Get Private Set

Get Private Set


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In what situation should I use a Private Set on a property versus making it a ReadOnly property? Take into consideration the two very simplistic examples below.
They both yield the same results. Is this a situation where there's no right and wrong, and it's just a matter of preference?
tgxiii 633●11 gold badge●55 silver badges●55 bronze badges
public string Name { get; protected set; } through inheritance. – samis Apr 2 '18 at 16:21
There are a couple reasons to use private set.
1) If you are not using a backing field at all and want a read-only automatic property:
2) If you want to do extra work when you modify the variable inside your class and want to capture that in a single location:
In general, though, it's a matter of personal preference. Far as I know, there are no performance reasons to use one over the other.
Adam Lear♦
Adam Lear 31.2k●99 gold badges●9999 silver badges●125125 bronze badges
Just adding this because the question also has a tag, but in you need to specify a backer if you use private on either either get or set. So in it's actually less work to make the property readonly I think. – user643192 Feb 26 '13 at 7:08
I never knew about that private set. :-) – Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan Sep 12 '14 at 16:27
An update for those reading this answer in 2016. C# 6.0 has introduced readonly auto-properties, which allow you to have a readonly property without a backing field: public string Name { get; }. If you don't want a mutable property, that's the preferred syntax now. – Alexey Feb 22 '16 at 14:04
One very good reason not to use private set is that it's not as immutable as we like to pretend it is. If you want to implement a truly immutable class, read only is a must. – RubberDuck Jul 7 '16 at 0:04
May be a performance reason to NOT use readonly. Seems to cause unnecessary copying of structs when accessing methods of a readonly struct field.… – Triynko Jul 31 '19 at 21:52
Use private set when you want setter can't be accessed from outside.
Use readonly when you want to set the property only once. In the constructor or variable initializer.
asakura89 451●44 silver badges●77 bronze badges
While I agree with your answer, your example could use some improvement. You may want to make a comment where the compiler error would occur. – Michael Richardson Aug 4 '14 at 18:19
NB The VB.NET syntax corresponding to the C# readonly keyword, is to apply ReadOnly to the field instead of to the property. – Zev Spitz Jan 3 '19 at 9:18
This makes the Name property effectively Read Only to all outside code and provides an explicit Set method. I prefer the explicit Set rather than simply using the set on the Name property because you are changing the value when setting it. Normally if you set a property value, you expect to get the same value back when you call the get later on, which would not happen if you did your ToTitleCase in the set.
However, as you said, there is no one right answer.
Dave Wise
Dave Wise 1,978●22 gold badges●1111 silver badges●1515 bronze badges
I believe 'private set' has special semantics in the compiler (not simply performing as a private accessor). Is this also the case with protected set? If not, where's the semantic equivalent to protected set if private set has special semantics? I haven't been able to find any documentation explaining this. – Sprague Mar 31 '12 at 9:30
+1 but I would call the method "Rename" instead of "SetName". – MattDavey Oct 8 '12 at 14:07
Daniel Neel
Daniel Neel 189●11 silver badge●55 bronze badges
Don't use the second example. The whole point of using a property - even if there is nothing going on beyond the getter getting and the setter setting - is to funnel all access through that getter and setter so that if you ever need to change behaviour in the future, it's all in one place.
Your second example abandons that in the case of setting the property. If you used that approach in a large, complex class, and later needed to change the behaviour of the property, you'd be in search-and-replace land, instead of making the change in one place - the private setter.
Carson63000 10.4k●11 gold badge●2626 silver badges●5050 bronze badges
Whenever I've needed to change the access level of a setter, I've generally changed it to either Protected (only this class and derived classes can change the value) or Friend (only members of my assembly can change the value).
But using Private makes perfect sense when you want to do other tasks in the setter besides changing the backing value. As pointed out earlier, it's good design to not reference your backing values directly but instead only access them through their properties. That ensures that later changes you make to a property are applied internally as well as externally. And there's virtually no performance penalty to referencing a property vs its backing variable.
And there's virtually no performance penalty...
But to clarify, accessing a property is slower than accessing its backing variable. A property's getter and setter are methods that require a Call and a Return, whereas a property's backing variable is accessed directly.
That's why, in cases where a property's getter may be accessed many times within a block of code, the property's value is sometimes cached first (saved in a local variable) and the local variable used instead. Of course, that assumes the property can't be changed asynchronously while the block is executing.
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Before we start to explain properties, you should have a basic understanding of "Encapsulation".
The meaning of Encapsulation, is to make sure that "sensitive" data is hidden from users. To achieve this, you must:
You learned from the previous chapter that private variables can only be accessed within the same class (an outside class has no access to it). However, sometimes we need to access them - and it can be done with properties.
A property is like a combination of a variable and a method, and it has two methods: a get and a set method:
The Name property is associated with the name field. It is a good practice to use the same name for both the property and the private field, but with an uppercase first letter.
The get method returns the value of the variable name.
The set method assigns a value to the name variable. The value keyword represents the value we assign to the property.
If you don't fully understand it, take a look at the example below.
Now we can use the Name property to access and update the private field of the Person class:
C# also provides a way to use short-hand / automatic properties, where you do not have to define the field for the property, and you only have to write get; and set; inside the property.
The following example will produce the same result as the example above. The only difference is that there is less code:
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Get Private Set

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