German Articles

German Articles


Articles are the most commonly used words in all the languages. If you are a beginner, German articles can be a bit confusing.
You may find it difficult to remember the correct German articles all the time. But, don’t worry! We have simplified the learning process for you.
Before we start learning the German articles, let’s revise a little about English articles. Nouns are preceded by either definite or indefinite articles. ‘The‘ is a definite article. ‘The’ is used to talk about a specific thing. For example, I want the pen. ‘A‘ or ‘An‘ are indefinite articles. They are used to talk about general things or places. For example, I want an apple. / I want to visit a museum.
In English, the articles remain the same, irrespective of the gender of the noun. However, German articles change according to the gender of the noun. German nouns are either masculine, feminine or neuter. Accordingly, the articles are as follows:-
There is no logical rule to guess the gender. So, it is important to always learn the nouns with their articles.
Do you want to know an easier way to remember the German articles? There are a lot of noun endings which always have the same gender. For example, nouns ending in -ung are feminine, whereas nouns ending in -ling are masculine. Isn’t that great!
Study the tables below for details-
der Frühling (spring)
der Neuling (newcomer)
der Tourismus (tourism)
der Optimismus (optimism)
der Fahrer (driver)
der Körper (body)
der Journalist (journalist)
der Polizist (policeman)
der Bereich (region)
der Teppich (carpet)
der Laborant (lab worker)
der Diamant (diamond)
die Abdeckung (cover)
die Bildung (education)
die Möglichkeit (possibility)
die Tätigkeit (activity)
die Einheit (unity)
die Gewohnheit (habit)
die Position (position)
die Kommission (commission)
die Bäckerin (baker)
die Dichterin (poetess)
die Identität (identity)
die Qualität (quality)
die Mannschaft (team)
die Landschaft (landscape)
die Effizienz (efficiency)
die Konferenz (conference)
die Anatomie (anatomy)
die Biologie (biology)
das Hähnchen (chicken)
das Bäumchen (little tree)
das Fräulein (young lady)
das Büchlein (booklet)
das Apartment (flat)
das Parlament (parliament)
das Studium (degree course)
das Datum (date)
das Ergebnis (result)
das Zeugnis (certificate)
Do not forget, there are always a few exceptions! For example- die Kenntnis (knowledge), das Restaurant (restaurant) etc.
German articles are divided into 3 categories:-
Now, let’s learn how these articles change according to the case (Nominative, Accusative, Dative or Genitive) and number (singular or plural). It is called as ‘Artikel Deklination’ in German.
These are known as Bestimmte Artikel in German. They are equivalent to English ‘The’. Their declension is as follows-
These are known as Unbestimmte Artikel in German. Ein is equivalent to English ‘A / An’. Hence, it is always used only with singular nouns and never with plurals. The declension is as follows-
These are known as Unbestimmte Negativartikel in German. There are no negative articles in English. We use the word ‘not’ to indicate negation in a sentence. For example, I do not like apples. But, in German language, we use the article ‘kein’ to indicate negation. For example, Ich mag keine Äpfel. It is used to negate only nouns, not verbs. The declension is as follows-
Do you want to practice what you learned in this lesson? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of German Articles.
If you enjoyed learning this lesson, also check out the topic German Pronouns on your favorite blog “All About Deutsch”.
Want to learn more about German Articles? Have a look at this tutorial on Rocket Languages.
PS – On this blog, you will find grammar lessons just like this one, vocabulary lists divided subject-wise as well as articles related to countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland and a lot more. Keep scrolling, keep learning!
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What are the definite German articles?
What are the definite German articles?
The Definite German Articles. In German we have three main articles (gender of nouns): das (neuter). Tip: The grammatical gender does not follow a logical set of rules. So always learn German nouns and articles together. How To Learn With Part A. Have a look at the picture. Read and listen a few times.
What are the gender articles in German?
What are the gender articles in German?
In German we have three main articles (gender of nouns): der (masculine), die (feminine) and. das (neuter). Tip: The grammatical gender does not follow a logical set of rules. So always learn German nouns and articles together.
How to get familiar to the German articles?
How to get familiar to the German articles?
The best way to get familiar to the gender of the german articles is to listening a lot to the German language. I don’t recommend learning words by heart but if you like to memorize words you should never learn just the nouns! Always try to remember also the main articles der , die and das.
How to learn German nouns and articles together?
How to learn German nouns and articles together?
So, always learn German nouns and articles together. 1. Listen: Examples with der, die, das Have a look at the picture. Read and listen a few times. Repeat after the speaker. Make sure that you imitate the pronunciation of the speaker. After a few repetitions go on to part B (farther below).
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German articles are used similarly to the English articles, a and the. However, they are declined differently according to the number, gender and case of their nouns.
Wikipedia · Текст по лицензии CC-BY-SA
Перевести · Indefinite German Articles Die Wohnung hat eine Küche. (The apartment has a kitchen.) Das ist ein Kuli. (That is a pen.)
German Articles
German Definite Articles
German Indefinite Articles
The indefinite articles in German refer to unspecifiedpersons, objects, ideas…etc. and they are: ein, eine,ein, they all mean the indefinite article “a, an” in English, einis used for masculine nouns, eine isused for feminine nouns, einis used forneuter nouns, and there is no plural for the indefinite article. Again, that’s not all; the form we went through above isonly for the nominative ca…
Перевести · Articles, the smarter way. Traditionally — as you’ve gotten a taste for above! — German students are introduced to lots and lots of separate charts for all the …
Артикль в немецком языке — это особая часть речи, сопровождающая существительное, отражающая категорию его определённости или неопределённости и указывающая на род, число и падеж существительного. В немецком языке выделяют определённый и неопределённый артикли. Если перед существительным нет ни определённого, ни неопределённого артикля, то говорят, что задействован нулевой артикль. В отличие, например, от некоторых скандинавских и балканских языков, немецкий артикль в большинстве случаев располагается непосредственно перед существительным. В случае, если перед существительным имеется определение, артикль ставится перед определением.
How to Learn German Articles | Learn German Blog | 123deutsch
Learn German | German Grammar | Rules for articles | Hints on how to guess the german articles | A1
GERMAN LESSON 10: Awesome Hints on how to Guess German Articles 😎😎
German articles DER DIE DAS - Learn German 1
YouTube › Aprender Idiomas y Cultura General con Rodrigo
Learn German Articles | Der, Die or Das? | Grammar Lesson
Перевести · In German we have three main articles (gender of nouns): der (masculine), die (feminine) and das (neuter)
Перевести · tldr; definite articles in German. So, to sum up, here is your ultimate survival kit for German articles/noun genders in one place: Eliminate the genitive case from the declension …
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German articles - Wikipedia
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German Articles, Definite and Indefinite Articles.
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German Articles

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