German Dictionary

German Dictionary


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PASSWORD English–German Learner's Dictionary © 2014 K DICTIONARIES LTD
Based on the semi-bilingual approach to lexicography for foreign language learners developed by Lionel Kernerman.
PASSWORD is a registered trademark of Modulo Éditeur and used with its permission.
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an opening or a device that allows fresh air to come into a closed space
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German Spanish
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German Turkish
The comprehensive online dictionary from Langenscheidt is available immediately and for free to all users and visitors of this website. To translate a German word into English, just type it into the search box to generate a list of possible English translations. Alternatively, you can enter English words to find the correct German translation. Use the drop-down menu to search not only the German-English dictionary, but all online dictionaries.
In a globalised world, comprehensive language skills are gaining in importance. The online dictionary from Langenscheidt is an excellent choice for anyone wishing to learn a new language. It can help learners to expand their vocabulary and find the right German or English translation. Our dictionary also offers additional important features to support the language learning process.
The English language belongs to the West Germanic branch of languages, and it continues to be the most widely used language in the world. Today, English is spoken by approximately 330 million native speakers. When people that have English as their second language are added, the total soars to some 500 million speakers. In many countries, English language skills remain a prerequisite for social advancement and English is taught as the first foreign language in schools. English is also the official language of the majority of international organisations. English-language songs frequently appear in pop charts in Argentina, Poland, South Africa and Thailand. The German-English dictionary from Langenscheidt is available immediately to support users in learning a new language - be it after language class or when self-studying languages at home. As a result, users can learn new words and phrases easily and effectively and continuously improve their knowledge of English.
Look up any German to English translation directly in the German online dictionary. Select the appropriate letter below to see a list of German words beginning with that letter. When you have found the word you were looking for click on it to get to the German-English dictionary.
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