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Героиновая чума приходит в Китай по Бирманской дороге, прорубленной через джунгли около 50 лет назад. Тогда никто и не предполагал, что дорога станет основным путем доставки героина из Бирмы в Китай. В одном только городе Куньмин, столице провинции Юньнань, 60 тысяч людей страдают от героиновой зависимости. И это только верхушка айсберга, ведь есть еще проблема СПИДа, распространяющегося через шприцы и проституцию… Недавно Китай возобновил попытки прервать поставку наркотиков в страну. Смотрите также выпуск — Опиумные войны. Маковые поля Бирмы занимают квадратных километров, ежегодно тут производится тонн героина. Девушка из провинции Сычуань просит кого-нибудь помочь ей сделать укол. Она готова за помощь отдать половину дозы. Двадцатилетний Фэн Юнли из провинции Гуйчжоу. Он живет в Жуйли уже полгода. В свои 23 года Чжу Лисян выглядит минимум на 10 лет старше. Ян Сяомэй плачет: 'Если я не буду работать проституткой, где буду брать деньги на наркотики? Чжу Лисян каждый день молится перед тем, как идти продавать наркотики. Ноги наркомана, пользовавшегося для инъекций грязными шприцами. Наркотики, конфискованные во время полицейского рейда. И Наньюн заразился ВИЧ из-за того, что принимал героин. Солдаты приграничной службы задерживают торговца наркотиками, только что перешедшего границу. В результате полицейского рейда была прекращена деятельность более чем десяти притонов. Наркоман в реабилитационном центре в Жуйли. Первые семь дней в реабилитационном центре — самый трудный период. Некоторые наркоманы пытаются лечиться от зависимости в исправительном заведении. Проблема наркомании в Китае имеет долгую историю. До революции огромные массы китайской бедноты были наркоманами: 70 миллионов употребляли опиум, морфий и героин, что, помимо прочего, стало результатом т. Напоминаем, что Bigpicture. Популярые посты. Как стюардесса стала звездой Инстаграма и бросила летать. Самые горячие темы. Новые посты. Все Рубрики.

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We need to verify your phone number in order to save it. An SMS containing the code was sent to your phone. Log in or reset password. Roy Fox Lichtenstein October 27, — September 29, was an American artist, one of the most influential pop art figures. In the 60s of the twentieth century, he began to create paintings based on images from comic book magazines, which made him very prominent both in America and abroad. At the same time, he began to paint a series of hommages — references to paintings by famous artists, for example, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh and Henri Matisse. Furthermore, Liechtenstein created sculptures with a pattern imitating a raster print at different periods of his artistic creativity. The artist did not just copy the original images; he changed the composition, added details and significantly simplified the color scheme. According to the artist, the Disney mouse conveyed that particular image in which no one would have thought of looking for, at least, something from high art. Mickey, in a certain sense, was a complete opposite of it. In fact, that was the value of comics for Lichtenstein. It was a real personification of mass culture along with teenage culture. All those hypertrophied explosions, onomatopoeia in signatures and unrealistic heroes suited the world of teenagers with their eternal maximalism better than anything. Nobody even tried to take comic book culture seriously and look for some artistic merit in those bright magazines. The fact that he had already become a very popular figure in the artistic circles of New York by that time was evidenced by the presentation of most of his paintings at the exhibition which were all bought by influential collectors before the exhibition itself even began. In response to all the attacks, Lichtenstein did not remain silent, but gave reciprocal interviews, defending his point of view on his own paintings and art as a whole. Among other things, Lichtenstein was accused of thoughtlessly copying pages from magazines, without creating anything fundamentally new. As you might guess, he fell out of favor with the comic book authors as well. Overgard said that he was extremely glad that his work was exhibited in the museum, only it was signed not by his name, and Lichtenstein had hopelessly ruined it. Once again, the artist was at the center of the scandal. As it was expected, the exhibition was a failure, and even the comic book authors themselves did not like it. In all likelihood, at some point, they understood what the fundamental difference between their works and paintings of pop artists consisted in the following: representatives of pop art did not copy surrounding reality thoughtlessly, but they did it in their own manner — often cold and detached — they expressed their attitude to popular culture through its most vivid images. Whatever it was, neither Overgard nor other authors decided not to start any copyright proceedings eventually. The son of a builder and a housewife had shown interest in art since childhood, but he was not limited only to painting. He listened with rapture to science fiction radio broadcasts, collected model airplanes and spent hours wandering around The Natural History Museum. As a teenager, Roy attended watercolor courses and assembled his own jazz band in high school. Then Lichtenstein created the first paintings in the style of social realism. Later that year, he entered The Ohio State University, where, in addition to drawing and design, he studied botany, history and literature. Soon, war fell upon the world, and Lichtenstein made a decision to interrupt his studies in order to serve his country. In preparation for the service, he studied languages, attended engineering and flight courses. But in the army, Lichtenstein was, for the most part, engaged in the work of secretary and draftsman, copying images from the army newspaper. The artist received an honorable resignation in , having managed to visit France, England, Belgium and Germany. In all likelihood, while serving in the army, Lichtenstein dreamed of becoming a pilot, and, according to some art historians, that was reflected in his later works based on comics. As for his post-war paintings, despite the seriality of the narratives, the artist did not adhere to one style for a long period of time. After animalistic sculptures, portraits and still lives, he experimented with expressionism and biomorphic surrealism. Later, Lichtenstein, whose artworks had already begun to be exhibited in galleries, painted portraits of musicians, road workers and racers in the spirit of paintings by Paul Klee. In one of the Cleveland galleries, the artist met his future wife Isabel Wilson. In , his first solo exhibition was held in New York, and later that same year he moved to Cleveland and began to paint portraits of cowboys and Native Americans, earning a living by engineering and drawing work. At the same time, Lichtenstein created a unique rotating easel, which allowed him to rotate the canvas directly during work in order to be able to paint from any angle. My focus is not on the narrative. The artist temporarily settled in New Jersey, enrolling at Rutgers University as a teacher, and then finally moved to New York, where he lived until the end of his days. However, in , in New Jersey, Lichtenstein managed to get to know the man who influenced all his further work. That person was the artist Allan Kaprow , who was called one of the predecessors of pop art. Despite the fact that Lichtenstein was glorified by the artworks painted on the basis of comics, the period in which he created them did not last for even ten years. In , Lichtenstein painted his most famous self-portrait : an empty white T-shirt of an unknown brand, above which a similar empty mirror hangs in the air in the place of his head. That, probably, was the whole essence of pop art: the artist did not process images, splashing inner feelings onto the canvas, as it was in the era of abstract expressionism , but rather reflected what society demonstrated to him. Author: Evgenia Sidelnikova. By using our website you accept our conditions of use of cookies to track data and create content including advertising based on your interest. Find out more about what data we collect and use at here. Log in Sign up Log in or sign up. This action is only available to registered users. Log in or sign up. Forgot your password? Keep me signed in. Telephone number: Phone number confirmed. I agree with the rules , privacy policy and cookie policy , as well as to receive newsletters. Restoring a password. Main menu. About the artist. Subscribe Share Facebook. Read more. Artworks liked by. Artworks by the artist. Add an artwork. Artworks for sale. Artworks for sale All artworks. Who we are Arthive is a community of artists, collectors and art dealers. We make it easy to collect and publish everything about art, manage collections, and buy, sell and promote artworks. About Arthive. Apps and services. Artists and artworks. Selling artworks. Social media. Postings and ArtSmarts. Art communities. Popular searches.

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