Gemini Man After Break Up

Gemini Man After Break Up


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I just ended a 2 year relationship w/ gemini man. After months of drama...with him making lots of promises and not keeping; my own feelings of insecurity that he still had feelings for his ex-wife; and other issues, I finally ended things. He said a LOT of hurtful things to me, including that his own father thought I was ugly. Not sure if his dad said this or not, but the fact that he would tell me was beyond hurtful. Anyways, I guess I'm wondering if I did the right thing? Will he call me back (I actually told him to lose my number and hung up on him after he made the comment about his father)? Or despite all of this drama, should I reach out to him again and try to make things work? Thanks for your answers...
This question really is more about the psychology than it is astrology. He sounds really immature, to me. I think if you take him back, you'll end up being sorry that you did. Do your emotional and psychological health a favor and end the drama. It's hard not to want to go back, I know. It sounds like despite everything you still have feelings for this man. But he is hurtful. I don't know where this comes from, and I don't know if he can change. What I do know is that it's hard for people to really change, even when it's something that the really want to do. Perhaps you should give yourself some time apart from him, and just see how much he really "changes" first before you go back to him. Chances are, if he's not serious about change, you'll know it soon enough. He sounds like the type that may be obsessive, jealous, and manipulative, and when things don't go his way, he uses first charm, then anger to influence your decisions. That's called being controlling, and emotionally abusive. You deserve to be treated better. And trust me, it'll be easier on you if you end things now, than if you end things later. Trust your gut instincts on this. If you know in your heart you'd be going back to the same thing you left, don't go back.
Source(s): psych major survived 3 abusive relationships counselor in training astrologer by hobby
My last 2 relationships have been with Gemini's and not that it ended so devistating I will NEVER do that AGAIN!!! A friend of mine says I will most likely marry one...but I dont think so. I think im going to write a book about my was amazing how much I learned about being mean to others. I know what you are going through...he wants to be mean and Gemini's knows how to do it. Dont call him...I know you want to but will get over this.
This has nothing to do with the zodiac........ he's just a worthless jerk, period, no matter whether he is gem, saggitarius, pisces....... it has nothing to do with it and I've met jerks of ALL signs.
Why would you want to stay with someone who treats you like that?? Haven't you had enough yet? Just lose him, you'll be better off without him.
I once dated a gemini and he was a terrible liar, double faced jerk (not generalizing -- don't get mad at me gem's) who was also still in love with his ex. But he never was mean to me -- in fact he never took revenge for some mean things that *I* did to him, but which he clearly deserved!!! He was rather a hypocrite. We definitely did the RIGHT thing by kicking such morons to the curb!
Gemini or not, this man sounds like a total jerk! Move on! Find someone who cares about you! I am a Gemini and I would never treat anyone that way! Best wishes! :)
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Yes, Gemini man makes lots of promises and not keeping, say a lot of hurtful things, and can become two faced when he has to handle things related to his family AND lover.
P/S- true experience wif Gemini man. 3 years of relationship...
i used to date a gemini, for around 5 years off and on. one of the last big fights we were in, i could see his gemini dual nature as clear as day. he was dr jeckle /mr hyde all the way. first he would go off on every reason why he was ever mad me, pointing out all he could find bad about me, then after that- he would be all nice and want to cuddle, since i was still mad about all he said, and didnt comply w/ his new found kindness- he would switch back to the mean and hurtful side again. ha! after 5 years i knew what was coming, but damn, its a crazy experience.
LOL--i just had a similar experience with a gemini male--promises not keeping (gemini males are talkers-NOT doers), i had a feeling he had feelings for his married ex; which i was right, and he had to odacity to make verbal attacks on me!!
Trust me--MOVE ALONG, he will call you--but dont answer it. This *** has been hurtful to you where it is not necessary, and thus does not deserve your reaching out to make things work. He's hopeless and immature and needs to grow up somehow--he will not be able to do this with your presence or trying to help--BELIEVE ME!!!
Move on! Not just because of the comment his father made about you. But because well, did you read over what you just wrote? I mean you say he doesn't keep his promises, plus if you think he is still in love with his ex then you have issues with him that he may not be able to help you resolve. Best to move on and make a new beginning for yourself. Forget about him losing your number, get a new one!
No please, you deserve much better than this. This kind of bad character traits and behavior on his part goes way beyond astrology. I know there is history and deeper feelings on a certain level for this individual, but he has serious issues and he has no business projecting his own issues and insecurity onto you. Sounds like you threw him out with yesterday's garbage, I would keep it like that. I don't want to sound harsh, but he does not sound like a gentleman, a man who keeps his word and is honorable. I would not reach out to him at all. Focus on making yourself happy with or without a man --- you will meet the right one for you.
Them damn Geminis! They are confusing. They will make you lose themselves. Don't bother with him. You need to be with someone who loves you and only you. If his father thought you was so ugly, then why did he ever meet you? This guy is childish. He is just using you. He is also using all these excuses so that he can end it with you. Never let this stupid fool make you be the one left standing. Leave him standing cold!
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