German America

German America


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Перевести · German American Bank offers a collection of personal banking solutions including checking and savings accounts, lending services and online resources.
German Americans are Americans who have full or partial German ancestry. With an estimated size of approximately 44.2 million in 2018, German Americans are the largest of the self-reported ancestry groups by the United States Census Bureau in its American Community Survey. German Americans account for about one third of the total ethnic German population in the world.

Very few of the
German Americans are Americans who have full or partial German ancestry. With an estimated size of approximately 44.2 million in 2018, German Americans are the largest of the self-reported ancestry groups by the United States Census Bureau in its American Community Survey. German Americans account for about one third of the total ethnic German population in the world.

Very few of the German states had colonies in the new world. In the 1670s, the first significant groups of German immigrants arrived in the British colonies, settling primarily in Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia. Immigration ramped up sharply, with eight million Germans arriving during the 19th century, seven and a half million just between 1820 and 1870.

There is a "German belt" that extends all the way across the United States, from eastern Pennsylvania to the Oregon coast. Pennsylvania has the largest population of German-Americans in the U.S. and is home to one of the group's original settlements, Germantown (Philadelphia), founded in 1683 and the birthplace of the American antislavery movement in 1688, as well as the revolutionary Battle of Germantown. The state of Pennsylvania has 3.5 million people of German ancestry.

They were pulled by the attractions of land and religious freedom, and pushed out of Germany by shortages of land and religious or political oppression. Many arrived seeking religious or political freedom, others for economic opportunities greater than those in Europe, and others for the chance to start fresh in the New World. The arrivals before 1850 were mostly farmers who sought out the most productive land, where their intensive farming techniques would pay off. After 1840, many came to cities, where "Germania"—German-speaking districts—soon emerged.

German Americans established the first kindergartens in the United States, introduced the Christmas tree tradition, and introduced popular foods such as hot dogs and hamburgers to America.

The great majority of people with some German ancestry have become Americanized; fewer than 5% speak German. German-American societies abound, as do celebrations that are held throughout the country to celebrate German heritage of which the German-American Steuben Parade in New York City is one of the most well-known and is held every third Saturday in September. Oktoberfest celebrations and the German-American Day are popular festivities. There are major annual events in cities with German heritage including Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, San Antonio and St. Louis.
The Americans that fought for Germany in World war II
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Перевести · 20.10.2017 · Today we're going to discuss the forgotten history of German America, and how the Germans became the largest group in the United States of America…
• Dankmar Adler – architect
• Adolf Cluss – architect, builder of numerous public buildings in Washington, D.C.
• Ferdinand Gottlieb – architect heading his own firm, Ferdinand Gottlieb & Associates, based in Dobbs Ferry, New York
• Walter Gropius – pioneer in modern architecture, founder of Bauhaus
• Albert Kahn– industrial architect; known as t…
• Dankmar Adler – architect
• Adolf Cluss – architect, builder of numerous public buildings in Washington, D.C.
• Ferdinand Gottlieb – architect heading his own firm, Ferdinand Gottlieb & Associates, based in Dobbs Ferry, New York
• Walter Gropius – pioneer in modern architecture, founder of Bauhaus
• Albert Kahn – industrial architect; known as the "architect of Detroit", of Jewish descent
• Richard Kiehnel – senior partner of Kiehnel, Elliot and Chalfant
• Henry C. Koch – architect based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
• Joseph Molitor – Chicago-based church architect
• John A. Roebling – architect, known for designing the Brooklyn Bridge
• Washington Roebling – civil engineer known for his work on the Brooklyn Bridge, which was designed by his father John A. Roebling
• Frederick C. Sauer – architect, particularly in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, region of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
• Frederick G. Scheibler Jr. – Art Nouveau Pittsburgh architect
• August Schoenborn – designed the United States Capitol Dome
• Hans Schuler – German-born American sculptor and monument maker; first American sculptor to win the Salon Gold Medal
• Adolph Strauch – landscape architect
• Horace Trumbauer – architect
• Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – pioneer of modern architecture, second Chicago School of Architecture

• Anni Albers – printmaker, textile artist
• Josef Albers – painter and graphic artist
• Earl W. Bascom – painter, printmaker, and sculptor ("Cowboy of Cowboy Artists")
• Robert Benecke – early photographer
• Albert Bierstadt – painter, known for his large landscapes of the American West
• Richard Bock – sculptor and associate of Frank Lloyd Wright
• Charles Dellschau – one of America's earliest known outsider artists, draftsman engineer, creating drawings, collages and watercolors of airplanes and airships
• Rudolph Dirks – comic strip artist who created The Katzenjammer Kids
• Alfred Eisenstaedt – photographer and photojournalist best remembered for his photograph capturing the celebration of V-J Day
• Jimmy Ernst – German-born artist
• Carl Eytel – German-born artist of desert landscapes living in early 20th-century Palm Springs, California
• Claire Falkenstein – sculptor, painter, print-maker and jewelry designer known for her large-scale abstract metal and glass sculptures
• Andreas Feininger – photographer and writer on photographic technique
• Lyonel Feininger – painter and caricaturist
• Steven Fischer – film producer and cartoonist
• Carl Giers – early photographer
• George Grosz – member of the Berlin Dada and New Objectivity group, known especially for his savagely caricatural drawings of Berlin life in the 1920s
• Don Heck – comics artist best known for co-creating the Marvel Comics characters Iron Man and the Wasp, and for his long run penciling the Marvel superhero-team series The Avengers during the 1960s Silver Age of comic books
• Uli Herzner – fashion designer
• Hans Hofmann – abstract expressionist painter
• Ubbe Ert Iwwerks – Academy Award-winning animator, cartoonist and special effects technician, famous for his work for Walt Disney
• Klaus Janson – comic book artist (inker), working regularly for Marvel Comics and DC Comics and sporadically for independent companies
• Ulli Kampelmann – painter and filmmaker
• Kenya (Robinson) – multimedia artist whose work includes performance, sculpture and installation
• Charles Kleibacker – fashion designer who earned the nickname "Master of the Bias"
• Franz Jozef Kline – abstract expressionist painter
• Harold Knerr – illustrator of The Katzenjammer Kids until 1949
• John Lewis Krimmel – America's first genre painter
• Emanuel Leutze – history painter best known for his painting Washington Crossing the Delaware
• Cornelius Krieghoff – painter
• Nicola Marschall – artist, designed the first Confederate flag and the Confederate uniform
• Louis Maurer – lithographer
• David Muench – landscape and nature photographer known for portraying the American western landscape
• Marc Muench – sports and landscape photographer
• Charles Christian Nahl – painter who is called California's first significant artist
• Thomas Nast – political cartoonist
• Elisabet Ney – sculptor
• Erwin Panofsky – art historian, of Jewish descent
• Julian Ritter – Classical Realist painter best known for his paintings of nudes, clowns and portraits and his ill-fated voyage of the South Pacific
• Severin Roesen – still life painter
• Paulus Roetter – landscape and botanical painter
• Christopher Sauer – earliest type founder in America, published the first German Bible, 1743, and the first religious magazine in America, 1764
• Christian Schwartz – type designer
• Christian Siriano – fashion designer
• Gustavus Sohon – artist
• Henry William Stiegel – glassmaker and ironmaster
• Alfred Stieglitz – photographer instrumental in making photography an acceptable art form alongside painting and sculpture
• Ruth VanSickle Ford – painter, art teacher, and owner of the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts
• Richard Veenfliet – artist known for illustration-figure, genre and landscape
• Patrizia von Brandenstein – production designer
• Kat Von D (Katherine von Drachenberg) – tattoo artist
• Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven – avant-garde, Dadaist artist, and poet
• Baroness Hilla von Rebay – abstract painter, helped establish the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City
• Karl Ferdinand Wimar – painter

Authors and writers
• Kathy Acker – author
• Sade Baderinwa – news reporter-journalist
• Matthias Bartgis – printer and publisher
• L. Frank Baum – author, actor, and independent filmmaker best known as the creator of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
• Vicki Baum – writer
• Salvador Brau – journalist, poet, writer
• Gene Brewer – author of the K-PAX series of novels
• Charles Bukowski – poet and novelist
• Caspar Butz – journalist, politician
• Ellen DeGeneres – television
• George DiCaprio – writer, editor, and major west coast underground comic book distributor
• Theodore Dreiser – author of the naturalist school, known for dealing with the gritty reality of life
• Gottfried Duden – travel author
• Roger Ebert – Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic, journalist, and screenwriter
• Martin Ebon – author of non-fiction books from the paranormal to politics
• Max Ehrmann – widely known for his 1927 prose poem "Desiderata" (Latin: "things desired").
• Charles Follen – poet and patriot
• Cornelia Funke – author
• James Grauerholz – writer, editor-in-chief, bibliographer, and literary executor of the estate of William S. Burroughs
• Bob Gretz – award-winning sportswriter and broadcaster
• Hans Halberstadt – author, filmmaker, historian and photographer
• Geoffrey Hartman – literary theorist
• Ursula Hegi – novelist
• Patricia Highsmith – novelist known for her psychological thrillers
• Friedrich Hirth – sinologue
• Max Hofmann – correspondent
• Stephen King – author
• Chuck Klosterman – writer
• Siegfried Kracauer – film historian, sociologist and author
• Herbert Arthur Krause – historian
• D.L. Lang – poet laureate of Vallejo, California
• Fritz Leiber – science fiction writer
• Walter Lippman – writer, journalist, and political commentator
• H. L. Mencken – journalist
• Henry Miller – writer and painter
• Anna Balmer Myers – author of Mennonite (Pennsylvania Dutch) novels
• Oswald Ottendorfer – journalist associated with the development of the German-language New Yorker Staats-Zeitung into a major newspaper
• Sylvia Plath – poet, novelist, and short story writer
• Frederik Pohl – science-fiction writer, editor
• Erich Maria Remarque – German-born author, naturalized United States citizen
• Conrad Richter – Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist
• Mary Roberts Rinehart – author
• Hope Rockefeller Aldrich – journalist
• Irma S. Rombauer – author of The Joy of Cooking
• Diane Sawyer – journalist
• Jack Schaefer – author of Shane
• Paul Schrader – screenwriter, film director, and film critic
• Peter Schweizer – author of Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy and Clinton Cash
• Ernest Schwiebert – angling writer
• Charles Sealsfield – pseudonym of Austrian American author of novels and travelogues Carl (or Karl) Anton Postl
• Dr. Seuss (born Theodor Seuss Geisel) – writer and cartoonist
• Maria Shriver – journalist and author
• Mona Simpson – novelist and university professor, biological younger sister of the late Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs
• Curt Siodmak – screenwriter
• Nicholas Sparks – author and screenwriter
• Gertrude Stein – author, of Jewish descent
• John Steinbeck – Nobel prize-winning author, one of the best-known and most widely read American writers of the 20th century
• Henry F. Urban – journalist, author
• Henry Villard – journalist
• Kurt Vonnegut – novelist
• Tessa Gräfin von Walderdorff – writer, socialite
• George Weigel – author; political and social activist
Американцы немецкого происхождения или Американские немцы — граждане Соединённых Штатов Америки, имеющие полное или …
Численность: 50,764,352 · 17.1% от населения США (2009)
Язык: немецкий (пенсильванско-немецкий диалект ) · английский
Родственные народы: австрийцы · голландцы
Родственные народы, Этнические группы и другое
Американцы английского происхождения
Американцы ирландского происхождения
Американцы еврейского происхождения
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · 1987 - German-American Day was established by Congressional resolution and presidential proclamation. 1990 - According to the Bureau of the Census, 58 million Americans claimed to be solely or partially of German …
Migration Trends
Colonial: Pennsylvania and New York
South, Texas
Wisconsin and Midwest
Cultural Role
World War I
In 1910 German Americans lived in had created their own distinctive, vibrant, prosperous German-language communities, called "Germania". The transition to an English language world was abrupt, forced by the World War. After 1917 the German language was seldom heard in public; most newspapers and magazines closed; churches and parochial schools switched to English. Youth increasingly attended hig…
Перевести · German American Information and Education Association (GIEA). Patriotic conservative organization seeking to improve the public image of "Germanity" and to publicize contributions to American culture made by German …
Dialects and geographic distribution
German as the official US language myth
German-American tradition in literature
Use in education
Over 50 million Americans claim German ancestry, which makes them the largest single claimed ethnic group in the United States. Around 1.06 million people in the United States speak the German language. It is the second most spoken language in North Dakota. In 16 states, it is the most spoken language other than English and Spanish.
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German Americans - Conservapedia
German Americans - History, Modern era, The first germans ...
German language in the United States - Wikipedia
German America

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