Genital Herpes: Facts Versus Fiction

Genital Herpes: Facts Versus Fiction

Wear clothes that do not irritate or scratch your skin. Some materials, particularly synthetics, can trigger outbreaks. Cotton Herpesyl is the best choice as a result. Also, always wash any new clothing in advance of wearing it. Wash it with a gentle and unscented liquid detergent, and do not use any fabric softener.

To reduce eczema flare-ups, there are some basic bathing rules you can follow. Use room temperature water in your tub or shower. Hot water can cause eczema flare-ups. Don't scrub your skin. Use a gentle soap alternative instead of soap itself. Pat your skin dry, and liberally apply moisturizer when you are done bathing.

Discuss medications with your doctor. If an over-the-counter medication doesn't do the trick, a prescription one might. Use store-bought and prescription medication as directed. Straying from the instructions could cause more harm than good. At the very least, it will be ineffective, resulting in a waste of both effort and money.

Be conscious of your clothing choices. Certain materials can trigger eczema. It is best to wear cotton or cotton blends. Synthetics can cause irritation. Also, try to wash your clothes efficiently. Toss out any chemically laden laundry products.

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