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Где найти ткань

Где найти ткань

Где найти ткань с красивым принтом ?

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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарии Комментарий от well93 Где лучше всего её добывать подскажите. Комментарий от Hvojnyj хорошо лутится со всех гуманоидов в запределье. Комментарий от Brokstiks В каких инстах в БК можно повыбивать её еси я 80? Комментарий от Ziper21 Самое норм место фарма ткани это с огров в Запределье. В Острогорье там иx навалом и ткани прилично падает. Комментарий от Frostwork Очень рекомендую фармить ткань в Долине призрачной луны,Путь завоевания примерно Ткани падает очень много. По штуки с моба. Скопление врагов оч больше,респ быстрый. Комментарий от Inquisitor В реалиях Катаклизма самый быстрый способ фарма - зачистка героиков БК. Комментарий от keen22 Лагерь огнекрылов, замучился уже бить Преобразование силы и насобирал очень много ткани. Ну соответственно много Перстень Огнекрылов. Комментарий от Grubiajn потверждаю в Долине призрачной луны,Путь завоевания неплохо падает. Комментарий от Runtak За 1 проход по 3 героикам на Полуострове Адского Пламени - ровно 9 стаков ткани и голды. Комментарий от younotbest Отличное место для фарма ткани это Награнд: Комментарий от Ligam Если вы задались целью фармить ткань пустоты, то советую параллельно фармить репутацию для скатов пустоты. Убьете сразу двух зайцев. Я фармил до превознесения чуть больше шести часов и параллельно насобирал 73 стака ткани. В Скеттисе она падает просто на ура. Комментарий от Reibah Фармила в Скеттисе. Комментарий от andreyytataru для добычи ткани пустоты всем советую - подземелье 'кузня крови':. Комментарий от freeruning08 полуостров адского пламени-путь славы,начиная с цитадели и до Комментарий от Ploxajakisa Классно фармится в Форте Легиона, что при входи в Долину Призрачной Луны. Там нам нужно будет найти Чернокнижников Совета Теней 22, Паралельно падают Латные перчатки скверны и Знак Саргераса P. Комментарий от NanaOsaki Сходила за тканью в Темный лабиринт 3 раза: Ткань пустоты - 14 стаков Вещи: Зеленка - 21 штука Зелья: Гигантский флакон с зельем маны - 1 штука Гигантский флакон с лечебным зельем - 6 штук Прочее: Латные перчатки Скверны - 14 штук Знак Саргераса - штук. Комментарий от zxelf Места для фарма тканей: Комментарий от UNSTOPMENOW Пройдя половину цепочки квестов в запределье, я обнаружил что у меня скопилась шт. Я надеюсь вы понимаете что эта не та ткань которая фармится для аукциона, ибо в среднем её стоимость не превышает 4г за 20 шт. Комментарий от DELNeuroxide 'Темный лабиринт' в героическом режиме также неплохое место для фарма ткани пустоты. В первой же комнате этого подземелья, на зачистку которой по крайней мере не слишком одетым магом уходит меньше минуты времени, с местных мобов падает обычно один-полтора стака ткани. Комментарий от Amanie Много способов и мест фарма пробовал,но всё равно возвращался на Кельданас. Пока они ресались бегал бил злобней по близости. Комментарий от Urutseg Год за годом люди бьют морды друг другу на ауке, кто дешевле продаст эту ткань - цены доходят до 5 серебра - вместо того, чтобы навязать бинтов и продать по 30 вендору. Комментарий от SNEG68 замечательно сыпется из огров. Комментарии Комментарий от enasima This is the successor to runecloth in all professions. It dropped so often in Hellfire that I was able to grind up to First Aid at level Комментарий от pond Quote from the first post Vorakem Doomspeaker a 62 elite rare spawn. Throne-Guard Highlord a level 72 elite, and, Throne-Guard Highlord a level 62 elite. Especially when one is a rare spawn, and one is a level 72 elite. Комментарий от Nerizor Pond, are you dumb? ALL Humanoid LOOT mobs has a chance of dropping this, so shut up and learn how to play, kkthxbaibai. Just keep an eye open for the many patroling raptors. Комментарий от alcy Netherstorm: People looking for money, cloth or rep with Scryers - this is the place to be. Weak mobs, good drops. Комментарий от halo If you are an Aldor, Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley is a great place to grind out this cloth. Комментарий от phaydre Another great spot to combine Netherweave farming with Rep Grind is the repeatable turn in quest to collect Zaxxis Insignias http: Комментарий от Spleener Does anybody know if they buffed the drop rate of this stuff last patch 2. Комментарий от loeric Class: Netherstorm; Metamap; 23,73 Farming Length: Approximately 1h and 15m Loots: I used all my cooldowns as soon as they were usable, for example, Evocation, Water Elemental. Really useful, saves alot of mana by using his Frost Nova, therefor you only need to make Ice Lances and your target is down in matter of seconds. This type of farming is tiresome. I only fought exactly for 1 hours and 15 minutes without using pots. This is a great farming place if you need cloth, rep, money. But I strongly recommend this type of 'hardcore farming'. Комментарий от Algirdyz is there any place to get these in azeroth? Комментарий от cantgetback Edit: Remarkably the Flayers have pockets for rogues to pick as well. Комментарий от dayoo I find it very good and easy to kill the Blood Elves that are fighting eachother outside the black temple. Комментарий от simb IMPORTENT: BEST place to farm Netherweave Cloth: Ahtongue Worker they are in Shadowmoon Valley. Комментарий от smack80 I like to grind Netherweave Cloth at The Heap in Netherstorm, just south of Area The ethereals there also drop zaxxis insignias for consortium rep. Комментарий от Selz at the cords 49 60 in Terokkar Forest is it a good place to grind Netherweave cloth. Комментарий от dmanshead Anyone know a good place to farm this? I seem to be having good luck in SE Blades edge mountains. Комментарий от Zaramath I have been farming in Shadowmoon Valley, killing the Eclipsions and they have great netherweave drop rate along with sunfury signets, didnt get 1 arcane tomes but 3 rare drops blue. Комментарий от Daab 1 netherweave cloth vendor buy for 8s 1 netherweave bandage vendor buy for 15s 1 heavy netherweave bandage vendor buy for 22s 50c So, if you want to make best profit, make netherweave bandage. Комментарий от Shivacode Is it just me or have they nerfed the droprate on this stuff in HFP since 2. Комментарий от anarchitect This changed in patch 2. If you need to get rid of your Netherweave, heavy is the way to go. Heavy sells for 6g per stack 2 stacks of cloth. Комментарий от dragonwind6 Almost every monster in Outland drops this item making very easy to get your first aid skill up to Average loot every hour is about 24 Crystal Power, 62 Netherweave Cloth, 37 Motes of Shadow, 10 Greens. Комментарий от Shadowthrone Also another good place to farm is the Sunfury Researchers in the netherstorm at 52, Комментарий от Asrai I was looking for a good spot to grind Netherweave, and after reading the comments here, and tried out a few spots. After seeing most of the spots mentioned already taken, I took a look at Legion Hold in Shadowmood Valley, and I would definately recommend this spot! The drop rates on Netherweave Cloth, Marks of Sargeras, and Fel Armaments are all excellent. After just over 2 hours of farming I had Netherweave, 40 Marks of Sargeras and 5 Fel Armaments. Coords of the spot I was at 21,35 , killing all of the demons in the surrounding area. The only way to go there is by flying mount or be summoned by lock. It uses A lot of arcane dust, but beats farming the cloth. Also Beats farming Netherweb Spider Silk. Increases your spell hit rating by Комментарий от Jaylia After trying several farming spots, I conclude that Manaforge Bnaar just west of Area 52 in Netherstorm is the best place in drop percentage. There are several other locations in Netherstorm that are nice to farm, but Bnaar is by far the best spot in the game. Lots of blood elves and lots of signets and tomes as well. Комментарий от lainirl Right there at the far bottom right side of blade edge mountians. After 30 mins of grinding I had 81 netherweave cloth. Most of the mobs have relatively low HP and drop truckloads of this stuff. Комментарий от JiinSaimon If your main is a tailor and lacks some of it, roll an alt all the way to outland on the same server if you get bored of your main. Комментарий от vikki To keep track of how many you have while farming, you can use a simple macro: Комментарий от shionak There is an ongoing discussion on WoW Economist regarding the price of Netherweave Cloth after WOTLK comes out. Depending on your server, Runecloth goes for 5 to 15 gold while Netherweave Cloth sells less for than 3g a stack. Note that it can be converted to Heavy Netherweave Bandage , which vendors for 3g Source: There are several factors that will influence the price of Netherweave Cloth on existing realms: In BC we had to make Heavy Runecloth Bandage to reach First Aid and learn Netherweave Bandage. Since Heavy Netherweave Bandage is grey at , it will be useless for level 70s. They will only need Netherweave Cloth to level First Aid from to , and plenty of it drops in Outland when leveling. To summarize I doubt that there will be enough demand to quadruple the price of Netherweave Cloth. Комментарий от scynthyace Dude netherweave is usually so underpriced what with people underbidding each other I sell mine for 3g 90s on AH 48hrs and it always sells: Комментарий от slayermp In sunspring Post in Nagrand. Scavengers there drop almost ever other time. And there not even listed or maybe I overlook. But for any caster 1 to 2 spells take them out. Is it worth your time? Better to farm primals Комментарий от Tools On servers with very low prices for theese you can use this simple tactic: Buy Netherweave cloth for less than 3g a stack 2. Make Heavy Netherweave Bandages and maybe even level you FA skill? Комментарий от Smokee10 There is a good place for farm Netherweave cloth above the Halaa http: Комментарий от coachacesantos Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley is AWESOME! Комментарий от Manastrider Odd how no one mentioned that the orcs around Hellfire Citadel have great drop rates, and great respawn rates. I was able to get around 30 stacks in a few hours not exaggerating. Though it was indeed a murder, I like to think it was worth leveling Tailoring and First Aid. Комментарий от panteruka86 So whats the best place to farm this: As an added bonus, those with Netherwing rep can do the quest at the same time. Комментарий от killmurlocs I agree the blood elves at the ruins of karabor r the best place 2 farm this stuff 1 they r close together making it easy 2 do mass AOE pulls plus they drop sunfury signets that if ur a scryer cn turn in fr rep or sell it on the AH if ur aldor. Fast respawn rate, mobs are closely packed together and no one is farming there, what do you want more? Nice drop rate ofc. And idd, they drop nice: Комментарий от Jweer With the new patch, being level 80, what would be the best instance to go into and solo farm this? Grab all of fighting pairs and AoE them down. Second is all of the mobs from after that point, and all the way up to the banished demon. However, I would usually have to wait 2 minutes or so for the all of the mobs at the first place to spawn, so I simply mounted my drake and went to the ramp where the Fel Orcs are to the north. I grabbed all of the mobs on the hill leading towards the Terrace, a few of the ones by the blacksmith, the ones on the stairs only the ones standing on it, not any further , then ran back and all the way around the edge. I killed them, and then headed back to the elves. Rinse and repeat for profit EDIT: Комментарий от rednik where is the best place to instance farm this ramps is good 4 runs took about a hour had 20 greens runcloth and about 40 netherweave but i would like to find the best instance for netherweave any thoughts ok i went and did shadowlabs soloed it took me 30 min on my ret pally ok geared wasnt that hard just watch out for how much u pull i got 80 netherweave 11 greens 4 blues 45 marks of sargeras and other random stuff it was ok i guess but all keep looking for the best place to instance grind netherweave. Комментарий от Gloriousdead Best place for me as a 70 frost mage Human, Alliance has got to be Sunspring Post in Nagrand, Outlands. I without a doubt advise this area the mobs are plentiful and around lvls I managed to get 26 stacks in a little over an hour. Pleasantly surprised on that one. Комментарий от Ageladakos if you dont care about reputation and you want to just farm cloths fast. The humanoids in these two areas drop nothing else besides netherweave and they drop between pieces of the cloth. Once in a while they will drop some gray items, food items and some money, but I started farming in the area and within minutes already have 3 stacks in my bags. I would suggest this area to anyone who needs to farm for netherweave. Oh yeah, by the way the humanoids in the area have a pretty fast respawn rate too. Комментарий от WoWgurl I found a lot in the Shadow Tomb near Auchindun. Комментарий от Shasow Yes Комментарий от sp0radic While working on rep for my nether ray mount I found the netherweave drop rate to be great in Skettis. I used one potion to let me see the ghosts, and that lasted for 20 minutes. When it was done, I had just over 8 stacks of netherweave. That makes it around netherweave cloth per hour, which seems pretty good to me. Just make sure you have lots of bag space. Комментарий от SnogCanavi Outlang: Комментарий от netalia I needed Netherweave Cloth. I decided that I liked the instance Mana Tombs the quickest. About stacks per run. Mana Tombs seemed the easiest of them all. Plus there is a vendor outside to sell your vendor fodder between each run. Other places that are decent are: Can farm for non combat pet or mount in heroic also Blood Furnace All of which had about the same amount drop. I also got the achievements I had been missing for these. I just did the BC rounds basically! In 10 minutes of clearing the zone on my DK, I walked away with 90 Netherweave and 10 green items. I tried it on Heroic, and I got probably 20 Netherweave and maybe 2 greens. Stick with normal mode. Комментарий от hintofbasil If you find yourself with a large supply of these the two best ways of offloading them for a profit tend to be: Failing both of those make Heavy Netherweave Bandage and sell them to a vendor. Комментарий от Sparqt By far the best place I found to farm Netherweave Cloth, hands down would be The Botanica. This place is farmed everyday be hacking companies for gold. Have done quite a few tests in here and have found this place to just be overloaded not only with cloth but gold. I logged onto my warrior and found stacks upon stacks of cloth in there. First test I did was running this place on my boomkin 6k gs, average 25m Icc gears. The runs would take anywhere from minutes depending how much I pulled. I was on an average of 5 stacks every half hour when the drops wee being kind, otherwise its usually cloth per mob when they drop. Not only that botanica is a great place to farm gold and rep. From a few hours in there I think I farmed close to 3. Not sure on the numbers but it was around that mark. High drop chance of greens, vendor grays and high money drops makes this place a great little farm zone. Its not really talked about much I have found which is why it makes it perfect. If netherweave is overpriced on your server anything over 4g a stack is overpriced imo farm the crap out of this place and flood the market to bully the comp. For farming this place I would highly suggest taking a very good aoe class in there that can at least bug out or heal quickly. You can wipe very easy even though its a lowbie instance. If your a caster or a boomkin like me, watch out for the silences every now and then and also the spell reflects that happen on certain mobs. Melee classes should be great at this. Pull what you can handle and go at your own pace. But when you are farming the Botanica. Clear your bags as much as you can, if you have a mount with a vendor like my druid has it makes farming all that more faster and more gold efficient. Once I get back on wow at the end of the month I can give you exact number averages on cloth and gold per run: Well thats all the info I have on this I hope it helps some. Комментарий от dbratton54 I have just run the Botanica and Blood Furnace. This is based on one run of each, so take it for what it is worth. BF is a clear winner. BTW I ran it with an 85 arcane mage. AoE is great tool, and a lot of the mobs are one-shots if you feel so inclined. I just ran BF again. I am not the fastest mover; my run took 25 minutes. I farm to level tailoring on an alt. I will be returning here again. Oh, and for those who are not mages and may not know this, there is a portal to the blasted lands in the mage tower in Stormwind. It makes getting there pretty easy. Комментарий от Marloss Reading the above comments, it seems that both the Botanica and the Blood Furnace are good places to farm Netherweave Cloth. The entire run ended in 94 Netherweave Cloth. Know how much I was capable of taking in one go and just doing everything in a quicker pace, made me finish the second run at 11 minutes and 8 seconds. I ended up with 93 Netherweave Cloth, which is 8. Комментарий от featured just farmed heroic ramparts for netherweave. Комментарий от Rforn Skald in BEM, the imps there seem to drop alot. Комментарий от Jaraxxus84 Another good place to farm netherweave is the mana forge SW of Area 52 the blood elf mobs drop almost every time and about pieces per drop the only trouble a mid 60s to lvl 70 player might have is the elite construct that pats the area. Best of all they are on a 30 min soft reset if you leave the instance, so I tend to HS empty my bags, go check the AH, get a drink Комментарий от sosdog Ran blood furnace also to test Комментарий от deepblueocean64 Tonight, when I as a lvl 85 hunter ran both regular and heroic BF one run each to help my young tailor alt make stuff for my other alt to level up enchanting, 69 NW cloths were dropped in regular and in heroic. I cleared all the trash both times. RNG was probably at work here for the drop rate. Still, it was really good to pick up that many cloths in short time. ETA that I ran reg for the 2nd time and got 75 NW cloths. Sundry greens and greys. And it only takes around 10 minutes to do a 'run' each place as a lvl 84 Frost Death Knight. Комментарий от Pansori I stopped by Nagrand because I knew the ogres there are loaded with netherweave. The plan was to hit all the ogre heavy areas usually around the caves. Well I went to Laughing Skulls, and got stuck there. In 30 minutes I made 4 stacks of twenty netherweave cloth. The obsidian beads they dropped was also ridiculous. I never got beyond Laughing Skulls because they respawned so quickly. Had netherweave to finish an engineering recipe as well as make a few bags. Комментарий от WhiteSharpie Астральный налетчик Несаад Ловчий из братства Заксис Налетчик из братства Заксис had a Комментарий от Terakahn If you need this, you can kill 2 ogres with one stone. By the time I was done I had around cloth. Yes, you read that number right. STILL trying to get rid of it. I have enough netherweave bags to outfit an entire account. Комментарий от Aqueo Blood Furnace is also really good for Netherweave cloth. Two runs of Blood Furnace normal got me on the first run and on the second o. O Each run only took 11 minutes as an arcane mage at level 85 with fresh gear. On a tank or non-cast time class this could probably go much faster. Комментарий от Guy19 This is mainly what I get as a byproduct of farming in BC areas. I sell it in bulk for pretty cheap over trade chat now and then. Nice bonus cash to supplement whatever else I find. Комментарий от IdonaeofKilrogg Greetings fellow Azerothians! Pardon my laziness, as I did not care to search through the numersous comments on this particular material to see if anyone mentioned Old Hillsbrad Foothills as a great place to find this. I have ran it once so far on my 85 Belf Lock, solo. Easy, fast, and I was able to collect enough to make 20 bolts. Комментарий от Wartsi I heard that Blood Furnace was a good place to get netherweave, when you are 85, so I went with my prot warrior. I did 3 runs at 11 minutes each and got Netherweave Cloth 31 Arcane Dust 19 Lesser Planar Essence 11 small prismatic shard 2 lockboxes and around g in looting and greys. The felguards throw you up in the air, the rogues kidney shut you and the Legionnaires think it was them does some kind of shield bash and concussion blow. If not for this, you could most likely do the instance in around 7 minutes. Комментарий от Elphadora Another good place is the bonechewers next to the broken vechicles in Helfire peninsula along the path of glory. They are grouped extremely close together and you can aoe a lot at a time. Комментарий от wolframwow I wanted to try some instanced areas where i could get netherweave and i chose Auchindoun. From all 4 dungeons there, the best one is: Mobs are close together making it easy for AOE pulls and the respawn rate is ridiculously fast. In just 15 minutes of farming I had 13 stacks of cloth, 99 Sunfury Signets, 9 Arcane Tomes, 5 greens for DE and a fair bit of vendor trash. One being in Shadowmoon Valley, Legion Hold is a great place to grind out this cloth. They respawn so fast and being a Mage, I can spam Arcane Explosion and loot like crazy. The beauty of the new looting system makes it so easy. Not bad at all, definitely a worthy spot! Комментарий от aph0ticzone For those who prefer an instance, Кузня Крови drops only netherweave, around 5 stacks a run. I would recommend this instance over something like Старые предгорья Хилсбрада , because the mobs are too far apart in Old Hillsbrad. Also, The Blood Furnace drops a lot of greens which are good for DEing as well. I did it on my 86 hunter, rounded up fairly large groups, so it went pretty fast. Комментарий от togahsisoka FYI, I thought Shadow Lab would be good due to high concentrations of humanoid mobs at higher levels than BF, but BF still blows it out of the water by a ton Комментарий от Meathim Just spent exactly 5 minutes in Legion Hold Shadowmoon Valley , killing the Warlocks powering the pillars in front of the infernal massing ground and got: Level 85 Warlock, so I oneshotted them with Fel Flame. Комментарий от jd Now that BT is so easily soloed at lvl90, it is a very very nice place to farm Netherweave cloth. Make sure you empty your bags! The best way to farm is to clear the first two bosses, then just clear trash without killing any other bosses. This way the trash resets. BT also gives Ashtounge rep for achievement junkies. Комментарий от ainotna As of patch 5. Комментарий от Bogdanov89 One run of blood furnace normal gave exactly netherweave cloth 5 stacks as well as a lot of greens and other stuff. Комментарий от grouchomarx Farmed BF on my level 90 mage to level tailoring on my warlock. No competition from CRZ, no ganking. Комментарий от smackie9 For the lowbies Level 65 Wyrmcultist around and in Black Coven cave in Blades Edge, drops are consistent. Some drop 2 or 3 at a time. Eclipsion soldiers et al are in clumps of two to three, and they drop NW, arcane tomes and sunfury signets. Less walking than Blood Furnace, and the spawn rate is great. By the time you get to the bottom, fly to the top, rinse and repeat. Комментарий от drkknight80 As Meathim suggested in a previous post, Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley is a quick and easy way to get Netherweave Cloth. I tried this out and got Netherweave Cloth in 10 minutes. I just ran between the 3 pillars one-shotting the warlocks with Ice Lance. Respawn rate was insane with no competition or down time until my bags filled up. Комментарий от xaan1 Ok needed cloth , tried 3 methods listed here , just the facts of my runs , 90 ret pally , middle of day , middle of week runs , on medium pop server , but CRZ kinda negates that Path Of Conquest: I did not time my runs in this instance , but I ran it twice and averaged cloths Happy Hunting! Комментарий от Spyce Just wanted to confirm the Path of Conquest. I was able to solo this easily on my 86 Mage, took about 10 minutes per run. Комментарий от AlbinoFreaken I find Black temple to be a nice to place to get netherweave cloth. Mobs are closely put together and, playing as rogue with Fan of Knives and Burst of Speed, I was able to make short work on the little clusters you can find them in, or cleverly create. Some of the mobs names can be found below: Shadowmoon Slayer Shadowmoon Darkweaver Shadowmoon Chosen Ruins of Karabor: Sunfury Eradicator Sunfury Blood Lord Sunfury Summoner Sunfury Warlock Demon Hunter Initiate After around minutes of farming without much thought or attention, I netted approx cloth, 8 Greens, 1 Fel Armament and other vendor items. Комментарий от Spenox A tip for all you guys doing BF, just reset after the first to bosses. The last mobs and the last boss almost dont drop any netherweave at all. Комментарий от Unadorned Here are the stats of the runs I made, all on heroic mind you. Shadow Labs - 15 Min Blue: Spam Shattered Halls if your leveling Enchanting as well, otherwise spam Mana Tombs. Комментарий от hordegasm Is it just me or did they lower the drop rate of netherweave cloth in TK and Kara? Full clear of Tempest Keep netted me 3 cloths. Комментарий от perculia Netherweave Cloth drops were recently nerfed but have been restored to their usual droprates: We applied a band-aid fix last week to scale down the drop-rate of Uncommon, Common, and Poor green, white, and grey items inside Burning Crusade raids and dungeons, proportional to group size — this is the same way gold works, and if you had a full 5-player party running a dungeon nothing would have changed, but if you were soloing a raid like Black Temple you would have seen a large reduction in vendorable items. Clearly that change, particularly undocumented, impacted innocent players. But when you can go back and solo them later on, they can end up being disproportionately lucrative. We want them to still be rewarding and profitable and clearly getting 3 grey drops from a full BT clear this past week was well short of that , but we may adjust the vendor-loot yield of legacy raids going forward into Warlords to keep the overall economy balanced. Apologies for the radio silence regarding this change over the course of the past week. They re-spawn very quickly, and it was quiet at the time so there was no competition for the kills. You will need a flying mount to get to this location as far as I can work out. Комментарий от Takkana If you are enemies with Frenzyheart tribe, Spearborn Encampment North-West of Sholazar Basin: I farmed there with my 90 warlock for about twenty minutes, just going around and killing the initiates. They do respawn very fast, I got 9 bolts which is 45 cloth just roaming around, I was not in a hurry. You can do more, quicker, I just needed a couple of bags for a new alt. Комментарий от Crysia I found the best place to farm Netherweave , is Mana Tombs , located in Terokkar Forest, located in the Auchindoun. More specific its the northside entrance. Takes about 5 minutes for a run, and I usually get between stacks per run. Комментарий от DemonNinja Black Temple is a good place to farm, got last run. Комментарий от Urutseg Year after year i see people selling this on AH for 10 silver, competing each other like insane instead of crafting bandages and selling them to vendor. Then I tried Blood Furnace. In Blood Furnace I was getting from cloth per run. The run took me just under 6min on my monk. Комментарий от Lyricsa All done on a tailor with Сбор ткани. Full clear of Karazhan gave me cloth tailor with Сбор ткани , plus 2 pets, took about 20 minutes. Alt also picked up all the enchants in there. Heroic Бастионы Адского Пламени: Комментарий от ckhulk Did a solo run through man Black Temple with a half-ass geared arcane mage Посмотреть в 3D Сравнить Найти лучше A Week in Shattrath: При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! 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