Get Private Key

Get Private Key


Get Private Key

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2 years, 9 months ago

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Why do you not have the private key? In general, there is no known way to figure out the private key, given a specific bitcoin address. Bitcoins security depends on this.

–  chytrik
Apr 25 '18 at 17:22

Okay. I invested my bitcoins in someone's miner. He requested for me a new miner and told me to fund . so that he can configure it with the miner afterwards he told me to change my password..

–  john
Apr 25 '18 at 17:41

Right now I want to withdraw my bitcoins I invested but he is asking me to pay him so that he can give me my private key..

–  john
Apr 25 '18 at 17:42

This is a scam. Mining does not work that way, if you deposit more money you will not see it returned. Changing your password means nothing if the attacker had access to your account in the past, he will have copied down your recovery phrase, and will be able to recreate your wallet on another device, without needing any passwords.

–  chytrik
Apr 25 '18 at 17:54

Unfortunately that is the case, sorry for your losses. In the future do not EVER share your password, login info, wallet backup, seed phrase, private key, etc, with someone that you do not trust 100%. Anyone asking you for that info is almost certainly running a scam / trying to steal your money. At this point, transfer any remaining BTC out of that wallet, and never use that wallet ever again. I've seen this scam before, I expect the scammer copied your seed phrase down and made a second copy of your wallet, so any BTC you send to that wallet now will be immediately stolen by the scammer.

–  chytrik
Apr 25 '18 at 18:10

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Is it possible for me to withdraw my bitcoin I invested here?
I don't have the private key
How can I get a private key for this address
Is it possible for me to withdraw my bitcoin I invested here? I don't have the private key
It looks like you fell for a common scam.
About watch-only addresses (some of these are also probably victims of this type of scam)
Please note, you should never pay for a Blockchain Wallet private key. To receive a bitcoin, you only need to provide the sender with a bitcoin address from your wallet.
I'm sorry to hear about the experience you've had. Very unfortunately, scammers as of late have been taking advantage of users new to the cryptocurrency space and their potential lack of knowledge about private keys, as well as some of our wallet's features. Our wallet can NOT be used for mining, and should NEVER be purchased, created or accessed by a third party. Any person or party claiming otherwise should be considered malicious and avoided. If another party has EVER had access to the wallet, then it should be considered unsafe and never used to store funds. This is because any funds added to or stored within such a wallet could still be compromised using its Backup Phrase, despite any changes made to the password or two factor authentications enabled.
Please be aware, within our wallet a public bitcoin address can be imported into the wallet as 'Watch Only or Non-spendable funds'. This can be done with absolutely any address on the entire bitcoin network. This feature is often used by those who may have paper wallets, or addresses stored within other wallets as a way to still see and track funds without actually importing the bitcoin address's Private Key into our wallet. The balance of addresses imported as 'Watch Only or Non-spendable funds', will NOT show up as part of the wallet's main balance, since without the private key to this address these funds are non-spendable.
Without a private key, you do not have ownership of an address or access to any funds it may contain. Scammers have been using this feature in a malicious manner to trick those unaware of how private keys work, and their requirement for sending funds.
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fraud - How can I get a private key for this address - Bitcoin Stack...
All Bitcoin private keys and Altcoin private keys .
Bitcoin Private Keys Directory
How can I find my Certificate’s Private Key ? – HelpDesk |
This site is created to check the safety of Bitcoin network, explain how Blockchain works, show problems of algorithm and add some fun to cryptography.
Whole range of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Private Keys, compressed/ uncompressed, SegWit and HD wallet. Whole wallets including YOURS.
Don't believe?
Do you think it's easy to find chest of Bitcoin treasures? Take a chance! Open page with 20 random generated addresses with count of transactions.
A brain wallet is a hashing of passphrase to create a private key. Humans are pretty bad at being original. REALLY bad at being random. We generate random wallets by popular dictionary.
We hope you did not find your address in leaked database. But you can see other users' private keys. These keys are compormised now.
A bitcoin wallet contains a collection of key pairs, each consisting of a private key and a public key. The private key (k) is a number, usually picked at random. From the private key, we use elliptic curve multiplication, a one-way cryptographic function, to generate a public key (K). From the public key (K), we use a one-way cryptographic hash function to generate a bitcoin address (A). In this section we will start with generating the private key, look at the elliptic curve math that is used to turn that into a public key, and finally, generate a bitcoin address from the public key.
A private key is simply a number, picked at random. Ownership and control over the private key is the root of user control over all funds associated with the corresponding bitcoin address. The private key is used to create signatures that are required to spend bitcoins by proving ownership of funds used in a transaction. The private key must remain secret at all times, as revealing it to a third party is equivalent to giving them control over the bitcoins secured by that key.
The private key must also be backed up and protected from accidental loss, since if lost it cannot be recovered and the funds secured by it are forever lost too.
The first and most important step in generating keys is to find a secure source of entropy, or randomness. Creating a bitcoin key is essentially the same as “Pick a number between 1 and 2^256“. The exact method you use to pick that number does not matter as long as it Is not predictable or repeatable.
Bitcoin software uses the underlying operating system’s random number generators to produce 256 bits of entropy (randomness). Usually, the OS random number generator is initialized by a human source of randomness, which is why you may be asked to wiggle your mouse around for a few seconds. For the truly paranoid, nothing beats dice, pencil and paper.
All Bitcoin private keys is simply an integer between number 1 and 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 or HEX: from 1 to 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141. The integer range of valid private keys is governed by the  secp256k1  ECDSA standard used by Bitcoin.
We just generate a range of these integers in sequence, divide into pages and show on each page. We can't store it and we have not saved database, because it should be biggest base on the world.
You can find Private key in WIF (Wallet Import/Export Format) and compressed key. Bitcoin addresses in compressed/ uncompressed formats, SegWit (P2SH-P2WPKH) and native Segwit ( P2WPKH) addesses start bc1 , Pay to script hash  (P2SH) starting with 3; legacy Bitcoin Cash addresses and new format.

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