Get rid of your duplicate content with a plagiarism checker

Get rid of your duplicate content with a plagiarism checker

Suman Saxena

Writing a good paper is not easy as you need to research style and maintain workflow. But what people mostly tend to forget is the uniqueness that a paper should have. Plagiarism is copying someone else's content without citing it. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and it can make you have some serious consequences. Plagiarism can happen by mistake, or it can be done intentionally. But whatever the reason is, it can attract the penalty. So, it is very important to know the ways to avoid plagiarism.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is to use someone else's ideas and work. It can include anything from opinion to ideas, terms, and words without acknowledging the original author. It's not always easy to avoid plagiarism; however, you can easily compare your text with the advent of so many plagiarism checker tools and find duplicate content.

How to get rid of plagiarism?

As stated above, plagiarism is a serious problem, but there are so many ways using which a person can avoid duplication of website content:

a. Research carefully – One of the most common reasons plagiarism happens is because you do a lot of research. With the availability of lots of articles, posts and books online, a reader may lose track of all the resources he may have gone through to produce his content.

The best way to avoid this is by keeping track of everything that you are reading while researching. Write down all the sources and resources you are going through to cite them later.

b. Quoting and paraphrasing – Quoting and paraphrasing are the two ways to avoid plagiarism. Quoting is great when you need to put every text word by word in your content. You can use quotation marks and put the reference just after and before it. However, one should remember that quotation is only appropriate if you need to cite something unique or impossible to paraphrase.

Paraphrasing is another way that you can opt to avoid plagiarism; however, you should ensure that you present the message correctly.

c. Check for plagiarismDuplicate content checker or plagiarism checker checks all your article and ensures that everything is perfect in your article. There are several online tools available that can detect duplicate content in your article. Such software also rates your article in terms of uniqueness. Sometimes when you have not paraphrased the article enough and have kept the writing style similar to the source, your article will be considered plagiarized by the software.

Plagiarism is a serious offense, and it shows the lack of responsibility, desire, and motivation of the writer. The main goal of content creation should not be to steal someone else's idea rather present your own opinion in front of your audience. Always keep track of the sources that you have referred to and put them in the citation to avoid inconvenience in the future.



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