Gerbil In Vagina

Gerbil In Vagina


Gerbil In Vagina
Last updated: September 14, 2021 by Louise Cartwright
The period is a sign of fertility, indicating that the female of the species can have babies. But you may not have noticed fertile gerbils having a period.
Gerbils have an estrous cycle, which dictates when they mate. But they don’t go through a menstrual cycle. Instead, the lining of the womb is reabsorbed not expelled. This doesn’t negatively affect fertility.
Also, gerbils produce eggs any time they mate. This is unlike humans, who produce just one per month. This means that female gerbils become pregnant almost every time they mate. 
Periods are necessary. Without them, the reproductive cycle wouldn’t work and wouldn’t make sense. That’s why it’s so difficult to understand how and why other mammals don’t have them, while we do. 
However, you may already know that pets don’t have periods. No matter how long you watch them, your female gerbils won’t have menstrual cycles. But you may also know or have seen that gerbils can get in heat. 
To understand how gerbils can still have periods of being in heat, but not have a menstrual cycle, you have to understand what the menstrual cycle is and what causes it in the first place. 
According to Endotext , a period is where the body gets rid of unwanted tissue. This tissue comes from the uterus, which is better known as the womb. Each month, the lining of the womb becomes thicker, making it more suitable for an egg to develop there.
But at the end of this development, if no fertilized egg is
present, the lining is gotten rid of. This is what’s known as menstruation.
This can take between a couple of days and a week, during which there are a
couple of ‘heavy’ days. The process then begins again. 
The external result of this process is bleeding. The uterus and the rest of the reproductive system are connected to the vagina, which is where the bleeding comes from. What comes out is about 50% blood, and 50% lining of the uterus. 
The period is the end of the phase of greatest fertility. The time just prior to a period is when a person is most fertile, and afterwards, the least. But this doesn’t mean that gerbils don’t have cycles of fertility.
The period is only one part of the reproductive process. Around two weeks after menstruation, an egg is released from the ovaries into the fallopian tube. It travels along this tube to the uterus, also known as the womb. Once it’s there, the person is fertile, so could become pregnant.
Female gerbils do not go through the same menstruation
process as people do. Instead, they go through a different-but-similar period
called estrous. This isn’t to be confused with the estrus stage of the period
in people, which is a separate thing. 
The estrous cycle is the equivalent of the period in other animals. All mammals, other than great apes, go through this cycle instead. The cycle dictates when an animal wants to mate, i.e. when it’s ‘in heat’.
Rather than get rid of the uterus lining, gerbils reabsorb
it. This prevents the loss of blood and lining which people experience. This
doesn’t vary among species or specimens. It’s true among all gerbils. 
However, you may notice a slight amount of vaginal
discharge. This is natural fluid that all mammals have which is expelled as a
way of cleansing the reproductive organs. This can get slightly bloody, and
appear like menstruation, but medically it’s not the same thing.
Given that the human reproductive cycle relies on menstruation, it can be difficult to understand how gerbils reproduce without doing so.
The gerbil’s reproductive system is similar to ours. The gerbil has the same bodily organs as humans. Female gerbils have all the same reproductive organs: a uterus/womb (two terms for the same thing), ovaries and fallopian tubes, and a vagina.
Despite having similar organs, the gerbil’s reproductive
cycle is different. One major difference is that the gerbil goes through
periods when it’s in heat. These are times when the gerbil wants to mate more
than at other times. It also goes through periods when it isn’t in heat, so it
won’t mate. 
This makes the cycle much quicker, which is 28 days/a month. Gerbils are in heat for around four days to six days at a time. They then have periods of the same length during which they aren’t in heat. When they’re in heat, they mate, and become pregnant almost every time they do.
According to Laboratory Animal Science , certain species of gerbils will then carry their litters for three weeks before birthing them like all mammals. All gerbils have roughly the same period of gestation.
Gerbil females mate the same day that they give birth, and
will fall pregnant again immediately. This ensures that the female continually
produces litters and passes on its genes.
All mammals use eggs to produce young. Rather than an egg
like a lizard might produce, these eggs are tiny: the size of a few cells.
According to the Journal of Andrology , male gerbils produce sperm like all male mammals. These combine with sperm to produce embryos. This is how people, and all mammals, create young.
In people, the egg is only available at certain times in the
reproductive cycle. The egg travels along the fallopian tube from the ovaries
to the uterus around two weeks after menstruation ends, although this can vary.
It’s only once the egg is far along the fallopian tube, or
in the uterus, that it can be fertilized by sperm. That’s how life is made.
But unlike people, gerbils don’t release an egg only at a
certain point in the cycle. They release one any time they mate. This is a far
more efficient system, and ensures that gerbil females fall pregnant almost
every time they mate. 
If your gerbil cannot fall pregnant despite mating, this is
an issue to do with its fertility, not its reproductive cycle. It may be
infertile, although this is uncommon in gerbils. You could also try mating it
with a different male, in case the male is the problem.
You will notice the gerbil’s reproductive cycle through its
behavior. It will be more interested in mating when it’s in estrous. So, you
will see more interaction between the female and its male cage mates.
You may also see that your gerbil behaves differently when
you touch it. When you touch it above its tail, it will freeze. It may also
raise its rear slightly. This is a reaction to what the male does when it
touches your gerbil’s rear.
Your gerbil will also mate with other gerbils at this time.
Mating behaviors include:
To observe these behaviors, sit near your gerbil’s cage. If
you spot them, then they are a sign of where your gerbil is in its reproductive
However, there isn’t much reason to do so. Your gerbil’s
reproductive cycle doesn’t alter the way you care for it. If you don’t want
your female to have babies, the only way to prevent that is housing it away
from males, rather than monitoring its reproductive cycle.
If a person doesn’t menstruate, they can’t have children.
It’s a sign that something’s wrong in their reproductive organs, or with their
reproductive cycle. But the same doesn’t apply to gerbils and other pets, for
reasons that most people don’t understand.
There are several answers to this question, but what’s clear is that the gerbil has good reason not to go through a period as a person does. They are:
Rather than being unusual, it’s gerbils that are normal. The human menstrual cycle is far more inefficient than that of other mammals. 
We don’t have to think of predators, but other animals do.
Specifically, they must think of ways to avoid being sensed by predators: to
not be seen, heard, smelled or felt. 
So, one way that gerbils avoid being seen by predators is by
hiding in burrows. By not being seen, gerbils stay safe. The same applies to
foraging at night, when it’s harder for predators to see them.
Menstruation would make a gerbil, or any other animal,
easier for predators to detect. Many animals specifically sniff out blood, for
example. The smell itself is strong. 
And the other issue is that menstrual fluid could be left in
a burrow or near one, which would draw predators to the entire group. By
reabsorbing the lining of the womb, this issue is avoided. 
Menstrual fluid isn’t a waste fluid in the sense that other
waste like urine is. Urine is mostly water, but also contains ammonia, urea,
uric acid, and creatinine. These substances are by-products of protein
production, and aren’t needed by the body for anything.
By contrast, menstrual fluid contains lots of blood. Blood is a vital resource that the body has to use energy and nutrients to produce. Besides that, in its job transporting nutrients, blood also contains lots of things like iron which are hard to come by.
Another way in which menstruation is a waste is that blood contains lots of water. Gerbils live in the desert, or in dry, desert-like grasslands. Here, water is exceptionally hard to come by. So, by avoiding menstruation, gerbils have a slight advantage in the wild. 
Furthermore, gerbils need a shorter reproductive cycle than
people because they don’t live long. That’s why they have cycles of being in
heat that last four days, and are out of heat for four days. If they
menstruated each time, they would lose far too much blood.
The menstrual cycle dictates when a person is fertile, and
when they aren’t. This isn’t a problem for people, because even thousands of
years ago, we lived in large groups and formed monogamous relationships. We
have lots of time to fall pregnant.
Gerbils don’t have such a luxury. They only live for two or
three years in the wild at most. They form monogamous relationships, but most
produce dozens of offspring to successfully create the next generation. They
must produce young frequently, with a minimum of unproductive mating.
That’s why gerbils produce eggs any time they mate. This allows them to mate straight away after giving birth, without having to wait to produce another litter. This makes the gerbil an efficient and effective breeder .
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As far as terrible years go, 2017 pretty much takes the cake. From natural disasters to national disasters to the fact that Kylie Jenner STILL hasn't officially told us whether or not she's pregnant, this year has not been awesome. But alas, I come bearing some news that some people's 2017 was even worse than yours. Yes, this year sucked, but when you see this list of the things people got stuck in their vaginas in 2017, you might feel slightly better about the way your year went. (This is, of course, assuming you didn't get a foreign object stuck in your vagina this year. And if you did, I'm so sorry.) cited the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's database of emergency room visits to uncover a list of the weirdest things people reportedly got stuck in their vaginas and penises. Personally, I was expecting to read items like a few tampons and maybe a cucumber, but let me just say that some of the items included on this list are guaranteed to shock you to your core.
Before we get started, take this fact into account: According to, vaginal canals are typically about 9.6 centimeters long (AKA 3.8 inches). So keep that number in mind when you're trying to visualize the sizes of some of these items people managed to get lodged up in there this year.
Without further ado, I present to you the list of the top 16 weird things people got stuck in their vaginas in 2017, according to
The doctor's note for this one reads that the patient was "using massaging urethral vaginal stone balls, the string holding 15 balls together dissolved." Unfortunately, doctors could "only find 14 balls."
Apparently, the patient in this scenario "was having sex with boyfriend when he put phone and money in vagina."
The doctor's note for this item reads that this unfortunate soul was "on period, inserted non-birth control sponge in vagina so she could swim."
This patient clearly had a sense of humor when she said, "You know, for when your husband leaves town." BOW CHICKA WOW WOW.
OK, so a penis ring with spikes on it, I get. Scented soap, I get. Even a sponge, I get! Honestly, I even sort of weirdly get headphones. But A PHONE AND MONEY?? Why did it have to be both? Why couldn't you just go for one or the other? Also, money is so dirty! Come on, guys!
But before you start hating on people getting things stuck in their vaginas, let me just say, people with penises weren't totally steering clear of stuffing stuff in their junk and getting it stuck, either.
Another looking into the database showed that people also got some pretty freaking weird things stuck in their wieners — yes, in their literal penises — this year, too. What were the top eight things ? Allow me to share:
The doctor's note reads that the " patient put paperclip through urethra and punctured through shaft of penis," according to Ow.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm sitting here dying to know just two things. First of all, how in the world did someone wind up with a "piece of domino" in their wiener? Second, what, exactly, was this "sharp toy," and was it made for children or adults? But, I guess some questions will just have to go unanswered.
I think it's safe to say I'm not alone when I say thank God 2017 is almost over. Thank. God.
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