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Статус конопли в Германии. Снятие ограничений на курение конопли отнюдь не случайно. С года в Германии принята легализация медицинской конопли. В этой связи неудивительно, что должна была.

Weed is not legal in Berlin , but many people still smoke it. This guide explains how people usually buy weed in Berlin. No , but there are exceptions. For example, CBD oil and cannabis seeds are legal. Is cannabis legal in Germany? There are 3 ways to buy weed in Berlin: on Telegram, from street dealers or through your friends. Buying weed from parks is a bad idea. If you still want to do it, it works like this:. Dealers are easy to find. They are everywhere in the park. They will even approach you when you walk through the park. Some people say that you should avoid the dealers near the entrance, and choose dealers deeper in the park. The weed you buy from random dealers is not safe. Most of the time, you will get contaminated weed. Dealers and park usually sell low quality weed that is contaminated with chemicals 1 , 2. These chemicals irritate your throat and leave a bad taste in your mouth. You can also get caught with the police. Usually, you set a meeting location. The person that runs the group will start a secret chat to ask for more details. Some groups ask for a selfie to prove your identity, and for the driver to find you. When you end the secret chat, your photo is deleted. You will receive a message when the driver is near you. The driver will pick you up. You must sit in the car. They might drive a few hundred meters with you. You must give your money to the driver, get your weed, get out of the car and leave. Be subtle, and do not flash your money near other people. Marijuana from Telegram is often better than weed from the parks in Berlin, but it can still be contaminated 1. Since , weed is often contaminated with synthetic cannabinoids also called K2 or Spice. Hash can also be contaminated with synthetic cannabinoids 1. This type of contaminated weed is bad for your mental and physical health 1 , 2 , 3. The high is shorter, stronger and less pleasant. It is addictive, and it can cause psychosis and withdrawal symptoms 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. They are not made for this 1. You can see synthetic cannabinoids with a microscope, or a very strong magnifying glass 1. If the weed is contaminated, you might see crystals on the surface. This article is not written to promote the use of illegal drugs, but to make their consumption as safe as possible. All About Berlin does not condone the consumption of cannabis. Be safe and responsible. Table of contents Top of page Is marijuana legal in Germany? How much should does weed cost in Berlin? Where do Berliners buy their weed? Buying weed from Telegram Is buying weed from Telegram safe? Disclaimer Support the author Related guides. Updated on August 26, Written by Nicolas Bouliane. Table of contents Is marijuana legal in Germany? Disclaimer Related guides Is marijuana legal in Germany? Your friends might know a good dealer. Just ask. You will find at least one friend who has a safe, reliable dealer. You will get better, cheaper, safer weed this way. People you have just met will not always introduce you to their dealer. There are many Telegram groups you can join. Some groups are run by a single dealer, and others let dealers and buyers find each other. The parks should be your last option. They sell very low quality weed in parks. The drug dealers are everywhere. They are hard to miss 1 , 2. Parents go there with their children. The police often targets this park 1. The drug dealers are hard to miss 1. If you still want to do it, it works like this: Talk to a drug dealer standing near the walking path. They are very hard to miss. The dealer will ask you what you want, then point to his friend who hides in the bushes. Many dealers speak English. His friend in the bushes will ask you how much weed you want. He will get take some weed from a bag he hides in a tree. He will put weed in your hand. He will not use a scale to weigh the weed, and you will not get a bag. You can try to negotiate and get a little more weed. Pay in cash, and leave. You should have the exact amount of money in your hand. Is buying weed from parks safe? Buying weed from Telegram Different groups have different methods. Is buying weed from Telegram safe?

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