German Verbs

German Verbs


Hyde Flippo taught the German language for 28 years at high school and college levels and published several books on the German language and culture.
This chart is an alphabetical list of 50 commonly used German verbs. Example sentences in the present tense illustrate the use of each verb. Stem-changing verbs are shown with their du (2nd person sing.) and er (3rd person sing.) forms. Only some irregular verbs (but no separable-prefix or modal verbs) have been included in this chart. All of these verbs, including the stem-changing ones, are conjugated normally in the PRESENT TENSE.
Was bekommen Sie?
What can I get for you?
Wir besuchen meine Tante in Berlin.
Ich bringe Sie zum Flughafen.
I'll take you to the airport.
Was denken Sie darüber?
What do you think about that?
du/er isst
Wann isst du zu Mittag?
When do you eat lunch?
du fährst/ er fährt
Ich fahre morgen nach Dresden.
I'm going/traveling to Dresden tomorrow.
Wie finden Sie den Film?
What do you think of the movie?
du gibst/ er gibt
Wann gibst du ihm das Buch?
es gibt = there is/there are
du hilfst/ er hilft
Helfen Sie mir! (dative verb)
du nimmst/ er nimmt
Nehmt ihr das Geld?
Probieren geht über Studieren.
(saying) The proof's in the pudding.
du schläfst/ er schläft
Wir schlafen gut.
du siehst/ er sieht
Ich sehe ihn nicht.
du sprichst/ er spricht
Ich spreche Deutsch.
Was suchst du?
What are you looking for?
Ich trinke lieber Kaffee.
I'd rather drink coffee.
du vergisst/ er vergisst
Ich vergesse den Namen.
Sie wartet auf den Bus.
She's waiting for the bus.
Flippo, Hyde. "50 Common German Verbs with Sample Sentences." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, Flippo, Hyde. (2020, August 27). 50 Common German Verbs with Sample Sentences. Retrieved from Flippo, Hyde. "50 Common German Verbs with Sample Sentences." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 25, 2021).
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Enter an infinitive verb or a conjugated form to have its conjugation table
In German, you can type in and conjugate infinitive forms such as "machen", "sammeln",... but also conjugated forms like "mache", "geliebt". The conjugator recognizes reflexive verbs ("sich rasieren") and negative forms ("nicht machen"), as well as verbs with separable or inseparable prefixes (e.g.: be-, ge-, heraus-, vorweg-).
The conjugator uses conjugation rules for models. You can click on the corresponding section to learn more.
The info and tips section provides information about the primary conjugation rules for German verbs, grammatical information about how they are used and what meanings they can express.
The conjugator allows you to conjugate any verb as long as it corresponds to an existing conjugation model. They may be imaginary verbs, they may contain spelling mistakes or often be buzz verbs not yet aggregated to our conjugation tables like twittern, googlen.
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