Гашиш википедия

Гашиш википедия

Гашиш википедия

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Hashish , or hash , is a drug made from cannabis. While herbal cannabis is referred to as marijuana , hashish is cannabis resin. As pure hashish will not burn if rolled alone in a joint, it is typically mixed with herbal cannabis, tobacco or another type of herb for this method of consumption. Hash is an extracted cannabis product composed of compressed or purified preparations of stalked resin glands, called trichomes , from the plant. The resin contains ingredients such as tetrahydrocannabinol THC and other cannabinoids —but often in higher concentrations than the unsifted or unprocessed cannabis flower. Hashish may be solid or resinous depending on both preparation and room temperature; pressed hashish is usually solid, whereas water-purified hashish—often called 'bubble melt hash'—is often a paste-like substance with varying hardness and pliability; its color, most commonly light to dark brown, can vary from transparent to yellow, tan, black, or red. This all depends on the process and amount of solvent left over. Hashish was the primary form of cannabis used in Europe in Herbal cannabis is more widely used in Northern America. Besides its recreational use, the active ingredient of hashish, THC , has been of interest for research and medical purposes since its arrival in the 18th century. While it was widely used as a medicine for multiple diseases, the emergence of specific treatments led to a sharp decline in prescriptions, eventually becoming illegal to use via the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Hashish, the resin of the cannabis plant has been consumed for many centuries, however, there is no clear evidence as to its first appearance. The first attestation of the term 'hashish' is in a pamphlet published in Cairo in CE, accusing Nizari Muslims of being 'hashish-eaters'. In , Dutchman Jan Huyghen van Linschoten spent three pages on 'Bangue' bhang in his historic work documenting his journeys in the East. He particularly mentioned the Egyptian hashish. The first by the Egyptians is called Assis Hashish Arab. Hashish arrived in Europe from the East during the 18th century, \\\\\\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\\\\\\] and is first mentioned scientifically by Gmelin in In Louis Aubert-Roche reported his successful use of hashish against pestilence. In the s, hashish was embraced in some European literary circles. At around the same time, American author Fitz Hugh Ludlow wrote the book The Hasheesh Eater about his youthful experiences, both positive and negative, with the drug. Hashish was also mentioned and used as an anesthetic in Germany in At these times, hashish was imported in great quantities especially from India and called charas. However, there were also people who did not deem cannabis as harmless. Evidence of misuse at that time was practically non-existent as opposed to widespread reports in Asia and Africa. Rare applications included stomach ache, depression, diarrhea, diminished appetite, pruritus, hemorrhage, basedown syndrome and malaria. Eventually, hashish as a medicine disappeared completely in the 20th century with the introduction of specific medicines for all of its main applications. At the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of hashish in Europe came from Kashmir, Afghanistan, and parts of India, as well as Greece, Syria, Nepal, Lebanon, and Turkey. Larger markets developed in the late s and early s when most of the hashish was imported from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Due to disruptive conflicts in the regions, Morocco took over and was the sufficient exporter until lately. Before the coming of the first hippies from the Hippie Hashish Trail , only small pieces of Lebanese hashish were found in Morocco. However, since the s there has been a dramatic shift in the market due to an increase of homegrown cannabis production. While Morocco held a quasi-monopoly in the s with the so-called g 'soap bar' blocks, which were of low quality, Afghanistan has now been announced the biggest producer of higher quality hashish. Since then, the quality in Europe has increased while the prices have remained stable. The European hashish market is changing though: Cannabis cultivation increased throughout the s until , with a noticeable decrease reported in according to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Even though a drop in usage and production has been reported, Morocco produced around tonnes of resin in The largest cannabis resin seizures in Europe happen in Spain, due to its proximity to Northern Africa. The s 'soap bars' disappeared and the physical shapes of hashish changed to melon shaped, tablets or olive shaped pellets. Generally, more resin than herb is consumed in Europe. As hashish is a derivative of cannabis , it has the same substance properties. When smoked, THC can be detected in plasma within seconds, with a half-life of 2 hours. Due to its lipophilic nature, it is widely distributed through the body, and some metabolites can be detected in urine for up to two weeks following consumption. Hashish is made from cannabinoid -rich glandular hairs known as trichomes , as well as varying amounts of cannabis flower and leaf fragments. Certain strains of cannabis are cultivated specifically for their ability to produce large amounts of trichomes. The resin reservoirs of the trichomes, sometimes erroneously called pollen vendors often use the euphemism 'pollen catchers' to describe screened kief -grinders in order to skirt paraphernalia-selling laws , are separated from the plant through various methods. Hashish is often consumed in a social setting, being smoked by multiple people who share a pipe, bong or joint. The pharmacology of hashish is complicated because of the wide range of cannabinoids. There is little evidence for damage to the organ system, only due to the consumption in combination with tobacco. Generally the after effects are the same as for cannabis use in general, including its long term effects. Hashish can be consumed by oral ingestion or smoking; typically in a pipe, bong , vaporizer or joints , where it is normally mixed with cannabis or tobacco , as pure hashish will burn poorly if burned alone. THC has a low water solubility therefore ingestion leads to poor absorption. Most well known effect of hashish is a euphoric, drowsy, sedated effect. A certain relief of anxiety is often reported. Therefore, the effect of the physical and interpersonal setting is strong and usually controls the underlying tone of the experience. Especially people with major mental illnesses e. As perceptual changes are very hard to measure, most studies on the altered state of consciousness concentrate on subjective descriptions only. The general awareness of proprioceptive responses seem to enhance, as emotional involvement is reported to enhance perception in general. Taste and smell seem intensified and visual scenes seem to have more depth while sounds are heard with more dimension. Similar effects are common in normal experience, for example when time slows down in boredom. It is proposed that this distortion is caused as the experience itself is the focus of attention rather than what is happening around the individual. Functional associations seem to decrease in strength and there are fewer mental impositions on the sensory perception of the object. Aspects which are normally filtered out are given equal attention. Therefore, objects are not necessarily conceptualized via their use but rather experienced as a whole. Clearly the attention process is affected. Only a narrow amount of diverse contents the focus of attention and fewer objects are perceived. There seems to be a certain unity of attention while normally attention relies on multiple channels. There seems to be a reduction of the automatic availability of memory images, however an increased strength of memories when relevant to central needs. This emotional force may activate internal imagery, which is used to search for identity or to interpret incoming stimuli. Expectancies and anticipation which are important to keep behaviour consistent in normal states seem to be decreased in strength which might lead to surprising or out-of-character behaviour. Similarly inhibitions, especially social inhibition seems to be reduced, resulting in playful behaviour and acting on impulses. The sticky resins of the fresh flowering female cannabis plant are collected by pressing or rubbing the flowering plant between two hands and then forming the sticky resins into a small ball of hashish called charas. Mechanical separation methods use physical action to remove the trichomes from the dried plant material, such as sieving through a screen by hand or in motorized tumblers. This technique is known as 'drysifting'. The resulting powder, referred to as 'kief' or 'drysift', is compressed with the aid of heat into blocks of hashish; if pure, the kief will become gooey and pliable. When a high level of pure THC is present, the end product will be almost transparent and will start to melt at the point of human contact. Ice-water separation is another mechanical method of isolating trichomes. Newer techniques have been developed such as heat and pressure separations, static-electricity sieving or acoustical dry sieving. Trichomes may break away from supporting stalks and leaves when plant material becomes brittle at low temperatures. After plant material has been agitated in an icy slush, separated trichomes are often dense enough to sink to the bottom of the ice-water mixture following agitation, while lighter pieces of leaves and stems tend to float. The ice-water method requires ice, water, agitation, filtration bags with various-sized screens and plant material. With the ice-water extraction method the resin becomes hard and brittle and can easily be separated. This allows large quantities of pure resins to be extracted in a very clean process without the use of solvents, making for a more purified hashish. Chemical separation methods generally use a solvent such as ethanol , butane or hexane to dissolve the lipophilic desirable resin. Remaining plant materials are filtered out of the solution and sent to the compost. The solvent is then evaporated, or boiled off purged leaving behind the desirable resins, called honey oil, ' hash oil ', or just 'oil'. Honey oil still contains waxes and essential oils and can be further purified by vacuum distillation to yield 'red oil'. The product of chemical separations is more commonly referred to as 'honey oil. This leaves most of the glands intact. Depending on the production process, the product can be contaminated with different amount of dirt and plant fragments, vary greatly in terms of appearance, texture, odour and potency. Also, adulterants may be added in order to increase weight or modify appearance. Morocco has been the major hashish producer globally with While the overall amount of plants and areas shrank in size, the introduction of more potent hybrid plant produced a high resin rate. The range or resin produced is estimated between and tonnes in The largest producer today is Afghanistan, \\\\\\\\\\\\\[26\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\[27\\\\\\\\\\\\\] however studies suggest there is a 'hashish revival' in Morocco. Tiny pieces of leaf matter may be accidentally or even purposely added; adulterants introduced when the hashish is being produced will reduce the purity of the material and often resulting in green finished product. As mentioned above, there has been a general increase in potency as the competition has grown bigger and new hybrid plants have been developed. Nup, charas, shish, kif and others. Street names often refer to the shape in which the hash is formed, such as a candy bar, soap bar, nine bar, finger, patties, or surfboard. The country of origin is also used as a description, for example black Afghan, blonde Lebanese, or Moroccan. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the village in Iran, see Hashish, Iran. Anlage I Authorized scientific use only UK: Drug culture Illegal drug trade Psychedelia. Marijuana and the Cannabinoids. Retrieved 19 May Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential , p. University of California Press, Marijuana through the Ages. Full text at Internet Archive. Drugs, behavior, and modern society. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Journal of Addiction Medicine. British Journal of Psychiatry. Altered States of Consciousness. Archived from the original on 28 June Retrieved 22 June Archived from the original on 12 June Afghanistan world leading hashish producer'. Archived from the original on May 30, Retrieved February 1, Afghanistan is leading hashish producer'. International Journal of Drug Policy. The War on Drugs II. Mountain View , CA: Recreational and medical applications rights Industrial applications. Autoflowering cannabis Cannabis indica ruderalis sativa Difference between C. Medical cannabis History Timeline Religious and spiritual use Chalice. Cannabis in pregnancy Effects of cannabis Long-term Endocannabinoid system Dependence. Adult lifetime use by country Annual use by country. Return to class B Uruguay: Decriminalization of non-medical use Rescheduling per the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis political parties List of British politicians who have acknowledged cannabis use List of US politicians who have acknowledged cannabis use. ADPF Gonzales v. United States thermal imaging Leary v. Retrieved from ' https: Preparations of cannabis Cannabis smoking Entheogens. All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from December Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Articles containing video clips. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 5 March , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Hashish shown next to a U. Cannabis sativa , Cannabis indica , Cannabis ruderalis. Central and South Asia \\\\\\\\\\\\\[1\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Tetrahydrocannabinol , cannabidiol , cannabinol , tetrahydrocannabivarin. Consumption Edibles Smoking Tea. Related Drug culture Illegal drug trade Psychedelia. Cannabis portal Medicine portal Agriculture portal. Look up hashish in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Wikisource has the text of the New International Encyclopedia article Hashish. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hashish.

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