Getting the most out of AWS WAF pricing

Getting the most out of AWS WAF pricing

Bob Black

When it comes to a firewall (WAF), pricing can seem staggering and contradictory. As with most services on AWS, WAF costs depend on multiple variables, making the cost per WAF endpoint more difficult to understand than other services such as EC2 instances or S3 storage. WAF prices also fluctuate frequently. For example, the price of the service has increased by 16% since the beginning of this year with the launch of AWS WAF V2.

With that in mind, there are a few things you can do to ensure you're getting the most out of your AWS WAF pricing strategy. Read on to learn more about how to get the most out of your monthly subscription fee and ways to optimize costs and ensure you don't leave money on the table by not offering some AWS WAF features for free or in exchange use a prize.

What is AWS WAF ?

AWS WAF is a service that protects organizations from attacks on web applications.

Provides a layer of intelligent protection against malicious traffic and enables organizations to implement the best security solutions. Unlike traditional solutions, AWS WAF can support the development of custom rules using machine learning or a set of ready-made rules.

How to Calculate Costs and Fees for AWS WAF

A To calculate costs and fees, start by identifying your workload type. This will help you determine the price level that best suits your needs.

If you have a small number of web servers with low monthly traffic, your most likely option is a free tier that allows two WAF instances per AWS account. If you have a large number of web servers with high monthly traffic, the advanced tier, which allows 10 or more instances per AWS account, is the most likely option for you.

If your application or web server doesn't depend on any specific AWS WAF functionality, your most likely option is the Standard tier, which allows one instance per AWS account. After you determine your workload requirements, you can use this information to calculate costs and charges: for Free Tier: $0/month + $0/hour

For Amazon Web Services BasicWAF: $0/month + $0/hour For AdvancedWAF: $1.10/month + $2.25/hour For StandardWAF: $3.

00/month + $4.00/hour

Using the AWS WAF Pricing Calculator

A good starting point for using AWS WAF pricing calculators is the official Amazon Web Services pricing calculator. With this tool you can enter your website URL and get a rough estimate of your monthly costs.

The benefit of using this pricing calculator is that it accounts for everything from the minimum number of WAF instances required to the maximum number of connections per instance. However, if you don't have an AWS account or need more accurate estimates, there are other online tools available.

Look for Discounts and Other Ways to Save on Subscription Fees

When trying to figure out what the right WAF price should be, be sure to research discounts and other ways to reduce subscription fees. For example, if you have an annual or multi-year contract with AWS, you may even qualify for a discount on the WAF subscription.

This is just one way businesses can save money managing subscription fees. Another way to save money is to take advantage of AWS WAF features that are available for free or at discounted prices. For example, AWS WAF offers a 10% discount on each new instance launched throughout the year. Of course there are some restrictions, e.g. B. The ability to use up to 10 instances per month. So keep this in mind before you get started with AWS WAF instance launches. The same goes for features like multi-tenancy, which allows organizations to control how their security policies are distributed across different websites using the same account.

If you choose not to use some of the free or discounted AWS WAF features, it may cost you more than using those features. So make sure you get the most out of your membership fees and maximize your benefits. 

Don't miss out on your free options with AWS WAF Free Tiers 

If you are a beginner or childhood AWS user, you may have missed the AWS WAF Free Tier. This tier allows up to 50GB of traffic per month and costs $0 after that.

50/GB with no maximum traffic limit. So if you're just starting out, there's nothing wrong with using this layer to test AWS WAF and see how it works in your application. If you're not sure what features your application needs before setting up AWS WAF, the free tier gives you an idea of ​​what your monthly costs will be with or without these features. It's also worth noting that the free tier has a maximum of 10 million queries per month. If the number of requests is much higher than this figure, you may find the full plan more profitable than the free plan.

With AWS WAF paid options, you get what you pay for. The paid AWS WAF options provide flexibility and customization for your WAF environment. These features are available with all paid options. On the other hand, the free AWS WAF options offer only limited configuration of what you can do on your firewall. Get the most out of your subscription fees by optimizing your service experience

When it comes to AWS WAF, there are two main ways to benefit from subscription fees. 

Firstly, you can take advantage of the features included in the subscription fee, such as support and security monitoring. Second, you can streamline your WAF experience with WAF features that are only available with a monthly subscription. For example, if you are using AWS WAF for basic DDoS protection with a static configuration and it is working well, consider using one of the AWS WAF monitoring services such as Amazon CloudWatch or Amazon CloudTrail to track changes in the model traffic and identify potential malicious activity beforehand does. 

Effects on your site. Services like Amazon CloudWatch Logs or CloudTrail, so you can view logs from multiple sources and find the root cause of problems without waiting for AWS WAF to detect malicious ac activity.

Remember, you get what you pay for in terms of features. 

The first thing to keep in mind is that AWS WAF is a premium product, which means that in order to get the most out of your subscription, you have to pay for features such as when you use Amazon CloudWatch Logs and don't want to pay for a separate log monitor, your WAF can store logs by default. If you're not sure which features are important for your use case, it's important to do some research before signing up for a monthly subscription. The functionality of AWS WAF is extensive and there are many options.

For example, there is an option called "SSL encryption with IP address whitelisting". This option encrypts your website traffic with SSL, but only allows connections from the specified IP address or the number of IP addresses entered in the form field. That way, someone accessing your website via a VPN or other tricks cannot exploit your website's vulnerabilities without being blocked by AWS WAF.

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