German Marine

German Marine


Country: Germany
Notable commanders: Friedrich Ruge, …
Part of: Bundeswehr
Size: 16,704 personnel (April 2020), 65 …
The German Navy (German: Deutsche Marine; officially German: Marine listen (help·info)) is the navy of Germany and part of the unified Bundeswehr(Federal Defense), the German Armed Forces. The German Navy was originally known as the Bundesmarine (Federal Navy) from 1956 to 1995, when Deutsche Marine (German Navy) became the unofficial name with respect to the 1990 incorporation of th…
The German Navy (German: Deutsche Marine; officially German: Marine listen (help·info)) is the navy of Germany and part of the unified Bundeswehr (Federal Defense), the German Armed Forces. The German Navy was originally known as the Bundesmarine (Federal Navy) from 1956 to 1995, when Deutsche Marine (German Navy) became the unofficial name with respect to the 1990 incorporation of the East German Volksmarine (People's Navy). It is deeply integrated into the NATO alliance. Its primary mission is protection of Germany's territorial waters and maritime infrastructure as well as sea lines of communication. Apart from this, the German Navy participates in peacekeeping operations, and renders humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. They also participate in anti-piracy operations.
Перевести · GERMAN MARINE AGENCIES, INC. is a duly licensed manning agency accredited with the Philippine Overseas Employment …
Военно-морские силы Германии — один из видов Вооружённых сил Германии.
Предшественник: Фольксмарине (в ГДР ) · Бундесмарине (в ФРГ )
Годы существования: с 2 января 1956 года как Военно-морские силы Федеративной Республики Германии
Королевский военно-морской флот Великобритании
Королевские военно-морские силы Нидерландов
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Current Operations
Future Developments
See Also
The German navy has operated under different names. See 1. Prussian Navy, 1701–1867 2. Reichsflotte (Imperial Fleet), 1848–52 3. Norddeutsche Bundesmarine (North German Federal Navy), 1867–71 4. Imperial German Navy (Kaiserliche Marine), 1871–1919 5. Reichsmarine, 1919–35 6. Kriegsmarine, 1935–45 7. G…
Перевести · Since “Marine” in German means “navy” or “naval”, some people mistakenly think that there WERE no German Marines. They think that the word “Marine…
Celina Burkholz - Germany, Marine Biology
YouTube › JCU: James Cook University, Australia
German Marine Research Consortium (KDM)
U.S. Marines Train With German Soldiers
The first German frogman commando unit was formed under the direction of Alfred von Wurzian during World War II, an Olympic swimmer originally from Austria. Wurzian was initially an artilleryman. He had to overcome a lot of hurdles to form this specialized unit as many brass types could not buy into the concept of such a specialized unit. The unit's name was Küstenjäger-Abteilung "Brandenburg".

1942 – 1943
The first German frogman commando unit was formed under the direction of Alfred von Wurzian during World War II, an Olympic swimmer originally from Austria. Wurzian was initially an artilleryman. He had to overcome a lot of hurdles to form this specialized unit as many brass types could not buy into the concept of such a specialized unit. The unit's name was Küstenjäger-Abteilung "Brandenburg".

1942 – 1943
• 1942 onwards: The amateur diver Alfred von Wurzian tested breathing apparatus (Dräger oxygen rebreathers from Hans Hass) for the Kriegsmarine.
• 1942: German frogmen clashed with Soviet frogmen at a Tsemes Bay seaport at Novorossiysk. The skirmish resulted in some knife battles underwater.
• 1943: Admiral Karl Dönitz orders Vice-Admiral Hellmuth Heye to create a special unit. It is originally named Kleinkampfmittelverband ("small ordnance association") but it is better known under the name of K-Verband or Meereskämpfer (ocean warriors). Its first men, including von Wurzian, were trained by experienced Italian Decima Flottiglia MAS men. (The German Waffen-SS also had a frogman section called SS-Jagdkommando Donau.)

• 1944 June: Three German frogman units called "Marine Einsatzkommando" (MEK) became active. Each unit had one officer and 22 men. But they were not ready for D-Day.
• 1944 June 23: German naval frogmen blow up two bridges on the Orne river, using two torpedoes of 800 kg.
• 1944 July: There were several attacks by German Neger craft in the English Channel, setting off from Villers sur Mer. On July 8, these attacks badly damaged the cruiser ORP Dragon (which was scuttled on July 20), and sunk the destroyer HMS Isis. 12 attack boats were used in attacks in the mouth of the Orne river.
• July 1944: German frogmen destroyed the lock gates on the Orne river.
• 26 August 1944: MEK 60 German frogmen destroyed the Vascouy coastal artillery battery position.
• 1944 September 16: By this time the Allies had taken Antwerp. Two teams of five German frogmen left Rotterdam on two attack boats, to attack Antwerp docks. When they were stopped by defence nets, the teams continued by swimming, each towing a torpedo with a ton of explosive. One team placed its torpedo on the main canal lock in Antwerp. The lock was out of use for three months.
• 1944, night of September 28–29: By now the Allies had taken intact a road bridge at Nijmegen and a railway bridge at Moerdijk, and had immediately installed a strong anti-aircraft defence there. Three groups of four German frogmen set off from 10 km upstream from the bridges. They were to place explosives under the bridges and then to continue with the river current 24 km further to return to their lines. The railway bridge was blown up. The road bridge was only slightly damaged because the mine had been badly placed. Of the 12 men, three were killed, seven were captured, and two returned to their lines.
• Soviet EPRON Diver K.D. Zolotovskiy claims his Soviet frogman team had underwater skirmishes with German frogmen in the Svir river.
• 1944 December: German frogman operations in the Vistula river.
• After Italy changed sides, the German frogman unit MEK71 based in Jugoslavia made numerous attacks against liberated Italy, using two-man canoes.

• February 1945: German frogmen operations in the Oder river.
• March 1945: Multiple failed attempts to destroy the Ludendorff Bridge near Remagen by German frogmen. The final failed attempt was performed by seven German Waffen SS frogmen.
• March–April 1945:German frogmen destroyed two important supply bridges in Stettin harbor. Three bridges were destroyed between the island of Wollin and the Pomeranian mainland. Another bridge was destroyed by German frogmen near Dievenow.
• May 1945 German frogmen failed in their initial attempt to blow up the pontoon bridges at Nipperwiese and Fiddichow.
• May 1945 German frogmen succeed in their second attempt to blow up the pontoon bridges at Nipperwiese and Fiddichow. Frogmen Siegfried Koneke and Walter Lewandowski were awarded the German Cross in Gold for their actions.

Craft developed by Germany during World War II
• The "lentil". It is a fast silent boat carrying 300 kg of explosive. The pilot directs it and then jumps in the sea and is collected by another boat.
• A "chariot" copied from that of the British who copied it from the Italian maiale. The Italians never transmitted to the Germans the plans of their maiale.
• The "Neger" (German for "negro"), a single-seat torpedo sailing awash at four knots. Its pilot leaves it before precipitating it on the objective.
• Creation of pocket submarines (one-seater and two-seater).

Incompletely planned operations
• Plan to attack the underwater oil pipeline PLUTO.
• Plan to block the Suez Canal by sinking boats in it.

Post World War II
This section was translated from de:Kampfschwimmer (Bundeswehr); refer back there in case of query about the translation.

The Kampfschwimmer were set up particularly because Germany joined NATO and there was felt to be risk of war with the Soviet Union. A unit was needed which could help to secure the Baltic Sea exits through the Danish Straits. On 1 August 1958 Group 3402, as these commando frogmen were called by the navy, was set up. It consisted of men without a Nazi past, who had served in World War II in the small combat forces and the naval employment commands.

The first Kampfschwimmer were trained first with the Nageurs de combat in France. France had developed the role of the commando frogmen further in the Indochina war, to the modern single fighter.

The Kampfschwimmer should carry out their tasks both in the water and ashore, like German commando frogmen did in World War II. But now a new dimension was added: airborne operations. This three-role concept of the French became the basis of the commando frogmen of the German navy.

On 1 April 1964, the Kampfschwimmer appeared for the first time as an independent body. In the following years they extended their tasks, but lacked money. Thus e.g. they had to buy their own drysuit undersuits.
Перевести · Seebataillon, literally "sea battalion", is a German term for certain troops of naval infantry or marines. It was used by the Prussian Navy, the North German Federal Navy, the Imperial German Navy, the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the Kriegsmarine, and briefly in the Bundesmarine. In 2014, also the modern German Navy …
Перевести · Строк: 27 · This is a list of active German Navy ships as of March 2020. There are approximately 65 ships in commission including; 10 frigates , 5 corvettes , 2 minesweepers , 10 …
Перевести · 13.10.2018 · HM II, 145 Our Marine by Richard Thiele, composed in 1886 in a Singspiel, as a …
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Country: Germany
Notable commanders: Friedrich Ruge, Günter …
Part of: Bundeswehr
Size: 16,704 personnel (April 2020), 65 ships, …
The German Navy (German: Deutsche Marine; officially German: Marine listen (help·info)) is the navy of Germany and part of the unified Bundeswehr (Federal Defense), the German Armed Forces. The German Navy was originally known as the Bundesmarine (Federal Navy) from 1956 to 1995, when Deutsche Marine (German Navy) became the unofficial name with respect to the 1990 incorporation of the East German Volksmarine(People's Navy). It is deeply integra…
The German Navy (German: Deutsche Marine; officially German: Marine listen (help·info)) is the navy of Germany and part of the unified Bundeswehr (Federal Defense), the German Armed Forces. The German Navy was originally known as the Bundesmarine (Federal Navy) from 1956 to 1995, when Deutsche Marine (German Navy) became the unofficial name with respect to the 1990 incorporation of the East German Volksmarine (People's Navy). It is deeply integrated into the NATO alliance. Its primary mission is protection of Germany's territorial waters and maritime infrastructure as well as sea lines of communication. Apart from this, the German Navy participates in peacekeeping operations, and renders humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. They also participate in anti-piracy operations.
Перевести · GERMAN MARINE AGENCIES, INC. is a duly licensed manning agency accredited with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) on 28 June 1989 and …
Военно-морские силы Германии — один из видов Вооружённых сил Германии.
Предшественник: Фольксмарине (в ГДР ) · Бундесмарине (в ФРГ )
Годы существования: с 2 января 1956 года как Военно-морские силы Федеративной Республики Германии
Королевский военно-морской флот Великобритании
Королевские военно-морские силы Нидерландов
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Current Operations
Future Developments
See Also
The German navy has operated under different names. See 1. Prussian Navy, 1701–1867 2. Reichsflotte (Imperial Fleet), 1848–52 3. Norddeutsche Bundesmarine (North German Federal Navy), 1867–71 4. Imperial German Navy (Kaiserliche Marine), 1871–1919 5. Reichsmarine, 1919–35 6. Kriegsmarine, 1935–45 7. German Mine Sweeping Administration, 1945–56 8. Mari…
Перевести · Since “Marine” in German means “navy” or “naval”, some people mistakenly think that there WERE no German Marines. They think that the word “Marine” must be referring to …
Celina Burkholz - Germany, Marine Biology
YouTube › JCU: James Cook University, Australia
German Marine Research Consortium (KDM)
U.S. Marines Train With German Soldiers
The first German frogman commando unit was formed under the direction of Alfred von Wurzian during World War II, an Olympic swimmer originally from Austria. Wurzian was initially an artilleryman. He had to overcome a lot of hurdles to form this specialized unit as many brass types could not buy into the concept of such a specialized unit. The unit's name was Küstenjäger-Abteilung "Brandenburg".

1942 – 1943
The first German frogman commando unit was formed under the direction of Alfred von Wurzian during World War II, an Olympic swimmer originally from Austria. Wurzian was initially an artilleryman. He had to overcome a lot of hurdles to form this specialized unit as many brass types could not buy into the concept of such a specialized unit. The unit's name was Küstenjäger-Abteilung "Brandenburg".

1942 – 1943
• 1942 onwards: The amateur diver Alfred von Wurzian tested breathing apparatus (Dräger oxygen rebreathers from Hans Hass) for the Kriegsmarine.
• 1942: German frogmen clashed with Soviet frogmen at a Tsemes Bay seaport at Novorossiysk. The skirmish resulted in some knife battles underwater.
• 1943: Admiral Karl Dönitz orders Vice-Admiral Hellmuth Heye to create a special unit. It is originally named Kleinkampfmittelverband ("small ordnance association") but it is better known under the name of K-Verband or Meereskämpfer (ocean warriors). Its first men, including von Wurzian, were trained by experienced Italian Decima Flottiglia MAS men. (The German Waffen-SS also had a frogman section called SS-Jagdkommando Donau.)

• 1944 June: Three German frogman units called "Marine Einsatzkommando" (MEK) became active. Each unit had one officer and 22 men. But they were not ready for D-Day.
• 1944 June 23: German naval frogmen blow up two bridges on the Orne river, using two torpedoes of 800 kg.
• 1944 July: There were several attacks by German Neger craft in the English Channel, setting off from Villers sur Mer. On July 8, these attacks badly damaged the cruiser ORP Dragon (which was scuttled on July 20), and sunk the destroyer HMS Isis. 12 attack boats were used in attacks in the mouth of the Orne river.
• July 1944: German frogmen destroyed the lock gates on the Orne river.
• 26 August 1944: MEK 60 German frogmen destroyed the Vascouy coastal artillery battery position.
• 1944 September 16: By this time the Allies had taken Antwerp. Two teams of five German frogmen left Rotterdam on two attack boats, to attack Antwerp docks. When they were stopped by defence nets, the teams continued by swimming, each towing a torpedo with a ton of explosive. One team placed its torpedo on the main canal lock in Antwerp. The lock was out of use for three months.
• 1944, night of September 28–29: By now the Allies had taken intact a road bridge at Nijmegen and a railway bridge at Moerdijk, and had immediately installed a strong anti-aircraft defence there. Three groups of four German frogmen set off from 10 km upstream from the bridges. They were to place explosives under the bridges and then to continue with the river current 24 km further to return to their lines. The railway bridge was blown up. The road bridge was only slightly damaged because the mine had been badly placed. Of the 12 men, three were killed, seven were captured, and two returned to their lines.
• Soviet EPRON Diver K.D. Zolotovskiy claims his Soviet frogman team had underwater skirmishes with German frogmen in the Svir river.
• 1944 December: German frogman operations in the Vistula river.
• After Italy changed sides, the German frogman unit MEK71 based in Jugoslavia made numerous attacks against liberated Italy, using two-man canoes.

• February 1945: German frogmen operations in the Oder river.
• March 1945: Multiple failed attempts to destroy the Ludendorff Bridge near Remagen by German frogmen. The final failed attempt was performed by seven German Waffen SS frogmen.
• March–April 1945:German frogmen destroyed two important supply bridges in Stettin harbor. Three bridges were destroyed between the island of Wollin and the Pomeranian mainland. Another bridge was destroyed by German frogmen near Dievenow.
• May 1945 German frogmen failed in their initial attempt to blow up the pontoon bridges at Nipperwiese and Fiddichow.
• May 1945 German frogmen succeed in their second attempt to blow up the pontoon bridges at Nipperwiese and Fiddichow. Frogmen Siegfried Koneke and Walter Lewandowski were awarded the German Cross in Gold for their actions.

Craft developed by Germany during World War II
• The "lentil". It is a fast silent boat carrying 300 kg of explosive. The pilot directs it and then jumps in the sea and is collected by another boat.
• A "chariot" copied from that of the British who copied it from the Italian maiale. The Italians never transmitted to the Germans the plans of their maiale.
• The "Neger" (German for "negro"), a single-seat torpedo sailing awash at four knots. Its pilot leaves it before precipitating it on the objective.
• Creation of pocket submarines (one-seater and two-seater).

Incompletely planned operations
• Plan to attack the underwater oil pipeline PLUTO.
• Plan to block the Suez Canal by sinking boats in it.

Post World War II
This section was translated from de:Kampfschwimmer (Bundeswehr); refer back there in case of query about the translation.

The Kampfschwimmer were set up particularly because Germany joined NATO and there was felt to be risk of war with the Soviet Union. A unit was needed which could help to secure the Baltic Sea exits through the Danish Straits. On 1 August 1958 Group 3402, as these commando frogmen were called by the navy, was set up. It consisted of men without a Nazi past, who had served in World War II in the small combat forces and the naval employ
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German Navy - Wikipedia
German Navy | Military Wiki | Fandom
Imperial German Marines- Landungskorps & Seebataillon
Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine - Wikipedia
Seebataillon - Wikipedia
List of active German Navy ships - Wikipedia
German Marine

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