German Born Russian Doctor

German Born Russian Doctor


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Historical and biographical paper about life and creative achievements of eminent Russian paediatrician , Karl Andreevich Rauchfuss. An article also discusses the role of German community in development of Russian Medicine [2 figs, bibliography 15 refs].
Историко-биографическая статья о жизни и творческих достижениях выдающегося российского педиатра Карла Андреевича Раухфуса . В статье также обсуждается роль немецкого землячества в развитии российской медицины
русский немец КАРЛ АНДРЕЕВИЧ РАУхФУС: первый врач, надевший белый халат
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет. 199034, Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., д. 7-9.
Контактная информация: Леонид Павлович Чурилов — к.м.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой патологии СПбГУ. E-mail:
РЕЗЮМЕ. Историко-биографическая статья о жизни и творческих достижениях выдающегося российского педиатра Карла Андреевича Раухфуса. В статье также обсуждается роль немецкого землячества в развитии российской медицины.
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Карл Андреевич Раухфус; педиатр; белый халат.
Saint Petersburg State University. Universitetskaya Emb., 7-9, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034.
Contact Information: Leonid P. Churilov — PhDs in Medicine., associate professor, department chair of pathology of St.Petersburg State University, E-mail:
ABSTRACT. Historical and biographical paper about life and creative achievements of eminent Russian paediatrician, Karl Andreevich Rauchfuss. An article also discusses the role of German community in development of Russian Medicine [2 figs, bibliography — 15 refs].
KEY WORDS: Karl Andreyevich Rauchfuss; paediatrician; white gown.
An important factor promoted rapid and fruitful development of theoretical and practical Medicine in Russian Empire was tight integration of domestic and foreign medical science. Russian physicians were not separated from European medical community. Broad contacts between Russian physicians and their Western colleagues were free from any linguistic, economical, political, or bureaucratic restrictions. According the data of National population census of 1897, 14% of people in Russian State (which had the borders spread far to the West compared to their current positions) were of Catholic or Lutheran confessions [1]. In Russian cities (especially in capital of Russian Empire) many citizens were ethnic Germans, Austrians, French, Swedes, Finns, and Poles, few of them — were English, Italians, Dutch — all having roots abroad. In 1913 out of 174, 1 million of population in Russian Empire there were 2, 4 million of ethnic Germans (approx. 1, 4%). Currently (2010) less than 0,4 million of Germans live in Russian Federation with its 145 million population (0,27%). Russian Germans were represented in all social strata, but many of them were medical doctors, medical teachers and medical scientists. They tightly and fruitfully interacted with other Russian physicians and medical scientists and, in fact, being their first teachers [2].
Almost every graduate of medical school in Russia of imperial period spoke fluently at least one foreign language, learnt in childhood with the help of multiple governesses and teachers — native speakers living in Russia, but typically medical doctors were polyglots.
A figure very typical for the whole Russian medical life of that epoch was one of the founders of domestic Paediatrics, a Russian-born German Dr. K. A. Rauchfuss (fig. 1).
Karl Andreyevich Rauchfuss (in German: Karl Gottlieb Rauchfuß), an outstanding Russian paediatrician and organizer of children health care was born in St. Petersburg to a German family of a couturier tailor immigrated from Saxony, Andrew Rauchfuss (German: Heinrich Friedrich Rauchfuß 12.02.1795-30.06.1866) and his wife loganna Frank (German: Johanna Regina Franke 8.08.1804-16.08.1882). Karl's father was quite successful and opened his own fashion salon at Nevskiy prospect, bld 61, in the house of Russian merchant I. L. Loginov. This historical building still stands there. There were 3 children in this family: a daughter Amalia (died after 1917) and two sons. A family was prosperious and gave to children good education. Brothers Rauchfuss graduated from the famous St. Petri-Schule, a privileged high school of
St. Petersburg, oldest one in the city, which still exists nowadays as a "High School # 222 with profound learning of German". One of their teachers was renowned historian, corresponding member of the Emperor's St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Fedor Karlovich (Friedrich) Lorentz (1803-1861). Karl attended Pe-trischule in 1844-1851. A little bit later another future coryphaeus of Russian Medicine — Piotr Frantzevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) studied in Petrischule, he was 2 years younger [3].
The senior son of a tailor, Friedrich Andreevich Rauchfuss (German: Friedrich Rauchfuß, 3.04.1829-8.08.1855) also became a tailor and inherited father's business, but unfortunately died very young. The junior son — Karl in 1852 was enrolled to the Medical Surgical Academy (now — the Military Medical Academy) and graduated from it in 1857. Later he specialised in Paediatrics and Otorhinolaryngology (1860). Since 1857 he was adjunct physician, then (1858-1866) prosector and in 18661868 — senior physician at the Findelhaus, an Imperial Orphanage of St. Petersburg, which had a small pediatric hospital inside [4]. That time paediatric infections were highly spread and represented very serious problem for children health care. Some of them (diphtheria, whooping cough, and influenza) involved respiratory system and produced dangerous complications, like croup (stenotic or obstructive laryngitis). He has inculcated in Russia and greatly improved the technique of tracheotomy, which until the middle of XIX considered being rare and dangerous operation. Between 1500 and 1832 only 28 cases of tracheotomy were reported all over the world [5]. Rauchfuss most probably was the first pediatrician who started to use it regularly as life-saving measure in croup, which later was reported by him [6]. Of great help for Rauchfuss's patients were his surgical skills in Laryngology. Once he had to perform an instant tracheotomy in a sick child, who suffered from croup and asphyxia. But the parents were categorically against this urgent surgical operation. The doctor decided not to persuade them, but gave a command to the hospital attendants: "Tie them up with a rope!" The shouting parents were secured, and the physician saved the child. This legendary case was later described by Soviet writer Yury German [7]. Instead of gratitude, they took Rauchfuss to court and their lawyer accused him of double crime: deprivation of parental freedom and damage to the child. But the doctor was justified. Twice during these years he performed visits to Germany and France for postgraduate studies and refreshing (1862, 1867). This was very typical for the young domestic physicians of that period. Social and economical status of Russian physician or university teacher in Imperial Russia was prestigious, stable and high enough to travel abroad [8, 9]. Moreover, all best graduates of Imperial Universities could rely upon state support of their long academic visits to best medical labs and schools of Europe. And they were welcomed there: No visas required, Russian school and university diplomas in Germany, for example, were validated automatically, many foreign medical graduates worked in Russia — so, the way of Dr. Rauchfuss to the top stratum of European Medicine was quite typical for that epoch. Later this system joined to principles of Zemstvo Medicine established for Russia most rapid decrease of mortality
rates in its history and brought 2 Nobel Prizes in Medicine for the first 9 years of its assignment. And it could bring much more, but everything (including greater part of Russian German community) in next century was gone with the wind of wars and revolutions...
In 1869 K. A. Rauchfuss defended (at alma mater) his doctoral thesis about congenital aortic stenosis [10] and became director and physician-in-chief at the newly establshed St. Petersburg Children's Hospital named for Prince Peter von Oldenburg. The hospital was the largest and best in Europe, equipped with all the latest achievements of that time. From the very beginning of its construction doctor Rauchfuss was one of the key figures in this innovative project. Collaborating with the architect Cesar Al-bertovich Kavos (1824-1883), also graduate of the Petrischule, K.A. Rauchfuss was in charge of the building and equipping of the Prince Peter von Oldenburg Children's Hospital (1867 to 1869). As a prototype for this project he used the plan and experience of famous Charité Hospital in Berlin. K.A. Rauchfuss introduced very effective system of isolation for infectious patients in his hospital and greatly improved the results of treatment. The hospital was open on 12 October 1869. The project was so successful that later he reproduced a similar project in Moscow (St. Vladimir Children's Hospital, constructed from 1875 to 1876 and opened 1 August 1876). At both hospitals he maintained the principle of strict isolation of contagious cases, both at the hospital wards and at the outpatient department. Even the first examination of incoming patients proceeded in complete isolation, at special rooms, communicated with admissions department and with
outside. For that epoch it was a great advance. The project of Prince Peter von Oldenburg Children's Hospital in Saint Petersburg was reported at World Congress and achieved a Honorary Diploma for best paediatric clinic during Hygienic Congress in Bruxelles (1876-77) and Gross Gold Medal at the World Exhibition of 1878 in Paris [3, 11, 12].
The third late medical construction project contributed by Rauhfuss was Children's hospital "In Memory of Sacred Coronation of Their Imperial Majesties" (1902-1905, architect M. I. Kitner), now Clinical Hospital of Saint Petersburg State Paediatric Medical University.
From 1875 till 1882 Rauchfuss headed the paediatric clinic at the Higher Medical Courses for Women at Military Medical Academy, and from 1876 till his last day he was court paediatrician in ordinary to the Royal Family [13].
K. A. Rauchfuss became the first court paediatrician in the history of Russian monarchy, earlier children and adult members of royal family were treated by the same physicians. Very authoritative clinician and prolific academic writer, K. A. Rauchfuss was one of the key figures in medical community of the city and contributed much into medical journalism of Russia [14]. He was in close friendship with great physiologist I. P. Pavlov (1849-1936) and with outstanding Russian otorhinolaryngologist and court otologist N. P. Simanovskiy (1854-1922). A famous Russian portrait painter Ivan Kramskoy started to paint his portrait. This masterpiece was the last work of Kramskoy: sudden death of an artist happened during one of séances of painting. Rauchfuss tried to save his friend, but in vain. Now this remarkable picture is exhibited in Russian museum (fig. 2).
Rauchfuss became the founder of the Society of Paediatricians in St. Petersburg and the all-Russian welfare committee for maternity and childhood. Dr. Rauchfuss is world known among medical professionals not only because of the percussion phenomenon, which he described in 1904 in (so called Rauchfuss-Korany-Grocco triangle: A triangular area of dullness at the base of the chest near the spinal column, on the side opposite a pleural effusion) [15]. His legacy is versatile and huge. But, probably the most striking detail is the following. He was the first physician in the history of medicine, who introduced white dressing gowns for doctors and nurses — a tradition now accepted all over the world. K. A. Rauchfuss did that in his clinics before 1870, only after that the custom was adopted in Prussian hospitals of Franco-Prussian war. The fame of K. A. Rauchfuss crossed the borders of Russia. When famous German paediatrician Edward Henoch retired, the prestigious position of Chairman of Paediatrics Department at Berlin University was offered by academic community to Dr. Rauchfuss, but he rejected and preferred to remain in his native country of Russia [13]. In 1905 eminent Russian paediatrician was elected as honorary member of the German Paediatric Society. His wife, Polina Karlovna, was the founder of Froebel Society for early and pre-school children education, now acting worldwide. The hospital constructed under Dr. Rauchfuss's supervision, still functions at St. Petersburg and is now named after him [4].
Fig. 2. Portrait of K. A. Rauchfuss by Ivan Kramskoy (not finished)
1. Statisticheskiy ezhegodnik Rossii 1913 g. [Statistical Yearbook of Russia — 1913]. Saint Petersburg: CSK MVD Publisher, 1914. (in Russian).
2. Vinnichenko I & Vinnichenko R: Nimtsi v istori'i' Ky'i'vs'koho univer-sitetu (XIX — polovyna XX st. [Germans in the history of Kiev University (XlX-half of XX century)]. Kyiv: Heoprint Publisher, 2009, 420 P. (in Ukrainian).
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5. Goodall E. W. The story of tracheostomy. Brit. J. Child. Diseas. 1934; 31: 167-176, 253-272.
6. Rauchfuß K.A. Über Laryngochirurgie. St. Petersburger medici-nische Zeitschrift 1861; 1:26.
7. German Yu. Dorogoi moi chelovek [My dear man]. Moscow: Pravda Publishers, 1990.
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10. Rauchfuss C. A. O vrozhdennom zarashchenii ustya aorty [On the congenital stenosis of the orifice of aorta] M. D. Thesis. Saint-Petersburg: Printing house of the Academy of Sci., 1869, 144 P.
11. Maslov M. S. K. A. Rauhfus [C. A. Rauchfuss]. Leningrad: Medgiz Publishers, 1960.
12. Oehme, Johannes: Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in der Kinderheilkunde unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Carl Rauchfuss (1835-1915). In: Ingrid Kästner, Regine Pfrepper (Hgg.): Naturforschung, Experiment und Klinik. Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in der naturwissenschaftlichen Medizin des 19. Jahrhunderts. Aachen 2002 (Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in Medizin und Naturwissenschaft 6), 211-218.
13. Arseniev V. G., Detkov V.Yu., Mel'nikova I.Yu., Shabalov N. P. Karl Andreevich Rauchfus — velikij pediatr Rossii (k 180-lrtiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Carl Andreevich Rauchfuss — great pediatrician of Russia. To 180th anniversary of his birth]. Peduiatriya. Zhurn. im. G. N. Speranskogo. 2015; 94 (6): 193-195.
14. Rauchfuss C. A. Die medicinische Journalistik Russlands. Geschichtliche Skizze der russischen medicinischen Journalistik. St. Petersburger medicinische Zeitschrift 1 (1861), 26-32.
15. Reuchfuss C. A. Die paravertebrale Dämpfung auf der gesunden Seite bei Pleuraergussen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde, Breslau, 1904, 21 (1906): 202-211.
1. Статистический ежегодник России 1913 r. (Год десятый). СПб., 1914.
2. Vinnichenko I & Vinnichenko R: Nimtsi v istorii Ky'i'vs'koho univer-sitetu (Х1Х — polovyna ХХ st. [Germans in the history of Kiev University (XIX-half of XX century)]. Kyiv: Heoprint Publisher, 2009, 420 P. (in Ukrainian).
3. Kästner, Ingrid, Pfrepper, Regine, Smagina, Galina [Ivanovna]: Der deutsch-russische Kinderarzt Carl Rauchfuss (1835-1915) und die St. Petersburger Fröbel-Gesellschaft. In: Erich Donnert (Hg.): Eu-
ropa in der Frühen Neuzeit. Festschrift für Günter Mühlpfordt. Bd. 7. Köln, Weimar, Wien 2008, 1053-1060.
4. Golikov, Jurij P.: Karl Andreevic Rauchfus (1835-1915). Kratkij biograficeskij ocerk. In: Galina Ivanovna Smagina (Hg.). Nemcy Sankt-Peterburga. Nauka, kul'tura, obrazovanie. Die Deutschen in Sankt-Pe-tersburg. Wissenschaft, Kultur, Bildung. St. Peterburg 2005, 237-254.
5. Goodall E. W. The story of tracheostomy. Brit. J. Child. Diseas. 1934; 31: 167-176, 253-272.
6. Rauchfuß K. A. Über Laryngochirurgie. St. Petersburger medicinische Zeitschrift 1861; 1:26.
7. German Yu. Dorogoi moi chelovek [My dear man]. Moscow: Pravda Publishers, 1990.
8. Кудинов, О. А. Оплата научно-педагогического труда в. Российской империи в начале XX века. Юридическое образование и наука. 2005; 1: 40-41.
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10. Раухфус К.А. О врожденном заращении устья аорты: Дис. на степ. д-ра мед., 1869, 144 P.
11. Маслов М. С. К. А. Раухфус. Л.; 1960.
12. Oehme, Johannes: Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in der Kinderheilkunde unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Carl Rauchfuss (1835-1915). In: Ingrid Kästner, Regine Pfrepper (Hgg.): Naturforschung, Experiment und Klinik. Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in der naturwissenschaftlichen Medizin des 19. Jahrhunderts. Aachen 2002 (Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in Medizin und Naturwissenschaft 6), 211-218.
13. Арсентьев В.Г., Детков В.Ю., Мельникова И.Ю., Шабалов Н.П. Карл Андреевич Раухфус - великий педиатр России (к 180-летию со дня рождения). Педиатрия им. Спе
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