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Getting verified on Facebook is a great way to establish brand credibility online. Both large brands and local businesses can be verified on the platform. Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite. There are two types of Facebook verification badges, so you want to make sure you apply for the right one. If you are a public figure, media company, or large brand, you can apply for the blue verification badge. If you are a smaller or local business or organization, you can apply for the gray verification badge. For businesses with multiple brick and mortar shops and a Facebook Page for each, you can add the gray verification badge to Pages for specific locations. The Facebook verification process has some requirements that need to be fulfilled before you can receive that coveted blue or gray checkmark. To make sure Facebook immediately recognizes your Page as associated with your business, your account should be an official representation of your brand. Ensure you are only sharing on-brand content to your Page, and remove anything that negatively affects your credibility such as:. The right links are important if you want to get verified on Facebook. You must also link back to your Facebook Page from your website. The more details you can provide about your business, the better. These details include:. You will have the option for an instant or more detailed verification process. The instant verification choice gives you the option to have Facebook call the phone number you have listed on your business Page. Then Facebook will award you with the appropriate verified checkmark. If you choose the more detailed option, click on Verify this Page with documents instead. For example, an internet bill will work here. Once Facebook receives your validation verification code or business document they will review and either confirm or deny your request. This process usually takes anywhere from 48 hours to 45 days. Anything that gives your brand added credibility is worth pursuing. Follow the steps above to get verified on Facebook—and see your business grow. Manage your Facebook presence by using Hootsuite to schedule posts, share video, engage with followers, and measure the impact of your efforts. Try it free today. There are three different kinds of verification on Facebook: Profiles with a blue tick, Pages with a blue tick, and Pages with a gray tick. Pages with a blue tick are similar. Pages with a gray tick represent businesses and organizations that Facebook has verified are real and who they claim to be. For example, Trocaire, an Irish charity, has a gray verification tick. Like with Twitter, you need to convince Facebook you are worth verifying. In theory, gray verification badges are for local businesses and organizations. However, I had to search very hard to find an outfit that was actually using one. A lot is changing at Facebook at the moment so the feature could have been removed without a major announcement. As you can see, though, that option is not there for me. If you use your phone number, Facebook will call you with a 4-digit verification code. If you verify your page with documents, you will need to upload a document that shows your business name and address. Whichever option you choose, Facebook will take a few days to compare the details on your page with publicly available information. If your info checks out—and gray checkmarks are still a thing—your page will get verified. Almost all social media sites have started paying great attention to account verification. If you have it, you are cool, at least from the perspective of the masses. Do you know how to get Facebook verified? If you do not know, you will learn from now on, and you will understand how easy it is. One of the biggest reasons for this is recent frequent account theft. It is possible to verify your account for your accounts and Facebook pages. Facebook page verification may not be available in some countries. If you are unable to do so, please contact Facebook customer service. Profile and page verification is performed on the same page. You will receive a positive or negative reply within one month of your application. If your application is approved, you will receive a blue tick, and your profile will be verified. You have completed all the steps to get Facebook verified, but it is not working? There may be the main reasons for this:. If you think that none of this is happening, report your problem to Facebook customer service and ask for help. The Facebook rules page is particularly alert for this issue. It is clearly stated that this service is not sold for money. However, you may find many websites or individuals who claim to have made this service available for a fee. If you do the steps as we have mentioned above, you can do it without having to pay someone else. That would be dangerous. If you already complete the transactions and this service is active in your country, you do not need anyone else. This feature is usually for Facebook commercial pages and organization pages. Not active in every country. Only available in a few countries. If this feature is active in your country, you can apply it in the same way and verify your Facebook page. The gray verification badge is a bit more sophisticated and difficult than other verification methods. People usually get verification badges for their accounts or pages in order to better protect their identity, make themselves more publicly known by the badge , and as a security procedure to help recover it easily if their accounts or pages get stolen. If Facebook suspects your account to be fraudulent, they can lock your account and require you to submit your I. When the Facebook algorithm flags your account for suspicious activity, or several people report your account, Facebook locks your account to review it and may ask you for further information to restore it e. After completing the necessary procedures to get a verification symbol and have an approved account, you can now become a social media account approved user. Hope this article was helpful to you with your verification process. That tiny little Blue Verification badges are given to authentic accounts and pages on Facebook. If you search for an actor on Facebook, you will find tons of pages for that particular person. Now, how will you find the real account and the fake accounts? This is where Verification badges come in handy. By seeing the blue tick mark on the name, you will be able to the right page or account of the original person. In this Article, you will find how you can verify your Facebook Page or Account. If you are the owner of a particular business or online service then you can ask Facebook to get verified and get the blue tick mark next to the name. And again, if you are a celebrity or a highly popular individual then you can also ask Facebook to verify your Account or Page. Almost all major Social Networking sites have a Verification process. This is the situation where Facebook verification badge helps us. By this Verification Badge, we can know which one is real and which one is Fake. Also, check How to Unblock Facebook Accounts. There are two types of verification Process on Facebook, one is automatic and the other one is through Manual Request. Facebook will automatically detect those accounts and verify it. But in other cases, we should submit a request for Verification. You might have observed a small Blue Tick next to the name of a famous brand, person etc while surfing in through Facebook. These are some simple tips to get started with the Verification process. Implementing this idea will increase the chance of Approval and Facebook can determine whether it is the official one or not. It can take up to 60 Days after adding that information to your Page to get verified. All you want to do is fill the Request Form with accurate details and send it to them. The rest will be handled by them. Step 2: Be sure to open this link from the Account of authorized personnel only. When you go through Facebook, you might notice two types of tick marks. One is in Grey color and the other one is in Blue color. Blue Coloured badges represent official account or pages of celebrity, brands, etc. Grey Badges represents verified locations of specific business and organization. Yes, Facebook lets you verify your Facebook account as well. If you are the real person behind your account then you can easily get your account verified. Make sure that you have a good number of followers and decent brand presence to get verified without any hassle. It depends on the workload. You can expect a reply from them after 1 Week and in less than a month. Wait for another 30 days before you send another request. This is how we sent a request to Facebook asking to verify our Facebook Account or Page. If you are a brand or celebrity having thousands of followers, then the chances for getting your account verified is high compared to other people. It is possible to verify both Facebook Account as well as pages. If you wanted to verify a Facebook account then make sure that Followers settings are turned on, only then you will able to submit your account for verification. Значок подтверждения показывается рядом с названием Страницы Facebook или аккаунта в поиске и профиле. Этим значком Facebook подтверждает подлинность аккаунтов публичных личностей, знаменитостей или международных брендов. Чтобы определить, соответствует ли аккаунт Facebook нашим критериям для подтверждения и достаточно ли он популярен, мы учитываем ряд факторов. Если во время процесса подтверждения вы предоставите ложную или вводящую в заблуждение информацию, мы удалим ваш значок подтверждения или аккаунт. Если ваш аккаунт не отвечает требованиям для получения значка подтверждения, существуют другие способы подтвердить его подлинность. Например, вы можете разместить ссылку на аккаунт на своем официальном сайте, в профиле Instagram или аккаунте Twitter. Если ваш аккаунт представляет человека, для подтверждения запроса нам понадобится копия вашего удостоверения личности государственного образца с фото например, паспорта, водительского удостоверения, национального удостоверения личности. Если ваш аккаунт представляет организацию, нам понадобится копия счета за телефон или коммунальные услуги, свидетельства о регистрации, устава компании или документов об освобождении от уплаты налогов. Кратко объясните, почему аккаунт должен получить значок подтверждения, и добавьте URL сайтов, свидетельствующих об интересе общественности к аккаунту. Когда мы рассмотрим ваш запрос, вы получите уведомление. Не отправляйте несколько запросов для одного аккаунта. Если ваш запрос будет отклонен, вы сможете подать его заново через 30 дней. Не отвечайте на предложения купить значок подтверждения. Мы не продаем значки подтверждения и удаляем значки аккаунтов, которые предлагают их купить. Чтобы получить значок подтверждения, Страницы, представляющие правоохранительные и муниципальные органы, политиков и избранных должностных лиц, должны соответствовать дополнительным требованиям. In this article, we will go through the official ways in which you can get verified on Facebook and Instagram. Verification badges on Facebook and Instagram exist for one reason — to show that the platforms have confirmed that an account is the authentic presence of the creator, public figure, celebrity, or global brand. However, they have also become a bit of a commodity, coveted by many as status symbols among users. You may have heard of a black market for Facebook and Instagram verifications, but you should stay clear of anyone who offers you to verify you for money. If it does fulfill the above criteria, you can move onto the next platform-specific steps. In order to request verification on Instagram, you will need to access your profile with the app. There you have it! A simple and straightforward process. But remember that as simple as it might be, submitting a request will not guarantee verification. Almost every social media platform has now introduced its verification process. Which means, verified page or account is of a famous personality, celebrity or brand. As a regular Facebook user, we all instead create account or page with our name. It is also possible to create multiple accounts on the same name. So Facebook takes severe steps to make clear which one is official. This verification represents that the page or account is official. If someone is a well known famous personality, then it will be straightforward for him to check the Facebook page. Facebook confirms pages for celebrities, public figures, brands, media websites based pages. In the manual process, Page admin or authorized representative has to submit a request to verify the Facebook page. But on the other hand, in an automatic process, the automated system detects page to get verified on Facebook. If you are looking for any information regarding Facebook page verification, then you are in the right place. Facebook has divided accounts and pages into two categories Personal or Business. Official Representatives can claim their page or profile to get verified on Facebook. You may observe on many accounts, and pages have a Blue Tick Badge. Those pages or accounts officially verified by Facebook. If you are a celebrity or have a big brand, then Facebook may select your page to get a check on Facebook. Then there is no need to submit any manual verification request to Facebook. The Facebook verification process has a few requirements which have to fulfill. As Facebook officially lists them on their help center. So to get verified Facebook page, you have to make some changes on Page or Account. These are a few tips that help you to get the Facebook page verified. So add all information and wait until page or account is processed. According to us, it takes almost days after adding info to get verify the Facebook page. Recently Facebook updated request form for a verification badge as fake agents and agencies cheat many users. So finally, Facebook decided to introduce a request form for users to request verification. To submit a request, manually visit the below-given way. For more details, check out below given article. It will help you to understand more about verification. In, conclusion, I hope you learn about how to verify the Facebook page in this article. It will hopefully help to check the page on Facebook if you have any questions, feel free to share it in the comments below. Facebook offers two ways to verify personal profiles and Facebook pages. The exact criteria for your business or personal profile should be met in order to get a grey or blue verification tag will be outlined in the following steps. The verification tag increases the credibility of your business. When users see a verification tag on a page or profile, it guarantees that they are interacting with a real organization or person. Verified pages and profiles also do better in searches. You can see blue or grey verification tags on Facebook. Blue can be given to Facebook profiles and pages, but grey is only for Facebook pages. If you want to get a blue verification tag , you need to realize that not everyone can attain it. The blue tag indicates that the nature of the page or profile is of public interest. Facebook lists the categories that are eligible for the tag. These are select brands, media organizations, and well-known personalities. If you have a Facebook page that falls into one of these categories, you are more likely to get the verification. If your page is not in the selected categories and it would make sense to change it, you can edit the category, but only if it is consistent with your activity. If you are a public figure and using a personal profile on Facebook, it is worthwhile to consider migrating to a Facebook page. This gives you access to many analytics and advertising tools. Verification process depends on many factors, such as account integrity, adherence to policies, and public interest. Verification requests can be sent with this form. Authentication must be accompanied by an identity document. You should also write a few sentences about why your account should be granted verification. If there are pages that show public interest in your person or organization, you need to provide all URL addresses. Facebook will review your request and mark it with a positive or negative verdict. If your page or profile verification is not approved, you can re-apply for it after 30 days. But beware, Facebook can remove your blue tag at any time. It is therefore important, after obtaining it, to follow all the required policies. If your Facebook page is in the category local business, company or organization , it may be eligible for the verification mark. You can check your Facebook settings to see if you are eligible. Facebook will then verify the request with the available public records and will inform you about the result within a few days. Page verification is not required. If you do not have the verification option in your settings, it means that you still do not meet the verification requirements for Facebook. In this case, we recommend that you regularly create quality content, build your brand, your community. The above may help Facebook change its decision and give you the option to verify your page. Social media is full of fake accounts. Facebook uses a blue check to show that the company has verified a page or person of public interest think celebrities or big brand names. Either way, verification is free. Go to this link and fill it out, including adding in a reason why your account should be verified. Close Menu. Which Facebook verification badge is right for you? Blue verification badge If you are a public figure, media company, or large brand, you can apply for the blue verification badge. Gray verification badge If you are a smaller or local business or organization, you can apply for the gray verification badge. Keep it professional To make sure Facebook immediately recognizes your Page as associated with your business, your account should be an official representation of your brand. You will need to ensure the following is up to date: Your website Email address Description Bio 3. Link to official properties The right links are important if you want to get verified on Facebook. You must also link back to your Facebook Page from your website 4. Provide details The more details you can provide about your business, the better. Click on Verify this Page , then Get Started 4. Become a better social marketer. Get expert social media advice delivered straight to your inbox. Try Hootsuite Today for Free! The Different Kind of Facebook Verifications There are three different kinds of verification on Facebook: Profiles with a blue tick, Pages with a blue tick, and Pages with a gray tick. Sadly, I got rejected. How to Verify a Facebook Page? You can start the process from this. There may be the main reasons for this: Documents you upload are not what Facebook wants. Your name or image may not appear clearly. Try to upload it again. The information on your I. This option is not active yet in your country. Facebook has detected suspicious transactions in your account and thought you did not meet the criteria for verification. What Is a Gray Verification Badge? Facebook Verification FAQs People usually get verification badges for their accounts or pages in order to better protect their identity, make themselves more publicly known by the badge , and as a security procedure to help recover it easily if their accounts or pages get stolen. Your Business verification procedure can take up to anywhere from 48 hours to 45 days. To Conclude Facebook Verification After completing the necessary procedures to get a verification symbol and have an approved account, you can now become a social media account approved user. Why Verify Your Page or Profile? Contact details and email should be accurate. If you fulfill those requirements, it will be easy for Facebook Staff to review your Page or Account. Link to your Official Website or Mobile App. Be sure to Add accurate information in About Tab. Contact Facebook to solve any of your issues. Step 1: Go to the Link mentioned below: Step 2: Be sure to open this link from the Account of authorized personnel only. Can I verify my Facebook Profile? How long will the verification process take? You can expect a reply from them after 1 Week and in less than a month What to do if my request is denied in the first attempt? Справка для ПК Справка для моб. Ваш аккаунт должен соответствовать Пользовательскому соглашению Facebook, а также быть: Подлинным , то есть представлять реального человека, зарегистрированную компанию или организацию. Уникальным , то есть быть единственным аккаунтом, который представляет человека или компанию. Мы подтверждаем только один аккаунт человека или компании за исключением аккаунтов на разных языках. Заметным , то есть представлять широко известного человека, бренд или организацию, которых часто ищут люди. Мы проверяем аккаунты, которые упоминаются в нескольких источниках новостей, за исключением оплаченного и рекламного контента. Отправить запрос можно, заполнив эту форму. Мы также оставляем за собой право удалять значки подтверждения аккаунтов на свое усмотрение. Правоохранительные органы: Каждый человек, управляющий Страницей, должен включить в своем профиле двухфакторную аутентификацию. Политики: Название Страницы может включать должность политика или ее аббревиатуру, например сенатор, представитель, мэр и т. Избранное должностное лицо: Название Страницы должно включать должность политика или ее аббревиатуру, например сенатор, представитель, мэр и т. In addition to the obvious above , accounts must also be: Authentic: An account must represent a real person, or a registered business or entity. Complete: An account must be public and must have a bio, profile picture, and at least one post. Unique: An account must be the only presence of an entity. Usually, only one account per entity can be verified, but there may be the exception of language-specific accounts. General interest accounts will not be verified. Notable: An account must represent a well-known, highly searched for individual, brand, or entity. The verification team will review accounts featured in news sources, but will not consider any paid or promotional content as sources for review. Verification on Facebook Fill out this form to apply for verification on Facebook. Attach a photo of a government-issued photo ID that shows your name and date of birth i. Provide additional information. You will need to give an explanation as to why your account should be verified. Verification on Instagram In order to request verification on Instagram, you will need to access your profile with the app. Go to your profile and tap on the three lines in the upper right-hand corner Tap the gear icon to go to your Profile Settings. Here, we will discuss how to verify Facebook pages with the manual process. Facebook only four types of pages or profiles which are Celebrities. Government Officials. Popular Brand or Businesses. These are four categories whose pages and accounts are getting verified on bases of popularity. Your page should be an official representative of the Facebook page. For automatic detection or manual process, you need to update your first page or profile information. Add official website, email, bio, and other work information. So Facebook will review your provided information. It will get easy for them to know who you are. If they find you eligible for verification, they hope your profile get verify within a few days. Link Profile or Page from the official website and also link back website from page or profile. Provide accurate information in details about your business in About Section of Page or Profile. For more details, visit the help center here for Profile or Page About info. Submit Request For Verification Manually. Open this form from that account in which is admin of that page. Select the page and upload ID proof and verification letter signed by Celebrity or brand. You will receive an email from the Facebook team regarding verification. It takes around hours. How to get a blue verification tag If you want to get a blue verification tag , you need to realize that not everyone can attain it. Journalists Favourite brand or business Government officials Celebrity Media Entertainment Sports companies If you have a Facebook page that falls into one of these categories, you are more likely to get the verification. Your content should be professional. Not only in terms of the quality of the photos but also of high engagement. You should have a link to your Facebook page linking to your website. For Facebook pages, it is important to have all the information on the About page filled in , such as address, website, email, phone, page category, bio, story, products, and services. Similarly, you should have detailed profile information on your Facebook profile and the option below set up. Before asking for verification, you must have several hundreds of followers. In terms of security, Facebook also assesses whether you are using two-factor authentication. Just click on Settings. Next, select General and Page Verification. Then click Verify this Page. Enter country, language, and phone number. You choose to call me back and Facebook will tell you the 4-digit code that you need to enter. Then, click Continue. You can also verify the page using the official document that contains the name and address of the company. Becoming verified and receiving a blue verification check on your Facebook account requires you to be a public figure, or of public interest. You can become verified on Facebook either through a page or personal profile. Go to facebook.

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