Getting a check from both insurance companies?

Getting a check from both insurance companies?

Hi I'm 17 and I'm planning to do the driving certificate and I will be put into an automobile as a minute driver along with the first driver has about twenty years of experience of operating and savings I would want to ask how much there is always to purchase the insurance could it be going to be double the cost or more? Any responses are welcome and that I would like to know what would be the price range I will have to pay.

"I've a car loan that I owe $ 15Why won't my insurance carrier let our No-Claims Discount is transferred by me to a car/coverage that is different?

May I get a life insurance license having a misdemeanor on my report in California?

"I do want to get yourself a bike and that I have a vehicle. I purchasing the bike and am selling my car. About driving the certification check or something like that am not worried

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