Gangbang My Wife Stories

Gangbang My Wife Stories


Gangbang My Wife Stories
The source of this story is Storiesonline
True Sex Story: My wife was tricked, whilst drunk, by a party invite and ended up being gangbanged.
This is the 2nd version of this account. I've listened to advice and have added more detail as well as trying to make it more readable. But, there's a limit to how much I can add due to it being a true account. I hope you enjoy reading this version.
This happened in August of either 1995 or 1996. She remembers it was close to her birthday but we're unsure of the year.
When we married I was 39 and Janice was 38. Upon getting married we'd moved to Grantham in Lincolnshire.
We Were both marrying for the 1st time and were used to having our own space but Janice especially seemed to find it hard getting used to sharing. Arguments frequently arose over my use of her things which confused me because I didn't have an issue with Janice using my things as I now considered them our things.
Other arguments arose over issues that I considered trivial but I freely admit the possibility that my perception of them as such may have contributed to it.
I often found myself in the spare room and even when we were in bed together there was often a frosty atmosphere. Sex between us had virtually come to a halt. Janice would reject my advances but she has a high sex drive and would sometimes come on to me. For my part I would remember the times she rejected me and would reject her.
Looking back I can see how monumentally stupid I was, you never get the past back, once the moment has passed it's gone. For anyone reading this, please learn from my mistake. No matter how bad your argument has been or what's gone on between you. If your partner comes on to you, get it together as it can be part of the healing process.
Anyway, it was afternoon and we had gone down town. We'd been around a few pub's and were currently in the "Granby Head" which has since been re - named "Eden". An argument had started and sometimes when that happened Janice would storm off but on this occasion was still with me.
Whilst I was at the bar, getting more drinks, some men approached Janice and invited her to a party. She told me when I returned to the table and said she was going.
I remembered one time when I was working in telesales and was supposed to meet her in the "Kings Arms" but had been offered another hour's overtime and had taken it. I phoned the pub and asked them to shout out for Janice to let her know I would be late but the message didn't get through.
Janice had arrived early and 3 men who'd already been drinking had seen her on her own and had joined her. She'd told them she was waiting for her husband but they'd sat with her anyway.
When it appeared I wasn't coming they'd sympathised with her and began putting their arms around her. She knew exactly what they were doing but didn't object when they began kissing her. She was very angry with me and was hoping i'd walk in and witness what was happening. She even let one of them sit her on his lap and could feel his erection against her bum.
Janice had started getting turned on and the men had moved her to a table out of sight of the bar and most of the customers.
When I walked in I couldn't see her at first but when I found her I was really turned on myself by what I saw. One of the men was kissing her whilst feeling her breasts whilst another had his hand pushed right down the front of her pants. I'd always wanted to watch her having sex with another man or men but with the current state of our love life thought it pretty unlikely it was ever going to happen.
They were all too busy to notice me and I ducked out of sight and called her name from the bar. She answered and when I got to the table they'd disengaged. The men looked really hacked off that i'd appeared and Janice looked really flushed. I tried to persuade the men to stay but they said they'd just been keeping her company until I arrived.
After the men had gone I told her what i'd seen but she said it was my fault for not being there. I was trying to tell her it had turned me on but she was embarrassed and just wanted to drop the subject and seemed relieved when I agreed and went to get some drinks.
Thoughts of that time were running through my head as I pondered what she'd said. I knew I should be insisting on going with her, especially as I looked at how the men appeared to have come straight from work. But I was turned on by the thought of her being alone with them and especially by how some of them were looking at her.
I told myself that as we'd been arguing she'd enjoy herself better if I wasn't there. Anyway, I thought, it's unlikely she'd actually go off with a group of men she'd only just met. I told her to enjoy herself but this just seemed to make her angry. She downed her drink and told the men she was ready.
I watched as this group of between 6 and 8 men, with ages ranging from about 18 to 50's, led my wife through the back door of the pub into the rear parking area. They took her to the back of a large, white, removal type van.
I was watching through the rear windows as I saw my wife looking back several times. As the back door of the van was opened, my wife appeared to hesitate, but some of the men picked her up and placed her into the hands of the men who'd already climbed in. The rest quickly got in and pulled the shutter down as the driver ran to the front, got in and drove off.
Looking back I think it was all planned. They were on the look out for a woman they could trick into their van. My wife, although a 40 year old, still had a lovely slim body and small but pert breasts. She was just what they were looking for.
Our state of inebriation and the fact we were arguing had given them their opportunity. The fact that they'd parked at the rear of the pub in an area that was really meant for loading/unloading lends credence to this. They should have been parked in the large parking area at the front of the pub but I suppose they wanted as few witnesses as possible.
My wife is quite comfortable on her own with groups of men. I think she likes the attention but by that i'm not saying she wants them to come onto her. But, even as a 40 year old, she still seemed quite nieve in that regard and was still surprised when she was propositioned.
This situation was different as when she'd been trying to annoy me she hadn't really noticed what they were like. She noticed some of the men were quite drunk and considering her own state of intoxication that meant they must have been really drunk.
Some of the men were telling her how lovely she looked but some of them were putting it more crudely such as how nice her "tits" looked. A couple of the men put their arms around her, telling her it was to steady her with the movement of the van.
When one of the men tried to kiss her she turned her head away and tried to divert attention by asking how far away the party was. Someone told her it wasn't far but then someone else held her head and planted a kiss on her lips. She remembers thinking what the hell as she let more of the men kiss her and feeling like she was getting one over on me.
When someone put their arms around her from behind and began rubbing his erection through his pants against her bum she started feeling aroused. As he started feeling her breasts through her t - shirt she pushed his hands off but more hands took their place.
Some of the men had begun undressing and she could see their erections bobbing about as they moved. The proximity of the naked men and the groping was having it's effect.
Any guilt she might have felt was dispelled by thinking of how disastrous our love life was and how it was my fault she was relatively sex starved. These men wanted her and she needed sex. This and her Borderline Personality Disorder which you can read about in my profile meant she was very susceptible to being seduced.
She stopped struggling and the men began getting more and more excited at her lack of resistance as they removed her t - shirt and bra. She had hands all over her bare breasts with some of the men licking and sucking them. Other men were undoing her jeans and quickly pulling them down, along with her panties, as if they thought she might start resisting again at any moment.
One of the men began feeling between her legs and told the others how wet she was. As more hands were pushed down to her crotch she says it felt like all the men were trying to finger her at the same time.
One of them told her he loved how hairy her fanny was. She reached out and began wanking some of the men around her.
She was completely naked by now and she felt one of the men rubbing himself against her ejaculate on her leg. A couple of the men had already tried to enter her whilst she was stood up but the movement of the van was making it awkward.
My wife was told to lay on her back but refused when she saw how dirty the floor was. She asked for something to lay on but all they had was some sheeting in the corner of the van that was, if anything, worse than the floor.
After some argument between the men they put some of their work clothing down and laid her on it.
She asked them if they had any condoms but they said they didn't and when she asked them to stop and buy some they said they didn't have any money.
Her memory of the 1st man is crystal clear. As she lay on her back the men continued to grope her and were arguing over who'd be 1st. Then one of the men climbed on top of her and feeling between her legs for her hole, guided his prick to the entrance to it and tried to push it in.
My wife hadn't had children and had a naturally tight vagina. He was finding it hard to get in despite my wife's vagina being very wet from all the fingering. She tried telling him to take it easy but he was filled with lust and just kept shoving.
Then, suddenly, he was in and she remembers his grunt of satisfaction as his prick slid all the way into her vagina. He was banging into her quite hard but didn't last long before ejaculating. She felt the pulsing of his cock and the spurts of his semen.
He collapsed on top of her but was quickly dragged out of the way by the next man wanting his go and my wife soon had another man between her legs.
He was able to enter her quite easily as she was now lubricated with the sperm of the 1st man. After the 4th or 5th guy had taken his turn she felt the sperm leaking from her hole and dribbling down to her bum.
Then she heard banging at the cab end of the van. Shortly after, the van pulled up and the driver got in the back to be replaced by one of the men who'd already used her.
Whilst this was going on my wife heard the men getting on their mobile phones. Yes, we had them then but they were somewhat bigger and you could make calls and little else.
They were telling other men there was a gangbang going on and asking them if they wanted a go. One guy was telling everybody he called that my wife had a cunt like a virgin.
It seemed a lot of the men didn't want to get involved in what they thought was a gangrape, but the men told them how easy she'd been and how willing she was.
Sometimes, the men would be with their families and they'd be told to make an excuse to leave. They were told they'd be given a go on her straight away so they could get back to their family.
Pretty soon the van was stopping all over town and picking up more men. Most of them wanted sex but some just wanted to watch and she saw some of these wanking on the dirty sheeting in the corner.
By now her cunt was making a kind of squelching sound as the men pushed their pricks in and out and she felt the sperm being forced out and running down her crotch as each new man entered her.
Occasionally, when we'd been making love, my wife had had multiple orgasms. I'd told her how her right leg vibrated at that time and she realised that was happening now.
She says it felt wonderful, with each man quickly being replaced by the next. She had the sensation of feeling the men come inside her but unlike normal the sex just carried on and on as each of them filled her with his spunk.
Despite most of the men not taking very long and then being dropped off, the van was filling up.
The men were getting impatient and one of them pushed a finger up her bum hole. Normally my wife doesn't like anal sex but she didn't object when he rubbed some of the spunk under her bum around and into the hole. When he began trying to push his prick in she says it hurt a little bit but he soon slid in.
She'd never had a cock in her anus and vagina at the same time and says the feeling was indescribably fantastic.
When he came, another cock was pushed in and after that she mostly had two cocks inside her. When some of the men began insisting on blow jobs she had 3 cocks inside her.
The first man she gave a blow job to almost choked her when he rammed his cock down her throat. When she started choking he pulled out and when he pushed his prick back in she kept her hands around it so only part of it was inside her. She licked around the head of his cock to make it so enjoyable for him that he wouldn't think to push it down her throat again.
After he came in her mouth she immediately spat it out. Like with her anus and vagina it became like a production line with Janice hardly having time to spit the sperm out before another prick was being pushed in.
At the start the men had been asking her to change positions but now they were moving her around like a piece of meat.
The van carried on driving around picking up even more men as the ones who'd already fucked her were being dropped off.
She'd already been told the van wasn't used for removals, despite still having straps around the walls, but for ferrying agency workers to and from the factories and farms they worked on. When she heard some men talking in foriegn languages she assumed they were some of those workers.
She identified men who appeared to be from Pakistan or India. Others who looked like they were from the Middle East, some who looked african and others who may have been East Europoean.
She thinks she may have been the 1st western woman they'd ever had for a lot of those men as they were even more eager to get between her legs than the locals had been.
Some of the foriegn men held her upside down and seemed fascinated with her cunt as they held the lips apart. She noticed how as the foriegn men were having sex with her they smelt differently to the local men. Not dirty smells just different.
Someone they'd picked up had recognised her. This was bad luck as we'd only just moved there upon getting married so hadn't been there that long. He knew I worked at the same factory that he did, Fenland Foods, which has since closed down.
He was going to be dropped off for his shift there after he'd fucked her and suggested that they park outside the entrance and let the men coming off shift shag her.
I was a temporary worker and had only worked there for a few months so it's likely a lot of the men wouldn't know me or my wife but the word would still get around.
It would be about 9:30 pm when he was dropped off and they'd been using her for over 3 hours.
As the men started coming out the ones who'd been told what was going on began climbing in the van.
The guy going on shift had gotten them to position my wife with her legs wide open and facing the door. So the men getting in were greeted with the sight of my wife's anus and vagina with sperm dribbling from both.
By now she was getting tired and was no longer enjoying the sex.
She distinctly remembers the look of lust in their faces as they began mounting her. The fact that they were having sex with the wife of someone working at the same factory was obviously turning them on even more. Some of them asked her to confirm who she was but she kept her mouth shut.
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You are here: Home / True Sex Stories / Finding out my wife was the center of a gangbang
Before you really get to know your partner you don’t know everything about them but you have a good idea. My wife was fairly naive and innocent when I met her and so I didn’t assume she had much if anything to keep quiet about. We were a great match sexually and mentally and our sex life has been steady throughout our entire marriage. I never had any inkling that my wife had done anything like a gangbang, would you have? But recently things have taken a dramatic turn and I wanted to share my discovery with you all.
The other night my wife and I were talking about our past sexual experiences. It was really hot. We met in our thirties so both did a lot of living before meeting one another but as we opened up more and more I discovered things about my wife that I never knew before, experiences she has never mentioned and I was in awe, encouraging her to keep on spilling all of the naughty things she had done and when she bit her lip and said: “This last one, you have no idea whatsoever about”, she wasn’t wrong. I gave her all of my attention as she slowly and erotically revealed that she had been in a gangbang and not just once. My mouth hung open, I didn’t believe her at first but my wife is no liar. I had so many questions for her and she answered all of them openly, yet I was still astonished. How was I just finding this out? The curiosity inside of me wanted to know everything.
Thoughts of my wife being a cum slut raced through my head, all I could do was imagine the scenario, my wife surrounded by cock, her naked body ravaged by these men, her soft moaning as she would climax again and again.
I bombarded her with questions, things like how? what? why and when? She kindly answered everything and I was so turned on thinking about her like that.
She admitted how much she enjoyed it, she told me it was so thrilling and although it was all with guys she was close with they all had a blast and there were no feelings involved, just pure, fun sex. I kept having to pinch myself, if you saw my wife you would have no idea she had had such a colorful past. I am her husband and it shocked me to the core, I thought I was imagining it when she first said it. My wife comes across as naive, shy even and she has never even struck me as the type to be a part of a gangbang, not just once but multiple times.
My wife did everything, she got creampied multiple times , she swallowed multiple loads and she had these men using every single part of her however she and they pleased. She was a total slut and loved every minute of it. She told me how she went from one cock to the next, making sure everyone got a piece of her and how her pussy was all stretched and used up afterward and it stayed pink and raw for a good few hours after it was all over.
I asked her why she and how she went about having a gangbang. She told me it was super fun, there was no slut-shaming, she got to explore herself, and that she found it super erotic. She told me how she had a lot of male friends at the time and somebody brought up the idea of a gangbang and how it went on from there, she said it was arranged quickly and nothing changed between any of them. My wife mentioned it was a completely amateur experience , nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing but it just worked. She loved the attention, she said she didn’t really use protection (a different time! she laughed off), but everyone was really safe and got tested, I was shocked at hearing this, my wife is so clean and methodical with her approach to hygiene, I didn’t expect her to have gone raw with a bunch of guys.
After her first gangbang she said she got a taste for group sex. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, she said that she joined a group of swingers and would often play with them all at their homes or in special clubs that cat
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