Gemini Erogenous Zone

Gemini Erogenous Zone


Gemini Erogenous Zone









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As a Mercury-ruled air sign, Gemini tends to get more turned on by fascinating thoughts and ideas over physical stimulation. While mental stimulation is the biggest key to a Gemini's bed, every zodiac sign has at least one sensitive spot that can make them melt when touched correctly. Once you're familiar with Gemini’s erogenous zones, you'll know how to touch them in a way that gets them in the mood.
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Originally Published: June 20, 2018
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Your Hair
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Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Your Neck And Throat
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Your Arms
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Your Boobs
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Your Spine
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Your Torso
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Libra (September 23 - October 22): Your Bum
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Everywhere
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Your Hips And Thighs
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Your Legs
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Your Calves And Ankles
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Your Feet
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The simplest way to take your sex life to the next level.
If you're looking for a super simple way to take your sex life to the next level, your zodiac sign is key. In astrology, each sign is associated with at least one part of the body, starting with Aries, who rules over the head, to Pisces, who rules over the feet. These are areas of the body that tend to be more prone to ailments and are sensitive to touch. According to astrologers, these are considered to be the zodiac sign erogenous zones . Whether you're looking for ways to pleasure your partner or make yourself feel good, each zodiac sign has at least one area of the body to focus on.
Erogenous zones are parts of our body with heightened sensitivity to arousal. While a lot of people share certain core spots ( like the famous seven Monica outlined in Friends ), a lot of the physical and emotional response varies from person to person. For instance, a Capricorn, whose sign rules over the skeletal system , might get pleasure from a sensual back massage, while a Libra, who's associated with the butt area , would love a playful spank. It's truly up to the individual.
So if you've been stuck in a rut or a routine in bed, and you're looking for something to give you a little added energy, you can turn to the zodiac . Astrologers have found that your zodiac sign doesn't just exist in your personality; It can resonate in your body too. And while no zodiac recommendation is going to be a one-size-fits-all solution, it may be fun for a bit of exploration when you're looking for it.
With that said, here is your erogenous zone, based on your zodiac sign.
While your hair is, technically, not a living part of your body, it can feel really, really good to be touched. Especially if you're an Aries. " Aries love to have their hair stroked and played with, as the head is ruled by Aries," astrologist Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. "Gentle hair play brings tingles down their spine, awakening their senses, and gets them in a hot blooded mood." So whether it's a little tug, or a soft nuzzle, a touch to your hair might be just what you're looking for.
While you might not be into a good old-fashioned hickey, if you're a Taurus, you should still be aiming for some action on the neck.
"Soft kisses to the back of the neck will drive Taurus crazy ! The throat chakra is ruled by Taurus, and any gentle action to the neck or throat will make any bull run wild," Stardust says. So whether you want to take it a step further or not, don't forget the place between your lips and your breasts.
Of all of the zodiac erogenous zones, this is one of the more surprising. But for Geminis, it's a great little secret. "Winged messenger Mercury rules Gemini, which makes their arms super sensitive. A little feather tickle up the arms will drive Gemini into a sexual head spin," Stardust says. So if you're a Gemini, see what happens when you ask your partner to play with your arms a bit more. You may be in for some fun.
Everyone has 'em. So don't leave them out. " Cancer rules the breasts ," Stardust says. "Gentle kissing, light massages to the chest and breast will delight even the most crabby of Cancers." This erogenous zone is particularly fun because Cancers can get turned on by even the most subtle attention to their boobs, which can make the excitement of foreplay all that much sexier.
Next time your hands wrap around your Leo partner, pause a while. Leo's erogenous zone is rooted in their spine. "A back massage, particularly to the spine, will make every Leo’s heart soar with passion, as the warm sensations run throughout their body, making their hearts race," Stardust says. Plus, a good back massage can be good for the body and increase emotional intimacy. It's quite the win-win.
Virgo can get turned on by even the gentlest play. And play around the torso is especially exciting. "The torso is the hidden erogenous spot for Virgos ," Stardust says. "Kisses and light biting up and down their torsos, stomachs, and waistlines makes even the most docile of Virgos excited." So make some time to focus on this part of your body next time you're alone or with a partner, and see whether you discover something new.
When done right, a lot of people enjoy a little light spanking. But for Libras, anything in that region can be a huge turn-on. "The buttocks is the pleasure spot for Libras, as [they are] ruled by the butt. Libras love to have their backend cheeks gently stroked or hit gently with a love tap," Stardust says. Plus, if you're a Libra who's definitely interested in this type of touch, and are looking for more (or have thought about it), it might be a sign that anal play is right for you. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, right?
Scorpios: lucky you. The nature of your sign means that you whole body is ripe for sexual pleasure. "Light touching and teasing all over the body can send Scorpio into depths of intense arousal. Passionate by nature, the whole body is their erogenous zone ," Stardust says. So put it to good use.
This is hard to mention without immediately launching into " Ayo Technology ," 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake's 2007 hit, but Sagittarius: your hips and thighs are, in fact, where it's at. "Massages to the thighs, hips, and upper legs drive Sadges wild, as their most powerful sexual spots are being activated by touch," Stardust says. So remember to go a little bit farther south when you're going downtown to maximize pleasure.
And good luck getting "your hips, your thighs, they got me hypnotized" out of your head.
Once again, as the zodiac progresses, it seems that the sign's erogenous zones are being found further and further down the body. But who cares? There's more to explore. "Getting a little leg action, even a light touch to the thigh, can drive Capricorn crazy . Earthy Capricorn loves the power of connection through touch," Stardust says. So run your fingers up your partners' leg, or kiss them when your partner's legs are over your shoulders . Do whatever it takes to satisfy your Capricorn partner's urge to connect.
Aquarius, the water-bearer, likes to stay sexually grounded at the root of their body: their calves and ankles. " Aquarius rules calves and the ankles of the body," Stardust says. "Light biting or kissing to the ankles will make Aquarius hot, especially during intercourse." If you both are into it, try tying your Aquarius partner's ankles up in handcuffs , or tickling their calves. It might drive them wilder than you'd expect.
Last but certainly not least is the Pisces, who is surprisingly turned on by touches to their feet. "A nice good foot massage will make Pisces swim fast with delight and pleasure, as they will feel calm and centered — and sexually robust," Stardust says. Perhaps think of it as their little internal fish gaining legs, and feeling that sensation for the first time. Or think of it as an opportunity to explore foot play that you'd previously written off. Do whatever feels right for you.
Your erogenous zones are up to you to explore, but sometimes peoples' interests have more in common than you'd expect. Exploring your relationship to your body through the zodiac can be really fun, and since you're looking into erogenous zones, pretty low-risk. Just try a light brush or touch to your sensitive body part, and see how it feels. You may learn something new.
This article was originally published on June 20, 2018

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The Gemini is known for their duality, and just like how they tackle life, this also applies to how they view things when it comes to sex. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury .
Gemini can actually be an outstanding lover. If they find themselves in circumstances where they are challenged and excited enough, you will find that they are very inventive and creative in the bedroom.
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They’re not ones to really focus on repetitive or routine sexual acts. They’re usually more interested or concerned with trying new things all the time.
Best Partners : Aries , Libra , Leo , Gemini , and Aquarius
Gemini Sex Position : Figure 8, Standing up
Gemini sex drive: Strong but short-lived
Has to be how inventive and resourceful they are when it comes to the bedroom. This is a lover that not only will bring new imaginative ideas to the bedroom, but they might very well be the type of partner that will help you experience things that you’ve never tried before.
This would have to be that they tend to be frigid or show coldness in the bedroom. It’s just the way that they do things ( not all of them but some). They are the type of lover that is much more into intellectual stimulation than they are sexual. It’s the visuals that really drive them crazy.
Just like their sign, they tend to swing and sway from one way to another. This is an individual that if they find that the partner that they are with bores them, they would prefer not to do it as much as their partner might like. But if they are truly interested in their partner, then this is one of those signs that would love to have it all the time.
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Start to express to them and talk to them about how you are enjoying the moment. Let them know that you are open-minded and use this opportunity and time to heat up the mood between the two of you by talking about a lot of naughty things that you’re interested in trying. Trust in your abilities, and use your power of sensuality and seduction. They are usually seduced through their mind.
This is an individual that really likes to have diversity in their sex life and different types of stimulating moments. A lot of those moments are related and connected to their love language. Take the chance and advantage in this situation to put your imagination to work. Take them into situations where the environments are colorful and bright. This is an individual that enjoys surprises in the bedroom. Of course, this can also involve the use of several different positions as well.
They really enjoy being able to do things in unexpected or unique places. As mentioned previously they enjoy being surprised, they’re looking for action that doesn’t revolve around making plans. So the best way to catch them off guard and get that blood pumping is by making sure that the action that you both have is unscheduled or unplanned. It’s very important to make sure that everything remains diverse and things are always exciting. This is definitely a sign that does not do well when it comes to routine. They want to have those really hot moments that they never expected.
When it comes to this individual the thing that you need to make sure you don’t do is to show them that you have a lack of will when it comes to pleasing them. As soon as the action starts between the two of you, you have to remember that they are expecting it to be continuous. They are very vocal, so if they start to see that there are long moments of silence between the two of you, this might very well cool a Gemini’s desire at that moment in time. Meaning that you might have to start all over again to build that tension back up.
To get a Gemini into the sack means using your wit and intelligence, as these are traits they are most attracted to. Gemini in bed is risky and full of adventure. They will try anything that is fun and stimulating and experimentation in bed is the norm. They have a constant need for the outrageous and different in bed. In addition, because of their need for something consistently new and different they are not adverse to multiple partners of the same or different sex so long as they do not get bored. Their sex can involve swinging, so as a partner you will need to be open to anything in the bedroom.
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When it comes to Gemini sex , The Twins aren’t asking for much. They just need someone who will stimulate their mind for a great time. Of course, those mental simulations need to have a bit of follow-through, so they are attracted to lovers with variety on their minds. That said, a quickie in the back seat of a fast car can make their day perfect. Face it, this sign is versatile. Most of all, though, sex is a mental sport for them. The act begins in the head and works its way down and around. Affection and love are not necessarily connected with sex in Gemini ’s mind; it may seem as if they have no morals at all. The truth is that Gemini natives have their own code to adhere to, and it is often based on logic rather than feelings.
Sometimes associated with bigamy and sadism, then men and women of this sign have the ability to detach from their feelings. They can often carry on two love affairs simultaneously; other times you will find them involved in ménage a Trois. Remember that things that others consider bizarre can be very exciting for Gemini people, as they love to experience new sensations. Ready to try almost anything, they have read all the sex manuals.
If you are dull, quiet, or rather reserved, then it might be hard to catch a Gemini’s attention or better yet keep them focused on you for the long term. To seduce a Gemini you better have some witty pick-up lines that are not cliché, you have to be able to challenge your Gemini mentally, and words are the way to go. Gemini’s are good communicators when they talk that is, so ask questions, lots of questions, just make sure they are talking, when they are talking it means they are having a good time.
For your first date, why not suggest a new activity like a dance lesson, or even hiking, Gemini loves new stuff. If there’s a new hot spot in town and you happen to have VIP access to the free bar, take him or her to explore it together. Both Gemini men and Gemini women are easily bored, therefore, keep yourself up to date! Add a little sense of humor, be relaxed, and if you happen to get jealous, keep that jealousy to yourself, you are talking to an Air sign, and just like air, they value freedom!
With regards to how to arouse your Gemini lover, keep in mind that this male and female can easily enter into role-playing fantasy. Bondage and disciplinary scenarios can be the key ingredient when it comes to what turns them on. However, their sense of experimentation may go too far at times and they can be vulnerable to sexual power games.
Sex and fantasy are closely linked to them – people born under this zodiac sign love pornography and sex toys more than any other sign of the zodiac. Additionally, if you want to arouse your lover, you can book a hotel room that has a large mirror on one of the bedroom walls. The idea of looking in a mirror while performing is a great turn-on for the Twins.
When it comes to erogenous zones, perhaps their’ most sensitive body parts are their hands. Want to turn on your Gemini lover? Suck his/her fingers one by one, and then kiss his/her arm slowly to the shoulder. You will see how this will turn on the signals of desire. In addition, they love to use his/her tongue and mouth more than any other astrological sign. Let them spoil you with their lips and tongue and you will soon understand that they are experts in this art.
The Twins are always in search of the perfect lover and sexual experience. Once they hopefully find it, they will want and give stimulation to all the senses. They want something different and something complete. Not too much to ask, right?
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