Garlic Smelling Discharge

Garlic Smelling Discharge


Garlic Smelling Discharge

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Communities > Women's Health > Discharge with onion/garlic smell

hi everyone,
I have searched and searched the internet but can't seem to find anything to do with my problem.
I have started getting a thick sticky white discharge with an oniony garlic type smell. I have had BV in the past but it isn't the same as that. I thought maybe it might be a mixture of BV and candida but i don't have any of the itchiness you get with a yeast infection. Besides, i took medicine for both but it still came back.
It isn't constant but seems to be there more than its not. I have it at the moment and it is the beginning of my cycle.
Also, the smell seems to be worse just before and during sex.
I'm not on the pill, my partner and i use condoms. Could that have anything to do with it? It is the first relationship i've had that has remained extremely sexually active and also the only one that i've continually used condoms with.
Like i said, i have had BV before and also candida before but the symptoms just don't seem to be the same as them.
Hope someone can help

Is it normal or common for your vagina to smell fishy just before, whilst, or just after ovulation?

Should I be worried?

I’ve never had sex and I’m getting an oniony Odor from my vagina , and my vagina discharge is sometimes thick but sometimes watery please...

As mentioned before, been having problems with impotence, micro penis and premature ejaculation, so while reconciling with ex-wife tried...

I've been experiencing a wet tissue like discharge, i never had this period before so I'm not aware what kind of discharge this is. If it...

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I’m from the porn industry.  We have ways of not making the set not smell like a Chinese buffet box left out overnight.  

When I’m with a man, I make him clean his junk with Hibiclens.  It kills 95% of any odors for up to 24hrs.

When I with a woman, we clean our vaginas.  It’s the same bacteria in underarm odor that has a strong sulfur bond. As humans, we have see-through waxy secretions  in folds and creases of skin as apocrine glands respond to our hormones. These secretions are strongly bonded to the skin.  As our hormones fluctuate, so do skin secretions and the bacteria that eat them.  The bacteria hops a ride from outside on the skin and up into and colonizes the vagina. A hidden reservoir of these waxy secretions is along the front belt line of the waste, often under our tummy. If you spray peroxide in the crease there (if you have one like me) or in the folds of your legs, the unseen and unfelt waxy secretions will instantly start to foam rapidly.  If you let it sit for 4-5 minutes, it will feel slick as the top layers dissolve.  Rinse and repeat 3-4 times.

Then slowly and with the most caution, scrub the affected external genital area carefully 4-5 times with an unscented mild soap and water.  

Last, in the creases of the legs and under the belly, clean with Hibiclens, making sure that it doesn’t enter the vagina (ouch, ouch, ouch!).  This will kill the external colony of bacteria for up to 24 hours.

Use a five parts peroxide and one part water solution in a vaginal douche.  

For women going down on other women, the garlic taste may linger the next day or two producing garlicky breath, even after brushing and using Listerine.  The goer downer will need to gargle with half peroxide and half water 2-6 times to remove the taste. Sometimes also gargling with baking soda is needed.

Jan 31, 2018

Okay first off everything’s okay. Semiconductor don’t eat garlic or onions. And the smell will go away. And third stop wearing tight fitting pant and thick under wear. After you take a bath just put some shorts on or sleep nude let your vagina breath it hottest and wettest place on your body so it needs air.  Try it out and let me know how things are going.  Hit my up on my gmail it’s ***@****

It is literally onions and garlic. Im pregnant with more moisture and discharge doen there as well as a runny nose from allergies. Being pregnant i now now im negative for everyrhing under the sun. While im also a cook full time. On days that im prepping garlic or onions. By just inhales the smell its retained in my mucus both from my nose and down stairs. They smell identicle. Its absolutly disgusting. Truly the only balance is acidic fruits especially pineapple, to get rid of that smell doen there. Or cut out the use of those while your extra mucusy or ovulating! Seriously i know its gross but only way to pinpoint vag problem soley would be to blow your nose and smell it and if it smells than its not you its what you ate..

i think that's the most acceptable explanation for this! thanks alot

I had this issue for the past year! its affected my life completely. After numerous doctors visits and swabs etc telling me im all fine I had to research. I always thought the smell was coming from imside vagina, however this is untrue. Its secretions from the glands. I now take a cocktail of acidophillious tablets,  acv tablets and chlorophyll tablets and the smell has gone.  I looked into fructose intolerance too, to do with the whole eating onion thing. iv cut out raw onions and I feel this has helped also..

I have the problem but it was normally mild because I eat a lot of onions and garlic but I started even more and I realized that it has gotten stronger so what you eat does have an impact on the smell. My cousin had the problem and she cut onions and garlic from her diet completely and her issue is gone. I just stopped eating onions and garlic for a few days now and it doesn't seem as severe.

I'm having that same problem but I love onions there every good for me at least help fight bacteria and my face is clearing up

I am going to try this.. I have this odor and it's embarrassing. I think I am going to cut out the coffee and see if that helps plus I haven't been drinking enough water. :/ Thanks for this info

I had the same problem... It was like my vag cream didn't want to mix w my guys cream and the result was onion smell. Now I have to take metro 3x per week or when we are active but no more than 3x per week. It makes me wonder if my vag is trying to somehow warn me to stay away from this guy! Lol. Anyway I feel better knowing I'm not alone here! Thank you!

Really? I don't think so, that's just plain nasty, you must really smell bad and trying to cover it up by saying us men like it....gack! I wanna puke at the thought

in my case its the food I eat. each time I eat something with garlic, cumin and turmeric, I get a garlici smell in my vagina. though cumin and turmeric ave a stronger and a bit different smell.
it took me some time to realize it cause the smell does not come immediately. it can appear after one day, and it can appear even after four days. and I didn't realize that until I began using hawaij spice for my cooking. hawaij is a Yemenite spice mixture which contains turmeric and cumin and other spices. So, after I began using it, my vagina began smelling just the same but MUCH stronger, lol. so, after I realized that its the spices, I began to experiment with eating garlic, cumin and turmeric separately. I've waited two weeks after eating each spice, and I can tell you that they all smell even if you eat small quantities. sometimes I even get the smell when I'm cooking and not eating any. and other times I even get the smell after eating lots of onions but the smell is weaker in my case. I believe that there's something in the vaginal discharges that amplifies this smell.  its stronger when I'm aroused and gets even stronger during sex. fortunately my boyfriend doesn't mind, it became somewhat like a private joke between us.
Oh, and I forgot to mention. I don't have any STD's or bacterial or yeast infections. though on both times that I did have a yeast infection the smell was even stronger.  

Hi I have been using the garlic for a yeast infection for 2 days now and I still have a small itch. Besides that I am have a watery yellow discharge is that normal? And also my vagina is sore for some reason. What can I do to fix this?? Please help me

I have the same issue, but i do know a fruitarian, vegetarian, no processed food diet makes you smell really good - from experience. It also clears up infections - the body heals itself once it has the right nutrients to do so. I'm going to try the strictly fruit and veggie thing aagin and see if that actually does alter the oniony scent/aftertaste... Try it ladies. And try looking into naturopathy, healing the body with food. No sugar, no dairy, no eggs, no caffeine, no white flour fast foods.... basically water an dthings that grow on trees - it also helps make your periods shorter and less heavy. I tried it and it took mine from 7 days to 3 days, and it was light almost watery and clearish.

Hi I have the same problem, but besides having the onion smell in my vagina I also have it in my tears, sebum and pus. I know for sure it's not in my hands. I also realised this happens around my ovulation day.

when you feel UTI coming take 1/2 to 1tsp of baking soda in 8-10 oz of water 2-3 times per day, especially right before bed, you should feel better after first round. make sure its 2 hrs before or after eating it bcz it will reduce stomach acid. Get Uva ursi from health food store take that 3 x per day for 5 days.  No more antibiotics for you.

Hi, does that mean a stinky penis should be compatible with a smelly vagina ?

If a woman cannot stand a stinky penis, i wonder if she can stand her own smelly vagina ?

if you have an opportunity to get rid of the funny smell, Im curious  if u will try it or will u prefer to live with the funny smell ?

I couldn't have said it better myself :)

i have the same smell  but no funky discharge. If its thick and your vagina itches its probably a yeast infection or std but if it doesnt itch or is red, its simply caused from sexual activity. If you have sex the smell will come, i wash and it goes away. I only smell it after i have sex several times. My obgyn said i have no infections or bv so that isnt the case just simply alot of sexual action cause your vagina to smell a little funny. Its all hormones girls. women smell differently. Guys penis's stink sometimes too so why should they complain? lol i just think a women should wash before and wash down there after sex always. It will eliminate alot of the wierd smells. And do not douche it's bad for the vagina regardless of what you have heard!

hey I forgot how to make your own question or post or whatever It's called can you delete my comment please !! lol thanks..

I had the same problem as the first person to post.. I always have an onion or garlic smell and thick sticky white discharge. I'm only 15 and Im a virgin but i almost lost it to my boyfriend I don't know if my bladder has anything to do with it but i'm always fast to go to the bathroom after drinking something. Even before I wake up i pee like I had to go all night. someone please comment and help

yes but you do have to worry about the size of your ****...very very much, which is pretty **** for you

Ive had three children and have had this on and off even before kids. It wasnt until my latest pregnancy my dr explained to me this is a sign of a yeast infection or bacterial infection. A man can carry both with no signs or just the smell. I was told to switch soaps. I always used sented body wash. Sence my dr appointmejt i have switched and it has stoped. Hope this helps.

I just started noticing this smell a few weeks ago before I got my period. I never ever had this problem before so I was wondering why it was happening. I dont have insurance and no job so going anywhere to see what is wrong is very hard right now. I have had BV and UTIs in the past and now I am thinking that it could be connected seeing as I eat very little onions if at all most of the time. I am going to work on changing my diet and getting back in shape and see if that helps but I am so glad that I am not the only one going through this.

My body is extremely influenced by what I eat, I happen to be severely sensitive to raw onions. So much so that after eating them my vaginal discharge, fluid, secretions what have you actually become such an irritant to me that they  burn my skin due to their onion content!! This has only happened to a handfull of times as I avoid raw onions like the plague.
However after eating a burrito rife with raw onions last night and attempting to have sex with my boyfriend this morning we had to stop because my onion vagina was burning him as well. So it is a REAL issue an DEFINITELY not just onion on fingers. Some bodies are more sensitive than others and any way your body can expel fluid will be effected, sweat, skin scent etc. I am living proof.

I have also just recently started having this prob. Almost a year after mud daughter was born. Oh how so many things have hanged since I became a mother. The smell is so strong that it stays lingering on my hands , sips wouldn't help but my husbands old spice body wash was good to take off the onion smell from my hands (only hands do not put on the vagina) I have noticed that the smell does appear after cutting onions and also before my cycle. Obygn said its not anything medically done test are good.

Take a table spoon of raw honey <---real honey not that sugar and flavor ****
with a tall glass of water 30 hours before bed.
This will not only help you sleep better, but also help hydrate you and your body will absorb the honey flavor and possibly counter act that garlicly smell. Possibly.

i had this problem about two months ago and went to the doc...he asked alot of Questions..and did test to just tell me that the smell was there because i had cooked and chopped up alot of garlic the days before...but the smell only lasted about a week...but i have found that if u drink a spoonful of vinger and drink lots of water u will not have that smell


I am a man who ran across this posting by accident, looking for a kid I helped with his B.O. problem a while ago. Anyway, I grew up with 3 sisters, so my joke was that during the month, there was always one crabby woman each week.  Your stories, though, have given me a new appreciation for what you go through your whole life. In this arena, men have it easy. We have a penis that doesn't require upkeep (aside from the obvious washing) and there's no obgyn visits form creams, tonics, and potions. Anyway, thank you, ladies, for taking the brunt of the reproductive system of mankind, and for not whining about it - if it were me, I'd be a HUGE baby.

I have noticed this happen in myself when I have been taking a lot of over the counter medicines such as Tylenol, Excedrin, or ibuprofen, and have not been drinking enough water, this is the only real connection point I have found.

I agree, the answer is not to just 'keep yourself clean' or treat for some kind of infection, if you do this too often you can cause major problems. If you are worried about an odor before getting with your man, I would suggest the summers eve feminine wipes, just for the outside, maybe an hour or two before you anticipate anything. Over cleaning down there can actually cause yeast infections though.

If you have any serious concerns, as always, consult your physician. I am just posting personal observations.

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Is it normal or common for your vagina to smell fishy just before, whilst, or just after ovulation?

Should I be worried?

I’ve never had sex and I’m getting an oniony Odor from my vagina , and my vagina discharge is sometimes thick but sometimes watery please...

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Didn't find the answer you were looking for?

STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.

Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.

Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.

Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.

Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.

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