Getting into Crypto Mania

Getting into Crypto Mania

Crypto Mania

We know why you’re here.

You’ve been hearing about, reading about, and thinking about cryptocurrency for a while now. It seems everywhere at this point, and you probably know some people who have made a LOT of money by investing in crypto. 

You’re ready to get started, but the whole thing just feels overwhelming… what actually is blockchain? What crypto should you buy? How the heck do you even get started?

Don’t worry, that’s exactly what this article will show you – EVERYTHING you need to know to get started investing in crypto TODAY.

 Not tomorrow. 

 Not next week.

 Right now. 

 This is your complete-crypto-crash-course, and class is in session. 

Start earning Anjo Gold token now.


What even is blockchain?

To understand crypto, you need to be aware of blockchain, the technology that makes crypto (and other things like NFTs) possible. 

In simple words, blockchain is the underlying digital database for the cryptocurrency system. Blockchain technology arranges its data in blocks. These blocks are then chained together in chronological order to form a “blockchain”.

The main advantage of blockchain technology as a database is that it is collectively controlled by all users instead of by one centralized body. This means that once a block of data has been verified by different users and “chained”, it is almost irreversible and would require the consensus of the majority (51% of users) in order to be altered.

Don’t stress if it’s difficult to wrap your head around. 

Remember, you don’t need to understand exactly how blockchain works. All you need to know is that the technology is so ground-breaking because it’s safer, and more transparent than any data-storing technology before it.

Blockchain, check. Next up, crypto.   

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies or “crypto” are digital currencies that can be used to purchase goods or services that the crypto company offers. These offerings may also include fiat money, such as US dollars, that can be bought using crypto. 

Think of crypto as tokens that you can use to make transactions. It’s just digital money!

Many people also view cryptocurrency as an asset to invest in – like stocks or precious metals. This is because of the high values that cryptocurrency can reach in short periods of time, as well as their projected exponential growth in value.

It’s also EXTREMELY important to know that most cryptos are decentralized, which means that no central government or legal body can regulate or interfere in its circulation. 

For example, Anjo Gold is currently on the decentralized Ethereum blockchain. This means no governments. No banks. Anjo Gold is giving power back to the people in ways like never before. And the empowerment is electrifying ⚡⚡⚡

Bitcoin and Other Coins Explained

We’re sure that if you’ve heard of cryptocurrency, you must also have heard of Bitcoin. 
Bitcoin is the world’s first cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology. Because of its first mover advantage, Bitcoin is the most widely circulated cryptocurrency in the market and, according to Coinbase, currently has over 18.7 million bitcoins in circulation and a total market cap of $969 billion (as of 28th June, 2021).

Bitcoin’s success also spawned many competitor cryptos, which helped explode the industry. Some of the most popular are Litecoin, Ethereum, EOS, Namecoin, Peercoin, Dogecoin, and XRP. In fact, there are more than 10,600 cryptos circulating in the market today. According to CoinMarketCap, the total aggregate value of all cryptocurrencies in the market is approximately $1.3 trillion, with Bitcoin holding around 60% of that value! 

We’ve introduced our own cryptocurrency to the world – Anjo Gold – which you can easily start earning to

To get started, simply click on the link below...

Anjo Web App


Is it Hard to Get Involved in crypto?

Due to the terminology used in relation to cryptos, many people seem to think that they are not ready to tame this fire-breathing dragon yet and are afraid of the uncharted waters ahead – despite the tremendous potential to build their own wealth. 

Let us simplify a few more concepts behind crypto for you so that you can start to use crypto today!

Hard Wallets vs. Soft Wallets

When you think of a wallet, you’re probably imagining a pouch in which you keep your money. 

Well, like fiat currency (USD, Yen, GBP), digital currency is best kept in a wallet… but a different kind of wallet. 

Crypto wallets are broadly of two categories: hard wallets (aka cold wallets) and soft wallets (aka hot wallets). Hard wallets are hardware devices that store the keys and are only connected to the internet when plugged in. This means that your private information is only vulnerable to hackers for short periods of time when the device is connected to the internet. 

Soft wallets are software, such as apps that hold your keys and crypto balance. These soft wallets are connected to the web at all times, which makes them much more vulnerable to fraudulent activities. 

As a general safety precaution, it is advisable to keep only small amounts of crypto in your soft wallet as much as required to make immediate transactions. The remaining should be stored in a hard wallet and can be transferred to a soft wallet when required.

Here at Anjo, We like Simple!

Anjo wallet makes it incredibly easy to get involved in crypto, and unlike conventional banking systems that prioritize making money off of you, Anjo makes money for you. 

As a digital banking system, Anjo is the world’s first cross-platform web-based financial services platform. making it easier than ever before to make cross-border global payments and earn anjo tokens directly, without needing to install a separate app  – it’s a feeless and seamless user experience.

Why you should start earning Anjo Gold

Right now, Anjo has over 50,000 users, which means there’s still a great chance for you to get early access to Anjo Gold tokens and gain greater early bird rewards.


Think of it like Bitcoin. 10 years ago Bitcoin was very cheap, and if you had bought and kept Bitcoin over the years, you would be able to buy your own gold-plated yacht with a helicopter landing pad today. 

That’s where we are at with Anjo. Our goal is to revolutionize the world financial system, and by earning Anjo Gold now, you will be getting them at a price no one else can. In fact, we’ve set aside USD $3 billion earmarked for distribution to our early users – and that could be you!

As the network grows, the total value of Anjo Gold also grows, but individual payouts will decrease. This is why early access is recommended if you want to get involved in a crypto network with bigger incentives compared to other cryptocurrencies. 

Let’s get Anjo Gold together

Here’s how it works…

Signup on the Web App. 

In the beta version of Anjo, you can earn free Anjo Gold by referring people to the Anjo network!

Anjo also offers members lifestyle benefits through the Anjo ecosystem, such as discounts on services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Hilton hotels, Uber, Kindle, and so much more!

Anjo makes it the utmost priority to keep your money safe. It uses blockchain technology to secure its database. Your fiat money will be securely stored with global banking partners, while crypto will be stored 100% in cold wallets. Anjo also utilizes bank-grade security protocols to keep the personal information of users safe. 

So… are you ready to start earning?

While you may be hesitant in the beginning, remember: people are regretting that they didn’t buy. You’ll come across many people in the crypto world who’ll say, ‘I almost bought Bitcoin, but….’ 

Don’t be the ‘but…’ for Anjo Gold!

All new technology seems crazy at first, but it’s the crazy ones that change the world. Let’s get Gold together!

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