Где фармить титановую руду

Где фармить титановую руду

Где фармить титановую руду

Где Найти Титановую Руду в игре Wow 3.3.5?

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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарии Комментарий от Zulfallon каково время респа у этого чуда? Комментарий от dolar4ik как и все редкие руды появляется случайным образом на респах саранитовой руды. Комментарий от BogdanRock В ледяной короне максимум рудника титана спалил Комментарий от donaldak Нашёл много титана в ОЛО озеро ледяных оков так же в центе Низины шолазар и около храма штормов в грозовой гряде в Ледяной короне не попалось ни одной жилы. Комментарий от ApJIekiHo а я наоборот - пока открывал Ледяную Корону, нашол четыре залежи Комментарий от sanekXyLigan а он же по разному лежит? Тоесть на одном месте несколько раз его найти можн? Комментарий от kinnie После прочтения комментариев англ вовхеда и после некоторых своих тестов пришел к следующему: Конечно, с утра пораньше шанс его найти тоже велик, но не ждите, что он вновь появится на том же месте. Касаемо своих тестов - Шолазар vs. ОлО Лично я предпочитаю копать в низине или в короне. Я же залетаю на оло исключительно редко. В шолазаре я копаю вокруг колонн и в северо-западной части. Связанно это с тем, что большинство людей летают по кругу, а значит шанс найти титан по центру выше. Для меня на данный момент самое прибыльное место это корона снизу вверх и обратно от координат Здесь вечером я нахожу огромное количество титана, возможно, тоже потому, что большинство копают в южной и юго-восточной части. Комментарий от NomadDC По-моему на ОЛО вполне реально копать по 3 стака в час ночью. Сам летаю, за каждый круг нахожу около 2х-3х рудников титана и тонны саронита. Появляется он примерно на одних и тех же местах. Комментарий от maxbatista на оло нельзя летать только тогда когда бой начинается. Комментарий от regenerater а в версии 3. Или теперь везде мало! Я например за всё игру только 2 жилы нашёл в Низине Шолазара! Комментарий от Erynelya Любимое место фарма - ОлО. Летать вдоль реки по центру, потом направо или вниз - кому как удобнее и вдоль нижней замороженной реки, рядом с границей с Погостом. Стараюсь фармить, когда ОлО под контролем Орды, потому что меньше своих суется, а от урков всегда можно уйти. За пару часов стабильно два стака титана набирается. Комментарий от Platinum78 то что с титановых залежей падает максимум 4 куска руды брехня. Комментарий от KURTI Лучше брать оттуда только руду, так чтоб там жила не изчезла. Комментарий от Just4Fun После 2-х часов фарма на ОЛО с утра по московскому времени нафармил: Комментарий от olegxxx на оло отлично фармится. Комментарий от Erynelya Что-то как-то с приходом Катаклизма, титановой руды в Шолозаре, Короне и на ОлО заметно прибавилось. Или я просто удачно попадаю? Комментарий от Moschkara фармил в Низина Шолазар. Комментарий от kote вообще рандомная руда, бывает облетишь всю локацию и найдешь жилы, а иногда жил Комментарий от Rikoshet скажите когда их брать? Комментарий от superpers Блин я в шоке облетал 3 раза корону нашел 2 саронита и больше 0! Комментарий от Drakulacl Я вообще не могу найти что ночью летаю что днем токое ощущения как будто ей прячут от меня. Комментарий от ukropina1 Блин один саронит попадался. Комментарий от Amaeth Летала около 20 минут на каждой локации с преимуществом к центру. Корона - 1стак ровно Низина - 0шт ОлО - 5шт В целом, после обновления кажется везде руда реже спавнится. Комментарий от knaul Хочеться наити действительно залежи: Комментарий от gramil Я литал по короне и нашол 27 нифритового залежа и ниодного титанового! Пару чисов бродил и хоть вешайся! А в ОЛО низнаю что за фигня скок нипролитал никокой руды! По мне лучше алхимиков просить! Комментарий от magicman На ОЛО в какой раз залетаю - ни одной точки спавна руды! Или мне одному так везёт? Комментарий от Skulptor куда пропал титан? Комментарий от Jubei74 Я думал просто в неудачное время полетел собирать. Но это уже 3-я попытка в течении 3х дней. Летал 2 часа по Ледяной Короне и ОЛО , собрал 3 кучки титана, за 2 часа , и не разу не видел конкрентов. Возможно из за того, что никто уже не копает Саронит, не спавнится Титан, не знаю Комментарии Комментарий от MournBringer Looks like It will be the finest ore that miners have to dig. More ore, more gems to prospect and more items to craft! Titan nod at Titanium Node good size! Комментарий от yogomove According to my experience these days, Titanium Node is simply a random rare replacement of Saronite Node similar to Silver replaces Tin , instead of having individual respawning points and timers like Rich Thorium Node. Suggested way of obtaining Titanium, around 20 mins per node: Since Titanium will replace Saronite to spawn, clearing all Saronite is the only good way to make Titanium pop up. Remember to avoid other Miners to get it! This will be like less than Saronite ore you will mine before your Titanium will spawn - this number sounds terrible, but the respawning rate of Saronite is much faster than you can imagine. Not suggested way of obtaining Titanium, no ETA: Fly throughout the Basin and find one. Besides, it seems that there will be at most 2 Titanium nodes at any time in Basin - I and my guildmates did a test to patrol around every point of the Basin and the result seemingly testified it. Impossible way of obtaining Titanium: Titanium is a rare resource and needs all of us to preserve it. Titanium Node does spawn in both Storm Peaks and Crystalsong Forest just the northwest corner beyond the Basin, and behaviors exactly as a rare replacement of Saronite Nodes. So check every node you find on your minimap! Similar way of obtaining Titanium by constantly circulate and mine all Saronite you meet in Storm Peaks does not work as well as doing so in the Basin: Комментарий от Dimanoid Looks like a very rare spawn. Got 8 stacks of Saronite for last 2 hour flying around and still didnt see any of titanium nodes Hope they will add more titanium in storm peaks and icecrown. Комментарий от Uuugggg 6 hours of farming saronite in Icecrown and only one titanium node. WTB higher spawn rate. OR perhaps it is indeed more common in Sholazar Комментарий от SlayerGizmo I can just see this being like Khorium in TBC - super rare and hard to get. Lets not forget high levels killing off lower level characters to get to the node Auction Prices for these are going to go throught the roof for at least 2 months after Wrath release date. After that may see drop in price however all depends on supply and demand on the respective server. Комментарий от Junyed Does each titanium node give exactly four ore? Комментарий от Thezus I am not sure why it does not say it spawns in Crystalsong Forest. I was just there yesterday and I found a node, unfortunately I could not mine it without mining but it was there for sure: P I returned today in hopes of finding another but I was not so lucky this time. Комментарий от Lagstorm Every time I eat chicken I find Titanium nodes. Комментарий от smallpwns this looks just like an adamantite mine. Blizz did well in making the other ones look cool. Комментарий от shadowaninja I warn you, if you mine this stuff on a pvp server, wear your pvp gear. Some people WILL kill you for the ore they get out of it. Комментарий от Quest PvP on a PvP server? Комментарий от Madril Me, fail at grammar? Комментарий от yoshi idk about other servers, but on my server: So yeah, on smaller servers the price will probably fall just as much eventually. Комментарий от azzeratwell minable at Комментарий от josseph The best time to mine titanium is about 3am-4am UK time Feel free to email me for more info. Комментарий от Revorian Hmm Комментарий от Faile actually, saronite eats titanium so you get more titanium the more saronite you take out of the circulation ;. Комментарий от josseph Just to let you know i got 26 ore in 19mins of mining in icecrown so i say go there titanium ore: Комментарий от moenbase Just did a couple of smaller circles in Icecrown and got some titanium nodes pretty fast. Sometimes just a few feet away from where it last was. Комментарий от Oathwood Confirmed to have a much larger droprate within Icecrown, I bumped in to around 3 nodes in under 10min wich would rarely happen in the most popular farmplace; the Sholazar Basin. Bad luck I suppose. Комментарий от niallest How does the droprate for crystallized whatever and the gems work for mining nodes. And a previous comment here says that titanium nodes average 3 hits each. Комментарий от buzz i think its per tap since when ever i tap a node i get a variety of different ones the next hit same thing. Комментарий от ForcedPerfect As a note: I know on one occasion I received 4 ores from one node. I suspect this is a glitch or something. The more people that are farming the ore at the same time as you the better! Since you get a bigger chance of finding titaium when farming saronite you should log in about mid-day on weekends: I tried it last week and i found 5 nodes in 30 minutes.. So basiclly the more people that are mining Saronite the better since that will increase the spawn rate. Комментарий от Equivalence I think it should also be noted that you can turn the saronite u mine in farming for titanium into titanium through X-Mute: Titanium 2 cobalt ore, 16 saronite ore, and 2 crystalized life will get you 1 titanium bar. Although, especially if u cant get a guildie to do it for free it might be more economical to just sell the saronite and buy the titanium, or just keep farming if you dont mind the time sink. Комментарий от cezarmio Something very strange hapened for me in Sholazar Basin on the 7th of January this year In about half an hour I mined 20 titanium ores and basically I found: I had to go on raiding with my guild so I quitted farming but it was very, very strange Maybe increased spawn in the evenings? Комментарий от josseph I found 21 ore in 19mins in icecrown this was in the evening. So i went the next day and got 5 ore in 3hours its just random spwans. Комментарий от g0urra Name changed from Titanium Node to Titanium Vein in patch 3. Комментарий от speedhaxu As of patch 3. However, with Sholazar, be warned, competition is ferocious. Flying around in circles, including the 5 pillars, can usually net Ore. Here is how I find a maximum net of Saronite: This usually grabs me about 50 Ore per minutes, sometimes tapping into Titanium Veins. If it is in the middle of a open pasture, chances are it is a cloud. Near the proto dragons, where you will most likely have the most trouble differentiating it from Sarornite without a mouseover. On islands on the river. Extreneous Examples have been found with mines in open areas and some clouds where a mine could be, but these rules are what I find most common. Комментарий от james Probably the best strat for mining in Outlands. Комментарий от joey this Suckers are hard to find: Комментарий от Planky Easiest way to find these is to fly around the righ of icecrown. If you look at the map I provided in a link under this paragraph you will see the best farm line marked in red. The inner ring Marked in Blue alltho very easy to do is very competitive. All the nodes you can see are possible spots highlighted by the addon GatherMate Example: Комментарий от remotettl its all about luck you get titanium or get loads of saronite. Комментарий от masterzyck A good way to ge this is by following the edge in winter grasp and then mine everything. Комментарий от mjsinjapan Has the spawn rate of titanium nodes been increased in 3. They seem for me to be much easier than before to find. Комментарий от cado You need mining to mine Titanium Veins. Комментарий от Hatredshand IMO best way to obtain the maximum titanium per hour is the be in a group. If yu are like me and are in a guild with freinds and your guild is all about helping eachother then mining with a couple freinds in sholazar is a great way to get titanium. With our guild it dosent matter who gets the actual vein its the end product that counts. If you have freinds who you trust just get together and mine away. Комментарий от demonangel19 i concure with the previous post, except for the Horde-pwning part. Комментарий от takenotes01 I was mining in Wintergrasp for two hours and got 17 stacks of Saronite,7 stacks of Titanium,and Various Gemsx63 on a high popultaion Server Executus at 4: Комментарий от Dragnis Was reading new updates and they say 3. People might want start saving their ores it going go crazy when this hits. I only use mine to make Titansteel bars and I make one everyday. I probably buy bars now and store the ores for when this happens. Btw prospecting these will be Epic gems so yea these price definetly go up. Here advice if you after Titanium nodes go Wintergrasp best spot for them to generate and weekend and holidays they increase rates of spawning. Other best spot is Scholazar Basin I suggest epic flying mount to keep up with competition. Icecrown honestly I feel like most of the nodes are sparsely sperated and is time consuming to fly around looking for them or they are in caves and so you have to fight and dismount. Good luck everyone and save those ores. Комментарий от Skinnytroll vhgugunhijok. Комментарий от bluethunderVashj Just wondering if the spawn rate of titanium veins will be increased at all. Once I mined a titanium mine in a cave, along with some saroite went to a battleground, and when it popped me back out the vein was back: I got about 8 ore out of that one cave. I made a stack of Titanium yesterday, and it took me about an hour or so, maybe even less than that. Wintergrasp is small area after all, so circling around randomly clock-wise the place have proven itself worthy. Not really used to posting here, so I have no clue if this post deserves down-rating. Комментарий от annerajb Note: I found a titanium vein on a really 1 meter by one meter ledge on one of the mountains between wintergrasp and icecrown. Комментарий от Rengeki It would make a lot of sense for these to have a chance to yield epic gems. Комментарий от Moneyman TheTitanium Vein Sells For 12 Silva But How Much Does It Really Sell For Because Thats Its Vendor Price Can Someone Plz Reply Moneyman. Then you get all the crystallized variants, and in turn the elementals, and on top of that there are the gems and such, too. One titanium node netted me 4 ores, three different types of crystallized items, and TWO Scarlet Rubies I was a happy camper for a few minutes there, most definitely. Комментарий от Hellhello I know wher u can find titanium easy, u only need to fly to wintergrasp and fly over the lakes. I find 4 titanium in 15mins I hoppe that it help u get some titanium ore! Комментарий от MrsSwordman5k2U no one has mentioned icecrown as a source? Комментарий от bluewyvern It is worth mentioning that when farming these nodes you should mine any saronite nodes you find along the way because of the shared spawning. If you leave saronite nodes and only mine titaniums, eventually the entire area will contain nothing but saronite nodes, unless there is someone else farming them. Комментарий от Krungarr Does any othe member of Horde laugh when they they see the following?: I laugh every time. Blizzard has a good sense of humor if that was an intentional part of the game. Комментарий от Edoralf I noted that whenever I did find some in Sholazar, there was water nearby. I found about three veins during my three-hour farming session. One was along the river, one was by the waterfall, and the last was by the lake near the Savage Thicket. Комментарий от gspitman Did they increase the spawn rate on Titanium Veins or did I just get Crazy Lucky in Sholozar by getting 5 nodes in 20 mins? Комментарий от Catlover74 Funny I go to WG to farm some saronite and stuff.. Sometimes when i get like rich saronite.. I laugh when the person realizes that I looted it while they pwned me: Also found about 5 Titanium veins today. Комментарий от kasuturo My results in Wintergrasp: I spent 2 hours farming in Sholazar Basin and I got the same results. Комментарий от paff I did not colect any titanium ore, ore found titanium vein in icetown. Комментарий от Atrumara Wow fantastic suggestion in Wintergrasp! Комментарий от ThussAndGutler In Cataclysm, you can level in Mining Without mining any Cataclysm Nodes. Залежи титана is the answer. They are green all the way up to Although this is not a good way of farming, due to farming Cataclysm nodes grant more gold, and faster skill-ups. Комментарий от toolio Just finished doing this on my lvl 75 Tauren Warrior. Got enough saronite or for around bars, which are 70g a stack on my server. Also got enough Titanium for about 50 bars, and enough eternals to make 8 titansteel without buying any extra. Titansteel is still going for g a bar on my server so its pretty good money. My tip would be to kill the fire mobs as you pass that area, so you could get more eternal fires which is the only thing holding me up from making more titansteel. The perk is pretty cool, party members are pretty stoked when they get into a LFG party with a lvl 75 tank with 24k hp: My level 76 Rogue just hit mining.. If you fly around the very outside edge of Uldum you will find tons of Elementium. I followed advice of if finding myself behind someone else, I would turn and fly opposite direction. Stick to the outer edges. My server is a high pop. Usually i find titanium veins right around the walls, high in the mountains, or in little nooks all around icecrown. I like titanium because usually i receive the following: By the time i leave icecrown on my server, i usually have TONS of Eternals about 2 stacks of each , 3 or 4 stacks of Titanium Ore, and about LK gems, including 2 or 3 rare LK gems. Titanium usually goes on my server for 20g a bar, so often, i find myself being drowned in gold after its all sold on the AH. As for the gems, i got g per cause i use them for Jewelcrafting: Комментарий от TheRealLink Stayed in Wintergrasp and felt like it became my 2nd home for awhile, haha! Just got my achievement tonight for Professional Illustrious Grand Master in Cataclysm and Rich Saronite goes gray at To everyone below 75 wondering why your mining and training stops and is not trainable any higher than , you do however, need to be a minimum of level 75 to get the last mining skill points. Комментарий от crackface 3 hours mining in icecrown area 52 more saronite than i will ever use, 5 titanium ore, one huge waste of time edit: Комментарий от doctorgray Just leveled Mining on my druid and saw roughly titanium veins between Scholozar and Wintergrasp over the course of an hour or so. BTW, To those of you who are selling the Titanium as Bars instead of Ore, you might be making a big mistake. Even in Cata, the main way to obtain alot of Wrath epic gem recipes is through prospecting Titanium Ore to get Titanium Powder. It sells on my server for about 50g a pop, though it may sell for a lot less on yours, check to be sure. Anyway, check for Titanium Powder and Titanium Ore in the AH. If you have a decent sized twinking community, the price on ore is likely to be higher than the price for bars. Wondering why someone would care to get Wrath epic gem cut recipes? For twinking, or playing with BiS gear at lower than max level. Wrath gems have no ilevel requirement unlike Cata gems. Комментарий от Murzik I flew over all the mining nodes in Icecrown twice and did not find a single Titanium. Комментарий от Alxr1 My personal favorite for titanium in the Storm Peaks is a spot at Then i go to my spot and usually find titanium , then down through the iron dwarf construction site down to brunhildar village, then through their Forlorn mine and to a point right south of K3 for another vein aprox 40; Then back to the starting point at the entrance. Комментарий от Damonra I farm in Wintergrasp alot for this and Saronite on my Horde toon. It seems that Titanium spawns more when the horde own Wintergrasp. I wonder if an allience toon would find more Titanium Veins when they own Wintergrasp. Does anyone have an answer? Комментарий от missocd79 Wanted to give Wintergrasp a shot after reading the posts here. Spent about 45 minutes going around the edges of Wintergrasp both clockwise AND counter-clockwise! I ended up with the following: I had maybe one other player show up on my map, the rest were NPCs. Комментарий от Teiwazgod Requires in JC to prospect. Комментарий от healingenzo Right now, there is NO COOLDOWN on transmute titanium. I would recommend farm the hell out of Wintergrasp - there is saronite everywhere. Then talk to your friendly alchemist. So I just do my own transmutation. I get about 2 bars of Titanium per lap including trasnmuted. But better than going crazy looking for it everywhere. Комментарий от radicarl Tip from 5. Farm Titanium in Wintergrasp in between battles. Wintergrasp is not a cross-realm zone, so you will not have to compete with players from other realms. Комментарий от Crombag Wintergrasp is definitely the best place for mining Titanium, I got about 30 Titanium ore in 20 min. In Sholazar Basin I got little more than a stack for mining over 2 hours. Good luck with farming! Комментарий от hottiedorf Wintergrasp has NO nodes whatsoever. No saronite, no titanium, nothing. Flew over every inch of that place and not a node to be found. Icecrown had a fair few nodes, but that place is really hard to make good circuits around. Комментарий от Esploratore Wintergrasp Комментарий от LagatoSummers been flying all over and only found a few Titanium Veins. My advice for people in desperate need of Titanium Ore. Play CoD or Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 while you wait for Titanium Vein to re-spawn. In short, Wintergrasp offers the perfect balance. Look at the map above and design an efficient loop. Around and around and around. There is no science here. Things will fall your way eventually. Several nodes spawn under bridges or under ledges in water. When I see that they contain plain saronite then I leave them be. Then having to resurface. All the while with my rear end exposed to PvP. Some people say to leave the saronite as titanium spawns are only able to replace rich saronite and even then the total of rich saronite and titanium is limited. There is no factual basis for this. My feeling is that you must clear the rich saronite. Maybe the saronite too. You want to profit from time invested. Get to and grab the easy saronite because the laws of randomness can be cruel at times. Better to leave with something. Note the higher level elementals spawning when your faction controls wintergrasp. Take out the fire ones. To a lesser extent the air as well. The ore will see you with a plentiful supply of other elemental WotLK-style essences. Gems will fall aplenty from titanium and rich saronite nodes. No use for all or any of these mats? Put them on the AH for the win. Never ever refine or process raw materials such as these. They are much more valuable to crafters 'as is'. In this situation leave the saronite. Take only the good stuff, the rich saronite and the titanium. Ore will be, in this situation, spawning at a decent pace. Competitors take the rubbish and you grab the good stuff. Less profitable than solo farming but you are making the best of a tough situation. With luck, any competitors will not be able to farm the rich saronite or titanium. Less likely nowadays with nuggets available. No modes at all? Probably there will be no mobs as well. This thoroughly ensures you will have reset your Wintergrasp 'phase'. It is bugged so deal with it this way. Battle about to commence or in progress? That is, there is most likely someone doing laps around the perimeter. Even Sholazar dailies are better than farming ore in this situation. On a previous account I maxed my Dalaran jewelcrafting by farming titanium. I learnt after months of farming that there is something about Wintergrasp. Based upon extensive experience I am convinced that the combination of factors in my first paragraph, together with a magical respawn characteristic make for Wintergrasp to be the main farming zone. Посмотреть в 3D Ссылки. Этот объект может быть найден в следующих зонах: При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. 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