Gangbang Mom Stories

Gangbang Mom Stories


Gangbang Mom Stories
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Backseat Mommy: A Long Hard Ride Son slyly fucks Mom multiple times with Dad in the car.
Mom Son Lap Halloween Ryan's mom sat on his lap in the van and at the party.
Becoming a Hot Mom A mother discovers her son and friends want her.
Spring Break Wife Gary joins his mom on spring break.
Sitting on My Son's Lap A five hour car ride to college.
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I can't say I was totally surprised when my son asked me to join him and his friends for their annual camping trip. Every year, Kenny, Brian, and Steve would find some excuse to celebrate with a few days in the woods. Regardless of how mundane the reason, it was good enough.
When they invited me, they were celebrating graduation.
Firstly, my divorce that took place a few months before had really gotten me down, and Kenny probably didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone. And secondly, Brian and Steve always had a crush on me.
Since I can remember, those two got nervous around me. Then I overheard them telling Kenny how they wish they could see me naked, on various different occasions. And yes, it felt good when I caught them saying what an idiot my ex-husband was. Unfortunately, all the attention in the world couldn't improve my mood.
Losing my husband to my best friend was simply too much.
But at least Kenny tried to console me as best he could. So, I thought, what the hell? Maybe a few days in nature could be just what I needed. But I had no idea the trip would take such a twisted turn.
When we arrived at the campsite, it was already pretty dark. That meant we didn't do much, other than drink beer and start a fire. Things got cozy fairly quickly, especially with that summer breeze blowing through the night sky. And it didn't take long for the discussion to get dicey, to say the least.
"Shouldn't you boys be out...I don't know...getting a lapdance somewhere?"
"If the dancer looks like you, Mrs. Cline, I'll be happy to pack up and go right now." Brian said without thinking. I could tell he regretted the comment after getting a stern look from Kenny.
"I'm sure there are dancers that look much better, Brian."
"I'd like to disagree, Mrs. Cline." Steve couldn't help himself, apparently.
The beer was breaking down typical restrictions, and even Kenny couldn't stand to stay serious for too long.
"Are you guys really going to do this to me tonight?" He asked playfully.
"Can you blame us?" Brian replied. "It's not our fault you have a hot mom."
"Still, can you be a little more considerate here?"
The way Brian and Steven started looking at me all of a sudden didn't resemble the look I got to know them with. The innocent boys that loved chess and camping were not sitting in front of me anymore.
They were replaced by horny young men.
And I couldn't help feeling incredibly excited because of it.
"Don't be too harsh on them, Kenny. I can use all the cheering up I can get."
They were definitely not boys anymore. I just didn't realize it up until that point. Sure, they were still nerdy and shy. But physically, all three of them had developed into fine looking young men.
It was his peculiar staring that really got me
"Can I ask you something, Mrs. Cline?"
I don't know why I looked at Kenny when I answered. But something told me the weird chemistry between me and my son that night was about to get weirder.
"Are the rumors true? Were you a dancer before you met Mr. Cline?"
I couldn't help smiling, which gave me away almost instantly. And it seemed the boys liked the fact that I took off my clothes for money.
"Yes, I danced a little to help pay for college. But it stays between us, okay? I don't want calls from your mothers."
They were grinning from ear to ear. And they also appeared to have regressed to those innocent boys that haven't discovered porn yet. But the strangest part was Kenny, grinning with his friends. As if he liked hearing the details just as much as they did.
"Ever thought about coming out of retirement, Mrs. Cline?" Brian inquired with a more serious tone.
And I was waiting for Kenny to intervene someway. But when he peered at me with the same expectation as Steve and Brian, I took it as a sign to push the boundaries a little more.
"I don't know, Brian. Do you think guys would still pay to see this?"
"I'll be the first in line, Mrs. Cline." Steve officially turned our "innocent" conversation on its head.
"Maybe we should change the subject." My son showed signs of cold feet, while I found myself getting more excited.
"Have any of you ever had a lapdance before?" I asked, knowing it would stir things up. Because for the first time in months, I wasn't thinking about the divorce.
They weren't eager to answer my question. Seeing as they were always anti-social and spent most of their time at my house, their inexperience should have been obvious.
"How about kissing? Did any of you kiss a girl before?"
Until that night, I never took into account that I can't recall either of them with a girlfriend. The three of them were always together, but I didn't get the impression they were "together. Plus, the porn they sneaked around the house was mainly focused on girls. More specifically, they liked watching MILF porn from the evidence I could gather.
"Tell you boys what," I suggested after another awkward silence. "When Kenny isn't around someday, I'll give you a kiss and a lapdance."
Kenny knew I was joking, and a little drunk. So he just chuckled and allowed me to enjoy the moment.
But Brian and Steve took it as an opportunity.
"What if Kenny doesn't mind if you do it now?" Brian was definitely not laughing anymore. Neither was Steve.
"Come on, guys." Kenny tried to steer away from the weird and twisted atmosphere growing in the woods around us.
"It's the agreement, Kenny." Steve quickly intervened. "You can't back out."
In addition to being very amused, I was very interested in their so-called "agreement".
"It's nothing, mom. And we made it like five years ago. So, it doesn't matter anymore." Kenny replied, satisfied his explanation would be enough.
"That didn't stop you from making us live up to our part." Brian retorted.
"This is so cute! What did you agree on?"
"Well," Brian hesitated because Kenny was giving him another stern look. "We agreed to give Kenny all our collector comics if he allowed us the chance to...uhm..."
"To what?" I had to pull it out of a very nervous Brian.
"A chance to have sexual contact...with you. If the opportunity ever presented itself, of course."
Honored, naturally. But stunned nonetheless.
And they sat with baited breath, not knowing how I would react.
"You sold me out for comics?" I finally remarked.
Everything was going well until Steve worked up enough courage.
"Can I have sex with you, Mrs. Cline?"
"Steve!" Kenny and Brian shouted in unison.
"I'm sorry, okay! And don't act like you weren't thinking it too, Brian." Steve got defensive. "You are always going on about boning Kenny's mom. Well, I just had the balls to say it to her face."
"Boys! Hang on!" I pulled rank and took control of the situation. "It's okay. I'm not mad or offended."
Unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to share what I was really thinking or feeling. That would have been very inappropriate.
"It's perfectly natural what Steve is feeling, so back off."
Then I did something I probably shouldn't have. And I want to blame the beer, but I only had two. Maybe it was the built-up rage of losing my marriage the way I did? Either way, for no good apparent reason, I decided to do something out of character.
I threw open a blanket next to the crackling fire, then I got undressed.
"Mom, what are you doing?" Kenny steered his eyes away as I removed my underwear, but Steve and Brian were stuck on my curves. A fucking bear wouldn't have made them look in another direction.
"Don't be so melodramatic. You know exactly what I look like naked. And you should be thanking me for settling your agreement." I said while I laid down on the blanket. "Come on, Steve. I'm waiting."
"Are you serious, Mrs. Cline?" He stood up but still hesitated.
"Please, mom, I'll give their comics back. You don't have to do this." Kenny insisted.
"Firstly, nobody is forcing you to look, honey. Secondly, I'm a free woman, remember? And thirdly, do you really want to screw over your friends like that? Because that's not how I raised you."
He watched Steve take off his pants and expose his erection. And he watched as Steve settled on top of me. There wasn't anger in his eyes when I gripped his friend's cock and guided it to my slit.
"Oh, jesus," Steve uttered as he drove himself deeper.
It was so strange to have a virgin between my legs. I was with Kenny's dad for almost twenty years, so it felt incredible to experience the lust of a horny young man. His cock was harder than wood, and it throbbed like a beating heart between my walls.
There were no expectations from my end. I didn't anticipate several mind-blowing orgasms. Because I got off on their innocence. For me, it was their direct need to satisfy their dicks. Steve clearly didn't know what he was doing, but he thrusted with amazing passion. He wanted to impress me somehow and I appreciated the effort.
"Aren't you going to kiss me?" I asked Steve in his hypnotic state.
"I'd like that very much, Mrs. Cline."
So, I took his virginity and gave him his first proper kiss.
I couldn't see Kenny with my tongue in Steve's mouth, but I could sense his jealousy. It radiated through the ground and flared up in my body. And the more jealousy I sensed, the more I urged Steve to fuck me without reservations.
He didn't need to worry about making me feel good.
"You're doing so good, Steve." I panted loud enough for Brian and Kenny to hear.
"It feels very good, Mrs. Cline." He kept his manners, even though he was jackhammering me to the point of no return. "Can I...can I cum inside you?"
"I wouldn't want it any other way, Stevie." I used the pet name I gave him years ago, wondering how it would affect him. And as I suspected, it got him more excited than before.
He rammed me so hard I thought he was going to rip me open.
Then he burst like a fucking fire-hose. I could literally feel the waves of virgin sperm decorate every curve of my clenching pussy.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Steve shouted as his body shuddered a few more times, releasing the final drops of his warm seed. "That was amazing, Mrs. Cline."
Steve had such a big grin on his face it brought out the slut in me.
"I'm glad you liked it, Stevie. But I think Brian wants a turn too. Don't you, Brian?"
It didn't take him two seconds to get to his feet and out of his pants.
"I'm sorry, man." He said to Kenny as he dropped to his knees and into position. "You know how badly I want this."
With my cunt still full of Steve's juices, I took Brian. He wasn't bothered about sharing, while the thought of more eager cum inside me turned on every hormonal switch I had. And that first groan they give as they feel the pressure going in, it drove me crazy.
"And it only gets better." I told Brian with my hands on his thrusting ass-cheeks, pulling him in to fill me completely.
Just like his friend, he went to town. Once he got over those initial heavenly sensations, Brian turned to "doggy" mode. And I was his first bitch in heat.
I had my tongue in his mouth half the time, but every chance I got, I noted Kenny's demeanor. It frustrated him that his friends were getting laid and not him. But it frustrated him more that he wasn't allowed to fuck me...his mother.
The way he glared at me, the need in his eyes, everything began to make sense. His reluctance to spend time away from me, his jealousy when strangers came onto me, and how he wrote off his dad and chose me after the divorce, the dots connected with Brian heaving inside me.
"I'll never forget this, Mrs. Cline." Brian confessed with enchantment across his face.
While he didn't fuck me as hard as Steve, he did make better use of his hips, which almost had me cumming too. But there was no way he was going to last long enough.
Not with the encouraging way I wrapped my legs around his waist and doubled-down on his pulsating manhood. I experienced the change in pressure through his contracting body. I wanted to make him blow his load so badly.
But I also realized, I needed Kenny to finish me off.
For the second time in less than twenty minutes, I took more waves of hot virgin seed.
My pussy was drenched with cum and close to being satisfied.
"Please tell me we can do that again, Mrs. Cline." Brian panted and kept his shaft in place. He didn't want to pull out for nothing.
I was a little out of breath myself, but not enough to stop.
Only after he was completely satisfied I was telling the truth did Brian get off, leaving me hornier than ever.
"Kenny?" I didn't want to play games anymore. "What about you?"
"What about me?" He replied with a mixture of disappointment and excitement.
"Don't you want to lose your virginity? I'm sure Steve and Brian can keep our little secret."
Nobody expected that, hence the reason for the extended silence. For a second, I imagined they all thought I was losing my mind. But Brian came to my rescue in my vulnerable state.
"I'd do it, man. Even if she was my mom." He encouraged his friend.
It was just a matter of Kenny giving into his lust.
"Do you really want me to, mom? I mean, would it be okay?"
"It would make me very happy." I fell back and stretched out my legs. "Mommy wants nothing more right now."
Kenny took one last look at his friends.
Then he turned his focus towards me, while he got up and unbuckled his belt.
Steve and Brian were like statutes. Horny statutes that didn't anticipate such a taboo and arousing scenario. It was like they envied Kenny for what he was about to do.
When Kenny's pants came off, a tingle rushed through my spine.
My son's cock was the biggest of the three, and dare I say, bigger than his dad's. It swayed in the air like a powerful spear, ready to penetrate my twitching cunt. And when I finally got to wrap my fingers around it, I knew my climax was close.
"Here we go, baby. It's time to become a man."
As I probed my entrance with the big head, Kenny took the initiative to drive in, pushing all the excess sperm to the outside. There simply wasn't enough space after Kenny gradually shoved his distinct curves deeper in my slope.
It was my turn to get verbal, especially when Kenny gave an extra hard shove upon reaching my core. He wanted his entire muscle lost within me, and he didn't stop pushing until he succeeded.
Then he did things Brian and Steve forgot about.
Kenny started toying with my breasts as he slowly pulled back.
He was savoring the interaction by kissing and touching me all over. From my shoulders and arms to my over-excited nipples, which he sucked on so intensely it made my clit swell, he grew more passionate with every penetration.
When I got his lips onto mine, we couldn't stop kissing. And Kenny kept going harder. Through the intense tongue battle, he aimed to drive his cock straight through my stomach.
"Fuck me, baby. Fuck mommy hard!" I whimpered as my orgasm accumulated.
"Mom," Kenny asked with his eyes locked onto mine. "Can I cum inside you too?"
I couldn't answer because my muscles went into a spasm. Nirvana overcame my logical thoughts while I buckled underneath my thrusting son. All I could manage were high-pitched noises of ecstasy.
Kenny only made it better by flooding my cunt with fresh, hot, virgin sperm. He grunted with every spewing rope of white liquid he pushed out, and time stood still. The only feelings that mattered were my pink walls, hugging my son's throbbing penis and making him cum like an animal.
"Mommy!" He finished us both off with his last powerful jerk.
I couldn't move, although my body was twitching with delight.
And when I opened my eyes to the night sky, I saw Steve and Brian hovering over us, pulling on their hard dicks.
In the days that followed, I became a cum-bucket for my son and his friends. And I liked every fucking second. Plus, I helped them make up for all the experiences they never had...
But I think if a mom is going to give it up, she should do her own son first, before his friends. Giving her son sloppy seconds from his friends is the ultimate disrespect. It says she rates them higher than him, and he's just an afterthought, feeling sorry for him so he wouldn't feel left out. It makes his friends feel superior to him, because she eagerly chose them over her own son, only throwing him a bone so he wasn't left out.
Absolutely loved this story, so want to hear more
reminds me of Truth or Dare! by Scorpio00155
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My mom is what you would call a milf. She had me when she was 15 so she is now only 32. She works out every day and keeps very fit. She resembles porn star Cory Chase, both in body shape and facial features.
All my friends say they would love to fuck her and at first I would get angry, but more and more as I got older, I agreed with them.
One day we were at a park playing touch football and after the game we sat on the bench talking.
There were 6 of us and the conversation turned to sex, as it usually does with young teen boys.
Jim started the talk with, “man, I can’t believe your mom is so hot! I get hard just thinking about her.”
Bob chimed in, “yeah, she’s like smokin hot man, I sure would like a piece of that ass!”
Then Marty, “does she have a boyfriend, Mark?”
I answered, “nah, not since the pandemic started. But she said she’s thinking about dating again.”
Charlie suggested, “you know, we could really make her happy! I bet she’d love getting fucked by all us young studs! What do ya think, Mark?”
“I don’t know, maybe if she was a bit drunk.”
Sam said, “that’s a great idea! Why don’t you invite us all over for games and stuff. We can play catch or something in the back while we make sure to keep pushing wine on your mom.”
Then Jim asked, “would you really do it Mark? Would you let us gang fuck your mom.”
“Hell yes, and I’d join you! I’ve peeked at her when she was in the shower and man, she looks better naked! Let’s do it Friday night!”
So when I went home I asked mom if it was okay if the guys came over and played some games and just hung out Friday night.
I told her and she said, “no problem, they’ve all been vaccinated, but I’ll have to get extra snack food, you know how you guys eat!”
It seemed like forever, but Friday night finally came. Mom had the snacks and cold drinks set out on the patio and on a small table a bottle of wine for herself. She was dressed in a pair of shorts that barely covered her ass and a crop top that showed her bra when she raised her arms or bent over. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was trying to tease the guys.
While us guys sat around our picnic bench and played cards, mom sat on a lounge chair with her wine and a book. She had her legs pulled up, resulting in her shorts riding up and showing half of her ass cheeks.
After several glasses of wine that I made sure she had, she put the book down and stretched, raising her arms above her head which caused her top to ride up and reveal the bottom half of her bra!
Jim called to her, “nice view, Mrs Jenkins!”
She smiled and responded, “why, thank you
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