Gastroenterologists: What you need to know

Gastroenterologists: What you need to know


Gastroenterologists treat a variety of gut-related diseases and provide care. These conditions include chronic conditions such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

What is gastroenterology?

If a person has a problem with their digestive system, they may see a gastroenterologist.

best gastroenterologist London can be considered a subspecialty within internal medicine.

It refers to the study of diseases and functions of the digestive tract and digestive system.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, gastroenterology involves a detailed understanding of:

The gastrointestinal organs
The movement of material through stomach and intestines
The digestion and absorption nutrients
The removal of body waste
The liver

What is a gastroenterologist?

A gastroenterologist, a doctor who specializes on diseases and conditions affecting the digestive organs or structures, is called a gastroenterologist.

These parts include:

Esophagus or food pipe
Small intestine
bile ducts

To become a gastroenterologist, a doctor must complete a 3-year internal medicine residency after medical school. After completing this residency, doctors will undergo 2-3 years of intensive, specialized training known as a fellowship.

Gastroenterologists are often able to work with other healthcare professionals once they have become certified to provide care for a broad range of patients.

The following are some of the possible partners for a gastroenterologist:

Hepatologists are specialists in liver diseases.
radiologists, who specialize in imaging
oncologists, who specialize in cancer
Why would a person get a referral to a gastroenterologist?
Sometimes, doctors may need to refer patients to specialists.

If a doctor suspects that the individual is suffering from a problem in their digestive system, they may refer them to a gastroenterologist.

These issues may present in a variety of ways, but some common symptoms include:

difficulty swallowing
stomach pain
nausea and vomiting

A gastroenterologist will assess the patient and, if necessary, recommend treatment or management.

What conditions can gastroenterologists treat in

Gastroenterologists are responsible for diagnosing, treating, and managing people suffering from conditions like:

colon polyps
colon cancer
celiac disease
gallbladder disease
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

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What are their procedures?

Many procedures are performed by gastroenterologists to diagnose, treat and manage various conditions.


During an endoscopy, a gastroenterologist uses a camera that attaches to a long, thin tube called an endoscope to look inside the body.

The endoscope is inserted through the mouth, into the throat and into the esophagus. The screen displays the images and allows for monitoring.

To examine symptoms like:

Persistent heartburn
nausea and vomiting
Problems with swallowing
stomach pain
Unexplained weight loss
Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy

These procedures are very similar to endoscopy but require that the gastroenterologist insert the tube into your rectum.

A gastroenterologist can see the entire colon and rectum during a colonoscopy. They can only examine the lower and rectum with a sigmoidoscopy.

These procedures might include the following:

Early signs of colon and rectum cancer
Causes of changes in bowel habits

There are many causes for symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and unexplained weight gain.


During a polypectomy, a gastroenterologist will remove one or more polyps from the lining of the bowel.

Non-cancerous growths, polyps can form on the colon. They are very common, affecting 30%Trusted Source of those over the age of 50 years in the United States.

The colonoscopy will determine if the polyps are to be removed with wire loop forceps, or with an electric current.

Esophageal dilation

A gastroenterologist will open a small area of the esophagus during esophageal dilation.

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