Geckos Fascinating Facts about These Unique Lizards

Geckos Fascinating Facts about These Unique Lizards

Geckos are becoming more and more popular as exotic pets due to their unique and fascinating features. With nearly 1,500 species worldwide, there is no scarcity of these lizards. Two of the most popular geckos as pets are the Crested Gecko and the Leopard Gecko. However, there are many other gecko species that are gaining recognition among enthusiasts.

One of the largest geckos still in existence today is the New Caledonian Giant Gecko, which can reach up to 14 inches in length. The Tokay Gecko is another large gecko, growing up to 15 inches. Despite their size, these geckos have their own distinctive features. The New Caledonian Giant Gecko has loose skin, while the Tokay Gecko is known for its powerful bite that can last for several minutes.

Geckos are vocal creatures, communicating through barks, chirps, clicks, and hisses. They use these sounds for defense as well as social behavior. Geckos are also known for their unique ability to walk up walls and the sides of glass aquarium tanks. Unlike suction cups, they have microscopic hairs on the pads of their feet that can fit into the smallest openings.

The Leopard Gecko is named for its leopard-like markings and colorings. Interestingly, the sex of the leopard gecko’s offspring is determined by the temperature at which incubation occurs. If the temperature is around 80 degrees, the hatchling will likely be a female. At 90 degrees, it will probably be a male.

Like many lizards, geckos can drop their tails as a defense mechanism. However, the Crested Gecko cannot grow its tail back. For other gecko species, the regenerated tails do not look the same as the original, with duller colors and markings, and being shorter and stubbier. Geckos store fat in their tails to get them through lean times.

Perhaps the most interesting of all gecko species is Kuhl's Flying Gecko, found in Asia. This unique creature has flaps on both sides of its body, webbed feet, and a broad, flat tail that enables it to glide through the air.

In conclusion, geckos are unique creatures with fascinating features. They make great pets for those who appreciate their distinctive characteristics. Whether you are looking for a vocal companion or a gliding friend, there is a gecko species out there that will capture your heart.

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