the world from one another. Every day, Zoosk members send over 3 million messages on the platform, making it one of the most active and engaging dating apps around.
The Zoosk couples archive shares engagement and wedding announcements from its former members who have embarked on relationships and started families. While a lot of them are straight couples, you can scroll through and find some gay partners singing Zoosk’s praises as well.
OkCupid is a staunch ally of the LGBTQ+ community. The dating site and app made headlines in 2013 when it introduced 22 gender options and 13 orientation options to dating profiles. Few dating platforms have gone to such lengths to ensure that it represents everyone across the sexuality spectrum, and we give it props for connecting gay, bi, and queer men around the world.
OkCupid is a free dating site and app known for its data-heavy approach to love. Since 2004, the dating site has endeavored to identify the important factors to compatibility, and it calculates a match rating based on in-depth profile information and a personality test.
You can search the OkCupid database on your own for someone who meets your criteria, or you can swipe through options in the Double Take section. If you set your match preferences for gay men, that’s all you’ll see on this savvy dating site.
OkCupid’s motto is “dating deserves better,” and it is constantly improving and updating to offer singles the best possible experience. In 2014, OkCupid even expanded its signup options to allow singles to choose from 22 gender options and 13 orientation options.
Since 2002, BlackPeopleMeet has provided a platform where African American singles can find dates who live in their neighborhood or across the country. BlackPeopleMeet's curated matching system helps gay singles focus on the specific attributes they want in a partner, and the Black-only dating network gives new users plenty of diverse date options.
If you want to meet gay black men on the fly, BlackPeopleMeet can be a fantastic dating resource. This niche site connects African-American singles throughout North America. The diverse database includes people of all ages, creeds, colors, and backgrounds. And it also welcomes singles of all orientations.
Gay singles can create a BlackPeopleMeet profile in less than two minutes and pursue dates using the search filters and real-time messaging tools.
Many success stories feature couples who met on the site and got into a relationship, but not all people use BlackPeopleMeet to find a soul mate. Some singles sign up because they’re looking for love, while others seek friendship, romance, or casual sex.
Plenty of Fish is a gay-friendly dating site and app with free communication features and match recommendations. The site takes your dating standards and personality traits into account as it suggests viable dates. If you identify as a "man seeking men" on Plenty of Fish, the sea of date prospects will only include gay men in your area.
As the best dating site for conversations, Plenty of Fish encourages singles to chat, flirt, and be merry. It’s free to send messages to anyone you like on the free gay dating site, and you don’t have to upgrade to reply to messages in your inbox.
This free communication system is a relief for gay singles and queer people on a budget, and it stimulates many thrilling discussions. You can find a solid friendship or a long term relationship thanks to the POF dating platform.
Tinder has helped millions of singles in the LGBTQ+ community mingle and pick up dates. The app has generated over 55 billion matches since 2012, and a good chunk of those were same-sex connections. Gay men can take advantage of Tinder's simple swiping system to up their flirting games.
Tinder needs no introduction. It’s the dating app that invented swiping, for crying out loud. If you’ve been single for awhile, you’ve probably thought about trying Tinder, or maybe you’ve already tried Tinder, or maybe you’re currently on Tinder, and I’m just preaching to the choir here.
Like it or not, Tinder is one of the all-time most popular dating apps out there. It has facilitated over 30 billion matches since its launch in 2012. Plus, the app claims to arrange over 1 million dates per week. That’s pretty legit.
Tinder has gotten mixed reviews from the gay community, but, for sheer numbers, you can’t do much better. You can cannonball into the dating pool and swipe through endless potential matches here.
In 2016, Christian Mingle opened its doors to the LGBTQ community and began fostering same-sex relationships on the site. This was a big step forward and paved the way for many heartfelt love stories. Gay men can now mingle freely on Christian Mingle and find gay date prospects who line up with their values and lifestyle.
Looking for a faith-based relationship? Then ChristianMingle is the dating site for you. This upstanding platform is open to anyone seeking a loving, Christian marriage.
When it originally launched, ChristianMingle did not have options for gay and lesbian singles, but the dating site changed its tune in 2016 (after a lawsuit) and created signup, search, and matching tools for the LGBTQ+ community. Now singles of all orientations and religious backgrounds can become part of the ChristianMingle network.
ChristianMingle guides members through the dating process by offering meaningful match recommendations and search filters that help singles focus on the standards that matter most to them.
Once you’ve reached a certain age, dating becomes increasingly difficult. It takes more effort to go out and meet people, and, if you’re gay, you may not have an especially large dating pool to begin with. Only about 7% of the LGBTQ+ population is over 65, and most of them are in committed relationships, not actively looking for a partner.
If you want to mingle in an exclusive community of single seniors, then the following online dating sites could be right for you.
SilverSingles uses new-school technology to help old-school daters find love. Since its launch, this senior dating site has welcomed over-50 singles of all races and orientations. Once you identify as a "man seeking men" on the site, you'll find yourself surrounded by people who want the same things in life.
SilverSingles prides itself on being a safe and friendly place where seniors can meet one another and establish strong connections. You must be over 50 and single to join this network, and the site moderators will remove profiles that violate the site’s terms and conditions.
What’s great about SilverSingles is how simple and easy-to-understand it is. The dating site walks singles through the signup process (which includes a personality test) and creates potential matches based on the user’s dating preferences. The platform streamlines everything so seniors have no trouble finding compatible pen pals, friends, dates, and partners.
The SilverSingles app has a three-star rating on Google Play and can be a handy tool for gay men on the prowl for a silver fox in the dating scene.
OurTime is a People Media site designed to satisfy straight, gay, and lesbian singles in their 50s and older. Many of these singles have been in serious relationships before and are looking for a second chance at love. Gay singles can take advantage of this senior-friendly network to land a date who has it all going on.
OurTime is a premier senior dating site designed to give its members a second chance at falling in love. Whether you’re recently divorced, widowed, or never married, it’s never too late to find someone here.
Since its launch, OurTime has given hope to singles who are over 50 and starting a new chapter in their lives. Gay singles can use the site’s search filters to identify people who have been through similar life experiences and can understand each other’s interests, quirks, and relationship goals.
“I’m very happy to say I met the love of my life,” said one OurTime user in a review. “Soon to be engaged and married. Thank you!”
SeniorMatch offers mature gay men a quality-driven alternative to Grindr, Tinder, and other hookup apps. Singles must be over 45 to join this senior dating site, so it's easy to meet an age-appropriate date. Check out SeniorMatch's blogs and forums for tips regarding online dating as a senior citizen.
SeniorMatch has been around since 2003, and it has collected some impressive stats in that time. The dating site has over 1 million senior singles in its membership base, and it boasts over 6,000 daily active users. Plus, SeniorMatch has seen over 36,600 success stories in the last 16 years.
Every month, SeniorMatch fosters over 1.6 million conversations among its members. These conversations include flirty invitations to go on a date and deep discussions about what matters most in life.
Gay singles can discover new friends, travel buddies, hot dates, and long-term partners on SeniorMatch. It’s free to join, so nothing stands between you and an exciting love interest.
SeniorFriendsDate has become popular among gay men of a certain age. These senior men enjoy the friendly and low-pressure environment offered by the free dating site. SeniorFriendsDate offers free communication to all users, so it doesn't take much effort to get something going here.
Finally, SeniorFriendsDate has become incredibly popular in the senior dating space because it is among the few dating websites to offer 100% free communication to everyone. If you are a member of, you can send a message to anyone online without upgrading, subscribing, or paying any fees. gets its revenue through ads, so it can offer this great deal to members and still stay profitable.
Thousands of singles have taken advantage of’s free features and engaged in stimulating conversations on the site. You can register as “a man seeking a man” to ensure your searches and potential matches are all men all the time. Or, if you’re bisexual and playing the field, you can switch back and forth between male and female profiles by going to My Settings.
If you want to get laid, then join an X-rated hookup site where everyone is in a sexy mood. The following sites allow singles and swingers to pursue their passions without restraint and mingle with partners who share their interests and have few inhibitions.
BeNaughty is open to singles of all sexual orientations, and it doesn't require new members to define themselves as anything other than "seeking men" or "seeking women." If you fall in the "seeking men" category, you're in good company on this hookup site. Men can explore their interests and discover romance on this free-wheeling, fun-loving, fully X-rated dating site.
When it comes to hookup sites, BeNaughty is almost always on top. This platform beats apps like Grindr because it has private messaging and mass texting features to connect sexy singles of all backgrounds and fetishes.
You can create custom searches by age, location, orientation, body type, ethnicity, and other advanced parameters, and you can organize the results by popularity, last activity, distance, and age.
BeNaughty also has a Like Gallery where singles will view one profile at a time and answer “Cute or Not?” This is a fast way to build your mutual matches list and spark interest in the online dating scene.
Adult Friend Finder has become a go-to dating resource for gay singles looking for no-strings-attached sex. The hookup site's erotic atmosphere and open-minded approach to dating has been a game changer for sexy singles and swingers all over the world. Whether you're gay, bisexual, or just curious, you can flirt with hot guys on the AFF network.
Adult Friend Finder has over 95 million profiles to its name, and it is still growing. The adult dating site attracts singles who are over 18 years old and interested primarily in sex.
Gay singles and swingers in the AFF community are typically eager to skip the wining and dining and go directly to the bedroom on the first date. This fast-paced dating scene satisfies people who know what they want (a gay hookup or threesome) and aren’t afraid to go after it.
AdultFriendFinder has lots of flirtatious spaces, including dating forums and live video broadcasts, where gay men can explore their sexuality and come into their own. And, the best part is, you don’t have to pay anything to get enjoyment out of your AFF membership. Read our review to learn more about what AFF can do for you.
MenNation boasts having one of the world's largest men-only hookup community, and it has 93 million dating profiles to back up its claim. Since 1997, this gay dating site has made inroads in the LGBTQ community and supported sexually active singles and couples who want to find a partner for the night.
MenNation boasts being the world’s largest gay hookup site because it has millions of active members in its network. The site is exclusively designed to connect men with men. You can only join as a gay single or a gay couple seeking men. There are no straight or queer women on this site, and the owners intend to keep it that way.
For well over a decade, MenNation has established itself as a fun, flirty place for gay, bisexual, trans, and queer men. It takes seconds to join the site and search for a gay hookup. If you like what you see, it may be worth upgrading your profile so you can interact with hotties in your area.
Grindr is one of the top dogs in the gay dating scene. It's the name everyone recognizes, and many gay men choose it as their go-to dating app. The location-based matching system satisfies the desires of guys who want to hook up on the fly.
Since launching in 2009, Grindr has become one of the most widely used gay dating apps on the market. The app pioneered location-based dating when smartphones were just beginning to take off, and gay men ate it up.
Today, Grindr has over 27 million members spread across 190 countries, and it continues carrying its rainbow dating experience to new corners of the world. Grindr for Equality is an activist branch that mobilizes communities and pushes for LGBTQ+ rights in matters of health, safety, and love. Plus, Grindr Xtra offers even greater perks for gay guys willing to shell out some cash.
Many singles use Grindr as a hookup app because its location settings allow you to see the hotties in your immediate vicinity, and that means a romantic tryst could be a swipe away.
FriendFinder-X gives gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender men the chance to find romance in their area. The hookup site excels at connecting singles and couples who have similar sexual desires, and its live chat
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